So Many Dunmer
gonna punch em
[Last Updated: February 1, 2025]
So Many Dunmer
Hmm... I'm a little reticent to apply since I don't know all that much about the lore of TES (only game being Skyrim). But I like the concept and I would love to get involved? Debating what sort of character I'd like to play... I notice a distinct lack of a focused 'rogue' type, but I've also been on a bit of a healer kick for a long while.
══════ C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ══════ _______________________________________________ ![]() _______________________________________________ ═══════ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y ══════ Reyna Stromfleur _______________________________________________ 18 | She / Her | Nord / Breton _______________________________________________ Gladiator ▼ P H Y S I C A L T R A I T S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Build - Short, stocky, and wiry. ► Skin Color - Fair, but sun-kissed. ► Hair Color - Reddish ginger. ► Eye Color - Amber. ► Other - Numerous small scars from cuts, scrapes, scratches, and bites. ▼ D O S S I E R ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Birthplace - Jehanna, High Rock. ► Birthsign - The Warrior. ► Biggest Regret - Could she have escaped sooner? Could she have avoided all of that hardship from the beginning? Or could she have ended it herself? There's otherwise little room for regret in her life when all she was trying to do is survive. ► Reyna's Goal - She feels indebted to Isobel Aurelia and wishes to help her further her goals, as well as seeking revenge against her orc slavers and those in charge of running the Imperial Arena. ▼ F A V O R E D A T T R I B U T E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Major Speed ► Minor Strength ▼ S K I L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Athletics - Expert ► One-Handed - Adept ► Block - Adept ► Medium Armor - Adept ► Light Armor - Apprentice ► Spear - Apprentice ► Hand-to-hand - Apprentice ▼ S P E L L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Spell? Spell what? You're making fun of me because I can't read, are you? ▼ E Q U I P M E N T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Weapons - An Imperial gladius. She also looted an orichalum dagger from one of her orc masters during the jailbreak. ► Armor - Brass-coated steel breastplate with a left pauldron and other armor pieces on her left arm, shin guards, and a hardened round wood aspis with a metal sheet over the front. ► Containers - A 32 oz. waterskin and a small pouch on her right side. ► Food, Drink, Potions - Venison jerky, nuts, and roots. ► Miscellaneous Reyna is noticeably void of many possession aside from what she can carry on her immediate person. | ══════ A P P E A R A N C E ══════ She's like the lapping tongue of a kindled flame, a stray spark, or the moment when a lone and flittering petal like crimson saxifrage from a spattering plume of blood scatters across the sand. She's small, short, and has a wild mass of short and unevenly cut red hair, as if cut with a sword or dagger, and is full of boundless and anxious energy. In the arena in which she made her home, with her unassuming stature and blistering agility, it is easy to mistake the top of her head from the stands for one of the larger drops and petals of spraying gore in the light of the hot, orange summer sun. It is under this blazing sun where Reyna's dirtied skin has bronzed in defiance of her Nord heritage, taking on the hue of the parched sands that never seems to drink its fill of blood. There are many streaks of color on her skin from scarring; some scars have darkened while some seem to have lost their pigment. Her face is heart-shaped, but the sharpness and width of her jawline seem as though they're constantly clenched in nervous anticipation. The thousand yard stare in her amber eyes seem to have been stuck there for a thousand years, and the dilation of her pupils appear to be a fixed feature, as though always prepared for danger around the corner. Reyna's size is probably her most significant disadvantage as well as one of her greatest strengths. She's stands only at a meager 5'1" and weighs maybe 135 lbs. at most, which is rather impressive anyways because despite having a shorter stature, she's built like a wild animal with wiry muscle and, not exactly being fed the best diet in the world by her captors (usually claiming whatever scraps she could get with ravenous hunger), has very little body fat to pad her out and making her limbs feel rock solid. The way she moves is reminiscent of a cornered animal or, depending on the circumstance, like a predator on the hunt. Each step is usually measured and intentional, as if the floor could give out from under her at a moment's notice. So though the