Avatar of Squirrel98


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Welcome to my profile :)

I am a 25 years old woman from Belgium, Europe. You can always send me a message to chat or about a roleplay. Even though I can be pretty busy at times, I always inform my partners when I lost interest or when I want to stop a roleplay for a different reason. This means that if I haven't replied to a roleplay yet, I didn't have time yet. I didn't ghost you. Since I regularly check the site on my phone, my replies OOC whould be fairly fast (if you keep my timezone in mind).

I can play as both male and female characters with a preference towards FxM and MxM pairings. Additionally, I can play multiple characters at the same time. I prefer to double (as in both playing a male and a female character), but this is absolutely not a requirement. I absolutely love romance in roleplays, but I tend to not include smut as it easily takes over the plot and that is quite boring to say the least.

I prefer my roleplays to be situated in either modern times or the future, since I am not interested in researching a time period in order to write about it in the roleplay. Also, I mostly use fictional locations. The reason for this is that I haven't been outside of Europe (except for two vacations in Egypt when I was a child that I hardly remember) and I am not willing to do a lot of research those countries in order to write about them in the roleplay.

Romance, drama, horror/thriller and slice of life are the genres that I have the most experience with, since there is a lot of describing the situation and a lot of dialogue. I have the least experience with fighting scenes, so please don't judge my fighting scenes as I am trying and learning. Since I mentioned horror/thriller, let me tell you that I have absolutely no limits with dark themes. If you have any, tell me BEFORE we make our characters. Do not be angry at me if you didn't even tell me about the topics that are sensitive for you and I happen to use them unknowingly. If you tell me about sensitive topics, I will ALWAYS avoid using them, no matter what they are.

I can work with long, short and no character sheets. My preference goes towards sharing a picture, name and age before starting the roleplay. I am most comfortable with using anime pictures, but I can also use pictures of real people if it's my partner's preference.

If you aren't sure that our writing styles are compatible, please ask me for a writing sample beforehand. Don't ghost me or reject me right after I wrote an intro post to our roleplay. That's just a huge waste of time for both of us. Of course if you find out during the roleplay that it's not for you anyways, you can always tell me (please do instead of ghosting).

Topics that I am ALWAYS willing to write about:
- the Fairy Tail universe
- Demons and/or angels coming to Earth
- the Apocalypse concept
- the Big Brother concept
- a Jumanji inspired story (either old or reboot)
- an adult version of Miraculous or Precure

Most Recent Posts

The following colors/abilities are taken:

In 2034, humanity discovered a new planet very similar to Earth and in close distance. After spending 3 whole years researching it, humans deemed the planet to be safe for humans, which is why they called it New Earth. In 2038, a first group of people were send to New Earth. After 2 years, they were forced to return due to the failing technology and lack of resources. However, these people could not simply return to their previous life, since the New Earth air messed with their bodies.

Their hair and eyes changed colors. Someone got red hair and eyes, another orange, another yellow, and so on. Soon afterwards, they noticed that they also gained superpowers related to these colors. For example, the person in red gained the ability to manipulate fire. The person in purple gained the ability to create illusions and the person in pink could change how someone felt, both physically and emotionally.

Years passed by. It is currently 2071, 31 years after the people from New Earth returned home. Since scientists never stopped researching New Earth and kept on improving their technology, they sent more people to the planet, but for shorter periods of time to prevent their bodies from changing.

The leaders of this project decided that they had made enough improvements in technology and knowledge to send people there permanently. However, there are a couple of dangers on New Earth that make it unsafe for humans to live there. So in order to actually move humanity from Earth to New Earth, these dangers have to be removed. What better way to do that than with people with magical abilities?

The original group refuses to try it out, due to their age being too high. Luckily, each of them has at least one child who inherited the ability. The leaders of the project force the original group of people to send at least one of their children to their headquarters to train their ability and eventually travel to New Earth.

Some of the original travellers are eager to send their children, while others wait until the government comes to their home to take a child away. Will these children be able to gain control of their abilities? And even if they do, will they be able to work together?

[I imagine these children as being somewhere between 16 years and 28 years, so more teenagers and young adults than actual children.]

In 2034, humanity discovered a new planet very similar to Earth and in close distance. After spending 3 whole years researching it, humans deemed the planet to be safe for humans, which is why they called it New Earth. In 2038, a first group of people were send to New Earth. After 2 years, they were forced to return due to the failing technology and lack of resources. However, these people could not simply return to their previous life, since the New Earth air messed with their bodies.

