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Location — Ishin Academy, Assembly Hall
Interacting with@Feyblue

Gendou raised his head as the eye he had just popped back in twists and swivels as it seats itself back into place, however it is at this moment that he notices Kokone is standing there, staring at him. Gendou's hands shot up to cover his eye, knowing that people in general found independently moving eyes darting all over the place unsettling. There was a moment of silence as he tried to ascertain whether she had seen his eye moving wildly in its socket and how she would react. But all he caught was an imperceptible wince. Was that hidden pain? Or perhaps veiled annoyance? What did she want from him? He wondered if he had offended her in some way, or if she had simply and arbitrarily decided that she wanted his seat and that he needed to get out of 'her' spot even though the row was practically empty.

So when Kokone asked if she could sit next to him, his first reaction was to get up before finally realizing what she had actually said. To cover his faux pas, Gendou bowed, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Y-yes...I mean...no, I don't mind, p-please help yourself," Gendou blurted out before awkwardly sitting back down. Gendou leaned quite heavily away from Kokone, retreating so that they wouldn't fight over the single armrest that was shared by both seats. Because of the prior altercation that he had just heard and witnessed, the threat of bullies was on his mind, although to be honest, the threat of bullies was always on his mind. So he couldn't help but wonder if there was some sinister motive behind Kokone's sudden approach. But then he remembered part of why he was even here in the first place. People came here because they wanted to be heroes; surely the majority of people here must have good intentions. It didn't make sense for him to walk onto a hero school campus and immediately start suspecting his fellow classmates of being bullies. No, here, things would be different.

Gendou turned back to face Kokone, though his eyes were downcast. "It's n-nice to meet you. My name is Akisuji Gendou. I'm from Tokyo," Gendou introduced himself. He wanted to start this new stage of his life on the right foot.
<Snipped quote by Stern Algorithm>

Keepers in the majority of Azvanrist sects are more kept as spiritual figures than they are in active roles - it's something that's dependent on local cultures and the exact nature of their upbringing. And though it wouldn't really be too out of it for a mekh operator to turn over a new leaf as a keeper as a religious experience, there's usually a stiff layer of economic and social calcification that keep a lot of people from doing so. Likewise depending on how long they were on that exact path, forsaking being a keeper could range from anything to a young devotee deciding (or getting persuaded) that they're not cut out for this whole monasticism thing to basically outright apostasy/excommunication. Owing to the nature of the "space feudalist" structure that the Empire has had there's only really a lot of social mobility on a local scale - anything that involves multiple planets is very much sealed-in.

In general, though, Keepers do maintain a similar role as there would be to, say, clergy in most militaries: That is, an important part of the maintenance of morale and as supportive roles, but not anywhere near the direct up-and-front fighting. This being said, it wouldn't be entirely out of the picture for a keeper to pilot a juggernaut...though it would be considered highly unusual, like how if the army base's Chaplin decided he was going to be a helicopter pilot for a day.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the goals of adherence and that of role as a keeper aren't mutually exclusive: "Keeper" as the term itself refers to a specific societal role that's in many ways part caste, part profession, and part lifelong journey. Think of it more as a dedicated monk.

Though, it's not to say that you must be a keeper in order to maintain or display that show of faith in androgyny. People throughout the Empire can and do present themselves in androgynous forms as to communicate their devotion to Azvanrism all the time, and i'd even go as far as to say it wouldn't be out of the question to say it's even a cultural norm on some planets' local societies.

There's still a good number of religious minorities all around the Empire and there's just not enough infrastructure or frankly care to clamp down on them all: Persecutions in the Sirian Empire were usually political and the religious aspect of trying to defend or push the faith typically came later. Really big influences - like the aforementioned Avrakhans - were usually the prime suspects because they put the stability of the Empire into question with clashing values and different collectives in things like churches, banks, common houses, soup kitchens, and so forth that they powers that be saw as potentially dangerous breeding grounds for insurrection. But if you're just some guy in his house praying to some obscure God in private then nobody will probably care. It's when you start Secret Society-ing that where the Empire does not fuck around.

<Snipped quote by Stern Algorithm>

I had a few of them written down, yeah. In general if someone has an idea for something - be it a part, weapon, subsystem, etc - then i'll allow it and draft something up for them.

Ok based on this, I think it makes sense for my character to not be a keeper, which is totally fine. I'm going to assume that based on the sheer size of the galaxy, that it would be impossible for Azvanrism to me monolithic? So I could have my character practice a form of Azvanrism with its own 'flavor'?

I'm thinking of having a mech that specializes in electronic warfare, such as jamming communications/radar, disabling enemy mechs, and scouting/disorienting engagements (with funnels/drones).
I am curious to know more about keepers and Azvanrism in general. Like can a keeper become a juggernaut pilot or vice versa? I like playing religious characters, so I'm thinking of a character who is androgynous and very much in touch with their juggernaut's spectre. One of their specialties would be theology and interfaith dialogue, which might make diplomacy with the Avrakhans more of an option.

Also, are funnel-type weapons (remote-controlled drones) going to be allowed?

