If I ever do get Baldurs Gate 3, it'll be when its released on the PS5. Just like Remnant 2, I've heard mixed things about the latter half of the game. (The last third of Remnant 1 is terrible, and was completely ignored by its early critics.) So I'm still playing through my backlog, and whatever else is in Playstation Extra's library.
Spiritfarer is a beautiful game, and it’s dialogue is pretty entertaining in places. Though the resource collection gameplay is incredibly repetitive, and it’s quite frustrating how obscure it is to find certain items. Cuz I’m not even close to finishing the game yet, (probably) and I already feel like it’s overstayed its welcome. As the initial cast is much more likable than the many snobs you get afterward. Though I’ll probably still finish it?
Other games that I tried
Gloom: Another game that is not improved by being a rogue-lite. (But it’s competent for the 99 cents that I got it for.)
Roadwarden: Its beginning hours were kind of uninteresting, and I didn’t play long before wanting to try other games instead.
Endling Extinction Is Forever: Its beginning hours were kind of uninteresting, and I didn’t play long before wanting to try other games instead.
Kero Blaster: The ending boss(es) and its many phases was one too many. (Frankly, I had more fun with the game that was inspired by it.)
Rain World: Devs added a bunch of extra tutorials, and a few extra bells and whistles. Still really didn’t like the gameplay loop.
Yakuza 0: Entertaining mindless combat, and voice actors that elevate the game's numerous still cutscenes. But I personally didn't care for the random character switch. And the wasting time side quests, and sheer length of the game, made me put this one on pause to play something else.
Games that I finished
The Forgotten City: The plot became incredibly obvious, and its "horror combat" sections were bad enough that I rushed to complete the "almost good" ending. Cannot recommend this.
OneShot: I liked this one overall. (Helps that the meta narrative/puzzle aspect is something that I'm personally fond of.) And the main character is likable enough to carry you through its story twice. Even if the rest of the game feels lesser by comparison. Since I really didn't connect with the rest of its cast, and wanted a few more puzzles/gameplay sections. Versus the aimless wandering that comprises most of its run time. (But I'd probably recommend this, over the vast majority of other things that I've played recently.)
Highly Rated Shooters (Apparently.)
Doom Eternal: I can't even believe how bad this one felt to play. The platforming and sense of direction was horrid. (The mission markers didn't work.) The lack of ammo forces you to run around the stage, like a chicken with your head cut off. Plus, a monster got stuck in the floor terrain, and made me backtrack through the entire level just to progress. (And I didn't even get to listen to a good song either.)
The Ascent: This hard crashed on me twice. And it also made me repeat entire missions and their bosses from the very beginning three times, because the game failed to complete the mission. All in one session. (But at least it looks nice, right?)
The Surge 1 & 2
These are the exact same fucking game. Except one has a few extra bad decisions (and a better atmosphere). The camera is bad in both of them & neither compelled me to get past its bullshit design choices.
Broken Indies
Maki's Adventure: Doesn't have basic controller movement functionality for the 3D sections. (Sections that aren’t even shown on the store page.)
The Wolf Of Derevnya: Best chapter choice makes the game not continue further. (Their latest patch that claims to fix this exact issue, does not.)
Angel's Gear: Control scheme was made by aliens, and the game itself feels blatantly unfinished. (No control remapping.)
Talus: There's about twenty minutes of gameplay, and the Steam achievements don't work properly. (Game's audio was whisper quiet for no reason.)
TLDR: A lot more misses than hits in gaming for me.