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Gammaton couldn't help but agree with Faetalis' decision; Hivehill thrived on food, and Gammaton could feel her host becoming a bit peckish. But one sad truth remained unspoken; if Faetalis was this willing to tear down so much of the guild, it heavily implied the absence of the other Supreme Beings, or at least, the ones whose domains were being reduced to scrap. Though Gammaton was long used to GrillBears' absence, she could tell that this sudden and violent event may have awakened in her comrades the vain hope that their masters would return. She didn't want to see them disappointed, but she feared it would be a hard truth they would have to face sooner or later.

"I hear, and obey, My Lady," Gammaton's host said in his characteristically deep, smooth voice and bowed bombastically in an attempt to hide the regret of having to deface years of Infactorium's progress and infrastructure. With the meeting concluded, Gammaton paced back to Hivehill, deep in contemplation. Once she had arrived, she went into some of the deeper areas that more resembled research labs than a giant anthill to find some parchment and a quill. Gammaton quickly penned some instructions for Levia in case she forgot how the ants behaved. Pasting the instructions to the randomly chosen 'leader' of a handful of worker ants, she ordered them to aid Levia in her duties, bringing a trunk of pheromone bottles that had fortunately survived Infactorium's violent transport. Sure, she probably didn't need any help when it came to deconstruction, but the ants would spare Levia the banal task of moving the material to their destinations, allowing her to continue doing what she loved with minimal interruptions.

Gammaton took the remaining workers and headed to the opposite end from Levia of the parts of Infactorium that were slated for destruction. As an Insect Master, Gammaton could command the workers with her thoughts...well, not exactly. Her commands to her minions were converted into intricately woven pheromone signals. The trunk she had sent to Levia was a simplistic version that involved three types of vials representing three signals, color-coded for ease of use: red for harvest - to break down into small chunks, blue for move - to pick up without destroying, and green for destination - the location where objects marked with red or blue pheromones were to be moved to. Applying a pheromone to the antennae of an ant let it know it was about to receive orders relevant to that type of pheromone, leaving the vial let the ant know that it is to perform its task at that location. Marking a pile of inorganic material with red, and marking a trail of green that led to The Big Scrap Alley and Mór Brionnú would be sufficient to have the workers carry out the automated task of deconstructing and carrying the material to the where they were intended. The same could be done by marking a pile of organic material with red and a green trail to the Gorging Trough. With this, Gammaton and Levia could work efficiently at deconstructing the 'unnecessary' parts of Infactorium, though Gammaton had no illusions that she would finish her task before Levia. Though Gammaton could feel the pangs of nostalgia stabbing her heart, she understood the need to excise unneeded parts for the better health of the whole.
Sorry, I have a half-written post that I should be finishing soon.
Vivian & Sylvia Altissima

Uninvited Guests

They would expect the place to be quiet save for themselves yet as they approached the kitchen, they would hear noises of drawers opening and the minor clanging of utensils and other sounds of ransacking. Thieves and robbers, perhaps? Believing the Guild to be deserted? The sisters could hear voices from the kitchen should they press their ears against the closed doors.

The voices were female, and sounded very young. Like teenagers giggling about gossip. The door was a bit ajar, allowing the Altissima sisters to get a peek within the invaded kitchen. They would see a couple of figures, none of whom bode well for the lone Liliraune. They could see a fair-skinned girl with insect features about her, particularly a cockroach with their black-brown wings and appendages; a Devil Bug. The other girl they could see had the ears and the tail of a mouse; clearly a Large Mouse.

Neither of these monster species usually came alone. Who knows how much more of them were in the kitchen, let alone the Guild?

"We've got pests!" The sisters thought. Sylvia lamented Ozzy's departure, who, as an owl, was probably a great deterrent for mice. What to do? The sisters couldn't let these pests ravage the kitchen before they'd even gotten a chance to show off their prowess to the rest of the guild. Looking at each other, the sisters silently agreed on their approach.

