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On early 20s man.

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The Master Shinobi used to accompany the elven healer while venturing along with the rest of the active part members. He kept himself with the elven woman until she volunteered proceeding on the wounded stranger for a medical work. He was been watching over when party went became stationary until the seasoned elven called him.

Nanashi proceeded to Gray and scrutinized the situation. Heard the details about the foe in front of them. He clogged his ear in a resourceful way and focus his mind to dangerous foe. He made pose to activate inner demonic ki and slide his finger to the blade, igniting his blade with mysterious aura. He made a stance with his blade, ready to anticipate the mysterious creatures attack with Shukuchi and Perfect Counter.
"It was unnecessary, but thanks." Nanashi said to the elven healer woman who did treat his cut on the hand, even though he might do it again to put his demonic energy to his any kind of tool as he goes on ultimate form.

The shinobi then proceed went to the elven archeologist with a crossed armed. Opening his ears for everyone and tries to detect anyone that aren't belong to their party on there area. His detecting is quite unique, he can detect anyone within his range but he cannot be senses by other with his detention as only the one who awakening their can able to detect his.
As his job done. The shinobi ceased his demonic aura as the shura's fire aura faded away from his whole body silhouette and his blade. Sheathed his blade and dashed into the lone elven woman for accompany. He will stay still for her barrier calling.
The arrow found its mark on the golem, who didn't even bothered to dodge. It clunked in the eyehole where the crimson gleam coming from, not finding any purchase before falling out with its momentum spent. Seems that whatever the material it constituted of was tougher than a single arrow.

Rezello barely made it in time, circling to find the golem from the side just as it passed by. A precise blow found the back of the knee, a familiar crimson lines spiderwebbing from the point of impact before it summarily frizzled and died. The resulting impact resounded in a satisfying dull thud, the metal striking stone and found it wanting.

The golem still continued forward, but an increasingly discordant grinding noise echoed from the joint and at the third step something snapped. It stumbled, the damaged knee missed a beat and the following iced heel found the ground at an awkward angle, slipping uncontrollably instead of finding a measured landing.

It fell heavily onto its knee, one arm catching the ground to avoid fully dropping.

The shinobi doesn't have a time to recollect thoughts from the previous events, and yet he was already clad in his usual shinobi attire, the talent that had been learnt from his precious life with his master. He focuses on the scenario and decided to make an action. He made a posture as he rise his arm weilding his blade in horizontal manner. Releasing a demonic energy amplifying his destructive nature that damages to anything. He proceed to the foe made a posture and slide his hand on lighting his sword into maroon fire like aura. A then swing it to the arm that only supporting and then dunking his sword on the center masse at the back of golem by performing a plunging attack and then back flip into safe distance.

As the sword thrust deep into the concrete, the shura fire spread in quickly on its whole body. The fire of destruction slowly fading the essence of existence of the artificial golem.
Bumping to the metal wall he cross shield arm his head and torso for the impact receiving minimal damage from it as he bounced himself a little away from the incased tin can knight. As he dropped into the ground, he fixed his balance with a single roll recovering himself with a kneeling posture. The black haired man in kimono rose up and checked his ninjato and gears. Tapping off the dust from his clothes and then looked on the rest of the party under the light for checking the party's situation.

"Oh. What happened to the rest of party, especially the healer elf?" Nanashi said to the three other party members.
Nanashi was concentrated on reaching the light as the time became darker and more haunted. He was trained to be a shinobi, able to go alone across the fabled mist realm, which is home to yokais and other mythical dwellers. The determined man's fixation on something caused him to ignore the tricks and illusions. The black-haired man in a kimono rushed silently towards the light, bypassing obstacles and anything that could slow him down using ki sensing and keeping his guard hard and ready to counter an initiative attack. He had nothing to do with the surrounding events as he kept his mind the masked elven advice, reaching the light as could seen from far distance.
Watanabe Takumi kept him busy on bath preparation until the last first using the bathroom. During dinner he helped for the preparation of the food for the whole party except that elf healer. After it, the man on the kimono began cleaning the whole house with a permission of the house guardian even barging at the elven's medical reviewing, there is no stopping the train of the clean freak. Lastly, he went scanning at the rest of the night of the whole area of the house with a stationary sensing in meditation posture.

