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Are we married to the default loadout listed in the document you provided, or can we mess with it and if so, under what rules?
Sign me up.
Don't worry about it, this is a game and people worth waiting for. Get well soon.
"She has a sense of superiority about herself and her race in general, considering many other races inferior."

I sense great RP opportunities.
Somewhat on-topic: Saw Top Gun: Maverick today. Very good, especially considering what usually comes out these days.

Now I want Ace Combat movies...
Engines - check, life support - check, ammo - check. Astrid tightened her shoulder straps, making sure she still had enough freedom of movement to look over her shoulders. Ejection capsule - armed. Let’s hope that doesn’t get used. “Allfather Odin, who art in Valhalla, may I prevail in the battle ahead and the damn sensors stay functioning throughout this sortie.” She whispered a mock prayer under her breath, giving the Wildcat an encouraging pat on the dashboard “Hear me, you beautiful thing? Make your designers proud.” And then, the wait. The worst part of any sortie, barring a few exceptions. Then sirens, ship weapons firing and instructions from the shooter. At last, they’ve arrived. With Ebony doling out some last minute orders, she keyed her mic twice in affirmative response and gave the shooter a salute and a thumb up.

Thrown out of the Wandering Star by the invisible hand of the electromagnetic catapult, Astrid quickly turned and burned to form up on her lead. Having cleared the ship and planting her fighter half a klick off Ebony’s five o’clock, she locked onto her fighter to better keep track of the wing leader and rolled her Wildcat so the bottom was facing the star to keep its rays out of her eyes.
She spared a look of pity at one of the troop transports. Last time she’d flown a sortie during a planetary invasion, the Midgard War had just swung into its second month and she was on the other side. Over a third of her aerial victories of that war were transports making planetfall, interceptors having been sent up to put up token resistance and keep their escort fighters busy while the multiroles, supported by bombers hastily refitted to carry a large number of long range air to air missiles guided by AWACS planes, tore the sluggish transports apart.
“One, you think they’ll wait at high altitude to jump us while we’re vulnerable during the descent, or try to meet us in orbit to get at the dropships as early as they can? How many do we expect anyway? The briefing was pretty sparse on details.”
@Shadow Daedalus
In a similar vein to Kersel's question, how long before game start has he joined the Resistance?
Hey, we got a finger four, good start.

*Pain as they struggle to stay in formation with four different fighters of three different types.* :)
<Snipped quote by Starlance>
...although the OP post does mention for humanity that Earth is a long-lost myth, and nobody really knows where humans come from - they just seem to be everywhere.

Am aware, I tried to word it in a way that would convey that they don't know either (long forgotten ancestry etc.) They basically knew they must be from the same place, since they're the same species, but that's as far as it goes. Don't know why the mainline Humans forgot about Earth but for Midgard it would be along the lines of "Never been, don't care, this is my home."

The history section is more OOC to explain the "who, where and why" of the system than things that would be known in universe.
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