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the universe is grand, but life is grander

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<Snipped quote by pokemad1>

Don't worry about rushing anything out, I just wanted to check if people are still around, by 'soon' I meant more within the next few days, not the next few hours


Abby Davis

South Rawyn; The Community Center. 11:10PM

Rawyn wasn't a tiny town. But it was small enough that Abby had expected to recognize more than one face in a meeting about her own sister. But none were familiar as they came trickling in one after another. Some didn't even sound Welsh, and none gave any indication they knew what the hell was going on. All were too calm. Her eyes followed the man who immediately made way to the ridiculous table or refreshments she hadn't noticed at first. So casual. Like it was a book club meeting for tea rather than a group of strangers discussing a now cold case near midnight.

Her attention snapped back to Lucy the moment the girl opened her mouth. In turn, Lucy made pointed efforts to avoid the stare. It wasn't surprising really, Abby had been cold to her before, and wasn't exactly warming what with all the secrecy. But understanding didn't blunt the frustration she felt the the second time Lucy's eyes skipped over her while scanning the rest of the group. She had the most right to be there after all. In fact, if Lucy actually knew anything at all she should have come to Abby first, if not the police. Lucy knowing anything however, seemed less likely with every word she spoke. Slowly, with pauses that dragged endlessly for Abby. Still, she didn't interrupt. She wasn't about to lose it in a room full of strangers. Instead she chewed the inside of her cheek, dug her nails into her forearms and listened.

"Is this a fucking joke?" She'd been quiet when Lucy had finished- because she couldn't have finished. There had to be more to it. Finding Olivia had to depend on something a bit more substantial than 'spells' and the intent of strangers. But Lucy was content to remain silent, and others were too eager in agreeing to her 'plan'. If it could even be called that. A candle, a pouch, and an ominous note. Might as well have brought out a damned Ouija board.
Gotcha. Will have something up in an hour or so.


The world is stuck, and it is ending. You know it will end, and you know how. You've seen it near a hundred times. Each time, black sickness comes from bellow, dragons raze from above, and everyone dies. No matter where you run, where hide, you die too. But you also remember. When your eyes open, they are to a scene you have again witnessed a hundred times, but this one is always identical. Wherever you are in the wold, whoever you are; you know that Queen Adeline Crestmoon has just been assassinated, and the end of the word has begun.

⧓ POPULATION: 3.9 Million ⧓ SIZE: 361KM2 ⧓ TREATED IN THE CITY: 3292 ⧓


⧔ Alternate History ⧕


⧔ Factions ⧕

⧔ NPCs ⧕

⧔ Places ⧕

⧔ Current Events ⧕

⧔ Character Sheet ⧕

Time to clean out the PMs.


Independence City
- Locations + Places
- Rewrite 'hook' -- keep it short.
- Think of better name than Spartan.
- Think of better names for everything.
- Add current events/plot section --> make 4 + 5th tier plots.
- Need more rules ?? No.
- Finish CS skeleton
- Rereads for typos 1 2 3
- neverpost

??? Medieval Fantasy Roleplay
- Literally everything
- time line = 16 months. do this
- More detail in place/locations
- Races ?
- find d&d notes on gods + artifacts and plug in
- also find map, describing continents locations too confusing.
- Add more to setting hider (AFTER finalizing timeline)
- Rules (copy-paste independent, but smaller group maybe more commitment?)
- CS skeleton (you are garbage at this. just try editing from Independent)
- Reread for typos 1 2 3

- Time period (post-war?)
- Gangs
- Calendar?
- CS
- Rules
- Fill skeleton things
- Finish second plot
On a related note, great posts so far everyone :D I woke up this morning to, like, four, and it pretty much made my day :D especially when I saw how good they all were!

Up next; Lucy responding to 7 people talking to her at once. I'm getting pretty excited for this.
Abby Davis

North Rawyn; The Prom. 11:21AM

The posters had become redundant weeks ago. Rawyn wasn't only a small town; it was boring. Filled with bored people living small lives. Everyone within a hundred kilometers knew that Olivia was missing, and could probably draw her face from memory. The local paper had just stamped out another article that morning, mentioning the case had gone cold. As if that had given it any sort of finality. But Olivia's picture had been there too, the exact same ones as on the posters Abby had been tasked with replacing after the mid-week storm. Pointless. But the expression on her mother's face when she'd suggested she leave for Sunderland for the next semester had twisted such guilt in her, she'd taken one of the piles laying throughout the house and given a promise to remain in town. At least until the new year. Eighty days, she'd calculated between re-plastering every hydro-pole in North Rawyn. Callous she well knew, but months had passed, and Abby wasn't doing anything. She'd told the police and her parents all the secret hide-outs and friends when she came home to no avail. If Olivia ever came back she'd skewer her sister for outing so much. When Olivia came back.

