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It honestly feels like it's 1979. And I wasn't even around then
3 yrs ago
"That's kinda gay bro" -Socrates, 420 BC


slightly suspicious furball

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@Eviledd1984 Neat, feel free to post their details!

With Sir Landon neutralized by the ronin, the rest of the day, afternoon, and evening went fairly smoothly, with few notable events to disturb the ship as it sailed along peacefully towards its destination. Towards the late evening, a light rain had started to drizzle down on the deck from dark gray clouds above--nothing concerning, though it did rile up the waves a bit, causing the ship to wobble more than usual. By midnight, the drizzle had evolved into a heavy rain, but all was still steady enough, nothing the captain and crewmates hadn't seen before.

Below deck in the hammock area, mostly everyone was asleep at this point, their snores drowned out by the pattering of rain on wood. The little girl from the family of three however was very much awake, curled up in her parents' arms looking frightened by the troubling weather. Sir Landon had begun to stir awake as well, mumbling something in the darkness of his cabin, his page sound asleep in the other bed. In an adjacent cabin, Lady DeVespe was having a bit of trouble sleeping, tossing in her bed, her servant keeping an eye out for her.

It was a bumpy, disquieting night, but everything seemed relatively alright... until suddenly, the crack of thunder struck the surface of the ocean near the ship, causing the waves to enter a riotous tumult. The first boom was followed by more, as the ship's turbulence worsened. Tables and chairs were being knocked down, sliding to one side, then the other, and random food items and miscellaneous objects were rolling about on the ground. Even crewmates were falling out of their hammocks, their alarm and unease evident.

The little girl was crying loudly at this point, her parents trying to calm her, if not themselves. Yelling could be heard on deck, the waves having gotten so chaotic that large amounts of water were being splashed on-board, the crewmates hurriedly trying to mitigate the situation. The captain was on deck, trying his best to steer the ship to face the waves and plow through them safely, but things only seemed to be getting worse, the waves crashing against the ship's hull with increasing intensity. The old man was on deck was well, doing what he could do help, feeble as he looked. Up above in the midnight sky, the storm clouds loomed, glowing a strange and ominous purple, as devastating bolts of lightning crashed down all around the vessel.

When a stray bolt hit the side of the ship, the sharp crack of breaking wood was unmistakable, as the ship was sent into a violent swing, sending several crew members tumbling over the railing into the stormy depths below. There was now also a breach on the side of the vessel, seawater pouring into the dining area below deck. Crewmates frantically rushed to try to plug the break, but slowly the water was still leaking in, with no easy way to be disposed. Lady DeVespe and her guard rushed out of their cabin, trying to do what they could to help control the invading water which was slowly rising to ankle-height in the dining room.

Panic was in full swing, crew members and passengers alike yelling and scampering about the deteriorating ship, being thrown around by the raging sea. And things only seemed to be getting desperately worse by the moment...
Are we ready for time skip?
Just asking, can new players join after the even?

After the crash? Umm I guess, though their character selection would be pretty limited. They'd basically need to be someone who was keeping a rather low profile the whole time on the ship.
@wierdw @Zim0cron @Pakde @A5G @Remuri

A loud and invasive knocking could be heard in the common area below deck, surely disturbing to any who were trying to sleep. "I DEMAND to speak to the captain, RIGHT this instant!" Sir Landon's hostile voice rose above all else, as the banging on the door of the captain's quarters continued.

Finally the door opened and the captain stood there, ever-tolerant with a courteous smile. "Sir Landon. Is something the matter?"

Sucking in a hiss through his teeth, the nobleman grabbed the captain by the collar, his eyes bulging with anger. "YES, something is the MATTER! The conditions on this ship are BEYOND HORRENDOUS! I have NEVER in my life been subjected to such inhospitable FARCE!" He continued without even a slight pause, the captain helpless but to endure his words. "Did you know the ship has diseased rats running about the dining area!? One attacked me and nearly gnawed off my hand if it wasn't for my agile reflexes. And your crew dared to mock me and assert that I imagined the whole thing! Absolutely outrageous! I will speak to Lilly and she will attest to my statements! Tell me what cabin she is in, right now!"