Their hair and eyes changed colors. Someone got red hair and eyes, another orange, another yellow, and so on. Soon afterwards, they noticed that they also gained superpowers related to these colors. For example, the person in red gained the ability to manipulate fire. The person in purple gained the ability to create illusions and the person in pink could change how someone felt, both physically and emotionally.

Years passed by. It is currently 2071, 31 years after the people from New Earth returned home. Since scientists never stopped researching New Earth and kept on improving their technology, they sent more people to the planet, but for shorter periods of time to prevent their bodies from changing.

The leaders of this project decided that they had made enough improvements in technology and knowledge to send people there permanently. However, there are a couple of dangers on New Earth that make it unsafe for humans to live there. So in order to actually move humanity from Earth to New Earth, these dangers have to be removed. What better way to do that than with people with magical abilities?

The original group refuses to try it out, due to their age being too high. Luckily, each of them has at least one child who inherited the ability. The leaders of the project force the original group of people to send at least one of their children to their headquarters to train their ability and eventually travel to New Earth.

Some of the original travellers are eager to send their children, while others wait until the government comes to their home to take a child away. Will these children be able to gain control of their abilities? And even if they do, will they be able to work together?

[I imagine these children as being somewhere between 16 years and 28 years, so more teenagers and young adults than actual children.]

I want to do an original roleplay where the story takes place in a universe that is inspired by both the Fairy Tail anime and the Unicorn Aacademy Netflix show. Currently, I am thinking of using dragons instead of unicorns.

My partner has to be over 18 years old for personal comfort. Please tell me beforehand which dark themes you are not comfortable with. When it comes to smut, I usually don't write it out in order to prevent it from taking over the whole roleplay.

I may not reply every single day (Saturdays are especially difficult), but I will always keep you up-to-date. Please do the same to me.


36 years ago, a new constellation consisting of unfamiliar stars appeared. A bright light shone down from it, blinding everyone alive on Earth. In the year that followed, every single newborn was born with unnatural haircolours. At the same time, a first generation of dragons was born. Humanity noticed that those special newborns formed a first generation of magicians, whose magic get activated after forming a special bond with one of the dragons. After turning 18 years old, the special children who did not activate their magic through forming such a bond lost their unique haircolour and thus their chance at becoming a magician. The moment the first generation reached the age of 18 years old, the constellation reappeared to create a second generation of both magicians and dragons.

Our characters are part of the second generation that now has become 18 years old. Each for their own reasons decide to apply for a position in the Free Winged guild. This guild focuses on protecting the normal humans, the wild dragons who never bonded thus never gaining magic, and stopping the dark guild Fire Armor.

This dark guild wants to create an army of by killing magicians and stealing their dragons, after which they force a bond with those dragons through intimidation. They have magicians bonded with several dragons and dragons bonded with several magicians.


I will probably use anime pictures for my characters. I can work with no character sheets, short ones or long ones, whatever you prefer.

I can play several characters at once, both male and female. Romantic relationships can be FxM and MxM. I am not used to FxF, but I am open to try if you want.

PM me if you are interested. Don't be afraid to add any ideas you might have that change or add to the story.
I want to do a roleplay that is inspired by the Miraculous series. The reason that this roleplay is 18+ is (1) because I am 23 years old myself and prefer writing with someone who is 18 years or older and (2) not because of smut, but because dark themes may pop up (be sure to tell me BEFORE the roleplay starts what your limits are).

In our version, the supernatural abilities will be hidden in clothes (which cannot be destroyed) instead of in jewels (such as coats, gloves or scarves). When one wears the special clothing, an animal guarding that power will become visible for that one single person and other people who wear special clothing. They won't be small, floating creatures, such as in the series, but regular animals.

In order to transform into a superhero, one has to wear the special clothing and say the animal's name followed by the phrase 'wake up'. To return to their normal selves, they use again the animal's name, this time followed by 'go to sleep'.

After being transformed, the special clothing can have a different color, appearance or size, but it won't change into another piece of clothing. For example: a coat may look like a different coat, but it will still be a coat. It won't change into a hat.

The special clothing have been handed out by a very small, little girl with blond pigtails and a cute, white dress. However, no one sees the little girl more than once.

The superheroes don't know each other's real identities. They only see each other while being transformed. Years ago, they founded a secret organization. Luckily, one of the superheroes comes from a very rich family, so they pay for everything, including the little devices hiding in jewels that alert them when there is a danger and where that danger is.