In the morning, he helped the orcish ex-soldier for the food and departed with the team not changing his attire as remain with a black kimono.

The elven gave him a wrong variant of his blade. It was a katana rather a ninjato since it has slight curved blade part. Despite of that, he grabbed some papers and gave her skillfully made origami.

He been seen kept tagging along with a party, kept scanning even at the campsite with a full guarded.

In the current situation, the man with a kimono was still full guarded despite with a both closed sleeved of his kimono and kept his ninjato sheathed at his back. He wouldn't attack but would dodge an incoming attack even the unexpected one thanks to ki sensing that is on active.

Engelbert broke the silence, glancing around to find another distraction. He didn't have to look far, settling on the foreigner who seemed content watching everything unfold. "Right, my good man, I dont believe I have caught your name? Do introduce yourself, we dont bite." Another glance spotted a whole bunch of drenched hair and shirt and everything. Engelbert himself had largely dried, the enchantment of the armor repelled unwanted dirt and moisture in equal measure. "Ah, you prepared the bath did you not? I believe some of us could make use of it. Thank you."

What is his real name again? He tried to recalled it again and as he thought for identifying papers, he remembered his name. A real name that related to his adopted mother, Watanabe Eiko. He been using his alias for so long, he almost forgot what his real name is.

"My name is Watanabe Takumi. Nanashi was my Shinobi Alias. I came here to bring my elven adoptive mother's ash into her birth land.

I can be use for solely intel gathering, scouting, infiltration and sabotaging and assassination."
Takumi replied to Sir Engelbard.

The eastern-looking man—seemingly oblivious to the somewhat tense atmosphere—suddenly joined the conversation with a non-sequitur of a warm bath. Something that admittedly sounded pleasant to Carnatia right about now.

Carnatia turned to the man, "I did not expect this dilapidated cottage to have working plumbing. Thank you for informing us, and preparing the hot water, sir...My apologies, I don't think we've been introduced. In any case, it might be a good idea to partake in a warm bath after we have ourselves settled. Though...who exactly were you referring to by 'house guardian'?"

After with Sir Engelbard. Takumi turned his head to Carnatia de Luson.

"A spirit that dwells along with the house dwellers. They are those who protects the home, looking after the entire household spiritually.

I couldn't sense the souls of the previous dwellers here. It seems that they already departed into the afterlife."
he replied to the orange haired noble woman with a warmth smile.

Nanashi went back from the party with a different appearance. He is wearing an elegant black kimono perfectly match with his handsome facial feature along and a pony tail hairstyle. The bathroom is ready for other to use and he did clean it after his turn.

"The house guardian wouldn't mind to use the house as long we maintain clean this shelter. It a bit angry to the elven woman for prying their stuff without it's permission. I too have guilt for going through the window but the spirit and I had already settle.

Anyway. Who's turn for the bath? I prepared a hot water for the bath tub and will boil some water again for the other's turn."
The shinobi made a small bow to express gratitude to Rezello for lighting the fire place. He then roam for the kitchen and he went through the door next to the fireplace found a poshy kitchen with granite bars and chimney stove. He clapped his and ask the house guardian to use the house for convenient way. He also found a water source from tap water on the sink. He began to boil some water on some reasonable big container. A heated water would be better than just a tap one.

He roamed again to find the bath room. He found inside the door on the side of the corridor. It's quite unfamiliar with him since it's kinda modern and convenient. Smelled bit damp but can be cleaned before using the room. Inside of the bathroom has a shower, and fully walled with ceramic tiles as coverings. It has a single seat toilet and an open water cistern that looked like a bathtub. With a hot on the bath tub, he dip himself in bareskin, having himself a good sign of relief.

He gonna help himself before refilling others with hot water and cook for the lunch. The bathroom is currently occupied.
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