Avatar of Spoopy Scary


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Current i hear dies irae bells ringing in my ossicles every time i claw from the dirt and peer wistfully through the rpg tomb doors thinking, "one last job..." another bony finger of the monkey's paw curls up
3 yrs ago
i can't believe it's already christmas today
4 yrs ago
*skeletal hand emerges from an unmarked grave* the drive thru forgot my side order
4 yrs ago
Imagine having an opinion on rpg dot com
4 yrs ago
Let’s play a game where you try to sext me and I call the police
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Maybe the real plot was the friends we made along the way. [Last Updated: February 1, 2025]

I'm too old for this shit and I have learned not to share too much of my personal life on the internet. I earned a 4-year English degree, work as an English and writing tutor at a local college, a communications copywriter for a non-profit, and I'm a development editor at an academic publishing company. That means I word good.

I like literature and poetry. I first started writing as a hobby with online roleplay at the start of 2010, and I've slowly drifted away from it in recent years. I enjoy most genres, but if I had to pick a couple of favorites, they would be sci-fi and high fantasy—heavy emphasis on the high fantasy. Some of my favorite moments have come from Elder Scrolls roleplays, since it appeals to the D&D nerd in me.

I have a tendency to get carried away with making my character sheets. I've always been a fan of characters overcoming their weaknesses and obstacles and I try to make that show in many of my characters. Therefore, many of the narratives I explore come from a place of vulnerability, but I try to balance the heavy themes with light whimsy. Sometimes though that door swings the other way and I lean into the whimsy while sneaking in moments of vulnerability.

I also try to research whatever it is I'm writing about so that I'm not just spitting into the wind. Unless that's what my character is doing, in which case I try to make sure that's made clear in my writing. Sometimes that gets in the way, like in the case of blacksmith character I wanted to make but felt compelled to study up on blacksmithing first (don't fall into that trap, no one really gives a shit).

It’s kind of hard to define my style, as I’m influenced by all sorts of literary movements and schools of criticism; dark romanticism, modernism, post-modernism, Marxism, feminism, post-structuralism—I have a lot of isms in my pocket. Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of my favorite dark romantic authors, Dickinson is one of my favorite naturalist poets, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Langston Hughes, and Robert Frost—they’ve all in some ways informed my writing, as well as many others. I even tend to look to some of my fellow guild mates for inspiration or analyze what I like about their writing and see what I can do to improve my own through their example.

Prime Rib Boneheads
@Luminous Beings
[@Shin Ghost Note]
Calcium Supplements
Rest in peace, @Polymorpheus
@Byrd Man

These Tickle My Funny Bone
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Currently in no roleplays.

Most Recent Posts

Reyna Baker, Archie Davis, and Arianna

The night before, somewhere in Prince Ed-Field.

After the surprisingly smooth drive (considering Ari's general personality), the ragtag threesome had made it to what was presumably a safe distance. And upon that, they ended up in the front lot of a dive bar. Flickering neon lights contrasted the darkness - not even the moon or the stars shone through the dense cloud cover that had blanketed the night sky, and a single street light by the lot lit the area up with an artificial yellow light. Neither did that serve to penetrate the thick gloom.

Archie, still in the back of the van, began typing before exiting the vehicle, going back to using the TTS program. "Surprisingly uneventful drive." He commented, motioning towards Arianna. "My first day in Baybridge and I'm already accomplice to burglary."

Reyna felt half asleep, leaning against the hood of the van with her leather jacket wrapped around her like a blanket. She was busy trying to massage away the pain and soreness she felt in her knuckles and in her elbow. They were purple. Both her hands, and what seemed like the entirety of one of her arms felt like hell, but even between her pain and exhaustion she managed to pick up on the voice that came from Archie's phone. She only looked at him with a scolding glare lacking any sympathy. Archie sought to return the best glare he could, but with that mask of his, it wasn't discernible at all.

"Did you expect any less?" Arianna said in reply to Archie, parking and looking over the seat to her friend. She made a face suddenly, as if she was remembering something, and stuck her hand into her blazer pocket, only to pull out a rolex watch.

"I picked something up for you." she said, tossing it onto his lap. While he wouldn't be able to prove it was a rolex easily without the papers, anyone who appraised professionally it would be able to figure it out pretty easily.

