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On early 20s man.

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Chōnan snapped from both for stroking the Captain's man strength on the lady's palm and desecrating an important paper that had been sealed by the King himself.

"Mind if I put something first?" He said and pulled something from his bag and it was his mask during his prime on Knight's career. As he did a knight salute, an overwhelming ferocious aura has been released and those who caught feel flinches and recognize his prime status as a knight before. "Ex-Knight of cavalry unit, Kagetane Chōnan...

Late Sergeant, definitely going to haunt you down as you stroke that paper with the King's sealed into the ground. A yelling that pierce into your soul. Whole day of running around until your feet give up"
He walked toward the place where the contract fell off. The surrounding guards that were meant to block him started to shaken and Chōnan felt disappointed. "These guards are not ready... yet... Their postures are weak and shaking. Even less trained Mechean surely fill vacant spots here." He picked up the contracted and handed back to Jazdia instead. He felt that the Captain himself can't be trusted to hand the contract. "It is classified from the top and I'm overseeing our guests for their work under Madame Matilda Ironsword. We had a business here and also I visited my late units and my superiors." Yes. He paid them a vist before he catch up with his party on the investigation area.

"As Milady's suggestion, go send a runner if you are not satisfied enough."
Chōnan kept an eye on the demon fox until leaving on his range. He remain his position nearby Jazdia without being an obstacle on her. As the time running out, he decided to help Jazdia with the clues. He approached Yvonne and said. "Milady, I shall give you a hand." She paused for a while and nodded.

Her identity is familiar by him despite she doesn't know him back. Adventurer's Guild assassins spreaded rumors about her and also they had admiration with her work. Also, an exchange letter between him and the prince back then about being kept mention her name, possibly his childhood crush may say.


The hedge seems to be a good route for the victim to fled off from the assassin, maybe he can find something around under the range of the area that Miss Jazdia's mentioned. He removed his shoes and attached it on his sliding line of his bag. Finding some luck by using his sense of touch of his bare feet inside the grassy yard.
Chōnan decided to be an eye for the approaching guards and other people that may suspected them when they get caught. He activate the ki-sensing that widen the range of his awareness and will detect anyone on his range. Not being awakened with ki, people and other living that have life energy won't feel his detection. He will warn the party when someone is suspected to be coming in their place.

In meantime. He looked on the things that Jazdia's inspecting with. He believes that it is smoke bomb as he also been using the kind of it when he was on past adventures. The casing seems unfamiliarfrom the way he use, local product nor even Kindereance's armory. It's either a customized from different kingdom or supplied by it disposal.
2:30 P.M.
"A bit of both." answered the elf, now looking at her two other companions. A bit late for a nice introduction, but she did it anyway. "Miss Yvonne, Mister Chounan. This is Keito, one of my... surveyors. We will enlist him into our merry band of... investigators. Say, Keito. What rumors circulate on the street regarding the assassination, and how far people had gone with their guesswork? In vino veritas. Perhaps some nobles had a slip of tongue here end there after having a few rounds?"
As his turn, he made a small bow on Keito and started to speak. "I'm Chōnan of Kagetane Clan. Gold ranking of Advenetur's Guild of Kinderance.

The way you flashed your tail on the tavern. Familiar stinks smell of a fox. There is no doubt you are a kitsune. You and I came from the same origin. But that doesn't mean we still bring our rivalry between yokai and human. I'm a descendant of the shinto family who practice Onmyōdō and gave offering to yokai like you. Unfortunately, my clan lost from the clan wars, so I'm more like an exiled.

Back to more important matter. Having your abilities will be a great help to our mission. Kitsune like you target the bad traits of humans, such as pride, greed, and vanity for the sake of entertainment. Can bring down even the most devout priest. Rarely attack women but prefer to possess them instead. Then, using kitsune ability, to lure an unsuspecting men to their doom.

Anyway. Once we done good for the sake of the mission from time to time. I shall give you an offering. Both Shiny coin and Fried Tofu.

To everyone in the party. "We should better be off. Name the place, I shall lead you guys there."

Keito is indeed powerful and useful in the mission but Chōnan know what Keito's weaknesses. Cutting all the tails will make him lost his source of power and enemies from foreign land must not be underestimated. Originally, he had been keeping an eye with his instinct on the two female party members and their surroundings. Keeping his distance between Jazdia and Yvonne so he could response easily whoever on getting attacked especially inside the tavern. With additional party member, he must widen his range to respond in further.

Chōnan will lead the party to designated location. He also going to share his ration to the everyone from his party. It is rice ball that handily made by himself, sticky rice formed into triangular shape with a filling of vegetable, meat and natural preservatives.
The ronin gave a small bow to Matilda, then traveled quickly to the stable to collect his horse. He needed to see the smith and time was running out, so he had to travel quickly.

When he arrived at the blacksmith's, he was greeted by the man, and they talked about the amount of time it had taken to fill his order. The unusual time consuming nature of the work had resulted in a very high price, but he recieved a full order of a family of blades ranging from Katana to Tanto. Next was the armor. It was a full set of samurai armor, with a luxurious surcoat, embelished with artistic stylings: The Kabuto featured a pair of horns from a real minotaur, and the face mask was carved to resemble an angry demon. Finishing the ensemble, were a selection of throwing knives including Kunai and Shuriken. As if flaunting his wealth, he casually counted out the tendered amount, then handed the smith a nice bonus for his efforts, before quickly getting into his new armor.

He decided not to wear the head armor while still in town, to avoid alarming the locals-- and instead tied his hair back in a traditional hair knot. Regrettably keeping his handsome facial on public.

Departing the blacksmith's shop, he made a quick detour of his room at the inn, where he collected his personal papers and effects, in case they might be needed, then proceeded back to the stable. As he arrived, he found out that there are still no one on the stable neaeby the eastern gate. He head back quickly into the palace.

He returned to the group where Matilda and Jazdia still remained.

"Sorry to keep you wait Madame Matilda." He made a small bow with respect . "I haven't introduce myself to everyone in group. I'm Chōnan, Gold Ranking Adventurer."
"I'll fetch up my prepared things from smith shop. Where are we gather to departure, Dame Matilda?" The black haired man with a demon mask and oriental attire finally speak with a calm tone of voice.

@spiral origin

Nanashi nodded on red hair horned woman. Once they departed, he went to the sailors who incharge on burrying people who were perished and instructed the safe way and spot. To make it sure, he added few surviving sellswords for security. He also assigned some group of people who can able to swim and search for things from the shipwreck nearby the island. Maybe we can find something useful.

Later on, he seeks Vivian. Where is she?
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