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Defense Of Relouse IV

In the Witch Wood - St. DeFrois Rock
Seen & Mentioned: Talit'yrash'osmax, Kol; Death's Hand, Vali Twice-Born

Lyen's viens burned as she ran. The mana curse in her blood practically making her body hum with energy of the gift. And it was only a fraction of the Lady Talit's power that was shared between them. She looked back at the younger Yasoi, following in her awkward, yet efficient, fashion once more before leaving the Witch Woods.

Use of the gift and the Æresvaktr's blood led them towards the city walls. The battlefield between the city and woods was chaos, but it all seemed to melt away from Lyen's vision; except the great towering stone of St. Defrois Rock: The only structure in the area that would at conceal such a beast as Death's Hand. Only thought of vengeance and absolution for her earlier failure filled Lyen's mind as she made for he target, beginning to draw from the stone, weakening it in hope of crushing whoever stood on the other side

For the second time in the night she found two Eskandr where she'd only expected one. Even before he loosed his arrow she screamed in a mixture of pain and frustration as his arrow sunk into her left shoulder: Where did they keep coming from? She pressed on-wards faster, focusing her attacks on the archer as pieces of stone continued to rain upon him. Too caught up in anger she failed to notice Kol's trajectory and was saved only by Talit's quick reaction and strong push of force magic.

Almost stumbling, Lyen caught herself by grabbing onto each of the large Eskandr's arms while he was staggered and attempted to imbue him with curses. But there was no purchase, his Gift brushed hers aside as thought she were still a child novice.

He taunted her in words she didn't fully understand or care to listen too. She only gripped tighter as he attempted to shake her off. Her focus soon paid off; a gap in his resistance. She drew from her own mana and that of her 5th wheel ally, and the fire trapped in her veins seeped into his; turning the Æresvaktr's own essence against him. He could hold it off for now; but it would build and eventually the blood would begin to corrode his veins. "Just die" she murmured.

The gods heard her arrogance, and delivered their punishment quickly and harshly through her enemy's fist. A half scream left her lips as she felt her organs realign themselves into the wrong places under the force. Her back slammed the ground hard, where the remaining momentum of the carried her further still. Reflexively, Lyen began to draw. There was no shortage of human bodies north of the city, but even as she began to convert the material her attacker approached to finish her off. She clumsily tried to crawl backwards on one arm, the other still clutching the impacted area of her stomach.

Her call for Talit came out as little more than a desperate gargled cry as blood flooded her throat. None the less, the Baroness arrived, a fury of magic and metal pushing the Æresvaktr away and giving Lyen space and time to heal and escape.

"I smell you, southern rat" Murmured in Yasoi as she turned to face the footsteps taking the same path around the stone. The smaller Eskandr had followed, having freed himself from Talit. She stomped her foot and the ground in-front of her gave way, sinking under the archer's feet as he perused, staggering as he loosed an arrow. Lyen's confidence grew, this was how it was meant to go. In two strides she walked to him and laid her hands to begin casting an internal essence spell. He countered before her gift could take hold, using force to repel her backwards weakly. But Lyen for the first time in the night had found that singular focus craved by all Yasoi, and was not about to let her prey slip away so easily. She showered him again with stones before he could think of drawing another arrow.

When she was was on him again Vali was bloodied and haggard, swinging with his sword so blindly she barely had to move of its way. "You shouldn't have shot me." She said in Drugunzean and placed a hand on his blood soaked face. Her Gift began to sink into him, adjusting his internal essence until she could feel him grow weary am limp. She hadn't finished before the first horn sounded. It was too early, and she was too close to victory- Then a second sounded, shorter than the first and immediately followed by a third. The call for retreat was unmistakable. Lyen cursed in Yasoi before leaning in close to the Eskandr.

"Stay away, Little Eskandr; next time I won't be so generous." She hissed by his ear in barely audible Drugenzean before letting him crumple to the ground.

The hole's from her drawing had created a easily navigable path to the summit of DeFrois' rock where the Baroness of Loriindton awaited her.

"Worry about miking it yourself, Talit'Yrash" Lyen taunted the one-legged Yasoi with a wink and gleeful smile - once again brimming with confidence after her decided victory. She leapt from the stone, mimicking the younger woman's own method of casting crude metal chains to pull her the remainder of the way to the top of the city walls.


Defense Of Relouse III

In the Witch Wood
Seen & Mentioned: Otios'yyia'thala, Talit'yrash'osmax, Kol Death's Hand, and Horik the Gold

Even as she neared the treeline of the Witch Wood Lyen could hear the battle and destruction raging to the south: The city proper was being attacked. There was little point in fretting over her chosen path; all that was left was to see it through. The heartbeat of the marked Yasoi she sought had long since stopped, but she could still use the remainder of her spell to find his body. She could ensure he would be the last at least.