peak of her strength is limited by her size, it is her size and reactionary disposition that allows her to move swiftly and nimbly, get into places others couldn't, and leverage her lower center of gravity. Her voice too, like her steps, is carefully measured as if to avoid offense, but the scowl on her face betrays the more callous purpose of biding her time for an opening. There's a raspy hoarseness to her voice that is hard to tell if it comes from a lack of use or not, but it sounds vaguely familiar to orcish accents. A life such as hers does not lend itself to an extensive wardrobe beyond her arming garments. She's noticeably lacking in any kind of accessories, and back in the Wrothgarian mountains, her attire and armor was mostly leather and piece-meal, but as she was shown off in the Imperial City arena and became a favorite, they were more willing to splurge a bit to make her appeal more to the general aesthetic of Imperial life. Her primary garments are black quilted linen; shorts that only run about halfway down her thighs and are sleeveless, a small reprieve for the northern girl in the much warmer Cyrodiilic climate. She also has a bundle of red fabric that is meant to serve something akin to a toga, though it reaches the same approximate length of her shorts. The toga hangs off of one shoulder, and one side is slightly longer, which she uses to wrap around her left arm to serve as a cushion between her bare skin and the armor she wears for her sword hand while her unarmored arm holds her shield, keeping her reasonably protected and nimble even despite the arena masters' taste for fashion at the expense of practicality. She wears sandals on her feet that are strapped into plated shin guards. The armor running down her left arm to her gauntlet is the same as her breast plate: heat-treated steel but coated in a brass lacquer meant to appeal to Imperial tastes, because apparently it isn't enough to die and bleed for their entertainment if you don't look good doing it. The most of what she carries for utility is a leather belt frog that holds the wooden sheath for her sword and carries her pouches. There is a peculiar function on her gauntlet just below the center of her forearm where there's a short bladed hook jutting out, and in the concave groove of the hook, there's an embedded piece of flint that Reyna can drag her blade across and release a shower of sparks for a flashier display in the arena. As an inadvertent function of flint, Reyna can use it to also sharpen her blades, or use it to lock her blade if she has it to an opponent's neck. It's a bit impractical though considering it's on her sword arm. ═══════ P E R S O N A L I T Y ══════ If there has been frequent mention of her likeness to wild or feral creatures, that is because it is not far from the truth. Wild animals are primed for survival; to hunt and forage and defend themselves, because otherwise, they will suffer or even die. When the body and mind are young and learning, and your experiences inform your psyche that the world is bad, frightening, terrible, and dangerous, it does what it can to prepare you for the dangers and trials ahead. So in lacking the healthy development of things such as trust, temper management, or the ability to focus for extended periods of time gives the appearance of a feral child, a creature always dividing its attention between different sources of stimuli and suspiciously trying to assess the threats around them. It also hints to others a predilection for violent and unpredictable behavior, a disposition which radiates from her if you're paying attention, but often conflicts with most people's presuppositions regarding Reyna given her status as a young woman who is barely even a child anymore, and it fabricates an unnerving dissonance in how one should consider approaching her. She rarely responds when spoken to, and most requests or demands are met with a scowling stare as she watches your hands and body to see if you respond poorly to not getting what you asked of her, who is wholly and stubbornly unwilling to perform for others if the other is not willing to take action themselves. