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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

So, if I am to revive this, would someone like to be co-GM?

I will probably offer because you know I can’t resist, but Poobear you must tell me NO if/when I inevitably do. Thanks in advance.
@Stormflyx May I enter my parent's dog, Lucy?

Hey man, why not?

Let’s do it!
I attended my deceased cat since I had ton of good pictures to pick from. I wonder if that's okay?

If not, I can instead attend one of my current cats (just need to take some good pictures of them).

Of course it is fine <3
Have replied, I hope that's okay.
It quite obviously had not been her day, Aeryn thought as she gazed down at her feet. A blister on the side of her ankle from walking. She prodded at it with her forefinger, the sharpness of her nail popped the skin and it began to leak down over her skin to pool upon the fabric of her sock. She shrugged at it nonchalantly, putting her boots back on again - the sting was only minor, and the rumble in her stomach louder.

She was at the last of her rations, and she pulled out from her bag the last strips of meat she had. They were worse for wear now, covered in the dirt from the inside lining of the bag, and dryer still. Luckily, she had her secret weapon tucked away. As she pulled it out, she licked her lips and almost smiled. The corners of her mouth curling mischievously as she turned the lid off the jar. It popped, and a small amount of steam flowed over the rim as she gazed down into the bubbling liquid. Chilli jam.

Happily, she dunked the strips of meat into the sauce. It would have been considered far too hot for a regular palette. She had witnessed men cry at a very sniff of the stuff, here she was being incredibly liberal in the application of it on her jerky.

Shrouded under her cloak, she remained hidden up in the branches of her chosen tree. Rations finished, she was still hungry. Her ears picked up the quiet little click-clack footsteps of a tree-beetle to her left. She raised a brow, and looked left and right as if by instinct, hoping nobody else was around even if she knew there was not. Swiftly, she grabbed the crunchy bug and shoved it into her mouth as it still wriggled in her grip. It wriggled more in her mouth, one of it's squirming legs escaped her lips until she bit down into the centre. It was... [i]Runny[/i. She frowned. "Blech," she mumbled out as it dribbled over her lip. There was only one thing that would wash down the taste.

And then she took a swig from the jam as if it were a drink. A sneaky, hot belch followed.

She was no longer hungry, and somewhere in the trunk of the tree, there would be a newly orphaned nest of tree beetles.

Some moments later, all hell had broken loose in the distance -- and that distance was coming toward her at full speed.

Her reflexes kicked in, and she armed herself first with the crossbow. Wolf was a bigger threat than the Gundarog, but the wolf was also a majestic beast, and the Gundarog was an ugly creature. The wolf would provide her with a nice warm pelt and enough meat to last her for days. But the Gundarog was an ugly creature.

If she left the Gundarog for the wolf, the beast would soon be full and come after her. She had to think fast.

Finally, she fired off a bolt from the crossbow -- directly above the Gundarog. She sent it splintering into a weakened branch on a nearby tree. It came tumbling down with a crash, right between the Gundarog and her.

"Give all rations and I kill wolf," she said.
Am I eligible or is Doodle disqualified on account of being too adorable?

Still waiting for your entry Bango man!

I'm in.

Reminder to get those babies in! :)

<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

XD I'll be entering my boy for sure XD

(now which of the bajillion pics should I pick......)

Still waaaaaaiting for some Greenie cat!
Hopefully at least c:

So, I've been here before. The registration was 6 years ago, dropped off about 2 and a half years ago, settled life problems (mostly) and now I'm here again. It's about what I remember. I like a mix of things really. Fantasy, a few fandoms, the game master business. I do what feels good at the time and I try to see it through, but interests change. So until I get to making proper descriptions, I'm afraid there's not much I can 'present' at the moment.

I'm not sure what I plan to do; I'll probably camp out in discussion areas and join a game once in a while for the time being. And that's it. Duty done, questions open and all that.

Welcome back to the Guild! Hopefully this time the site will stick for you :)
Hello everyone! I've been a member for a really long time, but at the same time I have been away for a minute. I'm back now and ready to RP, though!

So anyway, self introduction time. I enjoy collaborative, creative writing (AKA, role-playing) and I do it most days of the week unless I'm swamped with work. I'm always open to listening to plots and ideas and it's likely I won't say no if you want to RP with me, so go ahead and send me a message if you want to get something started. I hope I can get to know everyone... again!

Welcome back to the Guild. Don't leave it so long next time :)
Greetings everyone! My name is Zenrtich and I've been roleplaying for roughly 9 years now across different sites. I've recently come to a decision to join this site via a recommendation from a friend and I am excited to start my roleplaying journey here. I'll be in your care from now on!

Welcome to the Guild Zen!

Glad to have you here :) Looking forward to seeing you around :)
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