Avatar of Squirrel98


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Welcome to my profile :)

I am a 25 years old woman from Belgium, Europe. You can always send me a message to chat or about a roleplay. Even though I can be pretty busy at times, I always inform my partners when I lost interest or when I want to stop a roleplay for a different reason. This means that if I haven't replied to a roleplay yet, I didn't have time yet. I didn't ghost you. Since I regularly check the site on my phone, my replies OOC whould be fairly fast (if you keep my timezone in mind).

I can play as both male and female characters with a preference towards FxM and MxM pairings. Additionally, I can play multiple characters at the same time. I prefer to double (as in both playing a male and a female character), but this is absolutely not a requirement. I absolutely love romance in roleplays, but I tend to not include smut as it easily takes over the plot and that is quite boring to say the least.

I prefer my roleplays to be situated in either modern times or the future, since I am not interested in researching a time period in order to write about it in the roleplay. Also, I mostly use fictional locations. The reason for this is that I haven't been outside of Europe (except for two vacations in Egypt when I was a child that I hardly remember) and I am not willing to do a lot of research those countries in order to write about them in the roleplay.

Romance, drama, horror/thriller and slice of life are the genres that I have the most experience with, since there is a lot of describing the situation and a lot of dialogue. I have the least experience with fighting scenes, so please don't judge my fighting scenes as I am trying and learning. Since I mentioned horror/thriller, let me tell you that I have absolutely no limits with dark themes. If you have any, tell me BEFORE we make our characters. Do not be angry at me if you didn't even tell me about the topics that are sensitive for you and I happen to use them unknowingly. If you tell me about sensitive topics, I will ALWAYS avoid using them, no matter what they are.

I can work with long, short and no character sheets. My preference goes towards sharing a picture, name and age before starting the roleplay. I am most comfortable with using anime pictures, but I can also use pictures of real people if it's my partner's preference.

If you aren't sure that our writing styles are compatible, please ask me for a writing sample beforehand. Don't ghost me or reject me right after I wrote an intro post to our roleplay. That's just a huge waste of time for both of us. Of course if you find out during the roleplay that it's not for you anyways, you can always tell me (please do instead of ghosting).

Topics that I am ALWAYS willing to write about:
- the Fairy Tail universe
- Demons and/or angels coming to Earth
- the Apocalypse concept
- the Big Brother concept
- a Jumanji inspired story (either old or reboot)
- an adult version of Miraculous or Precure

Most Recent Posts

Sora sat up straight and wiped away his tears. The 'Nexus' deck of cards was laying on his bed and for some reason, he just couldn't take his eyes off it. Well, if he and Rui couldn't figure the game out together because Rui had to study, he could at least figure out the rules on his own. Rui was much smarter than he was anyways, so it would take Sora a lot more time to understand how to play the game.

He took a deep breath before taking the little box with the deck of cards in his hand. He took out the paper with the rules written on it, but those things really didn't interest him. He wasn't used to studying or reading. Sora always told himself that he just had too much energy for it, but deep down he truly believed that he was too stupid.

Before trying to understand what kind of game it was, he threw away the paper with the rules on it and looked at the cards that were in the box. One of the cards had a little boy on it. His lips formed a soft smile and the word 'cute' appear in his mind, but then he saw the little fellow moving inside of the card. He literally fell off of his bed out of surprise.

"Ahww... That really hurt... Okay no, it didn't hurt one bit." Sora stood up from the floor, but suddenly noticed that he wasn't in his own bedroom anymore. For some reason, he was in the living room. Weird... He didn't remember ever going downstairs. He looked at the direction the unfamiliar voice was coming from and saw the little fellow from before. A guy with white hair, yellow eyes, clothed in green and surrounded by leaves.

"Yooow! The name is Wolf. Nice to meet you!" Wolf put out his hand, but Sora didn't want to shake it, so Wolf put his hand away again. "Why the hell are we in the living room? How did we came here? When? Why aren't my parents here? They are supposed to be here." Wolf looked around.

"Oh, so this is what your living room looks like? It looks really nice! But to answer your question, we're not in the real living room, but the living room from your memories." Sora wanted to make a big deal out of what Wolf said and he wanted to act out really confused, but he already had seen a guy move in a card, so he could handle it. "So why are we in my memories?"

Wolf laughed. "You're a hard guy to break, huh. Well, you are chosen to be my Commander, which means that soon five of your most precious memories will sadly go away." Wolf opened his hand and seven coins were to be seen. "Two of the coins will remain gold, the others will go black and if they do, you forget. You are supposed to play Nexus with the other chosen ones. If you win, you get a memory back. If you lose, you lose one of the remaining memories." Sora nodded silently and looked like he was thinking, although he wasn't the smartest guy around.

"And what else do I get when I win, except for my memories back? In the films, there is always a price to win in those sort of games. There is a prize, right?" Wolf nodded. "Of course there is. I fulfill one wish. Any wish." Sora's mouth literally fell open out of surprise. "So I can wish for more time with my sister? To be close with her like we were when we were little?" Wolf started to laugh. "That's fairly easy one, yes."

