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Akisuji Gendou

Location: 1B Homeroom, Eirei Academy, Shibuya, Tokyo Prefecture
Mentions: N/A

Gendou sat in a corner of the classroom, his eyes (still inside his head) scanning the other students. His body ached from over-exertion, and a migraine assaulted him; a symptom of pushing his quirk to its limits during the sports festival. Part of him was proud; he had performed surprisingly well, especially during the maze section where his eyes could scout ahead for the best route, and during the archery section, where his aim was as simple as looking at his targets. Part of him was apprehensive; his performance had pushed him into class 1B with students he didn't know and he worried that there was a former 1B student whose spot he had usurped who might hold a grudge. What was more troubling though, was that a lot of the students who had done exceptionally well during the festival were in this class too. Gendou had assumed that the A, B, and C classes were ordered by ability, but now he wasn't so sure. But if all the best students of the year were here, did he really deserve to be among them? Or was there some other 'issue' with these students that landed them here, despite their performance? Was this the problem class?

As if to cement this hypothesis, a student advisor came in and introduced herself as their teacher going forward; unorthodox, but not unheard of. But her entrance immediately sparked an argument that escalated rapidly, causing Gendou to cover his head with his hands and keep himself low to his desk. Though very little violence had actually taken place, Gendou simply didn't deal well with flaring tempers, and his best bet was simply to stay out of it; better that they were gunning for each other than home in on him as the target of bullying. However, Gendou almost shrieked as Yusuke unleashed his quirk, copying the quirks of several of the others who had been arguing with him, only to be shot by the teacher. At this point, Gendou was shaking and covering his mouth with his hands. For a brief moment, he was convinced that their teacher had just committed murder before she mentioned that she had shot Yusuke with an anti-quirk bullet. So she wasn't a murderer, just a psychopath.

"This is the problem class, this is the problem class, this is the problem class..." this mantra repeated over and over again in Gendou's mind as he tried to come to terms with his current predicament. "Why am I here? What did I do wrong?"

Sargon - Hisn-ul-Zahra City Plate - Police Station - Early evening

Polka looked concerned as her eyes darted from Jericho to Ash Girl, and back to Jericho, "If Victoria and Leithanien want to fight over this weapon, then wouldn't the pragmatic thing to do be to keep our noses out if it?" She was glad they didn't bring Baltasar along. "What happened to Nur is...regrettable, but opposing either nation could endanger not only Rhodes Island but this city."

"You do have a point, but I don't think we can avoid this. In fact, I think the old hag already knows. Minimalist, you have that picture your friend sent you?" Jericho held out his hand to the Durin. Minimalist looked confused, but pulls out the photo and hands it to the older Aegirian. Jericho holds it out for the group to see. The photograph seemed to show the inside of a massive, artificial cavern. A large, imposing, obsidian octahedron was suspended from the ceiling of the cave via enormous chains. Catwalks, scaffolds, and military equipment seemed to surround the object. "This was the last thing he sent you? What do you think this geometric object could be? It's large and mysterious, it's somewhere in Sargon, and some military power is investigating it. Stitch, I think your friend has been captured by Leithaniens for snooping."

Minimalist swallowed heavily but said nothing. A closed off and thorny individual, he rarely displayed friendliness or empathy, but concern for his friend's wellbeing was written all over his face.

"Dr. Kal'tsit definitely wants us to get involved in this," Jericho continued, "As the managers of Hisn-ul-Zahra's infected orphanage, we owe it to this city to bring Nur home. As Rhodes island operators, we owe it to Minimalist to save Catch. And from the sound of it, all three nations are operating in secrecy, so if we do go up against them, at the very least, they cannot openly implicate us without revealing their own undercover dealings." He turned to Polka, "But I've never been much of a dictator. If we do this, we do this together."

Polka looked conflicted, as if wrestling with some specter of the past. "No, you're both right. This is bigger than our clinic, bigger than this city."

At that moment, the Lady Ameera and her sentinel emerged from the observation room. "I've come to my decision, I hope Rhodes Island will be in agreement. When I founded this city, I wanted to be different from the other Lords Ameer who jockey for position with the Golden City while selling their dignity in exchange for foreign favors, who capitulate to the encroachment of colonial forces and sacrifice their citizens for modern luxuries." She shook her head, "Dr. Irving believes me to be naive for allowing a 'paramilitary corporation' to run a clinic, but my partnership with Rhodes island was fully intentional. I know what your pharmaceutical company is capable of. The diplomatic position that I wish Hisn-ul-Zahra to maintain, welcoming to the outside without succumbing to influence, is not easy without some force to back it up. To stand up to the might of Victoria, Columbia, and Leithanien is not possible, even if the whole of Sargon were to unite, let alone our young, isolated city. But I will not allow one of Hisn-ul-Zahra's children to be kidnapped, infected or not, nor will I allow Sargon's history to be defiled. So I would like to implore Rhodes Island to please save the child and prevent these foreign powers from resurrecting one of Sargon's most ancient sins."