The organization operates in many countries. We would act as two (or four if we decide to double) superheroes in the same city. Our characters would be older than 18 years (so either college/university students or just people who go to work when they don't have to fight crime).
Katsuki was honestly surprised that the other Commander decided to stop her from walking away after hesitating for a moment that seemed to go on for a century. On top of that, the girl used the word 'overwhelming' to describe her. Overwhelming. She was used to hearing words such as creepy, robotic, emotionless and monster. However, no one had described her as 'overwhelming' before. Because of that single word, Katsuki started to become interested in the girl in front of her. "Sure." She answered when the girl proposed going to a café. Wait... Talk about it? What was there to talk about? The only thing Katsuki wanted was battling, not talking about battling or about any of their lives. Although the café the girl chose was way too crowded, just as the library was. But if she only needed to stay there long enough to battle and win, it would be alright. That was what Katsuki thought, but then the girl started introducing herself. Why would she do that? It didn't matter at all. After one of them would win, they would disappear out of each other's lifes. That was what Katsuki hoped that would happen.

[color]"Katsuki is not interested in any of you. She just wants to fulfill her wish. Isn't that right, Katsuki? Katsuki?"[/color] Sunako said exactly what Katsuki was thinking. She really was the best friend Katsuki could wish for. She also was her only friend, which Katsuki was fine with. "Sunako is right. I'm fine with waiting in silence." Katsuki confirmed. Then the girl, who carried the name Rui, finally said that she was going to leave Katsuki alone... if Katsuki would win their battle. Now, she had to absolutely win the battle. "If I can get you to leave me alone by agreeing to the wager, then I'll agree to it." It wasn't a good idea to just walk up to any Commander close to her after all. This Rui seemed to be a pain. Although it was nice that for once, someone wasn't scared of her. "We have a deal. I just want to win this battle and get it over with." Katsuki continued.

At some point, they finally received their drinks. "Katsuki! Katsuki! This means that we can start the battle, right? Right, Katsuki?" Sunako yelled enthusiastically. She started jumping inside of her card and throwing fists in front of her. "We'll kill you two in an instant!" For the first time since meeting Rui, Katsuki forced a soft smile on her face. "That's right, Sunako. We'll beat them easily." Katsuki said to Sunako in the same robotic voice, while staring at Rui. "Let's open the battlefield." Katsuki said.
Sora felt so happy that he had a friend like Natsuko by his side. She seemed to be happy for him from the bottom of her heart that his relationship with his sister started to become better. That's how it seemed for Sora. But then she started talking about battling and fear started to rise within Sora. "Ow yeah! It must have a really calming effect that soon you will be done with Nexus and you won't have to worry about the consequences anymore. Although it must be quite scary as well." He said, forcing a smile on his face. She was acting weirder than normal. What did she have in mind? What did she want to tell him? He had absolutely no idea.

"Wait... What? You want to battle me? But... we are friends. Why would you want to battle me? I mean... What if I would make you lose Nexus? I wouldn't be able to carry that guilt with me for the rest of my life! And you have a lot more experience with the game than me, so it's much more likely that you are going to beat me... and I am finally back in the safe zone of two coins again. If you beat me, I'll be out of that safe zone again. I don't know if I feel comfortable with that. Why can't we just battle strangers and win Nexus together? That will be good for both of us, wouldn't it?" Sora said, trying to get out of having to battle Natsuko. He put a hand on Natsuko's shoulder and pulled the girl closer to him for a hug. "I'm scared of having to battle you, Natsuko. Because I don't think that I have enough experience to win against someone like you." He took a deep breath. No matter the reason, he didn't like having to refuse her. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. Should he say yes to the battle anyways?

"She thinks battling Sora will make her wish come true? It has something to do with Sora, doesn't it? For some reason, she HAS to battle Sora in order to get her wish fulfilled. Is it like that? If that's the case, then I have to warn Sora. He shouldn't battle her." Especially because Ema her reaction revealed that it wasn't a wish she would enjoy. So it couldn't have been a wish that Sora would enjoy either. He couldn't let her to that to Sora.
The library was fairly crowded that day both with students who needed a quiet place to study and with adults who were looking for a nice, relaxing book to read in their free time. A girl with long, dark hair was sitting at one of the tables, three books stacked at one side and two at the other side. One book was lying in front of her, open on page 263. However, it didn't look as if she was reading even a word on the pages. Her robotic look was glancing towards the people in the library. Some girls were trying hard not to annoy the librarian with their laughter. Some children were drawn to the colourful drawings in the children books. As hard as she was trying, she couldn't understand the joy of laughing over stupid jokes or the joy of spending an entire day with a toddler who drools on literally anything, especially on the clothes of their parents.

