@Tackytaff Your issue was an unfinished Italic block thing in your Biography.
Jane Wick
AGE: 32
GENDER: Female
RACE/NATIONALITY: American/Russian
PERSONALITY: Most assume Jane to be cold and aloof, which is only true in part. She is a kind person, but holds those around her to the high standard she sets for herself and lacks patience for anyone who fails to meet it. Few have seen her express any form of humor, though she had been known to crack a polite smile in unavoidable social interactions. Her work is her life, and anything that doesn’t further its progress is more of less a waste of her time. She’s never had much in the way for friends, her intern being the closest thing to one she’s ever had, but she is not entirely without social grace. While far from charismatic, she can navigate interactions with politeness when it is called for, but will always prefer to work in her lab instead. Even with her minimal formal education, Jane has excelled in her field of study to a point where in the past world she would likely have sought a doctorate. She attributes her success to tenacious effort rather than any hereditary gift, ‘luck’ being a word for the lazy in her own mind. Her time during the chaos that came with the first changing humans followed by years in service to the so-called ‘gifted’ has left her resenting them. It is an old hatred that has grown cold with time, but is a motivation that fuels her work even away from the oppressive GAU.
ABILITIES: None. (May change) BIOGRAPHY: Jane’s family was at best unconventional. Joshua Wick’s exemplary career in the American military was brought to a halt when he was assigned to head an ambassador’s personal security unit, less action more traveling. He met Jane’s mother his first trip to Russia. She was a village girl, poor and easily excited by the forging visitors. When he left two months later, she followed, and continued to do so until tiring of him and leaving the soldier and a two-year-old daughter during their stay in southern Malaysia.
Jane was an unusual child, which was the only thing that kept her from being packed up and send back to military school in America by her father. The two never shared much affection, but their solemn attitudes suited each other well. A few times Joshua tried to teach his daughter but more often than not that responsibility fell to the child herself and a long line of every-changing nannies. The one thing he could supply his daughter was with a military discipline and the tools to take care of herself in unsavory territory. The life of travel suited Jane nicely, she never missed the company of other children and instead studied.
Shortly after her 17th birthday, everything turned sideways. They had been staying in Berlin, and she was sent to America the day the riots began. America was having its own troubles, and the distant family she had there could not be located, or did not want her. Instead she was placed into a military academy, which lasted two months before she was transferred for medical training. Most of her schooling was completed in two years, before the chaos made in completely impossible to continue. She continued working for the government, not having anywhere else to go, and offered services as a field nurse.
By the time the GAU began to take hold, Jane had given up on ever hearing from her father again. The new leaders of northern America began sorting through what remained of their predecessors. Jane was assigned to cybernetic research, where she learned and stayed for near 12 years. After 9, any normal lab would have promoted her to research leader, in the eyes of the GAU however, she lacked ‘qualifications’. Instead she was given an intern to ‘assist’ her work, Charles Lane had good intentions, but was too young and incompetent for Jane to have any real fondness for him. Still, her work was fascinating, and the resources provided seemed to be near endless which was nearly enough to keep her content. Of course, a look at the world outside the lab would answer and question as to where those resources came from. Her country, which had never really been her home, was suffering. There where dozen underground groups of ‘normal’, some seeking to make change while others just hid to stay out of the Arcane Union’s all seeing-eyes. Jane never officially joined any, but made it her mission to help. Shortly after she turned 30, she began searching for a ‘cure’ to the mutations that had begun thirteen years before, or at least a way to suppress the changes even if only temporarily. Whatever progress she made was slow, having only her small government apartment for a lab. But her small steps where halted two years later, when she was discovered. Her impatience had finally gotten the better of her, and she had carelessly used highly-monitored government databases for research, the one harmless glance had apparently been sufficient cause for her personal files to be flagged and examined. She packed as much of her work as was possible and got into contact with one of the underground groups, ‘the new American revolutionaries’ dragging her assistant with her. They did their best to keep her hidden, but it wasn’t long until it became clear she could not stay on the continent. Thus, she used the groups most valuable resources to ship out across the Atlantic ocean towards Mundin, a place she hoped would be peaceful enough to continue her work.
SPECIALTIES: -Proficient in hand-to-hand combat -Training in small firearms -Advanced knowledge and experience with human biology and cybernetics -Multi-Lingual; English, Russian, Arabic, French -Basic comprehension in; German, Spanish, Mandarin
EQUIPMENT: - a poorly forged ID - uzi + ammunition, illegally possessed both in Mundin and GAU - Briefcase containing unidentifiable tech, labeled samples, and a memory chip - laptop - her assistant, also an illegal, Charles Lane - Currently living out of a hotel
yeah i fixed it posting to the CS page, but I'll fix it here too, thanks!