"Figured you'd like it."

"It's better than the last one." Archie replied a moment later, pocketing the watch. He began typing once more - "We gotta go see Goldie later, I'm guessing?"

"Of course. The regular. Everything not made of paper gets put into the vault." Ari said, shrugging. Solid items like watches or rings or gold bars were too easy to track if she sold too many at once, or too often. The last thing she wanted was attention.

"Well first things first." Archie continued, the speech coming with a little delay as he typed, "A safe place to crash would be nice. I don't have anything set up. You?"

"I move from place to place. I'll crash in the Microcosm if need be. I can get a hotel room." Arianna said, seemingly uninterested. She turned to look at Reyna with some concern though. "You have a place? We can drop you off somewhere?"

Reyna looked at Arianna, almost insulted. Her sour expression had at least returned after the couple hours of reeling from what her life was spiraling down to, but needless to say, it bore little improvement on her mood. She slowly stood herself up and made slow, weary paces towards her. "Oh, you know... only the first place I had asked you to bring me, but now that I'm technically on the run, that isn't an option now. Is it?"

"Technically, but the person in that truck isn't you. I altered her looks. She's similar, but as far as RAVEN will be concerned, you only signed in at the front. The bitch who beat the hell out of the agent just happened to dress similarly." Arianna explained, finally getting out of the car. She leaned on the vehicle, resting her arms on the roof of the car.

"Well..." Reyna sighed deeply. She kicked a stone and watched it skid across the lot. "Since hospitals will probably see my face and think, 'oh, that looks like the bitch on the news', and every pharmacy is now fucking closed this way late at night, I guess my only option is to stop standing around out here and drink rubbing alcohol."

As if to show her point, she revealed her hands from behind her jackets, showing the ugly bruises on her hands, and nudged her head toward the bar. One of her arms remained still. It was easy to infer that it hurt to move it.

"I have a suggestion, if you want to hear it." Archie typed out, directed at Reyna.

Arianna pointed to Archie, as if she was a teacher. "Yes! To the man on the front with a letter for a face!"

Reyna sighed in resignation. She mumbled, "It can't be any more useless than all the previous ones..."

Archie nodded, and typed again, "This way." He waved the two over, turned and walked back to the Honda, to retrieve his belongings. Reyna stubbornly stood where she was, in pain and already irritated. He typed along the way, "I am in possession of the perfect non-Euclidean environment in which people in your position may find sanctuary within." He took out his backpack, placing it on the lot below his feet, unzipped it, and began pulling out the opening of the bag inside. Once the bag was laid out on the ground, in such a way that any of them could just jump in, Archie delivered one more comment - "Whackety whack, get in my sack."

Reyna only stared at Archie, and bottom jaw slowly dropping. If she was getting this straight, this weirdo with a bag on his head wanted her to crawl inside of whatever mystery bag he had in store for her.

"Whatever you're thinking, the answer is yes." Arianna said, checking her main phone for any texts from her mother. To her (lack of) surprise, there was nothing. "After everything you've seen tonight, is this really that fucked?"

Reyna shot a look of indigence at Arianna. "You set me up to get harassed by a creep, which turned into a fight he started, I get arrested for it, you kidnap me, and you want me to accept this dumb ass' offer to crawl into his bag?"

"As I said, you threw the punch." Arianna said, turning off her phone and smiling to her new-found acquaintance. "But in short terms, yeah, pretty much. If you want to."

Reyna took a deep breath and nodded. Then she turned on her heels and stomped her way toward the entrance of the bar, shaking her head and muttering to herself all the while. There was only one bright side to be found in all of this, she figured. It was getting her blood boiling enough that her pain was beginning to subside. Still, it wouldn't last long. She personally made it a point to not drink a whole lot - not after what happened to Mia, but there had to be exceptions in some cases.

Ari watched her stalk off and frowned. She had a hard time with people in general. Both her and her mother were fairly unorthodox when it came to socializing with anyone or thing, and that's probably why she and Archie were as close as they were. But Reyna had mentioned that she had a sister. That had struck something very lightly with her. Despite everything she has trained herself to do, she let that small feeling of guilt take hold.

