Avatar of spicykvnt


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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

Because I think this concept would work well in Discord, I've made an RP only Discord server, for fast back-and-forth character interactions, if anyone would like to join. You don't need to be in the Discord to be in the RP, and vice versa -- this is all about creating a fun, creative space on accessible mediums for fun :)


The sky outside was washed over with thousands of stars, each one of them blinking down at them from so far away, and as Morgan stared up at them she sighed happily. Life had been good since finding her way to running this strange, strange establishment. For a simple Elven woman of humble origins, she had done alright with her life. She'd made enough of it, to not worry about the future now.

Well, not quite, anyway.

There was always the worry in the back of her mind of what horror the portals were going to throw out at her next. Just last week, a dragon had torn through and set the roof on fire. Didn't take long for a visiting wizard, an alien, and a terribly gruff man who called himself a "Witcher" to make smart work of the beast. They sent it back through, licking it's wounds - and the roof was just about fixed again.

Morgan glanced upwards at it, still a bit of a hole in the centre, but she'd arranged for more workers tomorrow. Tonight, the Elf simply wanted to relax, tired as she was. She ran a cloth around an empty glass, stifling a quiet yawn with her other hand. The scent of spiced meat hovered through the bar from the kitchen. Tonight it was a dish called Nachos. She was curious about it, and trusted her keen chef to make it exciting for whomever decided to walk in tonight.

Soon, the portals would open and the crowds would flood in. She was there with drinks, company, and kind words for anyone who did. She cast her glance to her favourite barmaid, Y'velda, who was wiping down the last of the tables. She'd been a great addition to the establishment - and as Morgan put the freshly cleaned glass onto the shelf, she heard the familiar "pop" and "whoosh" of a portal outside.

That would be the first guest...

Please allow me to join as a casual regular.

Ummmm.... yas!. Please feel free to swing in and out whenever you want! :D
how dare u

Yes bitch, so?


Name: Morgan
Age: 33
Gender: Female

Tavern Owner, GM controlled character, moves events forwards.

Please do not IC post until I've made the first one, thank you!

A basic CS for the CHAR tab;


Personality Type:
Skills and Weaknesses:

Welcome to 7th Heaven! The best Tavern in this city!

We are located near several portals, of course - which means that just about anyone can end up here. We've had guests from the past, present, and future... People come from other planets and dimensions. There's truly no limit to the odd characters who walk through the door.

We tend to just kick back, relax, and enjoy the drinks here. Sometimes we have entertainment too. I'd just be careful of Monster Nights...

You know, when the portals freak out and spit out all manner of absolutely horrifying things! Don't let that put you off. We usually have a few capable fighters around to dispose of them so we can all carry on.

I've set up this space, as a free-for-all Tavern roleplay, sort of as an experiment mostly, and for fun too.

I used to run a roleplay "bar" on a social media site and I have such fond memories of the absolute shenanigans that happened. We did a lot of dumb theme nights, including an event where we each donned a canon slasher movie baddie and shot the shit over a pint. It's a writing experiment! Not to be taken seriously, just throw up a character, and come and spend some time inside! As many characters as you'd like! All good stories start in a Tavern... What if we just never leave?

Feel like writing a new character for a roleplay but you want to try them out a bit first? Bring them to the bar!

Any and all writing levels encouraged! :)

This is a Generic Fantasy™ style Tavern, but the strange and mysterious portals that surround the place spit out characters from all walks of life. So if you have a giant cyberpunk superhero, they're welcome! If you have an OC from a fandom you love, well, I guess they can find their way in too.


1. Post a brief outline of your character in the CHAR tab. Just an image, name, age, skills. No history required unless you'd like to do so. You don't need approval. Just jump in, as many characters as you want.
2. Don't spam post. This should be fun for everyone, so try not to double and triple post. Be considerate about hitting peak zoomies.
3. Don't flame in the OOC. IC interactions are not OOC interactions.
4. GM controls the mass monster events, but feel free to start your own fights with each other if you really want to.
5. Have fun!
6. Don't forget to tip your waitress.

7. Please don't make me regret doing this.

Corgis are my favourite.

Just like you're my favourite, Big G.
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