PERSONALITY Most assume Jane to be cold and aloof, which is only true in part. She is a kind person, but holds those around her to the high standard she sets for herself and lacks patience for anyone who fails to meet it. Few have seen her express any form of humor, though she had been known to crack a polite smile in unavoidable social interactions. Her work is her life, and anything that doesn’t further its progress is more of less a waste of her time. She’s never had much in the way for friends, her intern being the closest thing to one she’s ever had, but she is not entirely without social grace. While far from charismatic, she can navigate interactions with politeness when it is called for, but will always prefer to work in her lab instead. Even with her minimal formal education, Jane has excelled in her field of study to a point where in the past world she would likely have sought a doctorate. She attributes her success to tenacious effort rather than any hereditary gift, ‘luck’ being a word for the lazy in her own mind. Her time during the chaos that came with the first changing humans followed by years in service to the so-called ‘gifted’ has left her resenting them. It is an old hatred that has grown cold with time, but is a motivation that fuels her work even away from the oppressive GAU.
ABILITIES None, for now.
BIOGRAPHY Jane’s family was at best unconventional. Joshua Wick’s exemplary career in the American military was brought to a halt when he was assigned to head an ambassador’s personal security unit, less action more traveling. He met Jane’s mother his first trip to Russia. She was a village girl, poor and easily excited by the forging visitors. When he left two months later, she followed, and continued to do so until tiring of him and leaving the soldier and a two-year-old daughter during their stay in southern Malaysia.
Jane was an unusual child, which was the only thing that kept her from being packed up and send back to military school in America by her father. The two never shared much affection, but their solemn attitudes suited each other well. A few times Joshua tried to teach his daughter but more often than not that responsibility fell to the child herself and a long line of every-changing nannies. The one thing he could supply his daughter was with a military discipline and the tools to take care of herself in unsavory territory. The life of travel suited Jane nicely, she never missed the company of other children and instead studied.
Shortly after her 17th birthday, everything turned sideways. They had been staying in Berlin, and she was sent to America the day the riots began. America was having its own troubles, and the distant family she had there could not be located, or did not want her. Instead she was placed into a military academy, which lasted two months before she was transferred for medical training. Most of her schooling was completed in two years, before the chaos made in completely impossible to continue. She continued working for the government, not having anywhere else to go, and offered services as a field nurse.
By the time the GAU began to take hold, Jane had given up on ever hearing from her father again. The new leaders of northern America began sorting through what remained of their predecessors. Jane was assigned to cybernetic research, where she learned and stayed for near 12 years. After 9, any normal lab would have promoted her to research leader, in the eyes of the GAU however, she lacked ‘qualifications’. Instead she was given an intern to ‘assist’ her work, Charles Lane had good intentions, but was too young and incompetent for Jane to have any real fondness for him. Still, her work was fascinating, and the resources provided seemed to be near endless which was nearly enough to keep her content. Of course, a look at the world outside the lab would answer and question as to where those resources came from. Her country, which had never really been her home, was suffering. There where dozen underground groups of ‘normal’, some seeking to make change while others just hid to stay out of the Arcane Union’s all seeing-eyes. Jane never officially joined any, but made it her mission to help. Shortly after she turned 30, she began searching for a ‘cure’ to the mutations that had begun thirteen years before, or at least a way to suppress the changes even if only temporarily. Whatever progress she made was slow, having only her small government apartment for a lab. But her small steps where halted two years later, when she was discovered. Her impatience had finally gotten the better of her, and she had carelessly used highly-monitored government databases for research, the one harmless glance had apparently been sufficient cause for her personal files to be flagged and examined. She packed as much of her work as was possible and got into contact with one of the underground groups, ‘the new American revolutionaries’ dragging her assistant with her. They did their best to keep her hidden, but it wasn’t long until it became clear she could not stay on the continent. Thus, she used the groups most valuable resources to ship out across the Atlantic ocean towards Mundin, a place she hoped would be peaceful enough to continue her work.
SPECIALTIES -Proficient in hand-to-hand combat -Training in small firearms -Advanced knowledge and experience with human biology and cybernetics -Multi-Lingual; English, Russian, Arabic, French -Basic comprehension in; German, Spanish, Mandarin
- a poorly forged ID - uzi + ammunition, illegally possessed both in Mundin and GAU - Briefcase containing unidentifiable tech, labeled samples, and memory cards - laptop - her assistant, also an illegal, Charles Lane - Currently living out of a hotel
PERSONALITY Most assume Jane to be cold and aloof, which is only true in part. She is a kind person, but holds those around her to the high standard she sets for herself and lacks patience for anyone who fails to meet it. Few have seen her express any form of humor, though she had been known to crack a polite smile in unavoidable social interactions. Her work is her life, and anything that doesn’t further its progress is more of less a waste of her time. She’s never had much in the way for friends, her intern being the closest thing to one she’s ever had, but she is not entirely without social grace. While far from charismatic, she can navigate interactions with politeness when it is called for, but will always prefer to work in her lab instead. Even with her minimal formal education, Jane has excelled in her field of study to a point where in the past world she would likely have sought a doctorate. She attributes her success to tenacious effort rather than any hereditary gift, ‘luck’ being a word for the lazy in her own mind. Her time during the chaos that came with the first changing humans followed by years in service to the so-called ‘gifted’ has left her resenting them. It is an old hatred that has grown cold with time, but is a motivation that fuels her work even away from the oppressive GAU.
ABILITIES None, for now.