The captain's hands were raised as he tried to patiently calm down the nobleman. "Okay, just slow down a bit my lord, now who is it that you're looking for? Lilly?... I'm not sure if we have someone by that name on board--"

"Lilly de Rochechouart de Mortemart!" he yelled, shakily tugging on the captain's collars. "The blonde woman in the yellow dress! Yolande's cousin! She had a dark-haired servant girl with her!" Sir Landon looked more desperate by the moment, meanwhile the captain could only give him an earnestly confused look.

"I-I'm sorry sir, but I don't know if we have any such characters on board... are you perhaps... feeling alright?..." the captain looked at Landon with genuine concern, as the nobleman let out a frustrated growl.

"Don't you DARE look at me like that! I SPOKE with the woman MINUTES AGO! We were having TEA! I did NOT imagine her, OR that huge rabid RAT!"

Shoving the captain aside, he stomped towards the cabins, banging on them loudly one by one. "LILLY! WHERE ARE YOU!? COME OUT RIGHT NOW!"

The nearby crewmates and passengers had to glance his way and watch with concerned amusement as 'Lilly' was nowhere to be found.

Lady DeVespe exchanged a look with her guard as the man addressed his concerns about her situation.

After a moment of consideration about his question regarding magic, the noblewoman lightly shook her head. "No I don't--I don't do that sort of thing..."

She glanced around warily as if there were spies listening to the conversation, before stepping towards Wheelo, speaking in a hushed voice.

"Okay, look... there may be some dangerous people after me, because I am a rather... controversial public figure, especially where I am headed. Yet I must do what my duty demands," she sighed.

"It is a very sensitive issue and I don't want to get anyone else involved in it, especially someone of your... physical situation. And so, I appreciate your concern, good sir, but please know that it is not something that I can discuss publicly." She gave him a conflicted smile.

"What--EUAGH!" Landon yowled as the hot tea spattered all over his royal blue garments, causing him to jump out of his seat. He looked to Lilly in total bewilderment before noticing the rabid rodent skittering towards him from the bench, causing him to shriek in a pitch that almost matched the disguised noblewoman's. Reeling in horror he tripped over his chair, stumbling to the ground and scurrying away for his life, eventually taking refuge underneath a table in the corner where two crewmates were having breakfast. The crewmates looked down at Landon before glancing around, unsure of what was happening, as others in the room turned towards the commotion as well.

"T-There's a monstrous vermin there! S-Somebody quickly, get rid of it!" the frightened nobleman pointed towards his table, his finger trembling. His page soon rushed to his attendance, searching the nearby floors for the said creature.

One of the crewmates sitting at the table shrugged after a quick scan of the room. "I don't see no monster anywhere... all I see is a sissy hidin' under a table," he grinned as the room broke into laughter. Landon, still bewildered, looked to his page, who shook his head after being unable to locate the rodent. Hesitantly, the nobleman emerged from the table, red-faced and shocked as the sailors around the room continued to laugh.

"There was a gigantic rat coming after me!" he contested, which only made the laughter more raucous. Finally he stomped towards Lilly, angry and humiliated, still checking the floors vigorously for the threat. "You saw it, didn't you!? The thing looked like it was diseased! Tell these fools to stop laughing and find it!" he demanded of Lilly, huffing as he looked around contemptuously at the crewmates amused at his expense.

"Oh, hello," the noblewoman gave a lukewarm smile and a wave. She seemed notably concerned when the small ship caught up to deliver aboard the new traveler, though she seemed a little calmer now. She listened to the man in the wheelchair seemingly stumble on his words, blinking with curious concern as he asked her about her combat capabilities. She glanced at her guard, who was attentively standing by, seemingly always vigilant.

"W-well, it's mostly my guard here who deals with matters of combat. We try to avoid it whenever possible, of course." She then quickly pursed her lips as if she'd already said too much, while glancing around briefly, perhaps for her other guard. "What brings you to ask such a question, good sir?" she queried, looking mildly concerned.
Do you collect anything?


The angel does a stretch, leaning back in his seat, feet on the table. He slurps on his slushie, taking a satisfying gulp. "Hmm, yeah I do, let's see... I collect money, hotties, and bubblebaths. Send any you got my way, thanks."

What advice would you have for your younger self?
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