Her horse reared unexpectedly, knocking Lyen from her mount. She cursed in her native tongue as she righted her self to view the source of the beast's fear: Eskandr were emerging from the forest. It was easy enough to differentiate the southerners with their ranger gear in comparison to the cumbersome armor donned by the Perrench.

The horse squealed and screamed as Lyen began to draw. "Exiran keep you" was all she said in way of prayer and apology as it crumpled to the ground in silence, just as the enemy forces came upon her, a dozen screaming savages seeking her blood. The remaining Yasoi had taken their toll on them she noted; there were too few bleeding from too many places. Axes raised around her and a single arrow was loosed before Lyen unleashed her magic. A torrent a blood fell upon her enemies. Warm and sticky in comparison to rain soaking everything else in their surroundings, the Eskandr quieted for a moment in confusion before the caustic properties reached the surface of their skin and the screaming began again; the agonizing cries of burning men. Lyen left them as she continued her journey on foot.

She found the body with little effort, a pale figure sinking into the mud. He'd been trying to escape the forest she surmised. Rain had washed most of the blood, but at least four stab wounds were clearly visible in chest.

A shock of gold, darting between the trees impossibly fast. Lyen's heart leapt to her throat. No ordinary soldier. She raised her hands to her mouth and let out a low whistle, trilling upwards on the last note: a common signal among Yasoi hunters. If there were allies nearby the would come. She just needed to survive. Her hands still covered her mouth as a wave of force energy brushed against her face. Lyen ducked just in time for a long dagger to embed itself into the tree behind her, inches from where her head had been.

Survive. She reminded herself, and focused on slowing her opponent. Jagged stones appeared under his feet, forcing the mage to slow and adjust his trajectory.

"You, pointy-ear, why are you fight for Parrence?"

He spoke Parrench poorly, barely understandable to Lyen's untrained ear. She could feel the energy of her surrounding being drawn from. He was trying to distract her. She tapped into her essence magic again misting the flooding creeks and streams of the forest in effort to reduce visibility.

"Why are you in Parrence at all?" She replied in less broken, but equally accented Perrech. "Run out of goats to fuck?" Her retort was punctuated by a bolt of lightening, instantly followed by the roar of thunder that shook the ground.

Visions of the man cooked inside his own armor, and the remains of Cap Redame's forces flooded Lyen's mind, and she feared the thunder-mage that had wrought such devistation had already arrived in the Witch Wood. Her fears were unfounded of course. The lightning was targeting the Æresvaktr and only a Yasoi could create such a spell and remain hidden in the trees. What served as her relief only enraged the southerner further. A blast of force energy emanated from him, enough to knock the wind from Lyen's lungs though she managed keep herself upright, bracing herself with the undergrowth.

"Hah! Goat jokes. If I didn't know any gooder, I think you were Parrench and not Yasoi!"
Lyen didn't respond further. His distractions were working despite her efforts; he a trained warrior practiced in drawing and casting for combat while she was only able to react. Lyen climbed her tree, binding footholds to speed her assent even as her pursuer followed. Enough. Half the tree dissolved even as the blond Eskandr began to climb, instead a dozen impossibly thin branches jutted outwards, impaling the figure. Or they did in Lyen's vision, for a moment, before he shimmered and moved again, revealing himself to have been barely grazed by the attack.

An illusion. Lyen cursed herself for not realizing it sooner. A wasted attack, a wasted opportunity. By the time she corrected her own internal essence, the Eskandr was fleeing. Strong as he was, he knew he was overwhelmed. Panic and desperation not to waste another opportunity lead Lyen to leap from her perch, karambit in hand.

Another miscalculation and misstep. No sooner did she land in the softening earth than she was caught between two Eskandr. The blonde she'd been in combat and a hulking beast of too large for a human in full plate. They both moved to attack her in unison. There was little hope, but she choose left - avoiding the brunt of the new-comers attack. Instead an axe finds her chest, splitting skin and flesh before cracking through bone. Without the time to scream, Lyen took a final gasp of air before falling and drawing herself underneath the foliage, water, and mud making up the terrain.

The fighting continued above without her. It took all of her effort to keep from crying out. Blood was splashing around her, her heart was beating to fast, and there was no air for to breathe. She willed the panic away and grasped the weapon in her chest, preparing to remove it when it disintegrated in her hands. Barely a second later, a warm burning replaced the searing pain. She was being binded by another. More help had arrived. She surfaced again, drawing herself for anything to help accelerate the binding, keeping her wound from being fatal. Instead she found the armored human, prone on the forest floor. Still blinking mud from her eyes and coughing for air, Lyen raised her karambit again.

