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Location: Dorm Room → Walking to the Bus → Instantly on the Bus
Interacting with: Himself → Eliana @lovely complex, Kayla, & Keats@Lasrever

The last couple of weeks had been rather uneventful for Hugo. He'd seen Carmen here and there, chatting with her, eating lunch with her and whatnot, but despite what should have been time spent towards training, he'd spent it towards living life. Smoking, listening, playing, fooling, breathing. He experienced all that life had to offer, all the sensations his body could produce and all the sensations he could produce within others and every morning, he'd completely forget about it, aside from what he'd written in his journal. One event in particular that did stand out to him was the Fear Fest, a time to celebrate Halloween and dress in whatever he fancied, perhaps one he found during his travels?

Rummaging through his closet, he found the perfect outfit, a traditional Japanese Kimono, one he wore frequently among his master during their walks through the Sakura Gardens. Included with it was a pair of socks and Geta and of course his katana. To finalize his outfit, he tied a portion of his hair into a top knot, the rest of it remaining still well below shoulder length. Nodding in affirmation to his choice, he sheathed the hilt of his blade within the belt of his kimono, exiting his dorm room in calm and practiced strides.

As his presence became more aware on campus, his footsteps leading him towards the bus, he certainly got a couple of strange looks, though nothing more out of the ordinary from his usual attire. Closer and closer his steps took him and he observed within the bus, perhaps seeing if Carmen was within. To his dismay she was not, but that did not stop him from seeing another familiar face, Eliana Lovelace, she tended to stop by him whenever he played; maybe a lover of music? Aside from that, she was accompanied by two other rather beautiful individuals, perhaps he could drop in on their conversation? Subtlety abandoned he decided to simply blink right onto the bus, right next to the young male sitting behind the two women, "Bonjour Madames and Monsieur," a small yelp ensued from the Rasta's sudden appearance.

He decided to address the young Lovelace first, "Madame Eliana, always a pleasure to meet you in good company," he nodded to her before turning his attention to what appeared to be an even younger blonde, could it be? "And this must be your lovely sister, no?"

Still startled and blushing heavily Kayla stammered, "N-n-no, my name is...Kayla, I'm just a friend of hers,"

So she was not Ellie's younger sister? A poor mistake to make, "My apologies madame Kayla, a pleasure to meet a beautifully named woman such as yourself." The young blonde only seemed to shy away at his compliment, muttering a small thank you for it. Finally turning to the young man next to him, he started, "And such a handsome man in the company of two beautiful women, I uh...do not believe I have met you either."

Elijah & Amelia

Location; Outside somewhere on campus → The Fear Fest bus
Interacting With; Each other @Legion02@BeastofDestiny

FearFest. Whatever it was exactly, Amelia didn’t like one bit of it. To her it was far too close to Halloween. Most people no longer believe that the day held any meaning beyond gathering candy. But as the living proof of things that go bump in the night, she was very restless. There was a certain unease about the weekend. And not only because of Halloween. The fact that everyone was to go on a trip organized by Delphina upperclassmen spelled ill fate. Her brothers never told her about FearFest! Obviously tense she took a seat on the bus, near the back and at a window. Worrying on a bus wouldn’t help her, so she planned on just watching the view pass by her. Yet she was hoping one of her friends would come sit next to her. That would calm her.

Elijah strode towards the bus, a black cloak and hood shadowing his features, normally he wouldn't attend FearFest, it was a pointless and petty attempt to scare others. Considering the recent string of events, not to mention his recent...encounter with Eliana, he wanted to keep an eye on things. Black wasn't something he'd normally wear, his normal clothing was costume enough, but if he was to be anything, it would be a wraith, silent and ever present, another blackness to the dark. Closing the gap to the door, he noticed Ellie nearby, and she noticed him, her aura visibly shutting off to his presence, that was to be expected, he needed to keep his distance from her anyway.

He entered the bus and immediately made his way towards the back, ignoring the idle banter of the students. It seemed few had made their way back here except...that aura was familiar. Was she the nurse who cared for him? He noticed there were multiple auras when he was in his nightmare induced coma, the head nurse for sure, but this aura, she was new. Why was she on the bus though? Was she another student? Regardless, he felt the need to thank her. Approaching her seat he asked, "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

Surprised to hear an unfamiliar voice she looked up. A hood, which did not help to recognize him. Yet he looked oddly familiar. Maybe a patient? But so many people came through the infirmary. Still, the black cloak and hood gave him a menacing feel. Unsure of what to say exactly, she answered: “Oh, euhm- no... no not really.” She couldn’t really reserve the spot for Eliana or Ananya. Such a thing would be rude. But still, as she looked at the shape, she’d prefer one of her friends sitting next to her. Just for one time.

He could sense her unease, that was a reaction he expected from most people, however, in this case. "You can relax, I'm not here for trouble, in fact," he took a seat next to her and slowly removed his hood, "I came here to thank you." he turned his head to face her, the black band wrapped around his eyes, etched in silver eldritch patterns, a stark contrast to his pale skin. "You cared for me at the infirmary, did you not?"

Surprise rippled over Amelia. Mostly because he thanked him. Though his appearance, especially the band covering his eyes, made her jump as well. Being a nurse, especially one of the ‘quickly heal people’ was an ungrateful job. A thank you was rarely given as they healed them all so quickly. “I- Yeah, I did. Well… care is a big word.” She remembered the frustration she felt as she gazed at him. Physical injuries were so much easier. One drop, or a few more, often did their job to accelerate the healing process. Yet when faced with someone in a coma, she was utterly helpless. Nothing she could do would take him out of it. “So… I hope you don’t mind me asking.” She knew she shouldn’t. But something put him down. The young vampire had to know what. “How exactly did you… fall?”

He smiled a little at her question, more so at the uncertainty in which she asked it, "A bold question, to be sure." He chuckled a little, though it was little more than a ruse, what had happened between him and Eliana had shaken him to the core. His entire view of Gianna was different, she still needed to be protected, not just from anyone, but from him most of all. The morning after, with her in his bed, he felt like he violated his promise, and in that nightmare, to see Vincent, all but confirmed that. Even the fire was a question that had been wracking his brain, had he really caused it? If so, was it because he couldn't contain his rage? No matter how far he thought back, he couldn't quite remember what happened on the day of the fire. It was ironic, uncertainty asked the question, when uncertainty was all that he could think about.

Realizing he had been silent for too long he finally answered, "The mind is...a powerful thing you know? It produces thoughts, emits emotions, feels things constantly. Someone who has a good control of their mind can make anything possible. Those who don't...are often lead down a dark path, and wrong choices can be made..." He looked away, "I had a bad dream, one so terrible and nightmarish it obliterated my control, it was violently released." He linked his fingers together and glanced over to her, "I apologize if that's confusing, but that's the best explanation I can give."

