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On early 20s man.

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Chounan gave himself a short time of silent as the party left him behind. He looked on the girl and pity himself from what he done to the others. They are probably closer to her and he just stole their lives with his error. He stripped his armor to lower status, a murderer like me shouldn't wear samurai's armor. He look on Kaito's cloth, picked it up and wrapped his injured arm. He went to the two victim of him and gave a bow, "I'm sorry. You guys may find peace in after life."

Chounan followed the party behind from the shadows or a good vantage point and will provided a range support.
The elf's punched was enough to turned his head to the side and almost lost his balance as he kept stepping backwards. It gripped the katana and executed an instant stroke onto the elf. As the kitsune made a full power charm, the katana stopped right on the elf neck. A demonic growl can be heard. One of his hand let go the handle of the katana and it reached the conceal part on his back. Revealing a tanto and rose it up. He quick stabbed his own arm that handling a katana.

The body knelt down on the front of the elf, disarmed as it gentle landed to the ground. "Tch..." he produced a small demonic tone. He released the tanto on his arm and bleed. Chounan snapped out, his pupil eyes came back to normal and started a heavy breathing and sweating.

"G-Gomen nasai..."
The ronin fell into unexpected trap. His emotionless brought into a surprise reaction. Forcefully kneeled himself on the floor. His shaking hand and loud panting will be noticed. He grabbed his katana and stick into his neck, it was just amount for him to cut his head but the whole body was paused. His life energy turn into an overflowing presence of Shura. His conscious is lost, something is controlling him. This something made his body stood up and keep the katana. A grinned on his face and the body is heading where the Geralt located.
"Hmmm. When it comes for a risk. It will be my pleasure." Chounan spoke up to everyone.

The ronin went ahead Yvonne and stick near on the metal door. Chounan used his Ki to activate his inner self improving his senses on the surrounding for the greater effectiveness. The Ki-sensing detected the ambushers' breathing, fast heartbeats and their stances with the shaking from the long period of time holding of their weapon. He prepared his shurikens that match the number of the ambushers.

As the metal door slowly open, Chounan quickly slipped inside on the sufficient gap between the door and door jamb. Everything become slow mo on Chounan's surrounding, he quickly readied his shurikens to hurled pricely onto the first ambusher who was the fastest to respond then continuously hurling precisely until the slowest responder. As he hurled the last piece, he dove onto the ground to rolled to the nearest toppled table for cover. He readied his bow to protect Yvonne and the rest of the team from the unwanted with an accurate shooting while in crouching position.

As the sergeant charging toward to Chounan. He made a step backward and quickly titled his body to avoid the fowarding thrust. His katana already unsheathed and its one his right hand. One of his foot stomped the weapon and push it forward to break the Sergeant's posture. As loose balance Sergeant met the reach, Chounan's blade struck through the Sergeant's throat.

The suffocating Sergeant got kicked by Chounan to caught one of two other guild member following the Sergeant's charge. Let the remaining fool attack him while meeting a weapon with a deflection by a katana to lose the posture. The shinobi excuted a quick cut to charger's throat. He performed Chiburi and sheathed his blade and struck the remaining charger with a quick draw sweep before the charger regain his stand.
Chonan nodded at Jazdia, and took the arrows from her, along with the map that listed the targeted locations. "I shall start early to make the needed preparations. Thank you for the meal; I'll catch up with you guys later." he said, while making a bow to the party, before immediately leaving the inn.

He headed to the weapon shop to browse for a bow, pathing straight to their displayed wares, where he picked out a decent long bow then tested its pull weight. Nodding his satisfaction to the shopkeeper, he approached the counter to make his purchase.

"A Longbow huh? Well, that's something new from you." the man said. "What happened to your sense of artistic fashion? That seems a bit plain for your tastes."

"It never hurts to try new things." replied Chounan.

"I see.." said the owner, rubbing his face with an amused smile, as Chounan counted out the coin.

Having made the purchase, he left the weapon shop. His reasons for purchasing a simpler, more common bow were pretty straight forward: His preferred Yumi was rather conspicuous and easily identified. He did not want to be identified as the culprit, should people start asking. Appearances weren't important. The clothing he had on underneath his armor was dark, and would blend into the shadows in the alleys at night nicely.


(This mission should be effortless. I've been practicing the bow since I was 3, and this will be no different from any of the competitions I've shot in, and took the purse.) he thought to himself.

Soon enough, it was time for the mission. He took his horse, Kuro, and dressed in a hooded cloak for extra concealment. As his name suggested (for any that knew the language, anyway), Kuro was black, making finding the branding mark on him difficult in the daylight, let alone at night. Identifying him should be all but impossible.

Like a bandit on a raid, he headed for his first target. He remained calm, enforcing the proper breathing techniques from his many competative shooting contests back home. He drew the bow back, then released the arrow straight into the rafters of the warehouse, right through the open ventillation window without stopping his horse, before moving to the next target. One arrow per warehouse, unless size dictated more.

Using the back alley ways, and 'scenic byways' to escape guard patrols and Guild members, he made his way back to link up with the group once more in the early hours of the morning, meeting with Jazdia as she was having her morning breakfast.
After providing all of her requests and the elf began to compose her letters, the bartender faced Jazdia's newfound companions and humbly asked. “How can I be of service?”

"Please put the table's order on my tab and give us a meal for dinner and as much as bottle of sake." Chōnan replied to the service boy, paying it in advance, the change is for later and gave him two gold coins for the tip. It was for the compensation from what he did early. As the orders has been served on the table. Chōnan poured a sake on a small cylindrical vessels for Kaito to show a drinking etiquette natively from the two men's origin.

"All we know about them is they are a prominent spices importer on the black market. Keito, Mr. Chounan, as someone who understands the street of Rascade, I would like to hear your input on this matter."

"Hmmm... I didn't think I'm going to cross swords again with this type of Syndicate. Not just they run spices, they also run other filthy businesses around here in Kinderance. Slavery and Smuggling. In order to conceal my identity. I dressed up as a shinobi and started the secret quest from the top. Stealth and Infiltration. It's quite a long investigation every night and quite dangerous since they have an army of skilled mobs. Those fellas have markings of the serpent biting on it tail forming the shape of a circle as I inspected one of body of a slain member who I encountered with." Chōnan spoken up and also pulled out the rolled map. Some circle markings around the maps inside the Kinderance Kingdom are belongs to the Black Serpent's business buildings and an X mark is meant for their Headquarters. "They also have warehouses outside from the kingdom, I can lead you guys there once we are done here. Also, this kind of business from inside the kingdom is protected by Corrupted Officials and Nobles. So policing or invading this kind of business won't work and lead some conflict inside.

I'm sure Kaito-san will know the rest of it."
He ended his turn and saving some inputs to kitsune.

As the situation settle downed by a ceasefire. Chōnan make a small bow on his party after exiting the park. By reflecting himself from action before, he keeps being quiet and focuses to guide the party as the team leader’s wish. Still on his awareness on his surrounding and never let his guard off.

He keep guiding the party with the shortcuts and will cover the fees for showing a compensation from his action and show more hospitality to his party.
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