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the universe is grand, but life is grander

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<Snipped quote by Tackytaff>

Shameful display. You shame your grandmother, your grandfather, your dog and your pet pelican.

That do it?

I typed it up through tears
It didn't take long for the lounge to fill out, everyone entering with their own greeting and comment on the movie choice. Selene herself hadn't originally been too keen on Cece's selection, but her enthusiasm was contagious enough that she found herself thoroughly focused on the opening credits when Skeets entered through the window.

"Are you sure we shouldn't at least send the League a message or something?" While they technically weren't affiliated and many members had resentments towards the League, Booster very much was with them; not to mention a more monitored member in the group. It figured he would get himself into trouble while the heads of the League were on the other side of the globe. The thought brought the dawning of an idea to Selene, who was suddenly sitting up straight and intently listening to the rest of the party.

"I might sit this one out, seems like you have enough eager volunteers already" She nodded in the direction of the open window Hana had just launched herself from. A few weeks ago she probably would have followed, desperate to prove a point. As it was she had just seen half a dozen teenagers who hadn't worked together before all go off to fight a handful of B-list crime-fighters. Whatever addition she could bring would only add more chaos to the situation. Not to mention she was familiar enough with Booster to know his failure didn't always indicate a very serious level of threat. At least not for a team like theirs.

"Good luck!" She waved goodbye as the last of the team left her alone in the lounge. Carefully, she picked up the small humming robot on the coffee table. It was dense, and slightly warm but could easily fit inside the front pouch of her sweatshirt.

Once she returned to her room she locked her door and placed Skeets down on her desk. It remained dim and motionless. After only a few seconds Selene took up pacing and worrying her already badly bitten nails to no avail. Her plan involved both both using Wonder Woman's personal login credentials and tapping into the League database, and while she hadn't been specifically forbidden from doing either she doubted Diana would react positively. If she found out. Indifferent to her nerves and impatience, the robot remained still. Selene finally opted to sit and stare at it from the bed while trying to slow her racing heart.
you all still onboard? It has come to that awful time where I say, we'll move on with or without you in order to keep things going for everyone else.

I'm just lazzzzy. I'll have something up before the weekend. Shame me enough and maybe tonight.
Hana's going to yeet herself out the window and fly into danger like the giant green moth to a lamp that she is. She could bring people along with her, but that's a smart move.

And we know better...

Unless someone wants to volunteer to be taken on the self-yeet ride?

Can I volunteer Selene to yeet right after to try and stop her making a mess ahead of the group like the nag she is?
Aiming to do something tomorrow to have Cece respond to Hayden and then move her from the kitchen door into the Lounge she's referenced in other posts. Put her in location for Gabi and Selene.

The real question is, what movie do we watch?

Selene's nomination goes to Napoleon Dynamite.
Selene had taken her time to properly move into the penthouse. Initially it had been because she hadn't had anything to move in. It wasn't as though she'd had much space for any of her New Hampshire comforts when staying with the League, and well, Diana hadn't exactly given her time to pack. As it was, the only proof that Selene's room was in fact her own was a small framed picture from a family camping trip four years before. But finally, nearly three weeks after being in her new home the packages containing the remains of her old life had arrived and things had settled enough for there to be time to sort through it.

There was a great deal more than she'd been expecting. Her adoptive family had sent everything from middle school trophies to cards from her 10th birthday. Most of it didn't have a place decorating the walls of a would-be super-hero. But the overwhelming feelings of nostalgia had left Selene to spend the better part of the day sitting on the floor reliving old memories; reminders of her life and individuality before everything had gone sideways, and was grateful for it. It took a few hours to change out all the bedding, pin up the pictures of herself, family, and former school friends, and organize the piles of ridiculous fiction books. The result was underwhelming; unsurprisingly after her past year of experiences it all seemed rather juvenile to hold onto.

Selene sighed and pulled the last item from the boxes; a carefully packaged lamp wrapped in layers of bubble wrap. Whatever the room was, she decided it looked was better than the inhospitable grey that she'd been living in before. When she pulled the generic standard-issue lamp from the socket, her arm stung and twitched away as the panel itself fell from the wall to hang from a string of wires. For a brief moment she considered consulting Julian: While she didn't know the specifics about the building's history her experiences so far had proven that the workmanship was spotty at best if not completely absent in many areas of the penthouse. But her surface inspection deduced that a screw had simply come loose and it would be fine just to plug in the new lamp, after all the wiring itself had been working fine before, and what worry could little shock be to someone like herself? The moment she plugged into the outlet, there was an audible pop, and everything went dark.

Selene remained kneeling on her floor as feeling gradually returned to the left side of her body before suddenly deciding it was a lovely evening to go out. She jumped from the floor and with a double upward gesture and flew outside her open balcony doorway. Within seconds she was hovering over the roof of Edge tower, taken aback by the sun setting over the horizon of endless sea. There was a sudden pang of homesickness again, as memories of early morning trips along the East coast and a similar sunrise surfaced. She settled cross-legged on the rooftop, trying to admire the view while shielding her eyes from the glare until the sun completely disappeared and the spilling light from the upper level windows assured Selene the power had been fixed.

She returned through her room, where she very, very carefully pushed the socked back into the wall with a silent vow to never so much as look at it again before leaving to pass the gathering voices in the kitchen to the less-crowded lounge.

"Evening ladies," she greeted Cece and Gabi as cheerfully and casually as possible. "Watching something?" Not waiting for an answer or invitation, she slid over the back of the couch to take a seat.
One more relationship left...

Do mine now
Four out of fifteen relationships are done...

Where are our penthouse designs though
<Snipped quote by Tackytaff>

Thats totally what I said why are you misquoting me?

I must be having a stroke, I mean you wouldn't ever start a sentence with an object rather than subject pronoun.
Me and Hillan discussed Hillan will have been the first magic user and by out reckoning the second recruit after @Roman

Conor not Hillan I'm guessing? I was thinking Selene would be early on too but order doesn't matter much. So far I've only specified sometime before Gabi and Cece.
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