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the universe is grand, but life is grander

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Cassie didn't even flinch when the alarms began to go off. She remained the picture of calmness, even as Robin began giving out instructions, finding a spoon and even continuing to eat her yogurt as the rest of the team jumped into action. Inwardly, it was all she could do to keep from breaking through the kitchen wall to get to the scene. Her small insecurities evaporated in the excitement of a real mission.

"Well I was half right," She shrugged with while her heart pounded. Tossing her half finished snack, she followed Starfire's path out the kitchen but turned to her own room where her equipment waited. Artimes's training had permeated enough so at least Wonder Girl's lasso and arm bands were always hanging off the back of the door, regardless what the rest of Cassie's room might look like. She was still fastening the lasso to her hip and sliding her heals into her sneakers when she peaked back into the kitchen just in time to which Kassandra good luck and find Robin; the teams flightless member.

"I can give you a lift if you need one." She offered before tucking back in the hallway to sprint towards the still open window Starefire had used.

Fly had long since stopped being such an easy thrill for Cassie. Years of training and pattern exercises had made it just another part of her routine, but there was still excitement to be found in the faces of the crowds that watched. Coming up on the smoking yacht surrounded by police and curious crowds, she truly felt like Wonder Girl, someone people could count on. She glimpsed Starfire below, on the dock speaking with the police before circling the crime scene. It was hard to see much of anything with all the smoke, though she was almost sure she could distinguish the more misty form of Wraith on the deck for a brief moment before he disappeared below. Cassie landed at the helm of the ship, clearing out the cockpit of confused crew whom she brought to Starfire, as they did their best to recount what had happened between lungfuls of smoke.

"I think Wraith is bellow decks, I'll keep on the exits, keep whoever it is from getting away." She confirmed with her team-mate before returning back to the yacht.
I apologize for the wait, things have been crazy but I'll have posted by the end of today.

It wasn't long until the voices from the kitchen drifted through Cassie's open door. What a great continuation of her day to have a meeting going on without her. Groaning, she lifted herself from her bed and slipped on a pair of fuzzy blue slipper rather than her running shoes. She did a quick look around her room before leaving, the remains of her frantic search strew throughout. The great thing about being an amazon was that cleaning your room never took long, especially when you were able to slam the over-stuffed closed door extra hard. With a final glance in the mirror to make sure she didn't still look like she'd just left the training room, she headed for the kitchen.

"You called?" She said, leaning against the doorway with a coy smile before entering completely. Everyone else on the team was there. A stab of her insecurity made her hesitate for a second- certain they had all conspire to meet and gossip about her. At least it meant Robin had in fact been asking after her and not Kassandra with K. Of all the things she thought she'd have to fight over as a Titan, her name hadn't been one of them. She shook off her baseless fears and breezed past them all to the fridge to grab a yogurt cup.

"So what is it? Bank robbery? Mayor's daughter kidnapped? People disappearing around a not-suspicious-at-all science lab?"
Shyria Thorne

Shyria was collecting frogs when Kadir found her. The western swamps were good for collecting ingredients, and little else. The humid heat never suited her well; her preferred clothing was built for the arid south, and in the wetlands served only to cling to her sweat and cake with mud. She had come upon her temporary 'home' to find the curtain that served the dual purpose of a front door and wall to the poorly constructed hut already pulled aside, and a number of figures waiting for her within. She left her full traps at the top of the steps, the grey sickly looking child bleeding over her floors demanding her immediate attention.

It wasn't until after she'd accept his mother's payment and begun boiling water with cloth rags that she noticed her former college, apparently quite at home going though her belongings.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh don't mind me I have time" Kadir replied with his wonted causality, gesturing to the boy; who was barely able to stand on his own.

He had a blood disease, Shyria had deduced, after learning his wound had been open and bleeding for a number of days. After dressing the wound, she placed a rag soaked in water and Anali viper venom in the boys mouth and gave the mother horsetail to aid in any further side effects the venom could produce. The woman tried to question her, but was instead ushered out of the hut with no politeness or well-wishes for her son.

Shyria stared at Kadir, and waited for the strangers' footsteps to fade into the rest of the sounds of the swamp before addressing her 'guest' again.