“Nightmares can be… devastating.” She vividly remembered those she got the night after Delirium. Soaked in cold blood she shot up. Normal dreams, they vanish like snow before a midsummer sun. But those nightmares. Even if she tried, she wouldn’t forget them. Ever. “You’re fighting something too, aren’t you?” such a thing was evident from the way he talked. He controls something and lost control over it. Or he couldn’t control it all. Frankly she didn’t really think he’d answer. She knew she wouldn’t. Not because of pride, or shame. She wouldn’t answer because it were her troubles. Hers to deal with. Hers to solve. Hers to suffer through. Maybe he wouldn’t even describe it like fighting. Like a constant wrestle with an unknown force. How could she know? What did she really know?

"So you do understand, perhaps I underestimated you." Elijah seemed to be doing that a lot lately, "Everyone has some sort of darkness in them, some monster relentlessly clawing its away out, something that needs to be kept on a tight leash. Some monsters are more literal than others. I won't ask what your's is, though given your reaction," he gazed over her aura, there was a fear there, but a fear that was understood, "I'd say its similar to mine."

Amelia smiled a bit when Elijah admitted he underestimated her. So many did. So many just see her smile all day. They see her worry all day. “Yeah… everyone has their darkness to fight. Though…” it was unfair. That was how she honestly felt it. Some simply had to fight to not kiss a boy. Or they had to fight their sadness. She didn’t mean that those feelings were less valid. They just were… less of what she was fighting. How could the urge to kiss someone compare to a bloody beast, clawing at her. Forcing her to play with a girl like a puppet. She wanted to taste her blood. Even now she knew, if she gave in but for a moment, the lurking beast would jump out. Take control. The whole thought, the idea that there were people out there who had it so easy compared with her, made her feel jealous.

A feeling she swiftly shook off. No, it was wrong to think that. To feel that. The fight, the pain, it was all relative. For some a breakup was the hardest thing in their lives. For others it was a funeral. How could one be worse than the other? Was suffering some sort of race? Still, sometimes she wished she could feel validated in her fight. “… never mind.” She could bear herself to utter the words she so desperately wanted to say. ‘Some have it worse that others’.

“Is yours… you? Or is it… something else?” A slight sense of desperation rippled over her as she asked it. A sort of call, a yelp for understanding. For the first time she felt as if she met someone who could have an inkling of an idea how she felt. Not just on moments, but all the time. The need to keep the chains taut. Her chains. The ones that kept her mind in order. The locks that kept the hunger and thirst away.

This woman seemed so hesitant, so fearful, but there was also a feeling of...want, the want of being accepted and understood. "Have you ever touched a flame? Felt its warmth, its comfort? Fire can be a source of life, a sign of new beginnings, but it can also be a symbol of destruction, an end to life." He opened his hand and a small flame was produced in his palm, "Humanity has always tried to control fire, and in most cases it can be, but in others, fire can be wild, unpredictable, if left to its own devices," The small flame began to flicker and flutter, suddenly growing more wrathful before he clenched his hand into a fist, the flame disappearing, "It can snuff you out."

He looked ahead to scan the rest of the students before returning his attention to the woman beside him, "To answer your question, I am two sides to the same coin, on one half, there is my control, on the other, there is its control. Its a constant battle, a control over nature, most days I am able to control the fire, but on others..." Looking down at the floor, the image of Delphina burning came to mind again, so many dead bodies, Vincent's among the pile, "Things burn to ash..."

She nodded during his explanation about the flame. Watching it burn in his hand, she understood it. Amelia felt bad. This man, sitting next to her. Did he kill? She couldn’t know for sure, nor did she want to ask. Such things were better left unquestioned. Still, she thought she heard sorrow in his voice. Terrible things happened to him, no doubt. It felt as if it paled compared to her condition. “My… condition is the same yet not.” She began. Having, for the first time in her life trouble finding the right words. “I too fight for constant control.” Such a thought made her smile. Someone like her, finally. After so many months, someone who final understood the fight she was having. The constant, weary fighting she had to do. “But mine barely has an advantage.” She looked at her wrist. Even though she couldn’t see it, she felt it. The von Carstein blood travelling through her veins. The one blessing. The ability to heal wounds. But only physical ones. But then she looked upwards, towards her nails. They looked human. She looked human. But she wasn’t. Those nails, it could rend flesh if she wanted. Her fangs were merely hidden, ready to jump out. “Sadly… what I am is unpredictable. Nothing will start from what I am. What I am, it doesn’t give comfort. Or hope. Or life.” Through the ages past her family had enforced that. They were not the tyrants sitting on the throne. But the eldermen, sitting next to him. They were the wise women, teaching the heir. They were the nobles, carelessly gathering their tithe. They were not the dictator but the real oppressors. The knights that kept the villages dull and in line.

She turned her hand and looked at the ring. The Carstein ring. An heirloom not to be taken lightly by those who recognize it. Only recently she decided to start wearing it. The unliving reminder of her kin’s bloody history. But the two fangs on it also acted as a reminder of what she was. “What I am… it toys with people. Like a spider with a fly. My kin, we draw them in. Use them, abuse them.” She felt how she fell into the deep dark pit. Only now did she realize how weary she was. Of all the fighting, of keeping the chains taut. She thought she could do it… but could she? “You… ever get tired of it? The fighting, I mean.”

He felt the pain in her voice, but he also felt the exhaustiion in it as well, but he understood, "All the time, but it is a necessity. Regardless, I try not to think about it, as I've said the mind is a powerful thing, pondering such thoughts leads us to dark places and there are ways to counter them. I meditate, I study, I train, I learn, not only is it a distraction, but it is self-improvement and a way to a better life." He pondered a moment, contemplating some of her words. "I will say this, despite what you may be, what your kin may be, it is not what defines you, it is who you are that speaks volumes. From my perspective, you are a kind woman, a nurse who heals others when she can, and doesn't abandon them when she can't, actions like that give life, comfort, and hope. As for what may start from you," he smiled a little, "Well...nobody exists on purpose, there's a reason for you to be here, to be the person you are, to be speaking with me now, even if we can't define or understand it, the way of the universe is...complex like that."

“Yeah… Yeah you’re right in that.” Her mood lightened up a bit. She did treat those wounded in the infirmary. She looked at the ring again, and realized memories shouldn’t always be bad. Some, more recent ones, were actually good. Like the old veteran handing out soup and bread in the park. People could change. She sword to herself she would too, when she came to Mayweather. Yes, the fight was tiring. But it was one she had to do. She refused to become like her family. She wouldn’t play their games. “We are not our blood. We are not our circumstances. We are our choices.” A smile formed again as she felt a little lighter. “I guess you could say that helping people… that’s my form of meditation?” she smiled at Elijah. But when she saw the band before his eyes, she remembered he was blind. “So yeah. I plan on just keep on doing that. Helping people.”

The memory of that one fateful day in the park, it felt even more vivid than her nightmares of days past. Even though several months now have passed. “So… you think the people we meet… we are supposed to meet?” Fate. Destiny. Dangerous terms. Her parents, their parents and their parents. They all thought their destiny was to be who they were now. “What if someone isn’t nice?” that was said rather childish, she realized. “What if someone… harms people? Is he meant to do that?” Are people destined to be evil? Their own choices influence their actions, which forge their destiny. But what if fate brought them on a path that only taught them how to inflict pain? Could fate be flawed?