BIOGRAPHY Jane’s family was at best unconventional. Joshua Wick’s exemplary career in the American military was brought to a halt when he was assigned to head an ambassador’s personal security unit, less action more traveling. He met Jane’s mother his first trip to Russia. She was a village girl, poor and easily excited by the forging visitors. When he left two months later, she followed, and continued to do so until tiring of him and leaving the soldier and a two-year-old daughter during their stay in southern Malaysia.
Jane was an unusual child, which was the only thing that kept her from being packed up and send back to military school in America by her father. The two never shared much affection, but their solemn attitudes suited each other well. A few times Joshua tried to teach his daughter but more often than not that responsibility fell to the child herself and a long line of every-changing nannies. The one thing he could supply his daughter was with a military discipline and the tools to take care of herself in unsavory territory. The life of travel suited Jane nicely, she never missed the company of other children and instead studied.
Shortly after her 17th birthday, everything turned sideways. They had been staying in Berlin, and she was sent to America the day the riots began. America was having its own troubles, and the distant family she had there could not be located, or did not want her. Instead she was placed into a military academy, which lasted two months before she was transferred for medical training. Most of her schooling was completed in two years, before the chaos made in completely impossible to continue. She continued working for the government, not having anywhere else to go, and offered services as a field nurse.
By the time the GAU began to take hold, Jane had given up on ever hearing from her father again. The new leaders of northern America began sorting through what remained of their predecessors. Jane was assigned to cybernetic research, where she learned and stayed for near 12 years. After 9, any normal lab would have promoted her to research leader, in the eyes of the GAU however, she lacked ‘qualifications’. Instead she was given an intern to ‘assist’ her work, Charles Lane had good intentions, but was too young and incompetent for Jane to have any real fondness for him. Still, her work was fascinating, and the resources provided seemed to be near endless which was nearly enough to keep her content. Of course, a look at the world outside the lab would answer and question as to where those resources came from. Her country, which had never really been her home, was suffering. There where dozen underground groups of ‘normal’, some seeking to make change while others just hid to stay out of the Arcane Union’s all seeing-eyes. Jane never officially joined any, but made it her mission to help. Shortly after she turned 30, she began searching for a ‘cure’ to the mutations that had begun thirteen years before, or at least a way to suppress the changes even if only temporarily. Whatever progress she made was slow, having only her small government apartment for a lab. But her small steps where halted two years later, when she was discovered. Her impatience had finally gotten the better of her, and she had carelessly used highly-monitored government databases for research, the one harmless glance had apparently been sufficient cause for her personal files to be flagged and examined. She packed as much of her work as was possible and got into contact with one of the underground groups, ‘the new American revolutionaries’ dragging her assistant with her. They did their best to keep her hidden, but it wasn’t long until it became clear she could not stay on the continent. Thus, she used the groups most valuable resources to ship out across the Atlantic ocean towards Mundin, a place she hoped would be peaceful enough to continue her work.
SPECIALTIES -Proficient in hand-to-hand combat -Training in small firearms -Advanced knowledge and experience with human biology and cybernetics -Multi-Lingual; English, Russian, Arabic, French -Basic comprehension in; German, Spanish, Mandarin
- a poorly forged ID - uzi + ammunition, illegally possessed both in Mundin and GAU - Briefcase containing unidentifiable tech, labeled samples, and memory cards - laptop - her assistant, also an illegal, Charles Lane - Currently living out of a hotel
Whatever fears Janin had of boredom at the beginning of the meeting where quickly extinguished; starting with the arrival of Xsar, and his aquatic accompaniment. “An entrance as always” She greeted in return to her brother’s embrace, her smile returning at the look of Aesis’ face behind him.
Zadia’s arrival, and what came with it was the real surprise. Janin had no opinion of the still-young god, but liked her well enough if only because of the stir she caused so quickly. The guardian was suddenly visible, gods who had been sitting quietly suddenly standing and speaking if not yelling, and Oksana and Zadia herself where on the ground. It had all happened a bit too quickly for the spinning mind of Janin, who remained him her seat and suddenly very much in need of her drink again. Alek on her shoulder was hissing, an action more clearly demonstrated by the tensing of her small form then the sound only her mother could hear. Janin was content to pick up her glass again and let everyone continue talking until they calmed again.
Aesis was the first to try and gain control of the situation. Of course, so hasty to finish the war he had lost centuries before. The better part of the conversation was lost to the now substantially inebriated goddess, but Ahru’s words she clung to most, unjustly biased as they may be. “I agree with Ahru” Janin didn’t move, face only shifting to a frown, focus spent on remembering how to speak with authority and without slurring “these new gods are too young and inexperienced to have a voice in these discussions. Let them mourn their grandfather and be gone.” She waved her hand at Zadia, but it was Naqquash her gaze went to after whatever attention her remark might have gained faded. Or it would have, but she hardly managed to look at the mangled body before turning away out of disgust.