"What do you want?"

"I see travel hasn't done much for your manners."

Shyria was decidedly unafraid of Kadir, he was slimy as they came; but adamantly not a killer. It was his greatest downfall and why Hennan never had use for him despite his other many talents. No, had she been born more beautiful, she would have other worries about him- but things as they were, the most Kadir was capable of was selling her location, which his showing up had already ruined any chance of.

"There's a bottle buried in the water under the stairs outside - get it for me." She didn't look for his reaction, instead pulling her gloves back on and going back to the frogs. He watched her as she took the first one out of it's trap and promptly decapitated in with a cleaver, before going outside.

When he returned she had moved to using a much smaller blade to scrape at the animal's skin.

"Leave it on the table." She instructed as she rubbed the thin sticky film that had formed on her knife into a vial. "Are you ready to tell me why you're here?"

"Yes but- could you wait until I'm gone to continue with that?" Shyria hesitated and dropped the second frog back into it's twig cage and peeled off her gloves again. She approached the table and began to pour two glasses of a pale red liquid from the bottle Kaldir had retrieved.

"Go on then."

"Someone came to me with a business proposal that isn't exactly... Well suited for me."

Shyria snorted, and offered him a glass, which he immediately refused. "Doesn't involve enough skirts for your interest? Or just too much physical effort?" She smiled and downed her own glass, sighing as the slightly cooled alcohol gave respite from the stifling heat.

Kadir frowned, and looked to the refused drink with sudden regret. "The pay is motivation enough for me to come out to this forsaken place that should say enough. Why are you even here? It hardly seems to your tastes"

"I've learned to appreciate the smell of mud and rot." She replied sarcastically. "I have things to do Kadir, get to the point."

"Someone wants Aslac Calcote dead."

"Should I know who that is?"

"An emissary from the Barbed Church, he's meeting with the druids to share knowledge about the blight."

"Politics and the Church at the same time?" She shook her head, "You know me better than to ask me to get involved with that." It was enough trouble keeping one step ahead of Vasilius' underworld, the last thing she needed was attention from even more powerful groups.

Kadir took a slow, obvious look around the inside of the tiny hut. The fireplace that let as much smoke escape into the single room as the chimney, the glass-less windows, and total lack of a front wall. "Time changes things." Was all he said before snatching the bottle from the table.

Shyria took the glass he had refused and took a small sip. "Something like that would just put more marks on my head."

"Maybe." He acquiesced, with a thoughtful nod that turned into a smile. "What if I told you something like that could get you back into Vasilius, bounty-free?"

In hindsight, she probably should have been more suspect as to how exactly Kadir had gotten the entire interior layout of Marisma's Druids tree. But the thought of a return to Vasilius, a place that was at least familiar if not home, and no longer being on the run was all too tempting. His instructions were clear and detailed, including even the emissary's eating and sleep schedule. Most importantly it mentioned the oil used in his hair each morning, kept with his belongings in his room. A mixture of monkshood, hogweed, and castor seed extract, was safely tucked against Shyria's thigh as she squeezed herself through the chimney system of the massive tree with nothing but her sense of touch and trust in her memory as guides. It had been years since she'd had to work in such a way. People had tried to hire her services since being on the run, but typically it was more profitable to simply go to the would-be victim and accept a second payment for offering the client's name, then flee. It wasn't the killing the Shyria had a problem with, it was the resulting fallout that worried her. From her experience, renowned assassin wasn't a job title that lasted long.

There were voices on her right, that when along with directions, told she was somewhere near the kitchen. It was still too early for breakfast to start but knowing that didn't put her nerves at ease. The voices were too muffled to be understood, and Shyria continued moving much more slowly. She kept her breathing controlled, slow and shallow breaths, doing her best not to cough on the soot and ash that had long since filled her lungs. Eventually she was far enough away that the sounds receded to silence; she was in the upper levels, where those of importance remained asleep.

By the time she reached Calcote's chambers, her muscles were stiff and joints ached. As such when she emerged from the fireplace with great care to remain quite, she didn't immediately make an attempt to escape when she was greeted with half a dozen figures staring at her.