"Enough!" A sudden surge of energy comes off the man as he stands, repelling Lyen to her feet beside him before her weapon had chance to find purchase. He moved away from her to aid his comrade, but when Lyen tried to follow, her legs gave out under her. She had lost too much blood, and her recovery was far from done. Her weapon fell from her hand as she fought unconsciousness to watch the Yasoi and Eskandr fight through the hail and rain. Her savior was not other than the Baroness of Loriindton, outpacing and outclassing them all with one leg. There wasn't even time for Lyen to find the humor in it before an explosion turned her world white.

for reviewwww


Defense Of Relouse II

Lyen's work made little visible difference to the beach. Especially in comparison to the variable forest the small swamp witch had created. A close inspection might reveal the tops the jagged stone barely making themselves visible as the waves rolled back from the shore: But high tide would hide them better when the enemies landed. Let them wade through the high waters; at the mercy of thunder-mages before reaching the barely covered sand traps placed along the path inland. Her hands were covered in sand and clothes crusted with salt spray by the time she was done. It was growing late but she'd have time to at least change before the battle began. She was stopped on her way back to the camps by another Yasoi, a man a least a decade her junior tried re-directing her towards the Witch Wood.

"We're to meet Talit at the tree line." He finished his rehearsed message and turned before she could respond, he was so certain she would follow.

"I was assigned to a human Captain this morning and received no such orders." Lyen had no desire to hide in the woods while the first battle of Perrence waged barely a mile away. The main force of Eskand would be arriving on the beach and she would be there to witness it.

"As you say I suppose" Was all he said with barely a shrug, but this time Lyen took hold of him before he moved away.

"Just one thing" Oblivious, or simply uncaring about surrounding watchers, Lyen hiked her skirts past her calf, removing the blade strapped there. Unsheathed, it was bight polished silver, barely more than a flash light as she dragged it, without hesitation, across the back of her own forearm. The font of blood made its way down to her finger tips, where did not drip to the ground but instead flowed back upwards, twisting between each finger until a coin-sized pool rested in her palm. The Yasoi man, apparently familiar enough with the process, rolled his sleeve to expose his shoulder, where Lyen finally allowed the blood to fall. Most disappeared into the skin, until only a small raised freckle remained. In her own body, Lyen reached out and felt the man's heartbeat, just barely out of rhythm with her own, and loud at this proximity, but it was a distraction she was accustomed to tuning out.

"Ilbin ist Oirase triec" With a tight smile, he nodded in thanks for her blessing and they finally parted ways.

It wasn't clear just how controlled and organized the chaos in the camps had been until true disorder and panic erupted. Lyen had only just finished changing when the shouting and crowd of people drew her out of the tent. There was a stretcher, still mounted knights, and far too many pushing hands to see much else. Above it all a splitting howl of agony.

"A binder! Someone fetch a binder!" Lyen's heart sank. The role of medic had been the one she'd most carefully avoided up to this point. She'd already spent the better part of two decades tending to the wounds of humans, and had learned as much as she cared to about the subject. But when she saw hands pulling off pieces of armor still fused to skin of the awake and screaming man she stepped forward.

"Stop! You're making it worse, step away and let me bind him." She dropped two small vials from the pouch of her hip and stepped on them. Using the small wisp of essence they produced she placed a hand on each side of the screaming man's head. Almost instantly his eyes closed and he stilled to silence. It was finally quiet enough for the others surrounding them to hear what she was saying.

"He needs water and space. You two, take him into my tent. Someone tell me what happened." The inside space of her quarters was tight with Lyen, her patient, and his squire kneeling beside her, keeping the basin water clean and full while retelling the events of Cap Redame to the best of his ability.

Lyen listened as she diligently dissolved the plate attached to burnt skin, which she did her best to repair. It was tedious work, gruesome and slow but resulting in much of the man's own flesh being saved. One of the few less fortunate areas was his left torso: The heat there had been enough to melt through the fat and muscle to expose the beginning of his rib cage. She had only just finished grafting the area from some of her preserved remains when a feeling intense dread hit her so suddenly Lyen froze in the midst of her labours.

"Something's wrong-" Dread quickly melted to panic as the realization for the feeling finally dawned. It was the second heartbeat - the connection to the Yasoi in the woods. He was dying. The impossibility of it stunned Lyen for longer still. It should have been impossible, there weren't nearly enough forces north to face a contingent of Yasoi in the trees.

She stood, abruptly ending her work. When the squire began asking questions and demanded she remain she brushed his concerns aside. "He'll live." She said. Badly scared with and with extensive damage to the nerves, but he would survive well enough without any more intervention from her. The second heartbeat she could hear continued to skip and fade.