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Basil A. Baker Male | 28 | Caucasian | 5’11” | 173 _______________________________________________ Dissonance _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Touch my kid and I will Liam Neeson your ass." ___________________________________ Firearms and ACT Training ⫻ As expected of any person who graduates a police academy, he spent a minimum of 110 hours at the firing range and sparring floor, after a good 4-5 years on the force as a trooper and beat cop, Basil has spent countless more in maintaining those skills. Nowadays he’s a bit more idle so he may not be as sharp as he once was but remains very practiced compared to the citizenry. Other police training also includes perceptive investigation and driving ability. Street-Smarts ⫻ Okay, so Basil may not be an incredibly clever or well-read guy, but he’s got street cred, a sort of urban savoir-faire that lets him walk around the city with a sort of swagger and confidence that other officers wouldn’t have. What’s more, he knows the people on the streets. People who owe him favors, people he owes favors to, and people who both respect and are afraid of him. His under-the-table connections and contacts let him in on the know of things that his colleagues aren’t privy to. It’s not kosher or scrupulous, but it works. He has a mind for crime because he's been on the other side before. Fatherhood ⫻ Fuck the haters, ain’t no one in the world who can convince him that it takes chops to raise a kid. Chops he isn’t sure he has, but he’s trying his damnedest and he’s convinced it’s made him a better person too. He’s actually a good and nurturing father to his daughter, a testament to his commitment to being better than he was yesterday, to atoning for his past failures, and to raising her into becoming a good person. He's also gotten pretty good at braiding hair, making ponytails, and dressing Abby up in cute, clean clothes. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Yeah, I get it. I look like shit. Fuck off." He’s a pretty person to read insofar to his outward disposition; he’s kind of a scowling bastard with resting bitch face, an unshaven five o’ clock shadow on his usual day, clean shaving probably once a week. His brown hair and sideburns look similar unkempt and cut short for minimal maintenance. There are probably bags under his green eyes, and he probably smells like a mix of old ashtrays, alcohol, and coffee. Hell, by the pallor of his skin, it is probably safe to assume that it requires all three to keep him going. His ears have the tell-tale scars of having once been pierced and stretched, and he has plenty of scars from nicks on his lips and eyebrows to a shallow cut on his narrowed chin, and the multitudes of indistinguishable scars on his knuckles. It’s safe to gauge from these that he has seen plenty of scrapes. He’s not a giant, seemingly built more for dexterity than he is for powerlifting, but his height is nothing to scoff at. He might be an inch shy of six feet, a fact which he resents, but still puts him above average, and he’s solidly built after years of duty and physical conditioning from obstacle courses, drills, foot pursuit, and wearing twenty extra pounds of gear all throughout. His build can be inferred from this as physically fit and capable, perhaps even imposing if you’re someone who doesn’t work out regularly. If you’re looking at his arms though, it wouldn’t be his muscles that grabs your attention, but the intricate artistry of tattoo sleeves stretching from his collarbones to his wrists. They’re vividly colored, ebony branches dressed with green foliage and red pomegranates, some split open with their crimson seeds scattering across his arms almost like a splatter of blood. On each arm, a bronze colored snake coils itself around the branches, fangs hidden behind pursed lips. There's a scar on his left forearm from a dog bite that's hard to notice in the sea of ink. His choice of clothing is typically rather plain. Given that he has a career to think about, and doesn’t have that much money, he can’t exact go out with the apparel that’s a bit more his style like band shirts and leather jackets. Unimpressive t-shirts, tank tops and wife-beaters make up most of his wardrobe, shirts he got through working at his precinct, and some clothes he got from thrift stores like old, worn-out flannels. Jeans and work pants, and wears old black boots he got from old warehousing jobs or old boots that were worn out that were given to him by the precinct are worn as his off-duty clothes whenever the budget is renewed and he’s issued a new pair of boots. He’s generally always seen with a brown, weathered, woolen cadet cap that keeps his head warm. Matching it is a brown denim jacket that he’s always seen with, as if it’s the only one he owns. Naturally, he also has his black on-duty uniform and the windbreaker, but he tries not to brand himself if he can help avoiding it while he’s off-duty. He is markedly untouched by jewelry and most accessories, except for a digital watch he wears on his left wrist. |