Immediately she cursed which resulted in a fit of choking and coughing. By the time she recovered, no one had moved or spoken. She took the opertunity to analyze each of the figures; four were obviously there for security, armed and baring the sigil of the church of barbs, behind them was an older man richly dressed. No doubt Calcote himself. Very smartly hiding behind him was Kadir. For the first time in Shyria's memory of the man, he did not look completely at ease with his surroundings.

"I'm sorry 'Ria but this is important." He managed to blurt out.

"'Suppose this is what a deserve for trusting the most famous liar in Vasilius." With no one having moved, and no weapons being drawn on her, Shyria took a step out from the fireplace, straightening her back and scanning the room for another exit when the emissary began to speak himself.

"If you please Miss Thorne, despite what you may think, your friend truly does have your best interests at heart."

She would have laughed at that, had her throat not been clogged with equal parts fear, rage, and possibly some remaining ash. "A friend indeed."

"I didn't lie. Calcote can get you back into Vasilius. But I knew you wouldn't hear him out."

"And now I have no choice. How kind of you." Shyria looked to the old man. "It would appear I'm at your disposal my lord so speak."

"Careful." He replied, seating himself at a table in the center of the room "I can help you, but I do not have much patience for... those of your reputation." He nearly spat out the last word. A step forward from one of the guards to block the door behind her, kept Shyria from commenting back.

"I am forced here to seek aid against the blight. The druids do what they can, but they are isolationist to put it mildly. They care first and foremost for their own kind. The Barbed Church on the other hand seeks to heal all of Vassidia and her people." He paused there and poured a glass of water from a large pitcher. Shyria was so absorbed by the action alone and remark about the church's ideal died on her dry and cracked lips.

"The first attempt to search for a cure at the King's behest has so far failed to continue contact. Times are growing desperate, and time is ever more of the essence. The King has decided it best to try again."

He took a long drink of water. Shyria swallowed with him. He continued; "The King is assembling another group to go out and search for a cure, he is seeking warriors, mages, scholars, and, herbalists."

"No poison I know of acts as the blight does."

"Of course not. You're hardly the first alchemist we've approached." He dismissed with a wave of the hand. "You are however, one of those who remain, and one we could promise to the king with some assurance you would volunteer."

"How generous of you."

"I assure you it is. So long as you are working for the king, we can promise your safety in the city of Vasilius."

"And when my 'service' is ended?"

"Should you survive, and actually find a solution to problem of the blight, you will be free to go. With compensation; regardless of your previous, shall we say, indiscretion with the law."

She shook her head in disbelief "How in the hells did you end up in all this Kadir?"

Swaggering, pompous Kadir looked almost sheepish among the taller, armored men. "You've been away Shyria. You haven't seen how bad it is in the cities. I just want the blight to be over."

She did find her laughter that time. Of all the things that had come to pass in a but a few hours, Kadir's bleeding heart was the most unexpected.

"Do you have an answer?" The emissary cut her off, obviously displeased with her countenance.

"As you said my lord." She said, lowering herself in a bow so low that the grime that had accumulated from her time in the chimneys fell to the floor. "I have already volunteered."

"Good!" He clapped his hands together with enough force to make Shyria jump. The guard on her left moved to stand directly at her side. "This is Rislen. He will accompany on your journey. I would shake your hand, but well..." He let a cursory glace over the small pile of filth at her feet complete his thought. With a wave of his hand, she was hurried out by her minder.

Never before had Shyria seen the gates of Vasilius closed. It was the first and most obvious change that she noticed. She had long dreamed of her homecoming, and envisioned the city with it. In her memory it had looked nearly identical. The second obvious change was one that they'd seen in each town they'd crossed during their journery; no one was out. The once busy entrance to the city was bare of merchants, travelers, and guards alike. The capital was hardly an exception to the blight it seemed.

