Two's a Crowd
May 6th, 2019 - 18:43 | 24 Kelling, Block C, Appartment 17
Organized crime wasn't really Megan's specialty. She wasn't a real hero, without and resources or training her only asset came from brute force; which was enough, for street skirmishes or robberies. Taking a more proactive approach was completely new to her. So it shouldn't have been so surprising when she timidly rapped on the apartment door. The internal voice that both was and wasn't hers immediately groaned.
The noise of movement inside only served to highlight her mistake. A window was definitely opening, albeit with some difficulty, judging by the cursing. Megan phased through the door, wearing her usual officer's shape. Three men in the room. One at the window, a second armed but stunned by her sudden appearance, and the third in the process of arming himself; bent over a duffel bag on the counter. Assault rifles, not the simple handgun she'd seen in Cairns.
She went for the most obvious target first, an elbow to the neck had the second man dropping the gun before he had the chance to fully recover. It was never as easy as movies made it look; Megan had tried the single punch knock-out technique before, with little to no success. Her method of neutralization was bit more crude, if effective. She kneed the man in the ribs, and winced as they cracked.
You're not using your weight.
The man doubled over, and Megan helped him to the ground by way of a shove; which resulted in another snap as his arm bent at an angle that shouldn't really have been possible. But he stayed down, screaming, but no longer threatening.
You keep all your weight on your rear leg. I can feel it. Are you scared of falling over? Because that's not going to help you if-
On cue a blast went off and a shot of pain hit Megan's left thigh. The bullet didn't pierce the skin, but the force of it set her reeling, sure enough her leg crumpled and she toppled backwards. Suddenly all those four letter word's she'd heard Jenna use so frequently seemed very appropriate. Fortunately the shot had distracted the criminals as much as herself.
"You fucking idiot, now someones going to call the cops."
"Police are already here."
"Are you- Does that look like a god-damn cop to you?" They two that weren't currently writhing on the floor took a long moment to stare at Megan as she stood, tentatively testing the leg. It was fine of course, but she'd never been shot before. Definitely something to avoid in the future.
Officer or not, the trigger happy man decided a second bullet would surely accomplish what the first one had not, and raised his weapon again. But Megan was faster. In a heartbeat she was at him and pulling the gun free from his hands. They were both surprised when the weapon was suddenly in Megan's possession and not his. He reached out, as though to retrieve it, just as she lifted the rear end of the gun and brought it down. She'd aimed for his head, but it was for the best she struck wide, as a third crack signaled a broken collarbone. Megan cringed as the man screamed.
"Sorry! Sorry, I really didn't want to-"
A movement to her left took Megan's attention, and she turned to see the final man just as he slipped out the window.
You are unreasonably terrible at this.
Megan wasn't sure crippling strangers was something she ever wanted to be good at. But she opted to follow the fleeing man rather than argue. He didn't get far; Megan hadn't needed to climb through a window. She barreled into him, so he fell face first into the pavement. The other men's screams could still be head quite clearly form where they were. The man was speaking into the pavement. Megan rolled him over to reveal a broken nose. She had to be setting some sort of record with this.
"You were kind of- Could you repeat that?"
He blinked at her. There were other voices too, a small crowd was gathered outside the building to see what the commotion was about. Some were calling the police, others were filming, but no one approached.
"The fuck do you want?"
"The guns! That is, I don't really- Could you just tell me where they are?" There was a lot of fear and panic in the air. Megan couldn't be sure exactly how much was coming just from herself. She had just seriously injured two people and really didn't want to make it three. "Please." She added.
"Fuck you."
Megan frowned. That wasn't right. He was supposed to tell her where the guns were, then she would take him into the police and everything would be nicely wrapped up. A pair of arms grabbed her shoulders, trying to pull her off the man. Stuck in thought she didn't resist, until a fist came barreling towards her face.
She had just enough time to make herself immaterial before it landed. Instead it passed right through her, and the thrower staggered forwards. Megan looked at the scene around her. It didn't look good, and sirens weren't too far off.
Now would be a good time to leave.
But she wasn't finished. The apartment was too small for a real base, and it would take more than three people to get serious weapons into Australia. She knelt next to the man again, who was staring at her in abject horror. A phone was poking out of his front pocket. It would have to be enough, she certainly wasn't going to do anymore damage. She snatched the device just as hands began to reach for her again. She was more aware the second time, and disappeared completely to a chorus of shouting.