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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

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That's all the current sheets reviewed!

Anyone else who has expressed interest in joining, please continue to work on your sheets - let me know where you're at as we will be starting the roleplay this week.

Apologies for the delays on this, had a busy bit of IRL stuff whirly winding around.

This is a great sheet Poo!

It's very concise, but it's also to the point and none of it was wasted on anything insignificant. I like that Pu adds a touch of rogue-ishness to the party and I feel like he's going to be a lot of fun once you find your stride with him and carve out his place in the story. I can see him being a much needed breath of levity at times, but he's not without his own tragedies which I almost feel like he keeps locked away so as not to burden others. I do wonder how carrying that guilt affects him, and how we can tug at that string somehow in the roleplay. He feels very much like a mediator style character, always loyal, easy, and true. I love him! Super excited for you to play another redguard as well because we all loved Alim so much.

Please post in the tab :)

You have such a repetoire of differing characters, Tabby - it's fantastic! Shara is just another wonderful character of yours :D

I love that you whipped up your own art! Such a beautiful drawing as well that really tells a lot about Shara and speaks to how inspired you were by this character. I'm looking forward to her interactions with Raz - and with the rest of the party too, but the two orcs feel so different from each other, and yet so familiar as well - I can almost see a mentorly-type relationship eventually forming. She's had a very hard life which is easy to empathise with. I'd love to see her traumas explored, as well as her inner emotions and turmoils as well as I feel like she maybe hasn't fully explored and healed from them herself... I love that she changed her ways to "help instead of harm" and I can see that being a big theme with her throughout the roleplay, especially if as a group, they have to do some harm to get something done - how will that create conflict etc.

Well done Tabby for writing a really beautiful character - can't wait to see her in the game.
Certainly not as elaborate as most here, but hopefully she's good enough:

You are a fantastic writer.

I just wanted to say that before I said anything else. Your mind is brimming with ideas, and that's very apparent in this sheet. You are so very creative in the way that you craft up your characters - probably from a passing idea I'd imagine. You're the kind of person who obviously asks a "what if??" and rolls with it and it's fantastic. I love having you around in roleplays :)

Aud is brilliant, again.

I admire that you aren't afraid to give her ugly qualities, but shine a light on them in a way that feels super relatable and like I'm just one bad day away from being like that too. It's so so so human. You take a character with this monstrous curse/gift and make her so grounded in human emotion and it's incredible. Well done. She is of course, accepted.

A fantastic sheet, as always. You're a master of quiet details that create a colourful tapestry in your sheets. Everything in here feels precise, the tone is wonderful, and your pacing is expert - you throw in a small laugh at just the right time, everytime. A complete joy to read.

Garo feels like he's going to... Be involved in some way or another with various conflicts, considering the tone of the story the themes we're exploring. I know that you were trying very hard to make a "boring" character - but he's absolutely not at all, while he doesn't have the swashbuckling, spell-flinging past of many of the characters - he has a lot of character and layers and complexities which make him so compelling. I trust you to write this character in the roleplay, to continue to make him interesting, and to use that fucking brilliant skill you have to inspire and influence everyone else around you. You are the standard, dude.

Post him in the tab :)

I feel like I'm sounding like a broken record during this feedback session haha, but again, this is a character that feels very different to the kind you usually run, Greenie. I like that you're running with a Bosmer - this feels like a new challenge. The 'Lil Green' name feels distinctly you however, and I love to see it - that and, well, her parentage also feels super duper Greenie. So, while this is a very fresh concept and character, it just sings Greenie and all that I know about you. I'm excited, and it seems like you're excited to run this character as well. It's a very fun love-letter to many of the things you like. I love to see it.

A lovely sheet, really beautifully written with some careful little touches. I'm very happy with this one! Well done and please post in the tab :)
Not as fancy as some, but I'm here anyway...

First of all, how dare you not make a fancy pants sheet (jk)

Nah but seriously, this is a nice sheet and a nicer character. In a stream of change of paces this certainly stands out as well. This is a very different character for you but he still feels distinctly Schaft in that the writing you’ve done is always really in your voice, which you’ve done well not develop over the time I’ve known you.

Where we have quite aged adventurers, politicians... Gwilym also holds his own and has strengths and character notes the others don’t. I’m really impressed at how much each character so far in the list has drawn from a new place for the writer.

I trust you to write the dark areas of Gwilym because I really think you’re at your best when you’re writing on the fringes of dark material. It’s where you shine — but even with that said — seeing you write the light side of him is something I’m really anticipating because you also happy to write funny really well too.

Beautiful sheet, you let Gwilym do the talking and it was a pleasure to read. Happy to have it posted in the character tab :)

Ahh man, I love this character. There are so many elements in this that I love - the wounded soldier to trapped administrator to sneaky disruptor. I feel like Vraurdoin could be a lead character in some low key tv show/movie and even amongst a cast of “unique perspectives” he still stands out and holds his own.

Also, props for a beautifully edited sheet as well. It’s clear you thought this out and took your time on each part of it. I love the attention to detail and I’m excited to see him within the roleplay — is he going to be someone who might still try and undermine the characters or is this really just an adventure for him? As a GM, this character excites me — feel free to move into the character tab.
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