Andrea Pasternack
Warm lit cabin rooms, feather beds, mini fridge to hold up all of the students and guests on their way to the academy; all pre-paid expenses on behalf of the dean of the 218 establishment. Such luxuries were not often made available. Boats she were familiar with held small families on fishing trips, or to run along the coast for a refreshing salty breeze to run through your hair. As a California girl, Andrea wasn't particularly keen on escaping the warm confines of her room and gazing outside the window to actually experience the trip outside. But upon receiving the information that they may be docking in as little as fifteen minutes, thoughts crept up on her. That perhaps it would be absolutely lovely to see her destination crawling up on the horizon, and maybe to snap some shots of snow on the rails of the boat, or little flakes getting caught in her hair. She gazed outside of her window, and saw luminescent apparitions hovering above the freezing, dark seawater. A ghastly sight, surely, but Andrea looked at it as a sight of comfort. They were always able to be relied on, no matter where she was. It was safe to say that living the experience desensitized her to ghost stories and movies.
She began flirting more and more with the idea of watching her new residency coming into view, and to stop being some lazy bones and get to know the sort of people she'll practically be living with. She stared at the screen of her laptop.
This Stanford homework has been annoying her with all of its nuances all night.
She slapped it shut and slipped her stocked feet into her heeled boots, pulling the edges around her heel and sides of her feet. From her coat rack, she pulled off a gray wool peacoat, and some furry earmuffs. She hastily wrapped a Christmas-themed scarf around her neck - she never had a purpose for a scarf during any other time of the year. She checked her phone for a brief moment - no service, as to be expected in the middle of the ocean. She hurried to push the door open, and was met with a gentle flurry of snow. Andrea was immediately enraptured by the pretty sight. The wind shifted, and her eyes followed the snow in the air until they landed on the builds ahead looming over the ship.
Turns out they were closer than she thought. Five points for procrastination.
'Come on, normally I'm better than this.'Still, her thoughts didn't stop her from rushing over to the rails, turning around, and taking a picture of herself with the academy in the background. She looked it over. Her favorite smiling pose, snow caught in her hair, the luminosity of her blue eyes was intense, and it really captured the immense trepidation of approaching the island.
She deleted it.
Andrea then stuck her phone out again, and this time, thew a peace sign right against her face, and encapsulated what was basically the same photo again. She giggled to herself out of satisfaction and from the silliness of the situation she caught herself in, but whatever. She figured there was nothing wrong with what made somebody the most happy. She deposited the phone back into her pocket.
She looked up to see the rest of the passengers. Many of them were smiling and pointed at the coming academy, taking pictures much like she was, and others seemed to take it in stride and carried on their conversations as if it were nothing. Snowbirds, like Andrea, were likely hidden away in their cabins. She looked down at the tier below hers, on the main deck, to see a great amount of people getting ready to get off of the ship. On the tier above, there was one person in particular that caught her eye. Though a silhouette in the evening sky, they were sitting on the tip of their tier, facing the school. Their arms were crossed and he was resting his head down. Their legs dangled from the edge. A fairly large person, it seemed. Must be a man.
A frozen breeze took her attention off him real quick. She rubbed her legs together. On the bright side, they won't be stuck on this boat for too much longer. Soon they will dock, everybody will get their things, and everyone will be in the war indoors in no time. Truth be told, there were all manners of people! And certainly, while it meant that some of them were bad apples, she couldn't wait to find all the good people ripe for the picking!
Well, metaphorically of course.
Abraham Gene
Of all the possibilities - that is, the possible routes, alternatives,
means of getting to 218 - he had to be stuck on public transportation. His father wasn't keen on getting him private transport after all the shenanigans Abe has been up to, so he wasn't provided with it - just the transport from his Chicago residence to the airport in Alaska. Even then, that wasn't private either. If Abe had a choice in the matter, he wouldn't have gone to a fucking
school at all. He's already
been there and
done that back in private high. However, it was either this or yet
another conviction. The shame of going to a public academy was no more shameful than spending a romantic night with filthy inmates.
And by romantic, he meant splitting every one of their sternums.
But honestly, they had it coming the first night around. First time convict? Usually they're easy pickings. They didn't realize Abe was a meta, and had no qualms or hesitation with raising dukes and mopping the floor with them. In a way, a prison sentence was like jackpot where he could potentially mow through legions of scum before the guards restrained him and put him in isolation.
Except that a prison sentence became a stigma and social marker. Set him apart as something worse than the rest of society. And the idea of being seen as inferior to spineless sheep? It set a fire in him.
So the alternative? Live with them. The sheep. Ugh, it was embarrassing to be here. Hopefully there were a couple of gems to be gleamed in the piles of shit. And some girls! Some hot girls, at that! He looked down to see a blondie looking up at him. Her eyes were squinting, an her attention was taken away by a cold breeze. What a shame. So she couldn't see him winking at her? No matter, he could always hit up those fine pair of legs later. More importantly...
Abe looked up at the buildings overlooking their cruise ship.
He had to come up with an idea. Take advantage of this trip however he could. As long as he was stuck with bottom feeders and nancies, he might as well play their game, walk their walk. Flash some cash if it helps, but most importantly, stay the boss. If they're going to be locked up on a island like its a prison, it may as well be one. From his prying, turns out there will be teams in their arena-styled gyms. If there were sparring matches to be had, then that'd be fantastic. Good fun and a social ladder in one. If he could bestow himself king-hood, he could at least make his stay here at least somewhat tolerable.
He didn't know who he'd have to fight. He didn't care. The man has long since promised himself that losing wasn't an option anymore. As much as Abe preferred it, it didn't matter if he won. He just shouldn't lose.
Abraham took a deep breath of the icy air that stung his lungs. The weather here was much colder than winters in Boston, as to be expected.
He decided. At least for now, no show-boating like he usually did. At least, not his power. Only make his power obvious when he has to. Until then, Abe had every intention of making himself known for
him. Not for the fact he was a terrakinetic.
But for the fact that if you wanted to win, you stuck to Abraham. That's how it worked in the modern world.