Her mood seemed to lighten up drastically, clearly he had chosen the right words, though there seemed to be confusion in her questions. Elijah simply shook his head, [color=crimson]"You misunderstand me," He leaned back, "Imagine life as a river, the waters can be calm, or they may thrash about, there are breaks in the streams that will either lead to new avenues or be a dead end. There are various things that affect how our rivers are projected, our personalities, members of our family, friends, this conversation, but where does that place you? It places you on a ship, you are the captain of this ship, ultimately all the avenues that are before you, can only be taken by you. If someone hurts another, it is because they made that choice, whether it was at their own hand, or they were carried away on a misguided wind." Leaning forward he spoke seriously, "To put it simply, we are not born with purpose, but by our actions we forge our fate. Where does that leave people like us though? Those who have a demon we try to chain? I'd like to think...its an anchor with a mind of its own, constantly trying to drag us one way or another, or drag us down to the bottom, it is through sheer willpower and a calm state of mind that we are able to pull that chain. In other words, our actions are still with purpose, we just have it...a little harder."

“Oh… sorry.” Amelia didn’t really know why she apologized. Maybe because she made a mistake? Maybe because it forced him to explain it all in full. Philosophy was never her strongest suit. “I could say you’re right… but honestly I don’t know for sure.” She admitted. “Life just seems… to go on. If I like it or not. If I want it or not. Stuff just happens.” Those were things she was sure of. She was a ship on a river. Traveling downstream. “You’re a wise man, Elijah.” But when she said his name, she realized she hadn’t introduced herself yet. “Oh god, I’m so sorry! I haven’t told you my name yet. I’m Amelia. Carstein.”

"Try not to think about it too much," he smirked a little and nodded in appreciation at her compliment, though was slightly confused she knew his name. Thinking on it, she did care for him, it was probably on a medical chart or something, it was only fair that she knew his name. When she introduced her name though he had to pause...Carstein, why did that seem so familiar? Then it hit him and he couldn't help but chuckled a little, "I think I understand now," her condition, her kin, using and abusing prey like flies, "You're of the Von Carsteins, aren't you?"

Amelia grew pale when Elijah asked. Her eyes grew wide as fear once again rippled over her. So far only one person actually realized she came from those Carsteins and that was Sylvia. And in pure Sylvia fashion, she couldn’t nearly grasp the full extent of that last name. But Elijah sounded like a well-educated man. The fact that he added the ‘von’ before it spoke books. “You… know?” he could probably hear her swallow. Everyone could talk big and thoughtful until they were confronted with the truth. With reality. If he even knew about a century of their history, he’d have all rights to just move away. Though the worst would be if he remained and stayed silent. She hated that so much. Silent judgment. Or worse, being ignored.

Fear? What did she have to be afraid of? Not of him no, more likely if rejection, that made more sense, humans were less...versed with vampires, other planes, however…"I don't think you have much to be scared of, you're not the first vampire I've met, I'd doubt you'd be the last. Your family has certainly made a name for itself on this realm. You, however, hmm... I don't remember you ever being at the Delphina infirmary though..." Nothing had changed in his tone or attitude, she was the newly introduced Amelia, Von Carstein, vampire or not, she was a rather pleasant young woman to speak with.

“I…” Amelia, once against, was rather shocked. Not only did he know her family. He probably even met one of them! Or at least a vampire that knew them. Even amongst the vampires they bore an infamous name. Those who swore fealty got their fief. Those who intruded were slaughtered without mercy. The von Carsteins had both laws and those who enforced them. “I’m… not in Delphina.” She said. The question did not surprise her. If von Carsteins came here, they went to Delphina. But she fought her father over it. Only to realize that the schools were no longer separated. “I’m in Mayweather. I know, it probably sounds crazy. A von Carstein in Mayweather but… it’s part of my fight. So.. wait. Are you in Delphina?” she didn’t know that.

Her questions, her attitude, they were starting to make a lot more sense now. "You seem rather surprised that I am," he smirked a little, her aura rather flabbergasted. It was rather ironic that considering what her family does for a living, that she'd be a Mayweather student, though it was probably just as ironic that a student of Delphina was advising her. Her questions on philosophy though, gave him pause, now that he knew who she was, her questions on 'Is evil intended and destined to be?' deserved a proper answer. "You asked me earlier if someone was meant to do harm, based on your family's reputation and your actions, well, I don't believe you have to worry about what someone is supposedly pre destined to do. Already, despite all the odds stacked against you, you seem to be doing a good job at captaining your ship."
After some time, finally got the Kayla x Leon morning after post up Lost and Forgotten

Hope you all enjoy the awkwardness.
Still here, gonna be working on a collab with @Legion02 soon. Thinking of starting up an RP if I get my brain going.
Elijah/Gianna Collab Go ham my friends.

Location; Hotel room!?!?!
Interacting with; Eachother (@lovely complex standing in for @Viciousmarrow)

Kayla stirred from her sleep, a small groan emitting from her lips, her head pounded, her body ached, and yet, she felt so happy, so warm. She stretched her small frame idly at first, taking in the weird mix of good and bad feelings. She was still tired, maybe just a bit more sleep, it couldn’t hurt could it? Yawning she wrapped her arms around her body pillow, nuzzling her head into its firmness… Wait…. She didn’t have a body pillow, and even if she did, why was it so firm? She gave the pillow a couple of squeezes, identifying contours and a completely different texture.

Her brain suddenly snapped to attention, her body suddenly pulling away to identify what she was sleeping on. She couldn’t tell what it was, why was it still dark? Wasn’t it morning? Reaching over she turned on the bedside lamp and her eyes widened in horror when she realized her pillow was actually a person and not just any person. ”L-L-L-Leon?!” She stuttered nervously. Why was she in bed with him?! Why was he naked?! Why was she naked?! The sudden influx of information was too much for her and so, she screamed, completely unable to handle her discovery.

The Head Warden sure had a good night’s sleep, aside from the boombox in his damned head from all that alcohol he tried to drink. He was never one to lose his ambition and straight up enjoy himself, but last night was an exception. Not just for him, but for all the Wardens. Sure, he was the main man that cared about their cause. Keeping some sort of balance in this chaotic mess they had to deal with for the rest of their school career.

Someone had to do it. Someone had to care. Not enough people cared. You know what that led to? Messes. Hard to clean up messes. Gingerly opening his eyes to the early morning, feeling like absolute shit, Leon heard the high pitched sound of a tiny girl he was slowly building genuine friendship with, “What time is it? Hey.” His mind hadn’t necessarily registered the unfortunate circumstances he had woken up to. Turning his body, he reached for the glass of water that was left on the nightstand. Sitting up, letting the white hotel comforter drop down, revealing his brawny torso, Leon took a nice, long sip of water. Refreshing. His dark gaze slowly but surely started registering his surroundings when he finally took in the petite blonde, whose hair was wild, untamed, and lying against her pale, yet porcelain complexion, and whose chest (and well, entire body) was fully exposed for him to see.