Summer nights on the coast of Tarren lent themselves perfectly to evening parties. The heat of the desert clung to the humidity of the tropical shoreline, leaving the air warm long after the sun was gone. Even when the cold came, the people would be filled with enough cheer and drink to notice it’s arrival. They were Janin’s favourite evenings for hosting; the stone courtyard of the palace was filled with music and laughter as people drank and gambled under fruit trees and firelight. The goddess herself remained in her true form, taking pleasure in the looks of fear and awe the appearance stirred in her guests. She made quite a sight, towering over most who even stood beside her seated form, a gold circlet around her head and abundance of matching jewelry that flashed and chimed with every moment.
“My father believes there may be even more workable land on the other side of the mountain, not the desert of course, but just under the cliffs...” The girl pushed against Janin’s side had a beautiful smile, but the conversation had grown tedious moments after it started. Janin had long since been watching a game of dice taking place to her left in favour of listening. They were quite obviously loaded to the observers, but the losing man had become too drunk to notice, and was trying to shake coin out from his empty purse.
“Is that a cat?” The shrill voice of her companion drew attention again, sure enough a small black cat was resting on her lap. It was an accustomed enough feeling it had gone unnoticed, she filled her glass again, glaring at the animal. The cat in turn began kneading her thigh, purring gently. The woman reached for it and had her hand slapped away with what was possibly more force than necessary when used on a mortal. Janin stood with her wine, clutching the cat by the nape of its neck with her free hand, and walked from the music and laughter into her palace. Slaves lined the entrance, and only watched as their mistress passed through the halls to her private rooms, here it was silent enough the only sound was her own jewelry and bare footsteps on stone.
Her room was large and open, three walls that opened to a second, much smaller courtyard than the one she had come from, shielded only with thin curtains, allowing the breeze to pass in. There were few furnishings for a room of such size, but all elaborately decorated, and most seemed to grow from the floor itself. The desk, wardrobe, lounge and bed where all fashioned from sandstone, with various images of animals, instruments, and humans carved in. Red and while fabrics draped from the ceiling, and matching cushions covered the lounge and bed. The walls where the focus of attention; all were covered in murals, depicting Janin’s coming into being and her various deeds, some sorties more exaggerated than others. The east walls depicted Janin taming the desert with music, charming Desin into her service and using him to raise mountains to protect her people from exposure and the dreaded Scorpios. Janin sat on the only piece of wooden furniture; a velvet-lined chair to sit opposite the stone desk, and dropped the cat to the floor.
As Alek fell she changed back to her usual human shape, rubbing the back of her neck as she walked towards the small heap of clothing in the center of the room, her mother resumed drinking, good humor gone.
“I am sorry mother but this is important,” Janin looked past her daughter, cool glass pressed again her flushed cheeks. The room was wavering and murals blurring, making it harder to focus on her daughter’s words, she already missed the loud sounds and distractions.
“The guardian is sending summons.” Alek finished dressing herself, “Rieth is dead.” Whatever reaction she was expecting never came. Janin closed her eyes, suddenly feeling very drunk and very tired. It was expected, but that did not make the news any more welcome. Meetings with the gods could take months, and that was with Rieth’s oversight. She considered for a moment the consequences of not going, missing the first few days or so wouldn’t mean much, forgoing the preliminaries and polite niceties everyone would play at before falling back to old patterns and revisiting old wounds.
“Cai” Quiet footsteps approached the goddess, and a slave in a white robe came to stand beside her, looking to the ground. Someone had hit the girl, and the wonderful symmetry of her face that Janin had chosen her for was spoiled by a swollen purple bruise just above the eye. “We will be leaving within the hour.” The girl nodded and left the room quickly. Alek remained standing in the center of the room, hands clasped.
“What is it Alek?” “Olek, he- he should be with us” This earned a snort of laughter. “You want him to come along? Of course! We’ll all go, holding hands and pay great respect to the old man’s corpse. Will you weep at the sight child? I know it’s been centuries since you’ve seen your dear grandfather.” Alek remained silent, but did not move.
“I have a gift for you.” Janin finished the last of her drink before reaching to the heavy purse on her hip, and procuring a small key. She used it unlock a small gold box on the desk, which opened to reveal a small medallion-shaped bronze piece. “Mother I-“ Alek stopped, and was suddenly kneeling before her, head bent.
“It is called an astrola-astro-” Janin blinked, and gave up. “it is for charting by stars or some nonsense. Too small for functional use but it is important to me you have it.” She pressed the trinket into the girl’s palm, who touched it with reverence. “I need you to keep it safe while we’re gone.”
“Of course” She closed her other hand around it and stood again. “But what of Olek?” “I don’t know where your brother is and he has made it perfectly clear I am not to find him. He’ll hear of the summit and come if he wills.” She stood, leaned on the desk for a moment, and waved her hand dismissively, the subject was closed for the time being.
“I will take you back here to search for him if you like, but for now we leave” Cai re-entered the room at that moment, carrying a sword, lyre, and chalice with some difficulty; everything being made for a being more than twice the girl’s height. Janin took them without a word and stepped to the center of the room with her daughter. Alek nodded, still clutching her new gift in a grip tight enough to whiten knuckles. Janin looped the sword across her back, handed Alek the lyre to carry under an arm and took a long drink from the chalice before taking her daughter’s free hand with her own.