"Then we are in accord," Jericho answered on behalf of the group, "This is not something we can turn a blind eye to. Of course, we will do our best to ensure that your fine city does not fall within the enemy's crosshairs."

Zainab nodded solemnly, then turned to Aisha, "You will go with them."

"My Ameera! What about the city?" Aisha protested.

"You trained your deputy personally, did you not? Then I will trust the safety of the city to him. But you I trust to aid our allies in this sensitive external matter."

"I... I understand," Aisha saluted, then turned to the group, "Please prepare what you need. I'll get the Victorians ready. Contact me when you wish to plan out the mission."

"Of course," Jericho didn't argue, "Your local expertise will be most appreciated."

The Rhodes Islanders headed back to the clinic office and began preparing equipment and supplies. As a catastrophe messenger, Earthspirit had a sizable van, though given the number of operators if they included Aisha and the two Victorians, they might need two vehicles. The Rhodes Island branch had a transport they could use, but Aisha likely had her own.
Sargon - Hisn-ul-Zahra City Plate - Rhodes Island Oripathy Clinic - Late afternoon

Though Earthspirit often came off as emotionless, this was due to her collected and rational demeanor, and the natural guardedness that one needed to function in Leithanien high society. This does not mean that she was without empathy, and seeing the rise her words had gotten out of Aoife, she quickly tempered her words, "To be fair, everything I've said is merely conjecture. We do not know what their intentions are."

Sargon - Hisn-ul-Zahra City Plate - Police Station - Early evening

The office of the Rhodes Island clinic received a call from Aisha who was at the police station, letting them know that 'Dr.' Irving was awake and ready to talk. This time, Jericho, Polka, and Earthspirit came, alongside Ash Girl and Minimalist, though they did not bring Baltasar. Jericho decided that a jail was no place for a child, but that they'd fill him in when they returned.

The team was greeted by officers at the station who escorted them inside until they arrived at a fairly standard looking interrogation room, complete with one-way mirror, a table, and a lamp. Both the Cautus, Dr. Warren Irving, and his bodyguard, the black-and-white female Perro, were there, sitting at the table handcuffed, while Aisha stood beside the table looking down on them. Polka, who preferred not to be too confrontational, opted to go into the observation room, where, surprisingly, the Archosauria Lady Ameera Zainab Nubani waited, hidden and watching.

"He said he wanted to talk to Rhodes Island members specifically. I was going to share any information I received with you anyways, so this makes things easy. Alright, Victorian, what's this all about?" She asked sternly.

Warren looked at his bodyguard for approval, and she nodded. With a sigh, he began, "Have you heard of the Lilium Tablet?"

"Oh no..." Earthspirit muttered to herself, "You're looking for the weapon of the Sun Kings." She pinched the bridge of her nose, as if suffering from a headache, but she was simply overwhelmed by people's stupidity.

"And why shouldn't we? After what the Sarkaz have done, Victoria needs strength!"

"Dr. Irving...now's not the time..." The Perro spoke up, interrupting him in a surprisingly calm and gentle tone.

He looked at her and seemed to soften, "Regardless, I understand your skepticism. The weapon may not even be real. But what if it is? Its power would be too great to leave in the hands of these sava..." Aisha's fist clenched audibly. Warren cleared his throat. "Study of the tablet was done jointly between Victoria and Leithanien. The tablet has more information on it than has been revealed to the public, and the Leithaniens have discovered where the weapon is. You may not trust us, but I assure you, Leithanien is not where you want an ancient superweapon to go."

"Sadly, I have to agree," Earthspirit added, "The spire casters are too reckless and unscrupulous when it comes to wielding arts, and many still long for the days of the Witch King."

"Right? Victoria would keep the weapon safe! There is another major concern though. The Tablet is written in three languages. Ancient Sargonian, which is so different from modern Sargonian that only specialists, like myself, can read it, Ancient Minoan, and..."

"Ancient Sarkaz," Earthspirit added with some solemnity.