"HEY!" Vivian yelled as she slammed the kitchen door open in an attempt to startle the unwanted guests. "What's this? A couple of mischievous vermin?" A vine snapped out in an attempt to grab one of the pests by the leg and hoist them into the air; this would give them something to bargain with, hopefully, since their tactic was going to be a sort of good cop/bad cop dynamic that teetered between intimidation and negotiation.
Though Gammaton was a bit surprised to be picked up and carried by Levia, she couldn't say that it was unpleasant. As a general, Gammaton exuded strength and dependability, so people rarely treated her like a princess even in her butterfly form, let alone her egg form. Besides, given that their master was injured, the urgency was warranted.

However, upon arrival, it seemed Tungsten was already in the process of healing Lady Faetalis, though Gammaton did head over and offer some healing as well. However, Gammaton wasn't the greatest healer outside of combat, since her abilities primarily revolved around sharing her vampirism. She would be more effective if she challenged someone like Canology Mae to a duel, used her kinsect to steal Mae's highest stat, health, and transfer it to Fatalis, and then proceed to drain Mae's health, allowing the shared vampirism with Faetalis to top her off. Of course, such a setup was a bit more complicated than the urgent situation would have allowed, and Mae might balk at being challenged to a duel during such a stressful moment. Regardless, Faetalis was soon back on her feet, so Gammaton backed off to stand at attention.

"I would say that Hivehill is very much in the same condition as the other factories," Gammaton reported, "The brood queens have gone into hibernation to conserve resources so our military force has been significantly impacted." The brood queens were not actually units, and according to the old system, were actually considered 'furniture'; barely mobile parts of Hivehill that were part of the production cycle, that is, consuming resources to make eggs that would later hatch into the various insectoid forces of Infactorium. They were not very strong, and any attacks they could perform to defend themselves were considered 'traps'. With little to no energy coming into Hivehill, the higher tiers of brood queens cocooned up, leaving only the weakest to produce a rudimentary force. "The workers, on the other hand, are mostly unscathed and are ready for leased deployment should any of the other overseers require a few additional helping mandibles. The biologically-inspired architecture of Hivehill makes it slightly more resilient to tremors, and since most of the workers were resting during the celebration, they were within the safety of the tunnels during the...forced transport." Gammaton looked around at her other overseers, and though her host's mask hid her expression, offered a melancholy smile, glad that they, at least, were safe and present, though the shadow of the absence of the other great beings loomed.
Vivian & Sylvia Altissima

After having taken some quests in the past few days the sisters decided to stay at the guild. The garden and hothouse may not be finished yet, but it was enough to start working. Though they had shared a wonderful dinner with Neil and Sister Riñas at the festival, Sylvia felt that cooking was Vivian's expertise, and if Neil was impressed, then it was thanks to Vivian, and not herself. The sisters spent the day deciding where to transplant the herbs they had brought in their planter; they were lucky that in the few quests they had gone on that the herbs had survived such excitement.

"Are you okay with letting Neil go off with Vară?" Vivian asked.

Sylvia was silent for a moment. Vivian had brought up a difficult topic. "Yes, I'm not too worried," Sylvia replied, "You've seen the type of person he is..." Sylvia sighed. "He's love-dense, I don't think he recognizes when someone is interested in him, or he's great at hiding it. Sure it makes it hard since I don't think he's picked up on my subtlety, but Vară's trying too hard to give off this noble aura that she'll never make the first move. This gives me the advantage, since I have no such qualms myself, and when the time is right, I can choose to be more aggressive. Sure, it's not ideal; every girl wants the one she's interested in to notice her, and we've tried not to let our 'monster' side shine through so that we can coexist with humans, but for someone like Neil, even a human girl would have to resort to being aggressive."

