Avatar of Squirrel98


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I am Squirrel98 (25 years old), a woman from Belgium (Europe).
One can always message me to chat or start a roleplay.
These are the things you should know about me.

I am a university student (last year) and already working, so I don't have a lot of time. However, I always inform my partners when I am not interested anymore or when I want to stop the roleplay because of another reason. That means: if I don't answer you, then I don't have the time yet. By the way, I rarely forget a roleplay, so you don't have to worry about that.

Even though I can be pretty busy, I love to chat and often check the site on my phone. If you do worry about me not answering or you just want to chat, send me a pm and you'll get a fast answer in normal circumstances.

I am able to write as both male and female. In addition, I can play several characters at a time.

I absolutely love romance in my roleplays (although it is not necessary), but I don't write out smut. The reason for that is that it easily takes over the whole plot and that becomes very boring very quickly. I have experience with both MxF and MxM. I have never done a FxF pairing, but I am open to try!

I prefer to avoid roleplays which are situated in the past or in existing countries. I probably haven't been there, so I don't know the rules well enough to roleplay it.

Bear with me during fighting scenes. I have more experience with romance, drama, horror, slice of life where there is a lot of describing and dialogue. I am still learning to write fighting scenes.

I have no limits with dark themes, so tell me BEFORE we make characters what your limits are. All that you have in mind, I can handle it (just make sure that it doesn't contain smut).

I can work with long character sheets, short character sheets and no character sheets. I don't have a preference.

Don't ghost me, especially right after an intro post. If you aren't sure that our styles are compatible, ask for a writing sample. If you want to quit, just let me know.

Current cravings (using OC's, not canons):
- Miraculous (tv-show) / Precure (anime) - an adult version
- Fairy Tail (anime) - the universe
- Zathura / Jumanji (movies) - board game coming to life
Interest check
- Big Brother (concept) - a creature always watching and controlling
Interest check
- Apocalypse (concept) - new country being created

Most Recent Posts

It was 5 May 2025. The morning didn't seem any different from normal, until you looked into your bedroom mirror. Your eyes gazed upon an unknown body. Your first thought was that it must be a dream, so you followed your morning routine assuming that at some point you have to wake up. Right before leaving your house to go to work, you turn on the morning news. It wasn't a dream. Several people woke up into different bodies that morning. You weren't the only one. Most people commented that the victims were delusional, but as one of the victims yourself you believed everything you heard.

People not only woke up as different people, but as people opposite from themselves. Athletes woke up in wheelchairs. Nurses woke up in jail as felons convicted for ending lifes. The rich celebrities woke up as people who couldn't even afford food. The most arrogant people who had never felt anxiety before suddenly couldn't feel anything else anymore. It was chaos.

It looked similar as reincarnation, but at the same time it didn't. You weren't reborn as babies, you as an adult woke up in the body of another adult, someone completely unfamiliar. In order to make yourself feel at ease, you tried to go to your old home. You were craving for something familiar, something you knew and liked. To your surprise, someone else was living at your house. Your neighbours had never even heard of you.

The first couple of days you spent in complete solitude. Hoping, wishing, praying that the dream, the nightmare, would end. It didn't. At some point you decided that returning to your old life wasn't an option anymore, so you might as well get to know your new life. You put all of your effort in getting to know your new family, friends, partners. You tried to hide that you were one of the victims, that you had no idea who they were, because you didn't want them to think you were crazy.

You thought that you would get the hang of it after a while, but the contrast between your old life and your new life was too high to simply get used of it. You reached such a low point that you thought about contacting the other victims. However, someone else seemed to have the same idea sooner, because a letter ended up in your mailbox, a letter without a return adress and without stamps. For a moment you wondered how they got your adress. It didn't have any stamps, so that lust mean that they came to your house.

You wanted to ignore the letter. It didn't seem trustworthy that another victim just happened to have your adress, because you hadn't told anything about your situation to the media. The letter was a red flag meant to be ignored. But how could you ignore a chance at talking to other victims who might be able to help you get out of that deep, dark pit you were in? You couldn't.

That's why you went to the meeting place at the specified time, hoping to talk to the other victims, kind of like an AA meeting. However, you were right to have doubts. In a matter of seconds, you get blindfolded and locked up.
@illirica No problem! I don't have a preference in term of layout, as long as it contains what we need to know about your character :)

The following colors/abilities are taken:

In 2034, humanity discovered a new planet very similar to Earth and in close distance. After spending 3 whole years researching it, humans deemed the planet to be safe for humans, which is why they called it New Earth. In 2038, a first group of people were send to New Earth. After 2 years, they were forced to return due to the failing technology and lack of resources. However, these people could not simply return to their previous life, since the New Earth air messed with their bodies.

Their hair and eyes changed colors. Someone got red hair and eyes, another orange, another yellow, and so on. Soon afterwards, they noticed that they also gained superpowers related to these colors. For example, the person in red gained the ability to manipulate fire. The person in purple gained the ability to create illusions and the person in pink could change how someone felt, both physically and emotionally.

Years passed by. It is currently 2071, 31 years after the people from New Earth returned home. Since scientists never stopped researching New Earth and kept on improving their technology, they sent more people to the planet, but for shorter periods of time to prevent their bodies from changing.

The leaders of this project decided that they had made enough improvements in technology and knowledge to send people there permanently. However, there are a couple of dangers on New Earth that make it unsafe for humans to live there. So in order to actually move humanity from Earth to New Earth, these dangers have to be removed. What better way to do that than with people with magical abilities?

The original group refuses to try it out, due to their age being too high. Luckily, each of them has at least one child who inherited the ability. The leaders of the project force the original group of people to send at least one of their children to their headquarters to train their ability and eventually travel to New Earth.

Some of the original travellers are eager to send their children, while others wait until the government comes to their home to take a child away. Will these children be able to gain control of their abilities? And even if they do, will they be able to work together?

[I imagine these children as being somewhere between 16 years and 28 years, so more teenagers and young adults than actual children.]

In 2034, humanity discovered a new planet very similar to Earth and in close distance. After spending 3 whole years researching it, humans deemed the planet to be safe for humans, which is why they called it New Earth. In 2038, a first group of people were send to New Earth. After 2 years, they were forced to return due to the failing technology and lack of resources. However, these people could not simply return to their previous life, since the New Earth air messed with their bodies.

Their hair and eyes changed colors. Someone got red hair and eyes, another orange, another yellow, and so on. Soon afterwards, they noticed that they also gained superpowers related to these colors. For example, the person in red gained the ability to manipulate fire. The person in purple gained the ability to create illusions and the person in pink could change how someone felt, both physically and emotionally.

Years passed by. It is currently 2071, 31 years after the people from New Earth returned home. Since scientists never stopped researching New Earth and kept on improving their technology, they sent more people to the planet, but for shorter periods of time to prevent their bodies from changing.

The leaders of this project decided that they had made enough improvements in technology and knowledge to send people there permanently. However, there are a couple of dangers on New Earth that make it unsafe for humans to live there. So in order to actually move humanity from Earth to New Earth, these dangers have to be removed. What better way to do that than with people with magical abilities?

The original group refuses to try it out, due to their age being too high. Luckily, each of them has at least one child who inherited the ability. The leaders of the project force the original group of people to send at least one of their children to their headquarters to train their ability and eventually travel to New Earth.

Some of the original travellers are eager to send their children, while others wait until the government comes to their home to take a child away. Will these children be able to gain control of their abilities? And even if they do, will they be able to work together?

[I imagine these children as being somewhere between 16 years and 28 years, so more teenagers and young adults than actual children.]
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