![]() _______________________________________________ Basil A. Baker Male | 28 | Caucasian | 5’11” | 173 _______________________________________________ Dissonance _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Touch my kid and I will Liam Neeson your ass." ___________________________________ Firearms and ACT Training ⫻ As expected of any person who graduates a police academy, he spent a minimum of 110 hours at the firing range and sparring floor, after a good 4-5 years on the force as a trooper and beat cop, Basil has spent countless more in maintaining those skills. Nowadays he’s a bit more idle so he may not be as sharp as he once was but remains very practiced compared to the citizenry. Other police training also includes perceptive investigation and driving ability. Street-Smarts ⫻ Okay, so Basil may not be an incredibly clever or well-read guy, but he’s got street cred, a sort of urban savoir-faire that lets him walk around the city with a sort of swagger and confidence that other officers wouldn’t have. What’s more, he knows the people on the streets. People who owe him favors, people he owes favors to, and people who both respect and are afraid of him. His under-the-table connections and contacts let him in on the know of things that his colleagues aren’t privy to. It’s not kosher or scrupulous, but it works. He has a mind for crime because he's been on the other side before. Fatherhood ⫻ Fuck the haters, ain’t no one in the world who can convince him that it takes chops to raise a kid. Chops he isn’t sure he has, but he’s trying his damnedest and he’s convinced it’s made him a better person too. He’s actually a good and nurturing father to his daughter, a testament to his commitment to being better than he was yesterday, to atoning for his past failures, and to raising her into becoming a good person. He's also gotten pretty good at braiding hair, making ponytails, and dressing Abby up in cute, clean clothes. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Yeah, I get it. I look like shit. Fuck off." He’s a pretty person to read insofar to his outward disposition; he’s kind of a scowling bastard with resting bitch face, an unshaven five o’ clock shadow on his usual day, clean shaving probably once a week. His brown hair and sideburns look similar unkempt and cut short for minimal maintenance. There are probably bags under his green eyes, and he probably smells like a mix of old ashtrays, alcohol, and coffee. Hell, by the pallor of his skin, it is probably safe to assume that it requires all three to keep him going. His ears have the tell-tale scars of having once been pierced and stretched, and he has plenty of scars from nicks on his lips and eyebrows to a shallow cut on his narrowed chin, and the multitudes of indistinguishable scars on his knuckles. It’s safe to gauge from these that he has seen plenty of scrapes. He’s not a giant, seemingly built more for dexterity than he is for powerlifting, but his height is nothing to scoff at. He might be an inch shy of six feet, a fact which he resents, but still puts him above average, and he’s solidly built after years of duty and physical conditioning from obstacle courses, drills, foot pursuit, and wearing twenty extra pounds of gear all throughout. His build can be inferred from this as physically fit and capable, perhaps even imposing if you’re someone who doesn’t work out regularly. If you’re looking at his arms though, it wouldn’t be his muscles that grabs your attention, but the intricate artistry of tattoo sleeves stretching from his collarbones to his wrists. They’re vividly colored, ebony branches dressed with green foliage and red pomegranates, some split open with their crimson seeds scattering across his arms almost like a splatter of blood. On each arm, a bronze colored snake coils itself around the branches, fangs hidden behind pursed lips. There's a scar on his left forearm from a dog bite that's hard to notice in the sea of ink. His choice of clothing is typically rather plain. Given that he has a career to think about, and doesn’t have that much money, he can’t exact go out with the apparel that’s a bit more his style like band shirts and leather jackets. Unimpressive t-shirts, tank tops and wife-beaters make up most of his wardrobe, shirts he got through working at his precinct, and some clothes he got from thrift stores like old, worn-out flannels. Jeans and work pants, and wears old black boots he got from old warehousing jobs or old boots that were worn out that were given to him by the precinct are worn as his off-duty clothes whenever the budget is renewed and he’s issued a new pair of boots. He’s generally always seen with a brown, weathered, woolen cadet cap that keeps his head warm. Matching it is a brown denim jacket that he’s always seen with, as if it’s the only one he owns. Naturally, he also has his black on-duty uniform and the windbreaker, but he tries not to brand himself if he can help avoiding it while he’s off-duty. He is markedly untouched by jewelry and most accessories, except for a digital watch he wears on his left wrist. |