The next seconds happened in a complete blur. “Shit?! Kayla!?” The cup in his hand slipped out spilling all over his chest and the bed. He rolled off the bed and used the mattress as a form of cover as he scrambled to grab his clothes. Aw, shit man. His mom was going to beat his ass. He was suppose to save himself for ‘the one’ and like after she walked down the aisle and said I DO. A Fulton sleeping around would lead to her life… a household with too many fucking kids. His jeans! There they were! Right by the door…

Crawling to the door, naked as hell, Leon reached for his pants for dear life, “You… you don’t happen to remember… how we got here?” He couldn’t look at her face. This was the worst kind of mess he could get himself in.

His panic was just as high as hers, and just as quickly as he grabbed the comforter, she quickly moved to grab the bed sheet wrapping them tightly around her small frame. She was so embarrassed and so confused, she just wanted to hide away. She attempted to do so by lowering her already small and shaking body lower into the mattress. ”I-I-I-I don’t know, I-” she tried to remember what happened last night, what brought the two of them to this state of affairs. She couldn’t...she couldn’t remember any of it, all she remembered was being at the club, investigating with the wardens, then everything goes black. She felt terrified that she couldn’t remember anything, did she drink? If she had how much had she drunk? Oh god, she was in bed with Leon, did they have sex?

”I don’t know! I can’t remember anything from last night! I-” her eyes panically searched around before resting on a spot on the sheets; it was red. Eyes widening, the sudden pain she was feeling in between her legs suddenly became very apparent; she lost her virginity. Oh god her parents would kill her! Hyperventilation and panic setting in, she needed a place to escape to and so, shouting at the top of her lungs, “I NEED TO PEE!!!” and quickly scrambled off the bed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She clambered over to the toilet and sat down on it, bending over herself, holding her head tightly. All of this was too much for her, and everything suddenly bubbled over and she found herself sobbing, sobbing in a hotel bathroom, after a night she couldn’t remember, with the naked man she had a crush on.

Awkwardly, Leon hurriedly put his pants on, not so smoothly. With a deep sigh, he made his way to the bathroom door and gently knocked on it with his knuckles, “I-” He honestly didn’t know how to deal with this situation, but he would sure as hell try to at least comfort her (for better or for worse), “I’m sorry, Kayla.

Okay, that was a start.

Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do. I’ll fix this okay? We both don’t know how we got here but I would never hurt you intentionally and I’m sorry. I must’ve gotten carried away or something last night… I’ll take the full blame. Okay?” Should he say more? Or should he wait for her to respond?

Clearing his throat, he tried to make light of the situation, “Hey, if it makes you feel better, my mom’s goin’ to whoop my ass!

Through her sobbing she could hear the muffled voice of Leon as he tried to talk to her through the door. Her tears slowly dried as he explained that he’d take the blame, she wasn’t upset because of that though, she’d gladly have given herself to Leon, just...not under whatever circumstances had occurred. As he tried to lighten the mood it actually worked and she couldn’t help but stifle a giggle. ”That makes two of us...my mom is going to kill me.” she smiled, though she felt incredibly sore down there, she knew she was a virgin, but how big was he? It's not like she had much time to admire given the shocking start to their morning.

Figuring that out could wait until later though, right now she was completely nude in a hotel bathroom and all her clothes were outside. Quickly relieving herself, wincing all the while, she shakily stood up and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around herself. Making her way to the door she cracked it slightly, ”L-Leon..could you please grab my clothes...I’m gonna shower and change in here…”

Okay. He could do that. Yeah, sure. Looking around the hotel room, he grabbed any female articles of clothing he could find, even some risque underwear that didn’t seem like Kayla’s style. To each their own, he guessed. In less than a minute, Leon was already back at the door and ready to make his offering. After knocking once more with his knuckles, he held the clothes up while facing away from the door, “No need to rush. When you’re all good, I’ll take you home.

”O-okay” she grabbed the clothing from him, quickly closing the door, ”Find out where we are and we can take a cab back to campus.” Setting the clothes down on the toilet she started up the hot water, and when it was an adequate temperature proceeded to enter the stall. God it hurt to move, stepping into the tub only exaggerated the soreness she felt, how long was she going to feel that? As soon as the hot water hit her she already was starting to feel better, regardless this whole thing was absolutely crazy. A mission at the club last night, no recollection of any events that happened either, and waking up in the arms of the man of her dreams, not even realizing what happened. Sighing and thinking on it, her mom probably wouldn’t be that mad, and her dad was too busy with his research that he probably wouldn’t care. Still she wasn’t proud of the situation she was in, rather disappointed even, she wanted her first time with Leon to be rather...romantic, guess that was out of the picture.

Cleaning herself off fully she turned off the water and began towelling off, wrapping the towel in her hair and sorting through her clothing. First things first was her underwear, which...wasn’t hers. She wasn’t one to have sexy clothing, the dress she wore last night was a first but this...this lacy black thong, was definitely not hers, was there someone else here? Another woman? No there couldn’t be, it was just her and Leon last night, and when they woke up this morning, no one else was present. Maybe it belonged to a previous user of the room? The thought suddenly became appalling as she tossed the panties aside. Sighing she decided to simply clasp on the bra and thank god that her dress was long enough that not wearing panties would be...noticeable.

Meanwhile, back in the room, Leon had just gotten off the homeline talking to the front desk and saying, “I don’t speak French! English man, do you speak it?” Turns out, somehow last night’s events led them to…

Kayla stepped out of the bathroom just as Leon hung up the phone, the towel now in her hands as she finished drying her hair, ”French? What are you talking about Leon?”

Kayla… I think we’re in Canada.” How the hell did they get here?

No way...seriously?! ”C-C-Canada!” If that was true...she hurriedly rushed over to the bed, hopping on it and clambering for her phone on the nightstand. Grabbing it she started looking at her GPS, and undoubtedly, they were indeed in Canada, but...not on the side where she was from, they had somehow wound up in Montreal. Freaking out a little and unbeknownst to her, her dress had ridden up a little, giving Leon a nice view of her bottomless behind.

Today was going to be a long day… Leon placed his hand on his mouth, bashful and embarrassed at the sudden sight he was seeing. Turning on his heel, he went out onto the balcony for some fresh air. “We’ll… figure this out.

Location; Old West, Room 2B → Outside by the fountain
Interacting With; Gianna @lovely complexEliana → The mind → No one

Elijah, he was having a rather pleasant dream, feelings of warmth, of want, of passion. He dreamt that he could see things clearly, or at least what he perceived to be seeing, it was nothing he had ever done before. The whole world was awash with color, not the same color as auras, no, these were vibrant, intoxicating and beautiful. As wonderful as the dream was, all things had to come to an end, and the sky, the ground, all that was around him, suddenly began to implode itself unto one source, Elijah himself. As quickly as the dreaming world crashed around him, so too did reality, as he was violently ripped away and the pleasantness he felt, was overwhelmed with a throbbing headache.