"Exactly. What if the weapon is Sarkaz in origin? if this is true, then Victoria knows better than any other nation to keep this weapon protected and sealed away so that it can never be used. Unfortunately, the Leithaniens have already begun excavating the site where the weapon's final resting place is purported to be. But they will not be able to activate it. The tablet talks about the line of kings beginning with the first Sun King, Ozman the Third, styled 'Ozman Theos, The Builder'. The weapon only reacts to one of his blood. And that's where your missing child comes in. We...hired a group of mercenaries from the Columbian frontier to help us find anyone who may be descended from the Sun Kings. But as soon as they found him, they betrayed us. To stop them from leaving with the child, we had a confrontation at the gate. It seems Columbia has taken an interest in weapon as well. And that's where you come in. I know what Rhodes Island is capable of. I know you don't want anyone activating the weapon. I know you also want to save the infected child. Right now, the Leithaniens have the weapon, and the Columbians have the child, and I want them to have neither, so in this our goals are aligned. I only have Emma...I mean, Sargeant Huxley to help me," He referred to the perro beside him, "But I understand Ancient Sargonian and this weapon better than anyone and am therefore the most qualified to stop it should it become active. I am proposing a temporary alliance to: one, defeat the Columbians who kidnapped your orphan, and two, to defeat the Leithanien force currently excavating the weapon."

"NO! You don't get to negotiate, Victorian! You're under Hisn-ul-Zahra's jurisdiction yet you have the gall to go over our Lady Ameera's head!" Aisha turned to the Rhodes Islanders with a hint of unease and suspicion, but she kept it under control, "Please vacate the interrogation chamber." She tried to shoo everyone but the Victorians out, and Jericho obliged, leading the team into the hall.

The Lady Ameera waited in the hallway, brow furrowed, arms crossed, deep in thought, Polka stood next to her. She turned to the Rhodes Islanders and greeted them, "Peace be upon you. For those I haven't met before, it is regrettable that we meet under such unusual circumstances. I hope our city has treated you well?"

"Yes, My Lady, Hisn-ul-Zahra has been a beacon of comfort in these harsh climes," Jericho replied.

Aisha walked up to Zainab and whispered something. "Please excuse us, my sentinel wishes to speak with me in private." The two Sargonians enter the observation room and close the door, leaving the Rhodes Islanders in the hall. A few guards are there to keep an eye on them.

"Well, shit..." Jericho pulls out his specialized oripathy medicine atomizer that looks like an e-cig and takes a long, tired drag on it to soothe his throat. After exhaling, he says but one word, "Thoughts?"
Sara, Daughter of Aliya

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony as Jannick, @OwO as Hollyhock, @Abstract Proxy as Dominick, @Hero as Renata et al

Sara smiled gently at Renata. Having worked in a church, she had seen her fair share of people most would consider mad among the homeless and destitute. Contrary to popular belief, they were mostly harmless; victims of circumstance whose only recourse had been to dissociate from reality. Yet Sara couldn't help but wonder if, in a different time, in a different world, where faith had died young and skepticism masked itself as enlightenment, would not the prophets who shaped the history of Gaia have been regarded as mad? Certainly, such a claim had been leveled against missionaries that had been sent to other nations. A thought crossed Sara's mind to once again be disobedient of her station and turned to Dom.

"This may be irresponsible of me to suggest, but perhaps we can bring her along? Surrounded by two Scions and two Templars, I'm certain we should be able to keep her safe." 'Or perhaps, she can help keep us safe,' Sara thought, though she did not voice this last part. Sara knew that she shouldn't do anything to dilute her protection away from her Scion and muttered a quiet apology to Irina."I do not doubt that she will find a way to follow us should we head in without her, and I do not wish for her to come to harm." Sara looked at Jannick, understanding that, as the only one here who knew Renata, he would be the most torn.
Sara, Daughter of Aliya

Interacting with: @Obscene Symphony as Jannick, @OwO as Hollyhock, @Abstract Proxy as Dominick, @Hero as Renata et al

The train ride had been expectantly pleasant as, it seemed, the least abrasive people would be the ones to show concern for the souls of the deceased. But although Sara agreed with, and even suggested that they come to Croia to resolve this spiritual phenomenon, she had to admit to herself that, despite being a devotee of the church her whole life, she knew nothing about exorcisms. In her time as a wilderness patrol knight, she had fought monsters, but never encountered any spirits. She simply hoped that they could be convinced of Incepta's grace and willingly pass on.

The fog was oppressive, and despite Scion Isabelle's open antagonism towards Kaudians, Sara wished she were here to deal with the encroaching mist. Sara didn't know if this fog was natural or if it posed any threat, and could not see how earth or metal could effectively deal with it.

Upon being greeted by the mayor, Sara listened intently to his explanation. His mention of a ghost warning the people of danger made Sara wonder if the danger came from the other spirits or if they were working together. Perhaps this mist was just their way of trying to get the people to leave. That would, unsettlingly, imply that there was some greater threat.

However, Sara's attention was soon drawn towards the commotion coming from the edge of the forest. Something about the quaint old woman was endearing to Sara, but then again, Sara had always had a soft spot for the elderly.

