It was smart for the Figment devs to release the first one for free. (Since they have an upcoming sequel soon, and I'd assume that most people have never played/heard of it before.)
Apparently Humble Bundle doesn't want my money. (Tried to buy the bundle twice. Credit card got declined for false reasons, and the charge appeared six times on my account.) So I guess time will tell to see if I'll be getting that or not.
To further rant on BL3. Just when I was going to give it credit for finally adding new enemy types. Holy sh*t this mid-game feels like an absolute chore. Huge empty maps. Broken mission waypoints. (Been having to look up where I'm even going. Or why these missions show up on my map, when I can't even do them yet.) Endless side quests. (Some clearly weren't even played tested.) Side missions have 30 separate objectives. There's a full unskippable minute of talking before and after every completed objective. (I've died way too many times from falling through the map. Making the grind I am doing, and the ending mission reward feel completely pointless.)
The only thing keeping me playing is "it's easy enough to mute and play music over it", and a sunk-cost fallacy at this point.
Edit: BL3 actually got worse as it went on, and I'm glad to be finished with it.
Figment was obnoxious to play. (But it was free. So I'll cut it some slack.)
I found "Patch Quest" through the game developer's Youtube channel. Where the premise of his video was "I spent so long developing a game concept, but it took years to realize that I hadn't made anything fun yet." And in my first session/impression with it, I still don't know if the game found "the fun" yet. It's a bullet hell rogue-lite, that so far seems to reward you with jpegs of plants, and levels you up once per death, regardless of how well you do. (Basically, its beginning feels scripted.)
Apparently Humble Bundle doesn't want my money. (Tried to buy the bundle twice. Credit card got declined for false reasons, and the charge appeared six times on my account.) So I guess time will tell to see if I'll be getting that or not.
To further rant on BL3. Just when I was going to give it credit for finally adding new enemy types. Holy sh*t this mid-game feels like an absolute chore. Huge empty maps. Broken mission waypoints. (Been having to look up where I'm even going. Or why these missions show up on my map, when I can't even do them yet.) Endless side quests. (Some clearly weren't even played tested.) Side missions have 30 separate objectives. There's a full unskippable minute of talking before and after every completed objective. (I've died way too many times from falling through the map. Making the grind I am doing, and the ending mission reward feel completely pointless.)
The only thing keeping me playing is "it's easy enough to mute and play music over it", and a sunk-cost fallacy at this point.
Edit: BL3 actually got worse as it went on, and I'm glad to be finished with it.
Figment was obnoxious to play. (But it was free. So I'll cut it some slack.)
I found "Patch Quest" through the game developer's Youtube channel. Where the premise of his video was "I spent so long developing a game concept, but it took years to realize that I hadn't made anything fun yet." And in my first session/impression with it, I still don't know if the game found "the fun" yet. It's a bullet hell rogue-lite, that so far seems to reward you with jpegs of plants, and levels you up once per death, regardless of how well you do. (Basically, its beginning feels scripted.)