Teleportation after heavy was never a particularly good idea. Whatever dignified entrance she had hoped to make was lost when she appeared directly behind the very wet, occupied seat of Aesis. There was a brief moment of swaying, and steadying on the part of Alek before she managed to move into the circle of thrones. There were more empty than full, but most of those that would come had already arrived, spaced between memories of the dead. Janin barely looked at the coffin before striding across the room.
“Ki’ivara, it has been too long,” she smiled and stopped to briefly embrace her sister before moving on. She spared only the briefest glance at Naqqash as she past his twisted form, not bothering to hide her revulsion at the sight. Her own ‘throne’ was built for comfort rather than to display power, the seat was wide enough for her to lounge and festooned with red and gold pillows. The left armrest extended further than the right, a perfect place to rest her chalice.
“Arhu,” she acknowledged, raising the glass toward the goddess and drinking deeply as she seated herself as comfortably as possible. The sight of two of her more favoured kin was almost enough to lift Janin’s spirits again. Small feet crawled along her back to rest around her neck, Alek had chosen the form of a ferret, apparently having already found a suitable spot to hide the astrolabe and clothing, the holy lyre and weapon were already resting again the leg of the seat. She brushed the creature away from her face, but made no serious effort to remove her from her perch.
Personality: Ignorance is bliss for Janin. She is lazy, indulgent, and aloof. Not quite the gifts anyone desires in their god, and certainly not a mother. Her mortal subjects amuse her and serve little other purpose, their own struggles and ‘morality’ itself has never been of interest to her, so she never learned about it; her people’s lives mean very little to her. Their feelings towards her vary from fear to love, but very few respect her for any reason more than her divinity. That said her apathy leads her to be rather joyous; none of her ignoble deeds are done out of spite, only to sate her eternal thirst for entertainment.
Major Domain: Alcohol and inebriation
Minor Domains: Dance and Music
Desin is said to never be far from his master, most believe he follows her under the sands of Tarren, a few meters below her feet. He trives of Janin’s darker pleasures, and most common use is killing warriors and slaves alike in fighting pits. The show delights his god, and the spoils go to her pet. Each head contains a different venom, the first headi, Jyn, is a paralyzing agent; numbing a person to the point of immobility but they remain completely conscious. Second is Nar, who’s venom can kill in gross amounts, but in normal dose is a powerful hallucinogenic which is sometimes kept in store for Janin and her favoured. Last of the heads is Bol, who’s venom is an exceedingly powerful toxin which can kill a human in a matter of seconds. Desin’s entire form reaches nearly two miles in length, but its enormity is often hidden, either underground or camouflaged by scales that change colour each time they are shedded.
Stance: Janin would much rather no one take the role of leader. Apart from that she has no qualms about who leads so long she is left alone.
Relations: Xsar, Arhu - The three form a group free of the judgement often placed upon them by the other gods. Their 'alliance' is formed mostly out of pleasure from drinking and causing trouble.
Ki'ivara - Ki'ivara is a kindred spirit to Janin; a friendship with someone who not only does not scorn her practices but enjoys them along side her. While they do run in different circles for the most part, Janin will always find time to share wine, stories, and poor choices with the god of lust.
Naqqash - Janin despises the demi-god, an emotion even few full-gods can provoke from her. His ideals threaten the entire base of her domain's power, and if he was to become a full deity could have influence and power enough to actually do something to end her reign.
Powers: Shapeshifting; Janin can change into any form she wishes, so long as she has seen it before. This may include other gods or their avatars, thought she would obviously not gain any of their powers. The greater the difference in size between herself and the shape she takes, the greater effort she expels.
Teleportation; Self-explanatory, Janin can shift herself in space without actually moving. She must know exactly where she is going less she find herself three miles in the side of a mountain. It requires less thinking of a place to teleport to, and more the direction and distance she must travel.
Loyalty During Rebellion: War. In the beginning Janin was content to watch things unfold as they would; her domains small and easily dismissed. As time went on and it became clear the entire ‘family’ would be involved, she took sides with War as a small act of defiance against Rieth who had always frowned upon the way she leads her people.
Center of Power: A wineskin typically worn at her hip, embroidered with red and gold images of celebrating humans.
Center of Power (knowledge); Through scheming with Xsar, Janin possesses the center of power belonging to the domain of knowledge, a small bronze astrolabe, half the size of her palm.
Godly Equipment: Infinite chalice; a glass that is forever brimming with strong wine, never empties or spills but may be poured.
Crooked Lyre: A lyre that when she plays upon can tap into the emotions of mortals, and while not directly controlling them can ease a person into calmness or whirl them into a passion.
The Wine Blade: A sword nearly the length of her arm, forged of red steel. Besides its colour, it's other oddity is the thin metal string of barbs wrapped and infused around its length. While this makes it a useless when it comes to properly tearing through an opponent, it requires only a light touch to pierce the skin, allowing the coating venoms procured from her avatar to enter the bloodstream.