At Renata's question, Sara smiled, "Yes. Friends...and colleagues. And Officer Weber is kinder than he looks." Sara joked slightly. "But why do you say that the spirits will not harm you? Do you harbor Incepta's blessing?" Sara asked, partly out of genuine curiosity, and partly to indulge the older woman, knowing that playing along with those who seemed unreasonable was one way to de-escalate. The more you insisted someone was wrong, the more they tended to dig in their heels.
Sargon - Hisn-ul-Zahra City Plate - Rhodes Island Oripathy Clinic - Late afternoon

Baltasar was distraught that Aisha had knocked out their only lead, but Minimalist was able to calm him down, admitting that he himself was here to search for a missing friend, but that it would be reckless to charge out into the desert unprepared. With that, the group returned to the Rhodes Island clinic. Baltasar went back to help out with the orphanage but requested to be contacted when Aisha invited them to confront the Victorians.

"Did you find him?" Selim asked, but the look on everyone's faces told him all he needed to know.

Operator Polka had returned to the office by now and proceeded to treat Aoife with a mix of some soft music she played from her accordion and the use of some sonic equipment she borrowed from Selim. She could influence originium crystals with her musical arts, and could stabilize the volatile substance, slowing or preventing their further growth, but unable to reverse it. In this manner, she could stave off the impending progression of Aoife's oripathy, though she hoped one day that she would be able to cure it altogether.

A while later Earthspirit arrived. Her messenger duties brought her to Hisn-ul-Zahra, and she commented on how the gate security seemed particularly high-strung. Minimalist explained their encounter at the gate and the altercation that had supposedly preceded it. At the mention of a professor of Sargonology, Earthspirit's eyebrows furrowed. Sensing her concern, Minimalist pushed her to explain.

"I would hardly call the field of Sargonology a science as it is as much research as it is fiction, romanticism, and exotification. But it has become a very popular topic in Leithanien, which is troubling. A few years ago, a Sargonian tablet written in several ancient languages was discovered and brought back to Leithanien to be deciphered. The tablet regaled the rise to power and military exploits of a Sargonian dynasty referred to as the 'Sun Kings of Sargon'. Based on nothing but speculation, Leithanien poets and composers have been writing epic and fantastical operas about the 'Sun Kings', fabricating tragedy and drama, but it has captured the imagination and zeitgeist of the country. More concerning, however, is talk among the nobility that the power of the Sun Kings came from some ancient weapon, and if that is what the Victorians are here for, then either they're on a wild fowlbeast chase, or they have evidence to suggest that such a weapon is real."
> Be me
> Saw an Arknights RP
> Join Status: Apply
> "Hoooo, nice! I can finally try playing as my favorite characte-"
> (Original Characters only)
> FML 🙃

Regardless, I'll be "participating" as a reader. 😏

So I might relax the 'OCs-only' rule, depending on who you intend to play as, since it would be nice to have more players.
Sara, Daughter of Aliya

As Lucas called the meeting to order, Sara gave him her attention. Though he had referred to invoking prophecy as a sin, Sara had her doubts as most rules concerning scions were more a matter of church decree than scriptural, though she understood the need for prohibition against abusing one's powers. As the prophecy started, Sara clasped her hands together, quietly reciting along with the all too familiar words, but as Lucas continued well past the point of familiarity, Sara squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to force her ears to concentrate and her mind to remember. She shuddered slightly as she listened, trying to interpret the prophecy on the fly. Part of her was inclined to reject it as Lucas making up prophecy, but she did not take him for a blasphemer, and the details in the language of the new part of the prophecy matched with the part that she was used to hearing. She could only see this as a powerful, revelatory moment that she was blessed to partake in.

Even after the prophecy finished, Sara kept her hands clasped, muttering prayers of thanks and forgiveness, letting herself live fully in the present to imbibe this sacred hour. Finally she looked up, staring at Lucas with conviction. "I have no questions, your Highness, but I did want to share the good word. Among the intel on our enemies that was revealed to us prior, there was mention of the name, 'Termina'. This apocryphal name evokes the fear of some dark goddess. But rejoice, my brethren! For the prophecy has made the truth clear to us. Termina's blood is red, like ours. She is mortal. A powerful mage, perhaps. A charlatan and deceiver, certainly. But mortal, nonetheless.

Your Highness, I will be the first to admit that I have misjudged you. As one mentioned in the prophecy as well, yours is a heavy burden indeed. I will lend you and this gathering what strength is in me. Incepta be praised! Long live her light!"

At this, Sara closed her eyes again, welling with tears as she lowered her head, reclasped her hands and seemed to resume praying.
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