His hand instinctively reached out to grasp his skull, the throbbing pain he felt, was without a doubt, a hangover; a feeling he had never experienced. ”How do people even manage to consume that much alcohol on a consistent basis?” he quietly mused to himself, gently rubbing his temple. He briefly tried to recall the night’s events, he had transformed his body, made his way to Delirium, met up with some of the Harts and Gianna, the Harts had found him out, Gianna had not, he drank a lot of liquor with her, he danced with her….he kissed her...and then pain. That was as much as he could remember, his body felt incredibly sore, an unfortunate side effect of the scroll’s magic, and his head was pounding, a result of the alcohol; could the morning possibly get any better? Elijah gingerly tried to sit himself up, only to find himself, unable to do so, it was as if a weight was pressing upon him. Looking down he found the sleeping form of someone resting upon him, the aura was instantly recognized, ”Gianna…” he said her name rather quietly.

Last night was a whirlwind of emotions for Gianna Daniels. The one night she wanted to push all that she was carrying on her shoulders to the side. To live, to forget, to smile… just one night. Was that so hard to ask for? Yeah, it was. For a girl like her, a creature of the night, surrounded by mindless crimes behind the curtain, she could not afford to be in love or experience happiness again. Her life was decided at birth. A miserable existence, in search of finding what she was living for. It was her job to work with the cards that were dealt to her. Nobody’s else’s. No matter how hard things got, no matter how much her heart broke, her smile would stay on. Her will would carry on.

With flakey makeup, Gianna unhurriedly opened her eyes to the blaring morning light infiltrating from outside the window into the bedroom. Moving her body slightly, while stretching it under the sheets, completely bare, she glanced up at her one night lover, and friend of four years. Locking her gaze with his, she stood silent for a moment. A long-neverending-moment. Her light brown hair rested wildly on her shoulders. Her scent, although with a hint of hard liquor to it, still held it’s natural fresh, light lemon and bergamot touch. Her succulent lips curved into a smirk and a devious giggle escaped them. Whether her appearance was real or faux, she seemed okay, and even her aura was positively mischief. “Good morning, sunshine. Can’t handle the morning after.” she teased.

Elijah stared at Gianna, she seemed to be in a rather good mood, though Elijah felt...something else. He had tasked himself with protecting this woman, and now here he was, lying with her, completely nude, after what he could only assume was a passionate night of lovemaking...what was wrong with him? ”Clearly…” Despite the overwhelming sense of guilt he felt, his voice continued to remain rather neutral. Strategically moving himself and her, he found a way to pull himself up and out of bed. Though his initial steps were slightly staggered, he managed to find balance and approach his bureau. Atop it laid a small box, which he opened to reveal sticks of incense. ”So…” he started as he pinched the incense, igniting it in a light ember, ”How did we end up in this...position…?” carefully he placed the stick in the holder attached to the box.

Long story short, a shitty night led me to want a good fuck. I’m not going to fuck Lucas, he’s like… my child. It would just be weird, so I chose you.” Gianna sat up, letting the sheet drop and reveal her chest. Nonchalantly, she reached for one of Elijah’s pens and rolled her hair up with it (too lazy to reach for her purse and get a hair tie). “I wasn’t your first, was I?” she asked casually, as she reached for her phone to check the Delphina Times, her social media, and other messages.

His head slightly turned to her before returning back to the bureau as he rifled through for clothing, ”It doesn’t matter…” Nudity had never been a real issue for Elijah, he couldn’t see others, and he didn’t care whether they saw him, he had nothing to be ashamed of. Yet considering the circumstances of the situation at hand, he felt extremely vulnerable in front of Gianna and he felt he wasn’t finding any clothing fast enough before he donned a simple pair of cotton pants.”So long story short, you had a bad night and came to me for comfort..,” he said pulling on a cotton shirt, its otherworldly pattern quite apparent. Another source of guilt hit him, his disguise as Lucky possibly pushing her to him, ”Your actions as of late towards me are...rather inconsistent…if not concerning.”

Gianna tilted her head at her late boyfriend’s best friend, listening to his words with that damn smile never leaving her face. “I’m spontaneous. Get use to it, baby.” she cooed, before standing up herself and retrieving her clothes. “I won’t agree or disagree that I needed someone. But I will tell you, you’re not half bad, y’know, in bed, and you’re pretty talented down under.” Her melting chocolate orbs scanned from his face to his lower half. Pulling her top on first, Gianna took in the noises of the morning coming from outside.

Meanwhile, Eliana had woken up to the sweetest text from Tristram: Good morning beautiful :). I hope you have a great day! She couldn’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach. He was so nice to her. Perhaps, she should take proactive actions on easing her frustrations with Elijah’s meditation method, right? She couldn’t recall exactly what her dear friend (and crush) had told her previously, so she decided to give him a little visit. For once, her mood was better than usual. She made a new friend that made her feel good about herself and she had someone she could see possibly dating, who enthralled her with his intelligence.

Reaching Elijah’s and Mitch’s dorm door, Ellie went for a knock but couldn’t help but notice the door cracked open, “Hey Elijah! It’s me! I’m coming in~” Gently, she pushed the door open only to see Gianna and Elijah inches away from each other, putting clothes on. “Oh… I’m sorry for interrupting... ” The eighteen year old’s cheeks leaked red. Turning on her heel, Ellie chose to run away… of course he liked someone else. Gianna, at that. Gianna was beautiful, she was not.

Completely ignoring her compliment, Elijah folded his arms and frankly wanted to scold her, ”Actions without thought often have consequences Gianna, regardless of whether the consequences are intentional or not.” As if karma had struck, in walked Eliana to witness the aftermath of their nightly affair, only for her to run out as quickly as she had come in. ”Eliana!” Even after calling out he knew his words would fall on deaf ears. Sighing in frustration, he mused, ”A perfect case in point…” He turned his head to Gianna before making his way to the door, ”Last night was a mistake, one that won’t happen again, get yourself dressed, and leave, we will not speak again.” Slamming the door shut behind him he chased after Eliana, hoping to maybe at least explain things as yet another wave of guilt washed over him.

Yet again, Gianna was left alone. Her mask dropped and solemn darkness draped over the matriarch of Delphina. “You’re right, Elijah. It won’t happen again.” For all she knew, she didn’t have much longer to live. Her life was being held by a thread and the person who was holding it had his eyes on the same woman Elijah was interested in. Eliana. She had many things to think about… like how she would appease a madman while keeping her puppy on a leash.

The show must go on.

Once she was done getting dressed, Gianna left her friend’s room. Last night was a mistake… not just for you. and went on with her business for the day.

Eliana wasn’t the fastest runner. Her stamina was poor compared to her classmates, but somehow, she was able to reach the fountain and take a seat at it. Huffing and trying to catch her breath.

It didn’t take long to find Eliana, her trail was easy to pick up, and by the time he did find her, she was already out of breath. He slowly approached the young woman and stopped some feet away from her. ”May we speak a moment...you and I?”