Demi-Gods: Twins; Olek and Alek
Olek dislikes and distrusts Janin with anything and everything, not that his opinion has greater value to her than any mortal’s. The bulk of his life has been spent away from the settled coastline and instead traveling the wide deserts of Tarren, in an effort to become a warrior in a land that holds no value for strength or virtue in any form. He is one of the few beings to go into contact with the Scorpio tribes and survive. His hatred for his mother is no secret, nor is his desire to kill her avatar and take control of Tarren. Janin does not view him as a threat; having inherited only her divine strength and teleportation, and finds his thoughts of overpowering her wonderfully amusing. He views himself as a somber and noble lord, and wholly rejects ideas of his own cruelty which has led to destruction of entire settlements in his fits of rage.
Where Olek is distant and cold to their mother, his twin can hardly be apart from her. Alek inherited Janin’s shape-shifting ability, along side god-like speed, and tends to prefer animal forms over her true shape. The people of Tarren have become so accustomed to seeing an animal beside their god, she is often portrayed more as a familiar than demi-god. Alek is quiet to the point of if being unsettling for many. Though centuries old, she remains dependent on her mother, clinging her not out of any love, but a straining need to be close. Her motives and thoughts are unknown too all except perhaps her brother, the only one who she both speaks too and who listens to what she has to say.
Land: Tarren is a large nation, nearly stretching twice as far from north to south as it does east to west. Vast as it may be, it is mostly desert and only the north cost is properly inhabited and developed.
People: Humans and Scorpios
Culture: It would be easiest to say Tarren survives on the back of its slaves, the number of which is vastly greater than the rest of the human populace. Slaves can come from anywhere, occasionally traders come in from other nations, nomads found in the desert can be claimed if they have no waiting family to be found, or if someone where simply to fall out of favour with their fickle god they could find themselves in chains. While the slaves may not be happy, there has never been a proper uprising. The ‘master’ class find no need for education or personal betterment; the best and only way to gain favour with their goddess is to entertain her with lavish feasts, parties and shows. The upper-class lives in constant indulgence while their slaves tend to their farms and breweries. It comes as little surprise that that main trade in Tarren is wine-making, vineyards can be found less land two miles outside of the capital, and the people boast there are more types of drink to be had in Tarren then there are people who live there.
Slaves in Tarren are treated in varying degrees. It is up to each slave-owner how their own business/household is run. For the most part, they are allowed to partake in monthly festivities and some are even offered small wages. Freeing a slave is possible in theory, though there are no documents in the mostly illiterate culture, and no records. So a freed slave without family, sufficient funds to begin his own trade, or a chance to get out of Tarren completely is likely to find himself/herself back on the market.
The lack of proper government and rule leaves Tarren in an almost constant state of chaos. No cities are truly safe, or even all that clean. ‘Crime’ runs rampant, though what constitutes a crime isn’t very clear in the first place. It is a land of instability and gratification, held together by very thin strings in Janin’s hand. Tarren could probably be taken over by an opposing force very easily, if any outside force could see anything redeemable in such a ruin of an empire.
Capital: Capri Bay, a colourfull city towards the east on the north coast, frequented by both traders and travelers. Where it is not surrounded by sea, it is saddled by fruit farms, reaching back to an encircling mountain-range shielding the tropical, humid land from the harsh desert winds. Estimated population; 3000 (roughly three times as many slaves occupy the area including the farmland).
Technology: Ptolemaic Egypt/Ancient Rome
Half giant scorpion half-man creatures that populate the inland of Tarren, mostly in small nomadic tribes. The humans have tried to enslave groups of them at a time, always failing and often falling to their venomous stingers and bone-shattering pincers. Lone stragglers have on rare occasions been found. In such cases slaves are sent to remove the stinger from the creature and bind its claws. These beings are prized possessions among the high class, and often put on display at parties. The removed stingers are given Janin, who uses the deadly venom in her own wine, such gifts are one of the few ways to assure favour with the goddess, for a time at least.
Personality: Ignorance is bliss for Janin. She is lazy, indulgent, and aloof. Not quite the gifts anyone desires in their god, and certainly not a mother. Her mortal subjects amuse her and serve little other purpose, their own struggles and ‘morality’ itself has never been of interest to her, so she never learned about it; her people’s lives mean very little to her. Their feelings towards her vary from fear to love, but very few respect her for any reason more than her divinity. That said her apathy leads her to be rather joyous; none of her ignoble deeds are done out of spite, only to sate her eternal thirst for entertainment.
Major Domain: Alcohol and inebriation
Minor Domains: Dance and Music
Desin is said to never be far from his master, most believe he follows her under the sands of Tarren, a few meters below her feet. He trives of Janin’s darker pleasures, and most common use is killing warriors and slaves alike in fighting pits. The show delights his god, and the spoils go to her pet. Each head contains a different venom, the first headi, Jyn, is a paralyzing agent; numbing a person to the point of immobility but they remain completely conscious. Second is Nar, who’s venom can kill in gross amounts, but in normal dose is a powerful hallucinogenic which is sometimes kept in store for Janin and her favoured. Last of the heads is Bol, who’s venom is an exceedingly powerful toxin which can kill a human in a matter of seconds. Desin’s entire form reaches nearly two miles in length, but its enormity is often hidden, either underground or camouflaged by scales that change colour each time they are shedded.