"Hey, Archie, I'm going to go and check on her. I'll be back in a moment, unless you want to come with."

"Go on ahead." Archie replied, as he went to pick up the bag and its container. "I'm going to scout out a better hiding place for the van."

Arianna nodded. "I'll give you a hand." She commented, stepping into two different directions. One copy following Reyna and the other remaining where she was. "Lead on, Arch."

Reyna had pushed open the door of the bar with her shoulder, and the bell rang from behind her. Arianna stretched her arm to catch the door before it closed, and as she come closer she checked to see if anyone was paying attention (which was thankfully no one). She took in the atmosphere for a moment. Very dimly lit, minimal lighting, half the tables had their chairs upside down on them, and there were only a couple of people who remained here. The television was nearly muted, and soft music was playing for the night's ambiance. She trudged over to the bar, and climbed onto one of its stools. She set her good arm on the table and leaned her face against it. God, she felt exhausted.

"That looks none too pretty." Reyna heard a voice say. When she looked up, it was the barkeeper. In response, she only shrugged. He asked, "What can I get you?"

Honestly, that was a good question. She just knew she wanted something strong that she could hopefully forget the last couple hours with, but she didn't want to pass out on the floor. No, with the freaks that have taken her away, and those RAVEN idiots probably stalking her, she didn't feel comfortable sleeping.

"Uh..." Reyna hesitated. "Something... strong... and something to keep me awake."

"Kahlua?" He offered.

"Yeah..." Reyna resigned. "That's fine."

"Gonna need to see your I.D." He said. There was a hint of sympathy in his voice.

"Oh, right." Reyna forgot that she still looked pretty young. Uh, now where was... right. Arianna put it in her back pocket. She needed her good arm to lean forward so she could reach it, but couldn't move it if she didn't want to fall forward on her face, as tired as she felt. She went to move her other arm, but a stinging pain jolted up her arm.

"Need some help?"

Reyna turned around and saw Arianna. Ugh, God, she couldn't just leave her alone. "No," she snapped, "I have this."

Needless to say, she didn't have it under control. Another pain up her arm. Instead, trying to lean forward against the counter and balance carefully to use her good arm to reach, but it turned into something of a circus act that wasn't getting her to the place she needed to be as quick as wanted to.

Arianna seemed to take it in stride, and sat down next to Reyna, making no effort to aggravate her even more. She waved the waiter over and ordered a glass of water, which caused a few eyebrows to raise.

Arianna looked at Reyna out of the corner of her eye, stealing glances at the woman as if she was a teenager looking at their crush. She wanted to help this woman. She seemed so... miserable and she couldn't help but feel at least somewhat responsible.

"You, uh..." Arianna said, trying to find a good way to start some form of conversation that wouldn't antagonize Reyna anymore. "You said you had a sister, right?"

Almost immediately, all effort in reaching for her wallet stopped. Reyna quickly sat down and leaned, almost lunged, closely toward Arianna. Her skin appeared to have flushed in that moment's notice. Heat was already starting to radiate from her.

"If you so much as lay a grubby little finger on a single strand of hair on Merry's pretty head," Reyna snarled as her eyes bore deep into Arianna's, "nobody can save you from me."

Arianna looked at her, less threatened as much as she was uncomfortable having someone so close to her. Arianna shook her head and turned away, sighing.

"Not me you'd ever have to worry about. But you know, don't worry about it." Arianna said, seeming to figuratively throw her hands in the air in submission. "Focus on not killing yourself, would you?"

Reyna stared at her a couple moments longer, her chest slightly heaving with each deep breath she took. Frustrated, she went back to her own stool, and now charged as she was, reached for the wallet in her back pocket with no problem, and slammed it onto the counter, then took the jacket off of herself. The red tank-top showed her arms about as red as the rest of her. The bartender watched the heated exchange uncomfortably, and took a brief glance as Reyna's ID before walking off to fix the drink she had asked for. Reyna remained there, head in hand, still taking deep breaths.

"That's right, deep breath in, deep breath out. Feel the burn." Arianna said, sounding just like a yoga instructor.

Reyna slowly moved her glaring glance to the corner of her eye, trained on Arianna. "Nobody ever told you when's the time to stop, have they?"

