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"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


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The sail has... set!
An ostentatious fanfare of trumpets suddenly filled the air in the dock's boarding area, as a nobleman dressed in showy rich blue garments marched toward the boarding platform.

"Greetings, humble mariners and wayfarers! Apologies for my lateness, but I'm sure the grace of my presence now more than makes up for it," the man announced with a dignified smile as he stepped aboard the ship, a young exhausted-looking page in accompaniment behind him, carrying a large gold-studded luggage with both hands.

The captain noted the man's entrance, making a polite bow. "Welcome aboard, Sir Landon! Your accommodations have all been prepared below deck. Now that everyone has arrived, we should be able to set off in a jiffy!"

Sir Landon inspected the ship, stroking his lightly stubbled chin, his feathered hat fluttering in the wind as he signaled to his page. "Go on then Luca, get my things prepared," he spoke in his posh tone as his young assistant huffed and dragged the sizable suitcase along, struggling down the creaky stairs.

Sir Landon then turned to the captain, giving a nod of mild approval. "My thanks, captain. I do hope we will be able to make good time on our trip? It would be an absolute disaster if I were late to my good sister's wedding banquet in Fairport. The Duke would not be pleased!" he continued, entitlement dripping with every word.

The captain gave a hesitant smile and a nod. "Not to worry Sir, this wooden lassie here's as quick and reliable as they get. With the expected winds we should be able to make the trip within three or four days, barring any unforeseen events."

Sir Landon gave a tentative "hmm", looking judicially towards the sea. "I do hope so, captain," he replied in a tone of finality, before pacing towards the stairs. "Please get us moving as soon as possible then, captain," the nobleman turned to lightly tip his hat before proceeding downstairs, calling for his page Luca.

@wierdw @BSwizzle @A5G @Zim0cron @Grade @Remuri @Frank @Sanity43217 @Dark Cloud

And so with all expected passengers aboard, the captain soon made the final announcement to depart, a high pitched whistle that set the rest of the crew in motion with their last preparations. Untying the dock lines, the ship soon pushed out of the harbor and began its wavy journey into the oceanic horizon.


Now, will look to get the ship sailing with the next post of mine, hopefully!

Soon (tm)
@Dark Cloud

The captain gave Valen a wistful smile, glancing towards the distant clouds for a moment. "Those were some good times back then, weren't they?" He sighed, chuckling, throwing up his fists playfully, reminiscent of the bar rumbles they'd had in days long past. "Sounds like we've got a lot to catch up on, old friend. Once I get this lassie on the road, we should have a nice cup of ale or two together." He gave Valen a firm, encouraging pat on the shoulder, before busily continuing with departure preparations.


The noble lady blinked at the wheelchaired man's request, studying the card one more time before handing it to him with wordless curiosity.

She listened to his comments, a look of concern developing. At his request, she exchanged a look with her guard, before hesitantly turning back to the man. "...Thank you much sir but I am not in need of any help..." There was a discomfort to her voice, perhaps caused by suspicion, unwillingess to divulge her personal matters, or having to uphold a certain level of a facade. Ultimately she gave a polite smile, glancing at her guard once again.


At the bulky woman's approach, Lady DeVespe was visibly startled as she took a small step backwards. At Barbara's comments, the noble lady's cheeks turned flush, a look of conflicted recognition flashing in her eyes. "Err..." she stammered, clasping her hands together and kneading with anxiety. "I... we... err..." Finally she let out a surrendered sigh, smiling politely at Barbara, cheeks no less flushed. "T-thank you... Barbara, for your... errm--invitation. I will--I will consider it..." Lady DeVespe awkwardly cleared her throat, giving the woman an embarrassed smile.


Lady DeVespe's guard suddenly stumbled toward Barbara, his arm flailing weakly at the sturdy woman, knocking her lightly on the shoulder. The man looked at his arm, confused, then at Barbara, and then his lady. "Uh... sorry," he muttered to the woman, before stepping back towards the taffrail and examining it for suspicious signs of how his arm just took a swing on its own.

Lady DeVespe was confused at this as well, stroking her eyebrow with a finger and glancing at her guard, before looking back to Barbara cluelessly.


The ronin's search for a merchant soon brought him back to the quartermaster who handled his room exchange request. The man looked up at him, slight irritation returning to his expression. "You again? What is it now? Don't tell me you want your room back."

When he realized Nanashi was looking to buy arrows, his impatience turned to slight intrigue. "Well, yes, I can provide you with arrows, given you have the funds to pay for them." A smugness flashed through his eyes before his business-like demeanor returned. "How many arrows are you looking for? I can provide..." He looked to his supplies, taking a handful of standard wooden arrows from a tray. "...ten for four gold pieces." He handed Nanashi a single arrow for inspection. "Or if you would like to purchase in bulk, fourty for fourteen gold pieces." A hand idly stroked his short curly mustache as he waited for Nanashi's reply.

When the quartermaster realized that Nanashi was looking for a special type of arrow that would only fit his bow, his interested expression faded, replaced with his typical scowl. "We don't have that type of thing."
@Dark Cloud Hullo~ I will attempt an update!
@Dark Cloud Oke. Ya we are getting close to setting off, prob on my next update I will get things rolling
@wierdw @Frank

Lady DeVespe glanced down at the card, blinking blankly in slight confusion. As she read the message contained on the inside, she blinked again, furrowing her brows. It was hard to tell whether she was more confused, suspicious, or impressed, as she held the card in her hand, unsure of what to do about it, or its owner's apparent offer to make her a dress. In any case, she soon hesitantly put the card away, glancing to her guards who seemed no less baffled than she herself.

She turned to Gulbahg, lips slightly parting to speak, but taking another moment to consider. "...I don't believe that..." - she pauses to think of the right word - "...passenger poses a particular threat to me. Though perhaps it would be best to keep our distance."

She took out the card again, running her fingers over the letters scorched into the paper. A whimsy seemed to cross her mind momentarily, before she shook it away, refocusing her attention on some other more dire business.

"Erm, yes, you may go. I will call for you as needed." She nodded to Gulbahg, before returning her gaze to the sea, her other guard standing watch dutifully nearby.


She was a little startled when the man in the wheelchair approached her, asking about the business with the other passenger - Ember, as it seemed he was called according to his 'card'.

She gave a polite nod in greeting - the trained habit of a noblewoman - before addressing his question.

"I was offered a... fashion opportunity, I believe..." Her words carried an amused tone as she took out the card again, glancing at it. "...A dress, I think?..." She glanced down at her own attire, pouting slightly, before shrugging at the man. "Unfortunately I'm a little pre-occupied at the moment to concern myself with fashion," she gave a wry smile, her eyes glancing over the man's sitting mechanism with a hint of curiosity as well as unease.
@Dark Cloud Oke, g'night!~
<Snipped quote by spiral origin>

Ah, that must be why I'm out of the loop. I don't use Discord

Ah alright, that's okay, it's optional to join. We do discuss the game a decent amount there which is why this OOC thread is so empty haha
Btw feel free to join us in our random little Discord server where we discuss the game: discord.gg/5kSKmg2u
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