Stance: Janin would much rather no one take the role of leader. Apart from that she has no qualms about who leads so long she is left alone.
Relations: Drinking Buddy – Xsar
Powers: Shapeshifting; Janin can change into any form she wishes, so long as she has seen it before. This may include other gods or their avatars, thought she would obviously not gain any of their powers. The greater the difference in size between herself and the shape she takes, the greater effort she expels.
Teleportation; Self-explanatory, Janin can shift herself in space without actually moving. She must know exactly where she is going less she find herself three miles in the side of a mountain. It requires less thinking of a place to teleport to, and more the direction and distance she must travel.
Godly Equipment: Infinite chalice; a glass that is forever brimming with strong wine, never empties or spills but may be poured.
Crooked Lyre: A lyre that when she plays upon can tap into the emotions of mortals, and while not directly controlling them can ease a person into calmness or whirl them into a passion.
Demi-Gods: Twins; Olek and Alek
Olek dislikes and distrusts Janin with anything and everything, not that his opinion has greater value to her than any mortal’s. The bulk of his life has been spent away from the settled coastline and instead traveling the wide deserts of Tarren, in an effort to become a warrior in a land that holds no value for strength or virtue in any form. He is one of the few beings to go into contact with the Scorpio tribes and survive. His hatred for his mother is no secret, nor is his desire to kill her avatar and take control of Tarren. Janin does not view him as a threat; having inherited only her divine strength and teleportation, and finds his thoughts of overpowering her wonderfully amusing. He views himself as a somber and noble lord, and wholly rejects ideas of his own cruelty which has led to destruction of entire settlements in his fits of rage.
Where Olek is distant and cold to their mother, his twin can hardly be apart from her. Alek inherited Janin’s shape-shifting ability, along side god-like speed, and tends to prefer animal forms over her true shape. The people of Tarren have become so accustomed to seeing an animal beside their god, she is often portrayed more as a familiar than demi-god. Alek is quiet to the point of if being unsettling for many. Though centuries old, she remains dependent on her mother, clinging her not out of any love, but a straining need to be close. Her motives and thoughts are unknown too all except perhaps her brother, the only one who she both speaks too and who listens to what she has to say.
Land: Tarren is a large nation, nearly stretching twice as far from north to south as it does east to west. Vast as it may be, it is mostly desert and only the north cost is properly inhabited and developed.
People: Humans and Scorpios
Culture: It would be easiest to say Tarren survives on the back of its slaves, the number of which is vastly greater than the rest of the human populace. Slaves can come from anywhere, occasionally traders come in from other nations, nomads found in the desert can be claimed if they have no waiting family to be found, or if someone where simply to fall out of favour with their fickle god they could find themselves in chains. While the slaves may not be happy, there has never been a proper uprising. The ‘master’ class find no need for education or personal betterment; the best and only way to gain favour with their goddess is to entertain her with lavish feasts, parties and shows. The upper-class lives in constant indulgence while their slaves tend to their farms and breweries. It comes as little surprise that that main trade in Tarren is wine-making, vineyards can be found less land two miles outside of the capital, and the people boast there are more types of drink to be had in Tarren then there are people who live there.
Slaves in Tarren are treated in varying degrees. It is up to each slave-owner how their own business/household is run. For the most part, they are allowed to partake in monthly festivities and some are even offered small wages. Freeing a slave is possible in theory, though there are no documents in the mostly illiterate culture, and no records. So a freed slave without family, sufficient funds to begin his own trade, or a chance to get out of Tarren completely is likely to find himself/herself back on the market.
The lack of proper government and rule leaves Tarren in an almost constant state of chaos. No cities are truly safe, or even all that clean. ‘Crime’ runs rampant, though what constitutes a crime isn’t very clear in the first place. It is a land of instability and gratification, held together by very thin strings in Janin’s hand. Tarren could probably be taken over by an opposing force very easily, if any outside force could see anything redeemable in such a ruin of an empire.
Capital: Capri Bay, a colourfull city towards the east on the north coast, frequented by both traders and travelers. Where it is not surrounded by sea, it is saddled by fruit farms, reaching back to an encircling mountain-range shielding the tropical, humid land from the harsh desert winds. Estimated population; 3000 (roughly three times as many slaves occupy the area including the farmland).
Technology: Ptolemaic Egypt/Ancient Rome
Half giant scorpion half-man creatures that populate the inland of Tarren, mostly in small nomadic tribes. The humans have tried to enslave groups of them at a time, always failing and often falling to their venomous stingers and bone-shattering pincers. Lone stragglers have on rare occasions been found. In such cases slaves are sent to remove the stinger from the creature and bind its claws. These beings are prized possessions among the high class, and often put on display at parties. The removed stingers are given Janin, who uses the deadly venom in her own wine, such gifts are one of the few ways to assure favour with the goddess, for a time at least.
Okay very rough first draft for sure going to go in and chage/add more things later I just don't want to fall too far behind.
