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It honestly feels like it's 1979. And I wasn't even around then
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"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


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Ember's really on the border line tbh but it's mainly the lack of (typical) vulnerabilities that has me concerned.
@Zyx Really cool character but I'm thinking he might be just a tad bit too strong for this... mainly it's the 'practically immortal and resurrects within seconds of death' thing that has me concerned. Also being able to sustain an undead army of 500 men. I guess he just feels in a certain sense a bit too 'invulnerable' for the overall feel of the game...
@Zyx Heya, yeah I think we could fit you in if you like. Probably want to get caught up in the IC thread but basically the ship just recently set sail. Feel free to post a character if you like. I'd suggest a somewhat less "noticeable" character -- for example a highly decorated noble wouldn't work too well since they surely would have been noticed by the other characters by now.
@Dark Cloud

Captain Owyn poured himself another cup of rum, chuckling at Valen's comments about the nobles. "The lady I don't know much about, just goes by Lady DeVespe. Ah think she's some sort'a foreign diplomat, real shy type, 'specially for keepin' 'round so many guards." He took a gulp of rum, relaxing back in his chair.

"Other fellow... Sir Landon Gaensburg, e's some Duke's nephew. Could definitely use less o' him 'round here... don't tell 'im ah said that though." Owyn chuckled again, taking another gulp.

"But nobles, they pay good gold... well, as long as they don't go askin' fer refunds after." He grimaced, glancing towards the door. "I may have been avoidin' that Landon fella..." he whispered conspiratorially.

"...Anyway, don't you go accusin' me of sellin' out to nobles now. A man's gotta do what he can to stay afloat!" He took another chug, another satisfied gulp. "Don't tell me you've never worked for a noble before?" he gestured his cup towards Valen with a curious lighthearted grin.
@Dark Cloud No rush, my GM/NPC replies usually take like a day anyway xP
@Dark Cloud Sounds gud!

"Luca! Do be careful with my luggage, boy! Just the case is worth more than half this ship, I suspect!" Sir Landon called after his page as he made his way towards his suite, when one of the wooden beams underneath his foot suddenly shifted unexpectedly, causing the nobleman to losing his footing and slip, falling onto the floor with an embarrassing face-first crash.


The nobleman quickly stumbled to his feet, his eyes darting around angrily, before examining the wooden board on the ground.

"This is utterly UNNACCEPTABLE! What sort of a ship is this, to be in such utter disrepair!? I could have been KILLED!" his clamorous voice rang out across the ship, making many of the crewmen and passengers look his way.

"I want to speak to the captain IMMEDIATELY! This will NOT go unaddressed!" Sir Landon stomped about, eyeing the crewmen, who were unsure about what to do.

Soon the first mate approached the nobleman, trying to calm him down. "S-sir, we're very sorry for the inconvenience... err, would a discount on your next trip with us make up for it?..."

Sir Landon eyed the sizable first mate from top to bottom, his eyes bulging with anger. "You are mad if you think I'd ever step foot on this horrid piece of wood again! A 'discount' will absolutely NOT do! I demand FULL reimbursement of my ticket, in addition to a formal apology!" he teemed with resentment. "To think that I could have DIED here, after only being on board for MINUTES!"

The first mate fiddled with his fingers in uneasiness. "Err, right then, Sir, l-let me just check with the captain and the rest of the crew and see what we can offer you. I-In the meantime, please enjoy your cabin, and let us know if there's anything else we can do for you!..." the large man said before quickly scurrying off.

Sir Landon gave a discontented "hmph!", pacing about angrily for several cycles before finally retiring to his room, giving his page an audible scolding for leaving his side which nearly resulted in a catastrophic incident.
Current game time is about 8-9 AM. Capsize will happen at night, around 3 AM. So that gives us about 18-ish hours in-game time before capsize. Alternatively if we want more time, we can have it capsize on the night of the next day, which would be in about 42 hours in-game. We'll see what works!
The sail has... set!
An ostentatious fanfare of trumpets suddenly filled the air in the dock's boarding area, as a nobleman dressed in showy rich blue garments marched toward the boarding platform.

"Greetings, humble mariners and wayfarers! Apologies for my lateness, but I'm sure the grace of my presence now more than makes up for it," the man announced with a dignified smile as he stepped aboard the ship, a young exhausted-looking page in accompaniment behind him, carrying a large gold-studded luggage with both hands.

The captain noted the man's entrance, making a polite bow. "Welcome aboard, Sir Landon! Your accommodations have all been prepared below deck. Now that everyone has arrived, we should be able to set off in a jiffy!"

Sir Landon inspected the ship, stroking his lightly stubbled chin, his feathered hat fluttering in the wind as he signaled to his page. "Go on then Luca, get my things prepared," he spoke in his posh tone as his young assistant huffed and dragged the sizable suitcase along, struggling down the creaky stairs.

Sir Landon then turned to the captain, giving a nod of mild approval. "My thanks, captain. I do hope we will be able to make good time on our trip? It would be an absolute disaster if I were late to my good sister's wedding banquet in Fairport. The Duke would not be pleased!" he continued, entitlement dripping with every word.

The captain gave a hesitant smile and a nod. "Not to worry Sir, this wooden lassie here's as quick and reliable as they get. With the expected winds we should be able to make the trip within three or four days, barring any unforeseen events."

Sir Landon gave a tentative "hmm", looking judicially towards the sea. "I do hope so, captain," he replied in a tone of finality, before pacing towards the stairs. "Please get us moving as soon as possible then, captain," the nobleman turned to lightly tip his hat before proceeding downstairs, calling for his page Luca.

@wierdw @BSwizzle @A5G @Zim0cron @Grade @Remuri @Frank @Sanity43217 @Dark Cloud

And so with all expected passengers aboard, the captain soon made the final announcement to depart, a high pitched whistle that set the rest of the crew in motion with their last preparations. Untying the dock lines, the ship soon pushed out of the harbor and began its wavy journey into the oceanic horizon.

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