Avatar of spicykvnt


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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

Sooooooo, uhhhhhh

How is isolation treating everyone?
I thank you for both the kind words and feedback. To be honest, I had thought of a possible nickname, but got caught up in possible elvish variants to the point where nothing really materialized, hence the bit on the Ta'viri and their naming conventions. Although I will say "The Herald" is rather fitting. Not only for the reasons you stated, but also because he is technically a vessel to a demon and thus a herald of sorts for its power.

Now, to clarify some things.

In regards to things like how he found the demon, while I had it planned out as him hearing rumors of its trail of destruction and following that, I think I'm probably going to change that to make it more plausible and less... convenient.

As for not revealing some things in his sheet, while I know you would like to see more in the CS, I personally find leaving things like favourite foods and such unknown works better, in my case anyway, as it lets me think it out more in advance and then reveal it through interactions as the roleplay progresses.

Also, I do agree that some parts of the history section can be trimmed down quite a bit. That's always been a problem for me though. I usually stray into writing more than is strictly necessary, or bloat passages with tons of details, most of which don't technically matter in the long run.

Finally, as for his motivations, I have them as a very twisted form of nietzschean philosophy. Living in a frozen waste, he slowly had the worldview embedded in him that being strong is better than being weak, as being weak would essentially invite death. While this wasn't always the case, and there are many Ta'viri who are not strong by his definition, he still sees the world this way because he's sort of stuck in that close minded state. One similar to a tyrants, where they can't or don't realize they're wrong until it's far too late. Of course, for the sake of character development, I will have him question his rigid stance on strength vs weakness, as well as what he considers strength and what he considers weakness, but that will be done in the RP itself.

Regarding your writing a long backstory; it's actually one of the things that I liked the most about your sheet because it showed me immediately how passionate and into the character you are. While I've critiqued it, yes, your level of detail shows that you have this character really thought through. I can guess that you've played out his story in your mind many times and I love that. As a GM, I tend to push my players to scale back but that is simply my own preference and nothing more than that.

I can see from this sheet that you really care about this character, and that's half the battle when roleplaying, in my opinion. So many times I've thought of a concept for a character and I create the sheet and it just lacks that... Zest and without the zest the character has no longevity, and I grow bored of playing them. Your sheet is crammed with zest and I love to see it. :)
*Free Hug*

*Notes within sheet

I really like this character, and I really like your sheet. I can tell from reading it how much care and love you’ve put into this -- the character feels very exciting and thought out. He has a pivotal life moment in his story, and there’s a lot of really beautiful descriptive writing in there - so well done for that.

One thing I would say to you as a suggestion, is when you write his personality, to give him something positive. Give him some quirks that are perhaps endearing. This will make him more well-rounded as currently he’s very very dark and ominous as a character. He has to have things about him that will make him important to a party of characters who may be very good and very light.

He should be able to fit in and be able to interact with them. Perhaps he is acting incredibly kind -- look at a character like Marvel’s Loki. Maybe giving Faelyn a reason for having initially wanting to be possessed also makes him more dynamic. Could there have been someone in his life that he loved - a parent, or sibling etc (I see that he does wish for them to be protected - I think this should be a bigger part of his reasoning, imo) and thus his desire for possession was to protect them? What was his motivation for it - was it simply for power? Why did he want that power? Is it revenge? Safety? Or just to watch the world burn? Sometimes the latter can become very campy and tropey, so be careful!

Anyway, again, this is a wonderful job on your sheet so far! You’ve said yourself that it isn’t finished so I’d love to see the finished one, and I hope you keep me updated with the escapades of Faelyn on his adventures as I’m already invested in his story!

I've been told in the time that I've been using this site, and roleplaying with others that I give nice feedback for various roleplay elements like sheets, posts, etc. I've been feeling a little out of touch with writing recently, and have been having something of a breather from the hobby. One of the ways I always manage to find myself reenergised, and with a spark is by spreading some kindness and uplifting people.

So, if any of you have a sheet, or even a standalone roleplay post that you're proud of -- please post it in here, and I will do my best to give you a critique and some feedback on your work.

Obviously if this thread is successful, there would be a lot of work for me to go through, so I'll respond in a first in, first out manner when I have the time to do so. I'm also not familiar with a lot of the fandoms out there - so if your work is part of a fandom, let me know what that is so that I can have a little context. All I ask, is please do not private message me your work; post it in the thread.

Finally, if I spend time critiquing your work - consider paying it forward to another person in the thread by giving feedback for them too. I think that about covers it.

I'm looking forward to reading your work, lovely people of the Guild!


Are you still accepting applications?
I have been roleplaying online for 7 years. (Casual/Intermediate Level)
As well as playing D&D for 2 years. However, I have only campaigned offline.
I have always been too nervous to commit to an advanced level RP but thought I should give it a try now.

Thanks! :)


We’re still accepting. Please jump into our Discord or PM me any questions/queries you have.


Avery will just be smirking no matter what happens.
"Well, I did try to get his attention, Chuckles."

A kindly reminder in thread that the deadline for posts this round will be the 20/03/2020, at which point, characters must be caught up to current events -- meaning that finishing a post from the previous round will not count.

This round should be used as a 'downtime' period, to get to know other characters, get up to hijinks within the guildhouse.

The IC time period will be 21st First Seed to 23rd First Seed so feel free to stretch out the time, make daytime posts etc.

The round following will be another mission round where this time, missions will be allocated to characters by the GM (that's me!)
Great posts, @Jarl Coolgruuf, @Lemons, and @Necroknight

Speaking of, @POOHEAD189 are we good to go on posting the collab we did?
I don't do a lot of 'rl' kind of roleplays, so most of my character art is, well, art. I've had artwork commissioned too for the real unique experience.

Anyway, my only bugbear with using 'faceclaims' is that people tend not to select age appropriate ones, actually. Unless these characters have super skin care, a mid thirties person shouldn't look like they're in their *very* early twenties.
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