Sora smiled. "Alright. Not like I have much of a choice, but I accept." Wolf smiled back at Sora, but then Sora heard his own voice from the couch. He saw a little Sora sitting in the couch with tears running down his cheeks and a little Rui standing in front of him. He could make out some of his own words, which were 'they were mean'. However, he couldn't understand anything his sister said to him. Who was mean? People from school? No... He was pretty popular at school. So who?

"This is one of the memories that is going to disappear, right?" Wolf smiled at Sora with a hint of pity. "Yes." Losing his memories was both emotionally and physically more painful than he thought would be. Especially since most of the memories had his sister Rui in them.

"Are you alright, Commander?" Wolf seemed really worried about Sora, but was he really? "Y-yeah, I-I am. Not one aspect of this game is in your control, right?" Wolf shook his head no. "Alright. Then let's get my memories back and fulfill my wish." Wolf smiled and after a couple of physically painful seconds, they were back in Sora's bedroom and Wolf was back inside of his card. "By the way, you can call me Sora." He said without even looking at Wolf, whose card was in his hand. He suddenly rushed to Rui's bedroom.

"Rui, don't open..." He didn't finish his sentence with the words 'the box', when he saw the Avatar card in Rui's hand. "You too..."
On the way to his own home, Sora stopped by Haruto's for a short period of time. Sora enjoyed being there, because he had a closer bond with Haruto's parents than with his own. They treated him like their second child and he loved that about them. They asked him how he was, if he was enjoying school and how his grades were. Things his own parents weren't interested in at all. The only one they were interested in was Rui. "You're always welcome here. You know that, right?" Haruto reassured him after hearing the sad undertone in Sora's voice when saying that he was going to go home. Most people at school thought that Haruto was scary and possibly dangerous, but Sora could never see it. At that moment, Haruto told Sora exactly what he wanted to hear. Haruto was like a brother or possibly even more than that. He meant everything to him. How could he be dangerous? He always cared for Sora, more than anyone had ever done.

When Sora finally came home, he didn't even get a 'welcome home' or 'where have you been'. He didn't even get a 'your dinner is in the refrigerator'. His parents didn't even look at him. Sora rushed towards the stairs and came to a stop before Rui's bedroom. He took a deep breath, went to his own bedroom for a couple of seconds and then stopped before Rui's bedroom again. He dropped the extra matcha ice cream he bought earlier and one of the two 'Nexus' decks on the floor before the door. On the 'Nexus' deck was a note.

"Maybe we can play. Enjoy the ice cream."

He knocked on Rui's door, but didn't wait for her to open it before going back downstairs again. He heated his dinner, took a seat at the dinner table and ate his dinner in total silence... alone. Tears were rolling down his cheeks when he noticed his parents talking peacefully to each other. They weren't even far away, but they still didn't care that their son had come home. They didn't care that their son was way too late. They didn't care about their own son. Sora meant nothing to them.

After he was done with his dinner, he put it in the dishwasher, wiped away his tears and locked himself in his bedroom. He lied down on his bed with his 'Nexus' deck laying next to him. He wanted to ask Rui to learn about the rules together, to ask her if they could try playing it, but he shouldn't disturb her. She needed to study, she wanted to study, so he shouldn't do anything to distract her any more than he had already done.
"Takahashi-kun!" One of the girls in Sora's class came running towards the table where he and his friends were sitting. Haruto had a blush on his cheeks when he stood up and greeted the girl politely. Apparently he borrowed her notes, because he had 'troubles' with mathematics. He never had troubles with mathematics. Sora's lips formed a soft smile, with a tiny bit of mockery, as he licked from his matcha ice cream.

When he noticed that his phone was vibrating, he took a second before looking at who it was, because he had a feeling and he really didn't want to talk to them. It was his sister. He was right. He softly sighed. of course he absolutely loved his older sister, but their relationship had become so damn complicated when they got older that he almost felt uncomfortable being around her at times. He hated the distance that had grown between them and that was still growing with each day, but he didn't know how to make it disappear, or even how to make it decrease a tiny bit.

"New ice cream parlor. I'll reheat dinner."

It was best to keep his messages short, so that she could focus on whatever she was doing. He knew that she never had time to relax, so it was best to not distract her... right? Even after Sora put away his phone, he couldn't stop thinking about his sister. Was there something he could do? Something?

Haruto sat down next to Sora with a huge smile on his face. "Hina-chan was worried for me. She was thinking about me." Sora chuckled. "She asked if you were able to read her handwriting." Sora's chuckle turned into a very loud laugh. Haruto laughed along and soon after that, Sora was walking home together with Haruto and Asahi.

Asahi was the first one to reach his home, so he waved at the other two and ran inside, where he was met by his angry mother. Sora and Haruto were laughing at how Asahi was getting yelled at for arriving late, but Sora stopped laughing when he noticed one of the shops they had walked by. Haruto noticed how Sora had suddenly stopped walking, followed his gaze and took Sora by his wrist when he realised where he was looking at. "You want to learn how to play? Come on! We'll buy you a deck!" The two of them ran towards the shop.