Shyria pulled the scarf that covered most of her face just below her nose to get a better look. From what she could tell, there wasn't anyone inside the city, though there did seem to be enough of a crowd that wanted in. How exactly was anyone supposed to differentiate between those wanted in the city and those not? She looked over her shoulder to her companion. Having long ago learned better than to try to converse with him she new better than asking. His attention was on the surrounding people. Either looking for anyone who would potentially rob them, mounted with goods as they were, or a potential escape Shyria could make herself. She had no doubt keeping her on route to the capital was just as much part of Rislen's job as keeping her alive, but the locks to her supplies having been changed and her belongings being too heavy to carry alone, neither murder or escape had ever really been an option. She doubted the man ever slept anyways.

Shyria let out a forced, dramatic sigh and slouched in her horse just precariously enough to draw attention from her companion.

"Stay still and be patient." Was all the response she received. The horse flicked its tail, apparently feeling her agitation as well.

She picked up the scarf to cover her face better again, and looked over the crowd seeing if there was anyone there she recognized. Just as a figure made eye-contact with her, but before she could place the memory of the face, the mass of people surged forwards- the gates were opening. Two guards stood at the entrance, checking for papers to let some through.

"Welcome home." Shyria silently whispered to herself, as she followed behind Rislen into the city.
I'll have something up tomorrow night.

Most of Cassie time at the Titan's tower was spent in the training room. Despite have nearly the most training in the group aside from Robin himself, it had quickly become obvious she wasn't trusted to do any tactical work. Or much of any work at all; the number of missions she'd actually gotten to go on were few and far between. Robin claimed that crime had slowed down in Jump City for one reason or another, but still spent most of his time cooped up in his room doing something no one else was privy too. But that was fine. She was still a Titan. Being a heavy-hitter was just fine as a role, and she was going to be the best heavy hitter they could ever want. Everything was going fine.

Her phone ringing drew Cassie out of her trance so much so that the re-enforced punching bag hit her mid-swing, knocking her backwards. Hearing the ring-tone assigned to her mother she scrambled to her feat and towards her phone and water bottle.

"Hey mom whats up?"


It was hard to imagine so much dust could accumulate so quickly - or so much stuff. Cassie could have sword she hand't moved in with more than a duffel bag and a small roller case, yet somehow she was digging through hordes of books and boxes under her bed.

"Of course I'm almost done mom, I've just been working on some other things-"

"I know I know, I'm just so excited for you! A real dig at your age - I would have killed for that chance, not to mention how it will look on college applications..." Spotting her old school backpack tucked against the wall behind her winter coat, Cassie kept focus on the task at hand rather than point out that she had already seen a number of digs at a much younger age with her mother. With a sharp tug, the bag - along with most of the other junk she'd kicked under the bed to avoid cleaning up- came free.

"What was that, are you okay?" Cassie re-tucked the phone between her shoulder and ear as she unzipped the bag.

"Yeah fine, just knocked over some textbooks - but here; got it!" She walked over to her conspicuously empty desk and smoothed out the crumpled paper. A standard application form, date of birth, guardian signatures, school name, ect, ect. It was the bottom of the second page that was glaring back at her, with such intensity to tune out her mother's barrage of questions. Attach an essay between 16000-20000 words on what you believe to be a fundamental cornerstone of Athenian culture.

"... Of course you have to let me know if you need any help- I know I know its against the rules but I can at least proof read what you have. That and Dr. Fordmein is an old colleague, I know what he goes for."

"Thanks mom, listen, there's something- I... I gotta go."

"Oh. Okay sweetheart, stay safe. Remember to call me!" Cassie winced as the dial tone cut off her mother's last syllable. She hadn't been avoiding her own mother. Honestly she hadn't. Cassie began chewing her lip as her finger rapped against the desk. A few years ago the essay would have all but consumed her life, but now... How do you keep the same excitement about dusting off antiquities when you have a first hand source on speed-dial?

Cassie looked up past her view of the Jump City bay, directly across from of Lexcorp labs. Lacking any other recourse to act on the irony of it, she gave the building a withering glare before flopping down on her bed, kicking off her running shoes and peeling off her hand wraps. Writing or training would wait for another day; she was Wonder Girl after all. If she could go toe to toe with an Amazon, how could she not finish a measly essay in a week and a half? It could wait another day. Everything would turn out fine.

Potenion to rename every character Cassandra

We can have a Cass, Cassie, Andi, Cassandra, Sandra, a Sandy...

I see no problem.
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