I really don’t want to. Just go away.” Eliana kept her gaze to the ground as she breathed in and out.

”You’re upset with me….You have every right to be, I’m not too particularly pleased with myself right now either. Unfortunately, I cannot comply with your request, not until we’ve at least talked.”

I really don’t care how you feel. I asked you to go, so go.” Eliana was unyielding and her defense system was up and completely spiked. She didn’t want to deal with this right now, she shouldn’t have to talk things out when he was in the wrong. No. She wouldn’t listen. He needed to go away.

This was getting annoying, and he could feel his heat rising, ”I’m afraid...I can’t do that Eliana.” he spoke through gritted teeth. Like the waves of heat rising off of a heated car in summer, similar waves could be seen rising off Elijah, ”I chased you out here so I could explain myself, I’m not leaving until I’ve spoken my piece-”

I said GO AWAY!” Eliana stood up, infuriated at a person she thought was growing to be her companion. Her chartreuse green orbs was flooded with ghostly white and her brown hair defied gravity, floating in the air, ever so steadily. Her aura was like white noise, unreadable and blindingly static.

One second Ellie’s aura was a raging inferno and then the next, nothing. There was an aura he had never seen before, an emotion so blurred that it generated complete nonsense. It was like the woman that was Eliana had suddenly disappeared and was replaced with someone…something else.

With no hesitation, no restraint, no doubt, Eliana took it upon herself to wash a nightmare over Elijah and go about her life - without him. Not in a way she’s done in the past. No, this was new… different. One moment she was arms length apart from him, the next she was inches away from his face, nearly kissing him but instead letting her breath slip into his lips, which took the form of mist.

Placing him in the landscape of his old school, Delphina, like she had done with Lucas that one fateful night, she created vivid imagery of his school burning but made him the culprit of the death of many and on top of that… she placed a face she had seen with him a year ago, to make it even more real…

The world had suddenly escaped from beneath his feet, as though a raging whirlwind lifted him from one existence into another. The white noise that was the faux Ellie had been replaced with an excessive amount of heat around him. Fire was everywhere, though as confused as he was, he knew where he was; Delphina. Screams echoed in his mind, shrills and shrieks of the damned, those that burned around him. He looked to his hands, the burning infernos they were, he was the cause of this, and for once in a long time, he felt true terror.

Slowly he backed away from the burning school, literally witnessing auras snuffed out in flame, bodies falling from the building, their life force exploding as they collapsed to the ground. ”No...this can’t be...I DIDN’T WANT THIS!”

Suddenly two massive hands wrapped around his wrists, searing into his flesh, he felt the fire burn his skin and he cried out in agony. Whatever was holding him, its grip tightened, pulling his limbs apart, holding onto him like a martyr on his cross, forced to witness the destruction he had wrought. “Oh but it is, is it not?” The thing holding onto him spoke, its voice sounded of crackling flame, its breath reeking of ash and sulfur, “Was it not the desire to burn all those fools who dared to cross your path? Our path?”

Elijah tried to turn his head, but was unable to do so, even then, he knew what was holding him, what was searing his skin. ”Aziral! What have you done!?” The elemental merely chuckled, gripping into Elijah tighter, ”What have I done? Nononono dear boy, this is your handiwork. You couldn’t stand to be second best! You couldn’t stand to be the lackey! You couldn’t stand to be her shadow any longer, especially with a certain shadow gripping onto her so tightly!” it laughed gleefully, ”So what was the sensible thing to do then? To burn them all, BURN THEM ALL ALIVE! Brenna! Lucas! Gianna! EVERYONE WAS GOING TO DIE!!! It laughed maniacally, a roaring flame the roared louder than the fire that surrounded the two.

The realization of what Eli had done finally dawned upon him, and he struggled against his captor, ”NO! I refuse to believe that! I wouldn’t have done that to them! They’re! ...Theyre..”

A third hand suddenly grabbed the top of his skull and he screamed again in agony as two pronged fingers forced his eyes to open. He wasn’t just witnessing the aura of the fire, he was witnessing the actual fire, all so vivid and unadulterated as it was. ”Face it boy. You wanted this to happen, even if you can’t admit it. Either way, it doesn’t matter, because you never counted on the shadow to spring from one host to another.”

As if on cue a shadowed figure stepped through the flame engulfed entrance to Delphina. Its steps slowed as it approached the captive Elijah, whose eyes only grew wider in realization of who it was. ”No…You can’t be here...You’re supposed to be dead!”

The figure stepped forth, ignoring Elijah’s cries, ”Don’t you remember what I asked Eli? If I ever died, you protect her, you protect my Gianna, and make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid?” A shadowed blade formed at the end of his arm, ”What a damn idiot I was. Thinking I could trust you, to protect her and instead…” his head raised to make eye contact with Elijah, ”You raped her...you murdered her….you killed her friends.”


”You raped her, you murdered her, you killed her friends.”


CONFESS!!! You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her friends!”

By this point now, those words echoed through his mind, it was like an endless chant that not only sounded from the shadow of Vincent before him, but from the dead bodies that he had burned alive, those who crawled upon the ground to seek vengeance against the one that slew them. Tears flowed freely from Elijah’s eyes, ”I...I didn’t…” he felt broken, lost, all sense of neutrality he had worked so hard to build, crumbled in an instant. ”You’ve made your bed Elijah...now you must lie upon it.” Slowly the elemental presented Elijah to Vincent; a broken pariah to his judge, jury and executioner.

Vincent’s hand reached out and grabbed Elijah’s face, all semblance of life and camaraderie lost in his eyes ”I’m going to kill you Elijah and I will take great pleasure in it, but you must do one thing first. Confess your sins, not only to me, but to all these poor unfortunate souls.”

Eli looked around slowly before looking down upon the ground, meekly speaking, ”I raped her….I murdered her….I killed her friends….”

”Then by my hand...you shall die for the crimes you have committed...may God have mercy on your damnable soul…” Instantaneously Vincent’s hand shot right through Eli’s stomach. Everything suddenly turned to white noise, a blaring piercing sound that cut off everything else. It cut off the scream Eli shuddered, the blood that suddenly dripped from his gaping wound, the sound of the fire that engulfed the school. All that remained, was the laughter of the fire elemental, resounding in his ears. Then, nothing.

Like a sack of bricks, reality rushed back to him and the ground slammed up into him from beneath. Started up and still terrified with what he had witnessed, Elijah shot up onto his knees and screamed up into the morning sky, a flame rocketing from his face a good 40ft into the air. With his lungs completely expelled of air, he collapsed back onto the cold ground. Consciousness was slowly fading. He could see the terrified students around him who witnessed his sudden outburst, but they didn’t matter. All that mattered was Ellie and she was gone, and whatever that aura was that had replaced her...that was gone too. Then everything faded to black, once again, there was nothing. Nothing at all.

