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the universe is grand, but life is grander

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It was impossible to keep a glint out of her eyes at the demon’s words, though she managed to resist the tugging urge to grin. Oh Unamia liked him. For now, at least, when he was ignorant and wouldn’t demand anything of her. So she just nodded stiffly before turning to the other two “I carry no weapon but a knife, it is not meant to hurt you,” The knife in question was now in her hand, hilt balanced on her open palm. But the girl wasn’t listening to her. The rabbit, the only protein Unaima knew for fact the girl had the chance to eat in a least three days, was being coddled. Mourned. She was unsure whether to laugh of be angry with the girl when she pulled out a flute. But the music caught her by surprise. There was magic in it, not very powerful, but it was there, potency brought out by the forest itself, but at the core was this girl’s own magic. Running then, from those who would fear it. The hand holding her knife quickly closed into a fist at the sound of hoof beats. Two directions, opposite, one set a great deal louder then the other. The flute continued it's mourning song for what was meant to be their dinner. She looked to where the demon lay, would he notice as well? Her grip loosened slightly when the centaur came into view, and the eerie music ended. Of course the girl chose to crouch behind her. Fierce barbarian indeed. Should have gotten to him before he ever entered the damn woods. She wouldn’t move to shield the girl or give any signs of comfort, but she didn’t push her away either. Instead attention went to the newcomer, or appeared to; half of her senses where sorting out the second rider who would have fallen silent had her hearing not picked up the thundering heartbeats of both rider and mount.
“I take help where I can find it,” She spoke slowly, doing her best to recall all she knew about centaurs. Most of course was from before the purge. She had nothing to offer that he desired besides respect. What use was coin in place like this? ”Do you protect these lands? You would know the woods well.” The knife remained in her fist, pressed against her tigh. Whatever tensions she had tried to ease before had sprung back with vengeance. The demon had made himself comfortable on the ground.
“I would not choose to sleep here, I came across a bandit camp less that two leagues away.” It was unlikely the bandits would be back, but there was fire and an increasing amount of voices among them, prime targets. Before he went in the forest she scolded herself again, and looked sideways to the girl who seemed to be getting smaller and younger with each new arrival.
”That was meant as a gift for eating you know,” it was meant to come out lightly, but exasperation managed to edge its way into her tone. "Will you let me clean it for you?” She offered her left hand to take the rabbit that was still being held tightly, dead as it was, as though it was a prized possession to a girl who may or may not be surrounded by killers and thieves.
i read good
edit: fixed
Well fingers crossed that made a lick of sense to anyone. And holy I've been spelling my character's name wrong for everything. Whoops.
There was still magic in the wilds. It was stagnant and unused but it lingered there despite the time that had passed and those who had sought to be rid of it. Bandits and refugees where the only few who wandered so far from known civilizations now. Still, very little had changed from the last time Unamia had visited the place; the trees remained large enough she nearly felt comfortable enough to fly over them without being seen. Nearly, but she was too close now and there would be no way of knowing the man’s reaction to seeing a dragon. Even if he himself where a demon. That had been a surprise; never before had she followed close enough to get so close but the shadows of the forest gave her the confidence to approach. It made things clearer; the varying gossip she had collected had hardly seemed connected to the same person. One a large but restrained man who barely spoke, other stories of an equally-large near monster who swung in blind rage with unnatural strength. Now she was half a day’s travel ahead of him; at least at his speed. She had just come to the edge of the ruins the day before, at least as far as she could tell it had been a day, and found a group of bandits. Unsettled by the forest as they already where, the young men unused to elves and magic, had moved rather quickly after a brief ‘haunting’ she had given. While it had been a bit of excitement for her, they had been at least 6 in number, and she doubted both their willingness to abandon a prime spot for camp, sheltered as it was, and her ability to fight them alone in her current form. There was also the girl, uncomfortably close to both Unamia and her charge, but she was a young, small thing who was unlikely to be a threat to either.

She looked up towards the canopy, not that it gave any signs to the time of day. Birds where still making sounds, so it wouldn’t be night just yet. A sharp snap to the left drew her attention and she waked five paces to collect a small rabbit, stunned and hanging by a rope attached to its ankle. She was careful to snap its neck quickly, before it could let out a shriek; then froze as it twitched in her hands. There was a smell of smoke, she collected her rope, prey, and staff quickly and retreated to the darker shadows. It came from the east, when she had come from. The girl or the demon? She jumped through shadows, pausing only briefly every few moment to judge her position and listen for voices. It was the demon she saw first; though he had reverted to his human illusion and after a moment it was clear why. The girl she had seen before was the source of the fire, barely a few feet away and clearly terrified when he approached; despite his disguise. With her saw a human man, that was a surprise; she hadn’t seen any sign of him previously. A slight twinge of worry at that, but she didn’t hesitate too long before showing herself clearly, coming from behind the wall the fire was glowing against; the opposite direction the others had come from.

“You’re terrifying the girl, or was that your intent?” She spoke quietly from behind the unknown man, but was unable to completely mask the amusement in her voice.
“And you may want to come out of the shadows so she can see you’re not a monster either.” A nod in the direction of the demon, then she quickly looked down into her small bag, part to retrieve the dead rabbit, part to conceal her smile. It was still warm, but no longer moving. A hopefully more sympathetic look plastered on her face, she offered it to the girl.
“Warmth and light can draw many friends in this lonely place, and I thank you, as I have need of some friends at the moment.” The dwarf was armed, and there was a sword by the girl, but that fact she wasn’t holding it, terrified as she was, spoke volumes. Still, mercenary or no, few came into the wilds if they had better options available. “If anyone where here to rob you they would have tried already, as it is weapons are sheathed and food offered. It may be best for you to sit and eat something before you faint. Then we’ll talk.”
Jesus it exploded. Sorry for the wait, things are super hectic this week but should calm down by thursday (hopefully?) I wont be able to post every day until at least then. That said I'll have something up by tonight. Sorry again.

You know, I always tend to make sassy rogues, but I'm wondering if I should once more, or make someone different. People talking about Mages and Warriors, but no rogues. Hmm...

Perhaps a non-sassy rogue?

Always need more sassy rogues! I'm in the midst of making a cliche liying-through-her-teeth-lock-picking tumbler right now.

Will try to have bio submitted sometime today.
@Tackytaff Oh no it's fine, how about I change my ability instead? I could go for something more offensive anyhow. I just have to run it by the nice GM lady

Or we can do what the nice GM lady said and keep it! Either way is fine

If Aerith doesn't mind, I don't mind. Change if you like, don't if you don't.
@Saarebas Whoops should I have asked if there was still room? I might just craft a lifeboat and paddle along anyways if there isn't.
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