A Nexus card was leaning against the pile of three books on the left side of the girl's body. A girl with a creepy smile on her face was jumping within the card. "Katsuki! Katsuki! Katsuki!" The girl was yelling while jumping into the air. "Katsuki! Katsuki! Katsuki!" She continued repeatedly. No one else seemed to hear the little girl's yelling other than Katsuki herself... and it annoyed her to no end. "Sunako. Calm down. We'll leave soon." Katsuki said with a robotic voice. There was no emotion to be seen in Katsuki's movements or to be heard in Katsuki's voice. "Finally! It's soooo boring out here. Let's go! Katsuki!" Sunako, the girl in the card, answered immediately.

In a short amount of time and with amazing speed, Katsuki went through the book before her and the two books on her right. After the girl had put away the books, she took Sunako's card and walked towards the entrance of the library. On her way, she was stopped by a little child that lost his mother in the large crowd of people. Why was the library even so busy that day? Who even reads if they don't have to? Katsuki sighed and bended her knees in order to be able to talk to the child on eye level. "I don't care about you or your mother. Go away before I'll make sure you never see her again." Katsuki said in the same robotic voice as before. Tears were streaming down the cheeks of the child as it started crying loudly. The librarian quickly ran towards the child to console it. They wanted to tell Katsuki that what she had done was not okay, but Katsuki was out of sight before the librarian realised.

When Katsuki was only a couple of inches away from the door, Sunako started yelling. "Katsuki! Katsuki! There is a Commander, Katsuki!" The second Sunako started yelling, a girl came through the door. It was obvious that she was the other Commander that Sunako had sensed. The girl wanted to pass Katsuki, but Katsuki refused to step aside. Even when the girl stepped aside to pass Katsuki, Katsuki kept on blocking the way. "You're a Commander. Let's go find somewhere quiet." Katsuki said without emotion, holding up Sunako's card. "Let's go, Katsuki! Let's go! I'm pumped! Katsuki!" Sunako said, throwing her fists in front of her, pretending to be fighting.

"I don't care who you are. I don't care what your wish is. I don't care how many coins you are left. And I won't feel even a tiny drop of guilt destroying you in the process of getting my wish granted. If you don't feel the same way, you shouldn't even be battling. So... Wanna battle me?" Katsuki said as if she had told that speech a hundred times before. After only a couple of seconds, not having any patience, Katsuki already started walking away. "Okay. I guess not." She was used to being refused by Commanders. Most of them claimed that Katsuki creeped them out. Others claimed that it was Sunako who creeped them out. Even Commanders that did fight her ran away as fast as they could from her, even the times that Katsuki lost.

Sora laughed shyly while scratching his head as Natsuko asked him to let her stay that close to him. Although he usually didn't let girls get that close to himself before and it honestly made him feel a little bit embarrassed, he could handle it when it came to Natsuko. Then he suddenly turned his head around when he heard Rui's voice. He opened his mouth to say something, but Natsuko had already answered Rui before he could even think of something to say. Was Rui uncomfortable with Natsuko being in their house? He tried to read her body language, but couldn't read properly what she was thinking. Of course she was probably surprised as she didn't expect Natsuko, but it didn't seem like it bothered Rui much, which made Sora relax and focus on Natsuko again.

"Well, she lives here. It's not that surprising." Sora laughed. "But now we're completely alone, so you can relax. Nobody should come in anymore for the next couple of hours." He continued with a wink towards Natsuko. "Yeah, Rui is the other Commander. Sora bought both of their decks, so they became Commanders almost together." Wolf meanwhile answered Ema. Wolf felt like something was off about Natsuko and Ema. Natsuko was way too obsessed with Sora. Although it didn't seem like she would hurt Sora, since she seemed to care about him a lot, Wolf still couldn't relax with Natsuko and Ema being that close to Sora. His concerns only grew stronger when Ema mentionned that Natsuko really wanted to battle Sora. "She is? Why does she want to battle Sora so badly? They are friends, so there is the possibility that one will destroy the other's last coin. Why would she want to do that to someone she cares about?" Wolf asked curiously, assuming that Ema wouldn't answer such a question.

Sora's cheeks gained a red color as Natsuko touched his hair and as she wrapped his arm around hers. "W-Well... L-Luckily I have y-you..." He said before laughing shyly and scratching his head again. "Actually I did! Yesterday, Rui and I wented to the zoo again. It has been so long since we have done that. It was so much fun! We saw all kinds of animals and for once, she was having fun instead of reading books and ignoring me. I had forgotten how much fun it is to hang out with Rui. We even met another Commander. I didn't really want to battle her, since it was such a little, innocent girl, but Rui pushed me and now I have one of my coins back again! This means that for now, I am safe!" Sora said with a huge smile on his face. "Oh, and maybe you and I could go to the zoo sometimes? It has also been long since you and I hung out somewhere off school grounds and each others' homes." He continued, going through Natsuko's hair with his free hand.
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