"I didn't really have anybody tell me what was right and wrong to begin with." Arianna said, shifting in her seat. "Can I ask anything about your sister? I'm trying my best to start a normal conversation here."

There was a moment of hesitation from Reyna. She combed her fingers through and tugged on her red hair, before finally giving a deep sigh. She through her hand down. The image of her sister came to mind. The picture of face helped to calm her, and kept her in enough of a trance that she barely noticed the bartender deliver her drink."Fine... shoot."

Ari shifted a little more, and tapped the counter nervously. She was only now realizing how bad she was at this. "Uh, just... general stuff I guess. How old is she? What is she like?"

"She's..." Reyna began - but as she began to speak, the realization hit her, and she grew quiet and sullen. This silence persisted for several moments before Reyna finished her answer. "...She's twenty."

She took a big sip of her drink, and immediately cringed and shook her head at how strong it was, but her expression returned to the face she had before. It was ridiculous. That is, being so... protective of her sister, who was now actually a grown woman. The sheer stupidity of it was... just...

She took another drink from her glass.

"Wish I had someone who cared about me like that. Damn." Ari commented, eyeing her water as if she was trying to find some secret about it.

"It'd help if you didn't kidnap them." Reyna said idly, not really thinking over what she talking about.

"Last I checked, I took you out of handcuffs." Ari said, shooting her a sideways glance with her typical shit eating grin.

"Your stupid mistake, I'm gonna put you right back in them." Reyna blurted before shooting down the rest of what she had. She waved her hand at the barkeep for a follow up.

Arianna turned to face her, trying to figure out if Reyna was getting tipsy or stupid. She decided it was the former. She decided the look she was giving her was enough, and no words were required.

"Alright, alright, how about this." Reyna started to say between sips. "First impressions. Why in the world did you choose me for your little... burglary?"

Arianna shook her head and gave her chuckle. "Honest answer? You stuck out like a sore thumb. Most people were dressed like me and acting formal. Meanwhile you, in leather, eating like no one's business. You were an easy target."

"Nah, nah, nah," Reyna denied, "you're a liar!"

"I am a liar. It's true. But I haven't lied to you once, not yet."

"That's a lie, too." Reyna insisted. There was a certain unevenness in the tone of her voice that called her sobriety into question. "You know how I know?"

Arianna leaned on her elbow, resting her chin on her hand. "Do tell."

"You could'a done any number of shit to me." Reyna said to her. "I've done stuff like that before, too. Mama knows I ain't a perfect angel."

She took a sip from her glass, and slid it over in front of Arianna.

"You're the one who told the big boy I wanted a ride, right?" Reyna asked. "There was this thing a guy said once... this teacher guy, what was it...?"

"I lied to him, not to you." Arianna said, smiling at her, showing her bright white teeth. She shook her head at Reyna. "First rule is 'Don't get caught', love. Anything I do to you, you wont realize until I'm a safe distance away. Like, your phone for instance-"

Arianna pulled Reyna's phone from her blazer pocket, showing it to the woman. She had taken it from her while patting her down for her wallet. She had accessed it via touch ID.

"You wouldn't realize that I put my phone number into your phone until much, much la--"

At the sight of her own property in the hands of the thief, her adrenaline immediately kicked up, and her arm shot out like a bullet before Arianna even had the chance to pull away. Her hand's grip was tight around her wrist, even though that meant little - even though Arianna's wrist squished beneath her tight hold. She was leaned forward, inches away from Ari, having acted upon reflexes like a spider's.

"That's right, I remember now..." Reyna grumbled. "Projection."

She reached her other arm over and promptly pulled the phone from Arianna's grip. She pocketed it quickly and returned to her drink.

Arianna released her grip on the phone and let Reyna pocket her device. She had enough phones as it was.

"Do me a favor and don't get drunk enough to lose it again."

"Nooo promisess..." Reyna sung, sipping on what was left of her glass. Huh. She went through two tall kahluas already.

"Your turn."

"Hm?" Reyna looked over lazily at Arianna holding the glass close to her chest.

"Your first impression!"