Abby stopped outside of the Rothford's Thrift store. One of the posters was stapled to the billboard outside. The water-stained picture showed a smiling Olivia, a perfectly sweet teenager. That was how people spoke of Olivia too, far from where they thought Abigail could hear.
"Couldn't have happened to a nicer girl"
"Would never have expected it, always such a darling child."

Except Olivia wasn't sweet, refined, darling, or any of the other soft words they used for her. It infuriated Abigail. Her sister wasn't some missing saint who quietly went to class, did her chores, and said her prayers every night. The picture on the posters wasn't someone Abby knew. On a sudden impulse, she tore the wet paper from the billboard, only to reveal another, different one underneath. She blinked at it for a moment, it was a dry lined scarp of paper, as though torn from a notebook.

....Refreshments will be provided.

Lucy was a name she recognized. Olivia's friend before she'd disappeared. They'd run into each-other at the station a few times in the early days, but never really spoken. Abby had silently resented her; she was part of the new life Olivia had kept secret, even from her, and had been no help in the investigation apparently.


Abby jumped, and stuffed the scarp of paper in her jacket pocket as Ms. Rothford approached her.

"So good to see you child!" The graying woman embraced Abby, apparently oblivious to the girl's stiffness and reluctance to awkwardly pat her in return. She smelled of lemon bleach and powders. "The circumstances are horrible of course, but we're all so glad you've come back to us." It seemed hours before the woman's arms released her captive.

"I'm not really back." Abby mumbled quietly, but then changed the thought before Rothford could ask her to repeat herself "Good-morning Ms. Rothford, how is the store going?"

The woman waved her words away. "Please my dear, you're old enough now to call me Helen. I don't suppose you have time to come in for a cup of tea?"

Abigail's heart thumped in panic, fortunately an excuse was already clutched in her white knuckles, she displayed the posters. "I'm a little busy today I'm afraid." Rothford's face fell at the sight.

"Of course, I really am so sorry Abigail. We all miss Olivia dearly." Abby recalled four summers prior when Olivia had gone into the store completely plastered and hurled in the donation bin.

"Thank you Ms.-Helen."

"You know, you were such a help when you were in school here. I'd be happy to have you if you're looking for work." Reflexively, Abby almost declined, but the words got caught in her throat. She wasn't back. Her mind however was caught on the thought of the tiny room in a tiny flat she was paying for but not living in, and the letter regarding her scholarship that remained unanswered by the university. She swallowed the rejection and forced a smile instead.

"I'll think about it. Thank you again." This was good enough apparently, Rothford beamed at her own charity and turned to return to her store.

Abigail stapled the poster on the now empty space of billboard and fled. The note in her pocket forgotten until her return home that evening.

South Rawyn; Community Center. 10:53PM

The smart thing to do would have been to go to the police. If Lucy knew something, they should too. But what exactly would Abby have to tell them? That she found an ominous note while posting pictures of her missing sister all over town. The missing sister who's case had been dismissed just the week. No, everyone in the town was already treating her like she might break from the slightest breeze, no reason to let them think she'd completely lost it.

Her footsteps felt very loud in the dark and empty hallways. The last time she'd been in the community center it had been with Olivia. A 'surprise going away party', she'd called in. In truth the two of them had broken into the place after midnight with a stolen bottle of their father's whiskey and spent the entire night reminiscing and whispering their dreams for the future. They seemed like promises at the time. It'd been a long time since Abby had thought about that night. Things had changed when she moved away, a little at a time. So gradual she'd hadn't even noticed until Olivia had stopped calling her completely. But that night they'd been true sisters, best friends, and confidants. Her pace slowed and she cleared her throat loudly to chase away the silence and burning behind her eyes.

There was a man's voice echoing out from the gym. Abigail hesitated for barely second before brushing past him, squinting at the figure in the dark.
"Lucy?" It was half question, half accusation.
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