Part 1


Location: Safehouse Bravo, Upstate New York
Interacting with: Each Other (@AbandonedIntel, @BeastOfDestiny)

The Same Night

After quite a long night of dancing, entering torture chambers, falling into dumpsters, driving like crazy in a stolen Ford Explorer, and stumble-teleporting through the woods, Carmen, Hugo and Liana made it to Safehouse Bravo, a large industrial building left standing in the woods of upstate New York. The building itself was falling apart with overgrown plants surrounding it on the outside, and even looked like it in the large storage area inside as well, but the building was maintained structurally, and the main offices upstairs were refurbished into very nice living spaces. Inside the main storage area was that of an older New York city services Jeep Cherokee, as well as many old crates and a bunch of traffic lights piled up on top of more crates. While all of this was a facade, the reality was locked away in the upstairs living area, where the real safehouse is at.

The upstairs area, towards the back of the building was closed off by commercial-grade steel doors that are normally locked by a keypad (as one couldn’t carry keys with them all of the time). Liana remembered the passcode when they got there, and it led up into a nice lofty area that came with a living room and a kitchen, to which Liana referred to simply as ‘The Loft’. There were also bedrooms in the safehouse, and while they were somewhat nice, they were also a little filthy. A large storage room, locked away by another keypad, was used as security office, complete with monitors that had running cameras, ham radio sets, and a fully stocked armory with rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, pistols and explosives. It was a nice place that had everything a safehouse needed, and it was one of many that Carmen and her friends had dotted along Upstate New York.

That night, as soon as they arrived there, Carmen’s wounds were immediately addressed, where her lower back had a massive stab wound from a broken glass bottle (and made much worse by the accident, tearing muscle and skin further apart). Liana, while she was an expert at killing, she learned how to heal herself when she received retaliation, and used this skill to help Carmen out. Having taken out all of the glass shards and cleansed to wound, she immediately stitched it up, put a lot of healing creams and fluids on it, and slapped a bunch of sterile gauze on it, and a large pad to help stop the bleeding. The healing process was incredibly painful for Carmen, but after a joint or two, it helped her settle down.

Much later, Carmen sat in the loft, with the massive bandage underneath her shirt and N7 jacket she still wore. Joint in hand, she watched TV on the couch while Liana kept watch on the security cameras. Beforehand, both she and Carmen had reloaded their weapons and stocked themselves up just in case if they were still being pursued, Carmen switching back to her much favored and very deadly FNX-45 tactical instead of her smaller P99. She relaxed as she watched the flatscreen in front of her, head on a pillow as she lied sideways on the couch. Fresh Prince of Bel Air was on TV that night, and Carmen enjoyed it somewhat.

After arriving and helping Carmen into a room where Liana could work on her, Hugo felt it best to give the girls some privacy and asked to use the bathroom. There he stripped down and used the shower, allowing the warm water to ease and relax his muscles. While he had taken minimal damage during the engagement, he still felt a little worn, it wasn’t exactly often that he was thrown into life or death situations. It also gave him time to think, to reflect on their choices, though it mattered little, knowing him, he’d forget everything in the morning. C’est la vie, he chuckled to himself as he turned off the water and toweled off. There weren’t any spare clothes to change into, so he simply put on the ones he wore at the club, leaving the shirt open, revealing his bare chest.

Stepping out of the bathroom and into the living area he saw Carmen resting on the couch, it seemed she had taken the healing well. Walking towards the chair opposite to her, drying his golden locks he said, ”You’re looking much better, but it appears I was right,” he sat down, ”It seems you do live a dangerous lifestyle.” Hugo chuckled a little, a gentle smile on his face. ”How are you feeling, Mon Cherie?”

Carmen chuckled a little, looking to Hugo. “Eh… so far this was the worst that has ever happened to me. Normally I get out of these kinds of… things unscathed.” She said with a smile, before sitting up. “Ow... fuck, still hurts.” She grunted as she sat up, cringing a little from the sharp pain. “It’s gonna be a bit before I recover though, assuming that no one at Mayweather could heal me up… it’s only just to stop the bleeding.” She explained. “Mmnn… Liana’s in the security box if you wanna see her.” She said, stretching a little.

He winced a little at her obvious discomfort, but other than that, she definitely looked much better. ”Oui, I’ll have to give her my thanks, the sword she gave me was very useful indeed.” He stood up and draped the towel over the chair he was in before approaching Carmen and taking a seat next to her, ”I believe that can wait though, after all I did ask you to dance, not Liana.” He frowned a little, a revelation dawning on him, ”I feel I must apologize, had you not danced with me, you might have concluded your business unscathed.”

Carmen nodded with a soft smile. “Yeah… We got plenty of shit, so whatever you need, just feel free to ask. You were incredibly helpful in our escape so, uh, as far as I know, I’m happy to call you my homeboy.” She said with a soft smirk. Once he sat next to her, she continued to watch TV. Once he apologized, she frowned too. “Hermano, don’t blame yourself.” She said, patting him on the shoulder before looking down for a moment. “Yeah… I did go to see this guy named… Mr. Allen. Huh. I doubt he’s behind all of this though.” She said softly. “And besides… I learned that the place was under control of some Mafia assholes while we were dancing, I’m equally at fault for ignoring my friends when they told me.” She said. “And… yeah. I had them spy on me from a black van a quarter mile away.” She chuckled, before thinking. “Speaking of which…” She then called out to Liana. “Hey! Liana! Have the team report in! I wanna make sure they’re alright!”

You got it boss! Liana called out from the security room down the hall.

”Mercie, Carmen.” A small smirk on his face, as she explained her reasons and actions for being at the club tonight he nodded. ”Perhaps I was wrong to say you are a spy, though you seem more Mission Impossible than James Bond if you were one.” He chuckled a little, and noticed the joint in her hand, that familiar fragrance wafting in his nose. ”May I?” When he was handed the joint he brought it up to his lips and took a hit, holding the smoke in his lungs before exhaling, ”I suppose I was successful in one thing tonight,” he took another hit, ”I did give you a night to remember, though it didn’t turn out the way I had originally intended.” He chuckled again, passing the joint back to her.

“Eh… well, I always thought myself of a… criminal version of Sherlock Holmes, or… Denzel Washington’s character in The Equalizer. She said, passing the joint to him. “A night to remember? This is a night me and Liana are never gonna forget!” She laughed. “Fuck, I mean I nearly got killed by a broken glass bottle in a motherfucking dumpster. If that isn’t fucking embarrassing, I don’t know what is!” She chuckled, taking the joint back. “It’s fine, either way... sex is great and all but, I don’t really learn much from it.” She said, taking a hit herself. “What happened just now? That was all a really, really big learning experience. I ain’t gonna do any of that shit again!” She chuckled. “And if I’m about to, I’m gonna make sure my friends stop me, well, uh… they actually did try when I was in Delirium.” She thought for a moment. “Oh well. Hehe.”

While at the time it was pretty serious, now that the danger had passed, it was actually pretty funny. The weed didn’t help to make it any less so as Hugo laughed along with Carmen. ”You don’t learn anything from sex? Perhaps you just don’t have a good enough teacher, or the proper ‘study material’.” Taking the joint from her, finishing his sentence with another hit.