"Huh..." Reyna pondered. The silence went on until her face still stretching wide in silly smile, and shortly after even a giggle. It had to have been the most genuine laugh or smile she had given the last couple of painful hours - but that wasn't saying much, given her inebriation.

"Honestly," Reyna chuckled as she hid her smiling red face behind a single hand, looking at Arianna between her fingers, "I shit you not, my first... my first thought past the 'what the fuck happened to the RAVEN dudes' was...'oh no, she's hot!'"

Reyna lay her head down onto the counter and started laughing as if it were the most hysterical thing she had ever said. "And the next thing I know, you're kidnapping me and I'm a fugitive!"

At this point, Reyna was falling into hysterical giggle fits, her face flushed to a bright red - and this time, it wasn't because she was angry. All natural blush, a wide smile, dimples, and her eyes were squinty as though she were about to pass out - but with two kahluas, that couldn't be further from the truth. It was a face of pure delight. "C-Can... can you believe that?!"

Arianna snorted, and rolled her eyes, looking away from her drunk friend. "I wouldn't believe it unless I was there." she said, motioning with her hand. Unlike most people she wasn't flattered by the appearance compliment. Arianna had lived her life changing appearance like she changed clothes. Compliments came and went, but she never paid that much attention to them. It would be like if someone complimented your hat. It's nice, but it's likely not going to be something you remember the next day.

But, it also meant she was pretty nonjudgmental. It put her high on the list for the Spider Society. She was still hesitant about that. But Auri never stopped trying.

"Then again..." Reyna mumbled thoughtfully, "you apparently change shapes. Weird. Weird power. Do you have a favorite? What's your... uh... your normal... shape?"

Arianna looked down at herself, ignoring the comment on having a weird power, and motioned to her body to Reyna. "This is, for the most part, what I look like all the time. I was born with my powers, and my mother was a shape shifter as well. I don't know if I have any real form. I've just used this one as I've gotten older."

"Oooooh." Reyna cooed, looking over Arianna's face. Honestly, this was the first time she decided to get a real close look at her - slightly drunk, that might not help much, but she wasn't totally obtuse. You wouldn't think a shapeshifter to tolerate any flaws they were self-conscious of for long. True to form, there weren't any immediate flaws she could find. Striving for perfection.

"That's boring!" She blurted out. Reyna stuck out her index toward her eyebrow. "Put a lil' scar here..." Then to her cheek. "A little freckle here..." She landed her finger on Arianna's lips. "My face..."

Reyna was barely able to finish her clever quip before she withdrew her hand and covered her face with it as she started cracking up into laughter again with blush across her face. "Heehe! I'm... I'm sorry!"

Arianna's expression softened for a moment, before hardening again. She shook her head and turned away. She had a rule. Make sure no one got hurt. This? This could hurt Reyna. At least, right now it could. Something in her code of ethics prevented her acting upon any emotions.

"It's fine. You're drunk."

"A little." Reyna admitted, her laughter calming down. She made a relaxed sigh and held her arms close to herself. "I'm a little drunk... but I'm not a liar. I'm also not that dumb, you know. I know what I'm doing. Not... thinking everything through, probably, but... it's not like I suddenly turned into somebody else. Lil' ol' Reyrey still here..."

She threw her head back and stared at the ceiling.

"Man... if I could change how I looked, I'd probably... uh... yeah, send the freckles home."

Arianna gave her a sideways glance and shook her head.

"They're fine just the way you are, love."

"Naw, naw, look at this one," Reyna said, turning to look at Arianna and pointed to what was a freckle that was just barely larger than the rest that was set between her right eye and the bridge of her nose, "that's big Bertha, bitch be the first to go."

Arianna sighed and took a dainty sip of her water. "You don't need powers to do that. Just a dermatologist."

"Doll, you been chatterin' my ear off all day." Reyna objected. "What sand climbed up your vag?"

"I think it's because you're drunk and I'm not. Makes me seem lame." Arianna said, her lips curving slightly upward as she drank the last of her water.

"Hmm..." Reyna pondered as she tapped her chin with your finger. "Yeah... you're right. Hey, bar guy! Bar guy!"

The bartender pointed to a sign near the center of the bar, telling patrons that he was unable to serve them alcohol if they were already visibly intoxicated.