Location — Ishin Academy, Assembly Hall
Potential interactions@Lemons @TGM @Feyblue

Sitting towards the front, but off to the side, Gendou tried to recenter himself. As much of an achievement as it was just to get accepted to Ishin, Gendou was already beginning to doubt himself. He knew he was in here not because he was eager to hear whatever it was the principal had to say, but because he was cowardly fleeing the crowd outside. What kind of hero was afraid of crowds? He had come here with the hope of being allowed to be his authentic self, to have people see him and his quirk and to think, 'cool' or 'awesome' instead of, 'eww' or 'gross'. Gendou leaned back in his chair and turned his face upward towards the hall lights and let out a defeated sigh. To him, every person was a potential bully, another mean-spirited individual who'd try to catch one of his eyes and try to pop it. If such a thing were to happen again, would he still just take it? The alternative seemed much worse. The use of lasers to retaliate would, after all, certainly be considered excessive force. He didn't want to be hurt anymore, but he didn't want to hurt anyone either. And the worst part of it all was that he knew that if he ever tried to fight back, if he ever snapped and let loose, he'd probably enjoy it.

But these dark thoughts were quickly interrupted by some noise coming from behind. It sounded like two girls had bumped into each other, and they sounded...mean. Instinctively, Gendou had to know what was going on and who they were. If they were classmates who might end up bullying him, he needed to know so he could either try to avoid them early or ingratiate himself to them as soon as possible to mitigate harm to himself. But it would be rude to turn and look (and he'd probably draw unwanted attention to himself), so Gendou leaned forward, cupped one of his eye sockets, and ejected an eye into his palm. Keeping the eye enclosed in his palm so that a disgusting exposed eyeball wouldn't gross anyone out, Gendou rotated his fist so that the small peephole he left in his fingers allowed him to see the altercation between Kirika and Yoshiba.

Gendou gulped thickly. Kirika had an intimidating aura, like she wasn't afraid of anyone, he imagined her bossing him around and forcing him to run errands for her, like buying her juice. She looked like the kind of person who would grind his eyeballs under her heels; an unpleasant thought.

Yoshiba, on the other hand, didn't look as intimidating, but Gendou had met his fair share of bullies that were small in stature. It almost seemed as if shorter height lent itself to greater aggression, what some might call a Napoleon complex. And was her hair made of tentacles? Gendou could imagine her snatching his eyes out of the air with her tentacles and squeezing them until they popped; another unpleasant thought.

Subconsciously, Gendou shrunk into his seat, trying to hide himself from the pair, and pushing the external eyeball back into his head. He tried to focus all his attention forward as if not focusing on Kirika and Yoshiba would make it so that they didn't focus on him.

I am here for this.

Handel perked up at the news. She may not have seen their captain fighting in such a manner, but she had picked up on enough marine intelligence to know a fraction of what she was capable of. If this wasn't a sign to reconvene, then nothing was. Handel lightly kicked the large case that was leaning against the wall behind her seat, causing it to open up and reveal the large, weaponized double bass in side. She began shoving the den den mushi into various snail shaped slots in the foam of the case. "Let's go, we've been summoned," Handel said to the reavers, trying to remain somewhat cryptic, getting up swiftly from her seat as she wheeled the large case behind her.

She didn't get very far before they were confronted by a meathead and a suspicious posse. She smiled and pulled out a marine's cap from within her jacket, placing it on her head slowly to seem more official. "Don't worry, they're with me. Special unit, not your typical marines. Anyways, we'll deal with this threat, whatever it is," Handel lied, an act that was second nature to her after years of Cipher Pol training. Though she did not doubt any among the remaining crew's ability to command, as someone who had specialized in subterfuge and intelligence, she felt it only made sense to lead the way temporarily until they met their captain and their ranks could be more officially assigned. For now, her former rank as a marine commander would be the authority she would be relying on.

Handel sat at the table, nursing her drink with a tired scowl. As a 'disguise', she had donned her old marine commander's jacket, though this had the unfortunate effect that any reveler that passed by would offer their congratulations on the success of the raid. Handel would offer them a weak smile and wave them off, saying that she had lost a lot of good comrades and would prefer to mourn, which was enough to give her and what remained of the Sea Reavers some much-needed space. Meanwhile she had laid out an array of den den mushi in front of her, asking them to send out messages to any other Sea Reaver numbers that she knew, though all were silent.

The greeting drew her attention up to Zerry, but she just gave him a tired nod, though she welcomed him to join herself and Poppy at the table. Sophie and her mechanical monstrosity soon entered the bar.

"I don't know if the captain had a personal den den mushi or not," Handel said in response to Poppy's question, "but I haven't received a call from her yet." Handel rubbed her temples in frustration, unsure how long to linger in this limbo of waiting for survivors. "Hope we're not the only ones," Handel added, addressing Sophie's greeting.

Handel had not been a prominent member of the Sea Reavers; when she joined, she had made it clear that she was a former member of Cipher Pol, but her honesty was, understandably, met with suspicion and distrust. She had been assigned as an engineer to one of the side ships of one of the lower-ranking members, however during the Garrison Star Raid, when the chatter from her den den mushi assigned to intercept messages alerted her to the existence of marine reinforcements and to their specific tactics, her warning was not properly relayed up the chain of command. She knew what was coming, but nobody had listened. 'Stupid fucking pirates,' Handel thought to herself, though she knew that her rage merely masked her sense of loss and regret.

Handel looked around the bar, at a loss for what to do and how to proceed. They needed to rally. but what would be a safe way to do so without drawing unwanted attention?
What do you guys think about me making a Discord server for this? I can always put one together if enough of you want it.

Discord might be a good idea.
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