Inside the shop, Sora felt a bit shy. Those kind of shops really weren't his scene. "Maybe I can pick something up for Rui too..." He almost whispered, but of course the curious Haruto with the good ears had heard him. "So it's not about me, it's about that sister of yours? I feel insulted." He joked, but Sora was too lost in thoughts to laugh about it. "Can you help me pick?" Haruto smiled, winked and helped him with choosing two decks before the two left for home.
Within the first couple of minutes after the school bell rang, Sora found himself surrounded by seven students. While his friends started to talk among each other, he put away his books in his backpack. He laughed at some of their jokes, stood up, put on his jacket and threw his backpack over his right shoulder. Together, they walked towards the lockers, where they switched their shoes before going towards the school's gate.

He noticed that his friends were talking about some game called 'Nexus' and couldn't help but think about how nice it would be to play it with his older sister. He remembered how fun it was playing with her when they were children, but the sad look in his eyes gave away the fact that they weren't that close anymore. He could never understand how they were able to grew apart the way they did.

"Sora-kun, are you paying attention?" One of his friends asked, waving his hands before Sora's face. Sora took on of the hands as to make it stop waving in front of him and smiled softly.

"I'm sorry, Haruto-kun. I was somewhere else for a minute. What were you saying?" Haruto started laughing at Sora, mumbling the word 'typical'.

"I was asking you if you tried out Nexus yet. If you did, we could have a battle sometime." He said, tickling the curiosity of Sora's other six friends.

"Not yet. I am afraid. But I'll certainly take a look at it." Sora took his phone out of his backpack and was about to text Rui, his older sister, in order to ask her if she wanted to go with the guys to the new ice cream parlor around the corner, but he knew that she wasn't going to go with them and that's why he put away his phone without texting her or their parents. It's not like his mother or father cared where he went or what he did. All they cared about was Rui.

"Yeah, yeah, I am coming!" He yelled, waving his hand in the air and running after his friends, after Asahi called out his name.

Name: Kadomori Sora

Age: 16 years

Name: Wolf

Wolf is Sora's Avatar.
Heyy everyone!

I am craving a 1x1 Fairy Tail: Next Generation roleplay.

I will start by explaining the rules.

- I prefer to double, so we each play one male and one female character.
- The characters are original, not canon.
- Normally, I reply very slow (it can last a month or several months until I reply) and I am not going to excuse myself for that. I have a life. By the way, sometimes I will appear to be online when I am actually not, so don't pay attention to when I appear to be online or not.
- If you read all of these rules, then add you favorite color to your PM to me if you are interested in doing this roleplay with me.
- If I am not interested anymore, I will tell you. No reply doesn't mean that I ghosted, I simply didn't have the time or inspiration yet.
- I can do both MxM and FxM. I am uncomfortable with FxF.
- I am a 22 years old woman, so preferably an adult.
- I don't do smut, it always takes over the whole roleplay.
- I prefer to roleplay over PM, but thread is also good to me.
- No one-liners. Preferably at least one paragraph for each character.
- If you don't like dark themes or they are sensitive subjects: tell me beforehand, don't complain afterwards. I can't know if you don't tell and if you didn't tell me, I am not going to excuse myself.

This is the story I have in mind.
[If you have a different story in mind or some adaptations to my story, I would like to hear them, so don't be afraid to tell me.]

Keep in mind:
MM = my male character
MF = my female character
YM = your male character
YF = your female character

YM recently became the new guild master of Fairy Tail, because a severe illness caused the death of the previous guild master. [You can choose if YM is a good guy or a bad guy, a confident person or not confident at all, ... You can choose what kind of master he is and what kind of magic he uses.]

YF is pretty new at the guild and doesn't really know anyone other than MM. She knows MM, because she met him at one of his missions and he invited her to the guild. [We can brainstorm about what the mission was. I was thinking something simple and easy. She helped him, he saw that she is also a mage and invited her to the guild.]

MM has been in the guild for a pretty long time, but is somewhat of a loner. He is very confident, but doesn't like to hang out with others. He is a bit like Gajeel was before he came to Fairy Tail.

MF has known the people of the guild for a long time, such as YM and MM, but the guild she was in disbanded, because of a lack of money and popularity, which means that they didn't get enough jobs. That's why MF recently joined the guild.

Now, what is going on?

There has been a disturbance in the celestial spirit world, which caused all the golden keys to disappear from their owners and appear somewhere else in the world. Our four characters are going to search for all of the keys before they fall in the wrong hands.

Why is the guild master going with the other three, you ask? There is a new dark guild, Snake Breath, who is also in search for the golden keys. They plan to open up Eclipse again. We don't know exactly what their plan is, if they are also going to release the dragons from the past or something much worse, but we do know that they shouldn't have the keys.

Now, YF is a celestial spirit mage and found one golden key by accident, you can choose which one and you can choose all the silver keys.

PM me if you are interested! :)
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