"Not me, this girl!" Reyna yelled, pointing down on Arianna's head. "Give her some of the stuff you gave me!"

"Don't." Arianna said, waving the man off. "Waste of time."

Arianna looked over her shoulder to Reyna and half-frowned. "Cant. My body doesn't have a brain or nervous system."

"Ugh..." Reyna groaned as she threw two hands onto Arianna's shoulders. "Then don't worry about feeling lame if you can't help it!"

She paused for a second.

"That came out wrong."

Arianna laughed, a lady like but hearty laugh. "Yeah, it did."

"But still..." Reyna insisted with a flirty smile. "You can still drink it if you wanna feel included. And quit sounding so depressed, that's supposed to be my job tonight."

Arianna gave Reyna a humored glance and laughed. "Love, I don't think I'm capable of being depressed."

Arianna checked her watch, and raised her eyebrows at the time.

"Do you have a ride, or a place to crash?"

Reyna threw her hands down. "My motorcycle got left back at the party. It's probably being held! Along with all my stuff!"

"That doesn't answer my question, Reyna."

"I'm from Maine and this nightmare was my first day in town." Reyna sighed. "What do you think?"

"A simple 'no' would have sufficed."

"Let's hit up Agent Styles," Reyna muttered sarcastically, "maybe he's still horny enough to give me a room."

"I mean, just throw yourself in front of a car if you want a hospital room. Pretty sure there's something morally wrong about trying to fuck the person you beat half to death after the fact." Arianna said, throwing her head back and laughing at her own joke.

"Hey," Reyna started off defensively, her voice off-key from the drinks, "you're the one who can't catch any cues."

Arianna shook her head, but smiled. "Not while you're drunk."

She looked down at her watch again and sighed.

"I have to go soon. I promised my friend out there I'd go with him to see a fight. Unless you want to come with..." Arianna said, grasping the air as if it would allow her to find the right words. "I can give you some money, and you can call me... tomorrow?"

"What does it take for a girl to hate-fuck the shit out of..." Reyna drunkenly mumbled, nigh out of anyone's ear shot. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to stick with the person she felt she nearly killed twice - between the punch and the wringing, and perhaps this was all the alcohol in her that was talking, but Christ. She wasn't going to bed tonight. She was too wired between the stress and, well, the caffeine. A boring night alone, wide awake through the hours... versus watching some assholes beat the snot out of each other, next to somebody she wasn't sure if she wanted to kill or whisk her away beneath the sheets.

"Who's fighting?" Reyna finally asked thoughtfully.

"We have a guy from out of town. Friend of Archie's." Arianna said, waving her hand.

"And who is that?" Reyna pressed.

Arianna seemed to think for a moment.

"One fighter is a wolf-dog meta. The other... I think he's been staying with a friend recently. They call him Doc. But I think his full name is Henry Olin."

"I'll fight the winner!" Reyna immediately declared. She hopped from the bar stool, meeting the ground with a sloppy landing. Arianna turned, reaching her arm out and catching Reyna by her torso as Reyna scrambled to grab her jacket. Ari slid off her chair to help her friend outside to meet Archie.

"Just... let me help you walk for a bit, until you sober up some, love."

"Call me that again, pleeeaase." Reyna chimed whimsically, finally giving in and letting Ari guide her.
Gotta ask, who's the confirmed lesbian?

Sorry guys, will post again as soon as@JunkMail finishes his God damn orgy.
Whoop his ass, Daisy.
The hall of justice was removed.
I edited in the revised timeskip post for the RAVEN meeting.

<Snipped quote>

This is the only plot I've managed to recover from my notes. Up until I come up with another one for later, this should do.

Now, before I proceed with anything, I have to ask who wants to participate in either of the plots I just posted.

wow this doesn't look a fucking thing like

3.1 Rain Approaching:
The erratic rain patterns continue to devastate the city. The city is just beginning to take notice of it. Strange attacks are becoming more frequent as the city becomes even more frightened. Who (Or what) are behind these attacks?

<Snipped quote by tsukune>


Every character is terrible.

Except for mine, they're the best.

Will gradually add more. These characters are subject to edits at any time as I deem fit, or so as to conform to a roleplay I wish to use them in.

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