Avatar of SpicyMeatball


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current "I will not die today."
1 like
1 yr ago
It's almost time to play the fun game: Is this Strep throat, covid, a cold, a thyroid disorder or that I'm just dehydrated af.
5 yrs ago
Nursing School Rule #5: If you didn't document it, you didn't do it.
5 yrs ago
Nursing School Rule #3: What happens at clinical placement, no matter how shitty it may have been (literally or figuratively), stays at clinical placement.
5 yrs ago
I guess its been a while since I updated this status thing. I guess we could go with Nursing School Rule #1: The correct answer on a test is either potassium, airway or handwashing.


Resident Photographer, Roleplayer, Nurse

A Bit About Me:
First off, to introduce myself. My name is Chris. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read a little blurb about my life. I am a 25 year old guy living in the beautiful, arctic tundra known as Canada. My interests touch on too many things to completely list, but predominantly I am an avid photographer, a role-player (duh) and a gamer. While I started life here on the guild back in early 2018, I am no stranger to role-playing. I started out role-playing in various video games before I got serious and jumped head first into both forum role-play and 1x1s in Skype/Google Docs.

My main preferred settings for role-playing are, but not limited to: Slice of Life, Fantasy, Military, Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Apocalypse. I personally don't do fan-fictions, I only write for my OCs. Below, you'll find a link to my character stash for the Guild.

Click Me!

My Current RPs:
  • Stay tuned, 1x1 in the works ;)

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Norschtalen>

I second this. The first few characters have been made for almost a month now and we still haven't started, my faith in this RP is getting smaller every day. If we're not started in a week, I'm out.

Alright, I'm packing up. GM hasn't been on RPG for almost two weeks, I can't be bothered to stay in another RP that'll probably just fizzle if it ever gets off the ground.


The GM tends to be rather on/off. I'd like to keep playing, but unless she intends to make this a very played-controlled RP, I'm not sure if it'll even begin.

I second this. The first few characters have been made for almost a month now and we still haven't started, my faith in this RP is getting smaller every day. If we're not started in a week, I'm out.
Well, I'm back for good.

I'll need a day or two to get settled back in and catch up on what I missed, but I'll see about getting this rolling soon.

Good to hear! I'm excited to get this started.

@MissCapnCrunch Loving the character btw, giving me a few vibes from our last RP together. :P
Sorry about that. Currently without internet and just had a chance to check in. Hopefully I'll be back soon if you all plan to stick around for the long haul.

No worries, just one too many experiences with GMs that vanish.
Are you still looking for applicants? Would love to join if you'll have me.

I'm gonna say yes, mainly cause we only have two full submissions and the GM has been gone for five days now. That and I'd enjoy RPing with you once again.
Just a heads up. Sheet is in progress, taking it a step at a time on this go around. I normally have a habit of grinding out a character overnight and shipping it out as soon as I've finished them. Not something I'm willing to do this go around. I'm really trying to exercise some writing muscles, and push out a character that we'll all be satisfied with.

As said above, I can't wait to see it! And I totally get the whole pumping out a character overnight. It doesn't always feel the same as something that you put more time and effort into.
@Salty Spitoon Didn't realize how much I liked the name Malori. I love the CS, lots of detail.
For your consideration @Makani
EDIT1: Updated with a reference image.
EDIT2: Added a two-way radio to her gear. Likely the last edit.

Truth be told, an evening of snacks and movies with Santiago had been the most fun April had had with him in a while. The pair had met back at the Foster residence, where a parent-less home awaited them. After gathering every bit of junk food that April could dig out from the kitchen, the pair scurried up to her room like a couple of preschool kids and snuggled up in April’s bed. For the remainder of the night and into the early hours of the following day, the couple laid back and watched a few old classic horror movies, notably Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street.

While parties certainly could be fun, in April’s mind not one could hold a candle to nights like this.

As she woke up the next morning, it took her a few moments to realise that Santiago was no longer in bed with her. In fact, he was nowhere to be seen at all. With a slight shrug, the brunette crawled her way through the comforter and hopped off the bed, grabbing her fuzzy bathrobe to fight away the gentle shiver that ran down her back. She quickly paced into her bathroom and brushed her hair out of it’s borderline nightmare-ish case of bedhead, before the brunette proceeded downstairs. As her bare feet carried her down the carpeted staircase and onto the cool hardwood floor, she began to smell something lovely coming from the kitchen.

As April rounded the final corner into the kitchen, she couldn’t hold back a smile as she saw her dear Santiago cooking up some beautiful Belgian-style waffles. “Buenos días mi amor.” April paced up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and tucking her head into his back. “You even remembered the strawberries…my favourite.”

An hour later and with a breakfast eaten, the two had finally gotten ready for school. With a quick peck on the lips and a warm smile, the pair sped off in their respective white and red sports cars. There was no mistaking it, the two of them had so much in common.

Once she had arrived, April ran into the school and signed in, receiving a rather unsettling glare that just screamed “you’re late”. The brunette quickly scribbled her name down before taking off down the hallways once again. She’d completely missed her morning classes because of her spontaneous breakfast with Santiago. Completely worth it in her book, but it would likely cost her.

Collapsing into a seat at the trio’s normal table, she smiled to Chanel and Julie and tuned in to the conversation just as Julie mentioned doing something exciting. “What’d you have in mind, like a senior prank or something? I’d be down for some excitement!” April piped up, looking between the two of them. “If we do something like this, we have to do it like, all out. Something everyone will remember.”

I'm gonna go ahead and steal this post to say...

Happy Anniversary!

Please don't kill me Angie...
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