After planting the herbs, the sisters harvested a small amount and made their way to the kitchen where they would prepare their first batch of special nectar cookies for the guild. They wouldn't make very many, enough for everyone to have a taste and offer their opinions. Given that the intent was for the guild members to take them out on journeys as a revitalizing energy supplement, should they make them less cookie-like and closer to hard tack for ease of travel? How would the small amount of nectar effect the other monsters, or even the male monsters?
Staff Units are Units that are duplicated by a combination of MinMaxine's Racial Class Skills, and are cookie cutter from a Schematic (Unit Level no higher than 1/2 their Overseer) that each Factory member gave to Faetalis.

Hence, they have no cost against your Factory Production, but can only take one solid hit, before going sploosh back into slime.

So, in spite of having combat potential, they are literally a duplicate that Faetalis uses to "bypass" (a.k.a. exploit a loophole) restrictions on the Production Levels, as she designed MinMaxine to be, technically, an Overseer that duplicates other Entities and produces them via her Slime Magic, so she could spend her Production Levels on her Technomancer stuff and her fellow members can focus on projects the same without stressing.

Cool, that works for me.
Gammaton Zero stirred at the base of her host's neck, the parasitic network of nerves flaring into activity.

"Oya, oya?" Gammaton commented, speaking through the host's smooth, deep male voice and shaking the dust and debris off. Though she was disoriented, as if waking from a dream, Gammaton retained her composure and poise; GrillBears was a bit of a nervous wreck and had created Gammaton to be reliable and calm. Gammaton's first thought was that Infactorium had been attacked, however there should be warnings in place, were that the case. A moment of waiting with no further disruptions, and Gammaton set to commanding the workers to begin triaging Hivehill; repair what could quickly be fixed, discard that which was beyond help, and save for later what was salvageable but too costly to deal with at the moment, in an effort to bring order and stability back to Hivehill. Fortunately, the moving of heavy objects were the ants' forte, and it wasn't long before Hivehill recovered some semblance of organization.

Gammaton suddenly received a signal. of course. Damage of this magnitude needed to be discussed, and Gammaton made her way to Hivehill's exit...which happened to be obstructed by a particularly large and stubborn piece of debris, which the ants, in their stupidity, failed to prioritize. Gammaton ordered the workers to focus their efforts on moving or destroying the obstruction. Unfortunately, it was slow-going, and Gammaton considered destroying it herself, but her current form wasn't her most powerful, and she didn't quite feel that this was a good time to transform just yet.

The workers suddenly backed off from the debris, their senses picking up the presence of extremely powerful chemicals. Before long, a hole was burned through the debris, revealing the form of the dragon hybrid, Levia Vishap.

"Ah, Levia. Always a pleasure," Gammaton greeted, offering a mild bow, "Thank you for clearing that particularly stubborn piece from my entrance. Though I assume that the reason you are here instead of at the meeting is because my presence is urgently required?" Without waiting for a response, Gammaton acted on her assumption, and went over to Levia's side, walking at a brisk pace towards Faetalis' office.
I wanted to ask, can I have the staff units of Hivehill be worker ants/bees, and just have as many as I want (within reason)? As workers, they would have no combat levels, but would function as parcel delivery, waste collection, heavy labor, etc. and could be leased out to the other factories in functional groups to serve similar menial task purposes. Being of low intelligence, they coordinate through pheromones, but beyond instinctively knowing how to make hives and hills, they are incapable of higher-level planning/construction.

That way I can save the Factory levels for combat units.
@The Irish Tree

I realized I didn't put a bio in for GrillBears, Gammaton's creator, and I hadn't realized GrillBears interests overlap with NotEvenHere's until just now. Does Levia have her own factory? If not, then since you mentioned Levia's home was in the 'animal pens', and the Pits of Hivehill were intended to function as such, you would be more than welcome to have Levia live in the Pits. The Pits were also intended as an experiemtnal breeding ground, so maybe GrillBears and NotEvenHere were collaborators in the past?

*1 lvl of Tunnel Doctor removed (removing Tunnel Doctor entirely), 1 level given to Pharmacist
**Hivehill Theme music added, Voice inspirations added, GrillBears bio added.
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