“Mmmhmhmmh~” Carmen chuckled at his statement. “Smooooth~” She chuckled sarcastically, lightly hitting him on his shoulder. “Ahh… last time I did it…uh... was with a woman, believe it or not.” She said softly. “It… felt so wrong, yet it… felt right.” She said with a soft smile. “Better than any man I’ve slept with, I’d say…” She chuckled a little. “If you stick it out with me, you might be able to meet this woman.” She said with a soft smile. “But if you can top her, I’d do it with you again, and again…, until someone beats your high score.” She said with a lusty grin, leaning over towards him, running her hand along his chest. “For me, until I find the man or woman I love with all my heart, I only restrict access to the best. So… if you wanna prove it, the bedroom is right down the hall.” She grinned, gesturing towards the hallway across from them.

”Last time, I was with a man, and a woman, there is no shame in it Carmen, love comes in all forms.” He smiled as he listened to her challenge, that ever familiar look of want and lust displayed. His face soon followed suit, ”I’d most certainly be willing Mon Cherie,” a small flash of concern did cross his face, ”But are you sure you are up for it? Your wounds I mean, I wouldn’t want to do something so robust as to make you bleed again.”

Carmen grinned at his acceptance, and after standing up with a little pain, she shook her head. “Ahh, well, we’re doing it in bed so… I think I’ll be better off.” She said with a soft smirk. “Let’s go, hombre~” She gestured to him teasingly, leading him through the hallway and into one of the bedrooms (the one farthest away from Liana for Liana’s sake). “Mmnnn… you ready as I am?” She asked, unzipping her leather N7 jacket before throwing it onto a nearby chair, revealing her grey shirt and her shoulder holster that carried her radio, handgun and the ammo for it.

He followed the teasing woman into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him with a soft click. Approaching the darker skinned woman, he let his shirt slide off his body, tossing it on top of her jacket. ”Only if you are ready to receive a proper lesson, Mon Cherie He said the last part a bit seductively, his hand gently brushing her cheek as he leaned in close for a kiss.

Carmen gave a hot moan before closing her eyes, kissing him back. “Mmn…” She blushed a little, letting her shoulder holsters slide off of her torso and slowly onto the chair behind her. “Yes…” She moaned gently, closing her eyes and kissing him along his neck. Pressing her hand against his chest, she grinned slightly, letting him show his affection towards her as she took off her shirt, revealing that she had quite a nice set underneath, with a bra that showed off her assets quite nicely. She smirked. “Impressed?” She asked. “The women on the side of the bad guys often have the bigger package.” She said, raising an eyebrow jokingly.

Her caresses and kisses were heavenly, eliciting soft groans from the male. Pleasure on its own was nice, but coupled with a nice high, the effects were significantly heightened. She stepped back a moment to strip her shirt off, revealing more of the dark beauty before him. At her inquiry he answered simply, ”Magnifique,” before pressing towards her, helping her to gently lay down on the bed, careful not to touch her wound.

Carmen smirked at his reply. “Mmmn… you’ll get plenty of it in just a second~” She teased, and once she was pressed towards the bed, she moaned gently, and once she was laid down, she bent a little and immediately winced. “AAII!!” She yiped out in pain, feeling her wound. “Aaaiii...Owowowow… ouchie… fuck…” She groaned, sitting back up almost immediately. “Owww… fucking hell…” She winced. “Damn… yeah you’re right, what the fuck… that hurt like a motherfucker… yeah I don’t think I can do this right now…” She said apologetically, wincing in pain. “Yeah that… that hurt… alot.” She moaned. “Uhh, do you accept rainchecks? I’ll let you play with my tits for free…”

Hugo looked at her with a worried expression as she cried out in pain, he knew that she was not up for something like this, but they at least tried. At her offer of a raincheck and fondle, he chuckled softly, ”There is no need to push yourself Mon Cherie, we ca-”

Almost immediately, the door to the bedroom opened, revealing Liana, with a concerned look on her face. Hey Carmen, are you alriiii- She trailed off, looking at the scene before her. A shirtless Hugo, a shirtless Carmen, sitting on the bed, incredibly close. Uhhh… Liana stood there, absolutely still, awkward as all hell.

Carmen put her hand up. “Liana… it was just a little-”

You guys didn’t invite me? Liana asked, frowning. I kinda wanted to unwind a little myself!

Carmen now felt just as awkward as Liana did. “You know?” She asked, in regards to her being attracted to women as well.

You and Sukaina are a very terribly kept secret, you know. Liana pointed out.

Carmen fell silent.

Hugo looked back and forth between the two as the scene unfolded, surprised, but not embarrassed, though even he could tell the scene was awkward for the two. ”Carmen, I know you are feeling pained, but I do want you to feel pleasure, and well, a man does have more tools at his disposal than just his tool. Liana wants to unwind and to have a man and a woman at your side.” He looked carefully between the two, ”Perhaps we can come to a compromise?”

Liana looked to Carmen, gesturing to Hugo. He does have a point.

Carmen looked to them both, and was silent for a moment before she shouted. “NO!” She threw her hands up. “Not now, okay? I’m sorry, I can’t do this!” She sighed. “Okay, I guess I owe you both a raincheck, okay? And I guess that’s more of an incentive for you to get me to Mayweather to find a healer too.” She said, gesturing to Liana. “Listen, both of you guys did a great job in saving my life, you’re both awesome, and you guys totally deserve it, and I’d love to fuck the both of you, but… just… wait until I can at least bend? She sighed. "Jesus..." She stood up. “Ow…” She whimpered a little before walking off.

Liana watched Carmen as she passed her, before turning back to Hugo. She cringed a little. Sorry about that… She said softly, in regards to ruining their moment.

Hugo’s eyes widened at Carmen’s sudden tirade and he stood up and stepped back a little, letting the young woman vent out before she left the room. At Liana’s apology he ”C’est la vie, Liana. We’re all a little ragged after our escape, no?” He went over and grabbed his shirt from the chair and threw it over his shoulder. ”Perhaps it is best if we all rested a little now,” he said stepping past Liana, ”Although, the offer is open if you needed to unwind still.” he said with a smirk on his face.

Liana listened, nodding. Yeah. She sighed softly. You two go ahead and get comfortable, I’ll arm up the safehouse before I hit the hay as well. Once he stepped past her and offered, she grinned a little. I appreciate the gesture, and while it is nice to have a dick every now and then, I think I’d rather pass after what just happened. Besides I gotta make sure that the murder biker zombies don’t come after us again, so... She poked him in between his chest. I bid you... goodnight. She said before walking off towards the security room.

Watching as she walked away Hugo gave a small sigh, ”Bonne Nuit, Madame.” From there he entered one of the bedrooms and flopped on the bed, quick to fall asleep.
Hello friends, this is an announcement to all

After discussing things with @HushedWhispers we've decided that moods are a completely optional part of our posts (as we believe our writing contrays our moods well enough), however you do have the option of writing them in if you feel the need to, you will not be reprimanded for such actions.
Just so everyone knows, Sylvia deserves another punch in the face.
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