Name: Janin The Bringer of Festivities
Gender: Female
Personality: Ignorance is bliss for Janin. She is lazy, indulgent, and aloof. Not quite the gifts anyone desires in their god, and certainly not a mother. Her mortal subjects amuse her and serve little other purpose, their own struggles and ‘morality’ itself has never been of interest to her, so she never learned much about it; her people’s lives mean very little to her. The feelings her subject have towards her vary from fear to love, but very few respect her for any reason more than her divinity. That said her apathy leads her to be rather joyous; so long as no one tries to correct the way she leads her life and people.
Major Domain: Alcohol and inebriation
Minor Domains: Dance and Music
A massive scorpion, reaching nearly a mile in length and half as wide. It’s black exoskeleton is impenetrable to any mortal’s weapon, and it’s pincers strong shatter boulders. The venom contained in the stinger is massively stronger to its mortal counter-part.
Stance: Janin would much rather no one take the role of leader. Apart from that she has no qualms about who takes it
Relations: TBD
Powers: Shapeshifting; Janin can change into much more than just her avatar, including the ability to appear mortal herself. Teleportation; Self-explanatory, Janin can shift herself in space without actually moving. Of course she has to know exactly where she is going less she find herself three miles in the side of a mountain. It requires less thinking of a place to teleport to, and more the direction and length she must travel.
Godly Equipment: Infinite chalice; a glass that is forever brimming with strong, never empties or spills but may be poured. Crooked Lyre: A lyre that when she plays upon can tap into the emotions of mortals, and while not directly controlling them can ease a person into calmness or whirl them into a passion.
Demi-Gods: Twins; Olek and Alek
Olek never much cared for being a deity of any sort. He dislikes and distrusts Janin with anything, not that his opinion held much greater value to her than a mortal’s. The bulk of his life has been spent away from the settled coastline and instead traveling the wide deserts of Tarrne, often using his inherited strength and teleportation ability to aid Scorpio tribes into trusting him.
Where Olek is distant, indifferent and nearly cold to their mother, his twin can hardly be apart from her. Alek inherited shape-shifting ability, and tends to prefer animal forms over her true shape. The people of Tarren have become so accustomed to seeing an animal beside their god, she is often portrayed more as a familiar than demi-god. The rare occasions she leaves Janin’s side, she is with her brother, though they do not understand one another, there remains a trust and closeness.
Land: Tarren is a large nation, nearly stretching twice as far from north to south as it does east to west. Vast as it may be, it is mostly desert and only the north cost is properly inhabited and developed. People: Humans and Scorpios
Culture: It would be easiest to say Tarren survives on the back of its slaves, the number of which is vastly greater than the rest of the human populace. Slaves can come from anyways, occasionally traders come in from other nations, nomads found in the desert can be claimed if they have no waiting family to be found, or if someone where simply to fall out of favour with their fickle god the could find themselves in chains. While the slaves may not be happy, there has never been a proper uprising. Or at least a successful one. The ‘master’ class find no need for education or personal betterment, the best and only way to gain favour with their goddess is to entertain her with lavish feasts, parties and shows. The upper-class lives in constant indulgence while their slaves tend to their farms and breweries. It comes as little surprise that that main trade in Tarren is wine-making, vineyards can be found less land two miles outside of the capital, and the people boast there are more types of drink to be had in Tarren then there are people who live there.
Slaves in Tarren are treated in varying degrees. It is up to each slave-owner how their own business/household is run. For the most part, they are allowed to partake in monthly festivities and some are even offered small wages. Freeing a slave is possible in theory, though there are no documents in the mostly illiterate culture, and no records. So a freed slave without family, sufficient funds to begin his own trade, or a chance to get out of Tarren completely is likely to find himself/herself back on the market.
The lack of proper government and rule leaves Tarren in an almost constant state of chaos. No cities are truly safe, or even all that clean. ‘Crime’ run rampant, though what constitutes a crime isn’t very clear in the first place. It is a land of instability and gratification, and could propably be taken over by an opposing force very easily, if any outside force could see anything redeemable in such a ruin of an empire.
Capital: Capri Bay, a colourfull city towards the east on the north coast, frequented by both traders and travelers. Where it is not surrounded by sea, it is saddled by fruit farms, reaching back to an encircling mountain-range shielding the tropical, humid land from the harsh desert winds. Estimated population; 3000 (roughly three times as many slaves occupy the area including the farmland).
Technology: Early-medieval
Beings: Scorpios: Half giant scorpion half-man creatures that populate the inland of Tarren, mostly in small nomadic tribes. The humans have foolishly tried to enslave groups of them at a time, always failing and often falling to their venomous stingers and bone-shattering pincers. Lone straglers have on rare occasions been found. In such cases slaves are sent to remove the stinger from the creature and bind its claws. These are prized possessions among the high class, and often put on display at parties. The removed stingers are given Janin, who uses the deadly venom in her own wine, such gifts are one of the few ways to assure favour with the goddess, for a time at least.
the universe is grand, but life is grander
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/873000357712765022/1122544468558614632/25185797.gif" /><br><br>the universe is grand, but life is grander</div></div>