"Zulc!" Her Captain from the morning had suddenly appeared and was blocking her path. He'd allowed himself in her tent, leaving barely enough room for the three conscious occupants to stand. At least someone had reminded him of her name this time. "You're needed on the beach-head." He took no notice of the squire, patient, or blood staining everything including Lyen herself.

"I'm needed in the Witch Wood." She countered, pushing him out of the crowded space with her. If the Yasoi were overwhelmed, had they failed to even get warning out? She could imagine their bodies littering the forest floor, only to be trampled by a Eskandr vanguard. They'd already been wrong once about Cap Redame. The stories of mistakes made at the city of Vitroux rang in her ears louder than the captain's commands.

"Orders are for the second battalion to make for the beach. Its too late for reassignments now. Beach-head Yosai. Now." Lyen glared after him until he turned out of view, when she poked her head back into her tent.

"You rode back here on a horse?" The squire nodded. "I'll need to borrow it."

Within five minutes she was riding north of the camp, towards the Witch Wood, and getting her first real view of war.


Defense Of Relouse I

It really was a beautiful place to start a war. From Lyen's place on the walls of the city proper she could see across the far empty plains stretching west only to suddenly stop at the cliffs of Relouse, where the land made a sudden drop into the sea. The morning mist was clearing and far on the eastern shore she could see the final remaining friendly ships making their arrival. It was a magnificent view, a paradise only beginning to be transformed into a battlefield with fortifications being placed at the city's base and the fabric signaling the tents of the army encampment barely visible from her current line of sight.

"Yasoi!" The Captain she'd been assigned to that morning had re-appeared and shouted for her attention while still on the approach. His manner was arrogant and name such a jumble of Parrench syllables she'd opted put as much effort into learning it as he had her own. It had done little to aid their extremely short but already strained relationship.


"Finished here?"

Her assigned task was to help with minor repairs of the city walls: Small cracks and holes acceptable during peace times were to sealed and reinforced in effort to breaching as difficult and time consuming as possible for the expected invaders. Lyen rested her hands on ramparts and let the final remains of her drawn magic leech downwards to fill any of the remaining weaknesses."The south-side wall at least. Haven't run into the others."

The Captain gave a single nod of approval and continued his tour of Relouse's walls. "They've requested more binders to help set traps on the beach." Apparently having already given up on her ability follow the traditional formalities of military command he hadn't even slowed his stride to speak with her. Wariness and distrust of strange outsiders was a problem that had become as familiar to Lyen as her own name, but not one that had no clear remedy. She found humans often close-minded, but rarely hateful, it was fear that fueled their prejudices and with looming war there was plenty to go around.

Not having been given a direct order, Lyen took her time leaving the city. It was something of a marvel to witness how the streets had emptied themselves in barely two days: The able bodied were helping in the camps, while the unable that failed flee to city stayed locked in their homes with their prayers. Only the odd squadron of soldiers crossed her path, each giving a second glance over their shoulders before disappearing around a corner. It wasn't until reaching the gate that the eerie quiet was replaced with arguing men; an integral part to war-making it seemed. The discussion hinged on whether the gate was to be operated with magic or the installed pulley mechanism. As was habit, she listened without comment, at least until a higher ranking officer arrived to sort out the disagreement. Reluctant get roped into more glorified city maintenance work, Lyen slipped away with as little remark as she'd come.

By the time she arrived that the edge of the camp a small crowd was gathering, and without invitation she followed to the center of the mayhem at the stables. She ducked between jogging squires and servants carrying around weapons and riding equipment until she found the stable-master she'd met two days before.

"What's going on?" She grabbed his arm, interrupting his work and earning a quick look of surprise that quickly turned to scorn as recognition dawned on the man.

"Advanced scout team. Taking the fight to Cape Redame." With a sharp tug away from her and a short, gruff response he made intent to be done with the conversation clear.

A pang of regret hit Lyen; she'd have liked to join them, had she not sold her horse to the same dismissive man two days prior. The lightness of her purse had outweighed both sentiment and forethought when she'd first arrived and the faithful beast was sold for too small a price. Ignoring his tone, she continued to follow him, hopeful they could renegotiate. "And I don't suppose we could discuss..." But the stable-master was already deliberately putting bodies between them, both horse and man, to get away from her. Not quite fast enough for his barking laugh to be out of Lyen's earshot. Apparently he'd not been impressed with her bartering before.

"Short lives, long resentments." She muttered to herself, watching with great envy as the group of horses set off north. Only after they passed the limits of her vision did Lyen to remember her original directive to attend to the beach where she found a group large enough to call into question how much her aid was truly needed.

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