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Hello Monday, I see gatekeeping is on the agenda today! Remember everyone, at the end of the day it's a hobby and these are all opinions! Do what you have fun doing and don't stink on others fun! :D
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Worship the night!
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Where my night crowd?


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Wugh, I still gotta tidy up mine a bit and figure out something to call him. But, I shall, without delay!
Hello, I'll preface by saying there won't be a ton of plot information here at the moment as I'm mostly just gauging interest and searching for a small group of two to three people who would be interested in brainstorming a character focused zombie-esque horror story. I say zombie-esque because I mean anything from Back 4 Blood to Dead Space, I'm not exactly overly fond of standard shamblers because it's easy to get burnt out on. I much prefer my zombies to be viscous killing machines and my characters to never feel like they have a moment of safety or reprieve. I'm also very fond of unique settings and clashing various genres together in some weird contrasting form of fiction. Overall though I'd rather craft something from the ground up with a small interested party so that we're all equally invested in cooperatively creating a story between our characters and the world we've developed.

It has been quite awhile for me in terms of actively writing so I apologize for the informal nature of this interest check, I know usually people have at least a basis for a larger idea that they'll pitch but eh, my gears are a tad rusty and my ability to focus has diminished a bit. Just trying to ease my way back into the waters so as to not get overwhelmed.

To recap-
-Loose zombie fiction taking inspiration from anything like Back 4 Blood to Dead Space
-Character driven, in-depth characters with strong personal motivations
-Unique world-building and non-standard settings
-Small group, 2 or 3 people max, not counting myself.
-Equal involvement, not really looking to be the main GM type but also not looking for someone else to do all the work

Hope to find a few possibly interested!
<Snipped quote by TaintedMushroom>

Cool as that sounds, it wouldn't fit with Chwegwn's backstory. He's lived in Kontina all his life, so he would have only met your guy recently.

I was thinking more after he had his ship and was on a trip/voyage perhaps but that would depend on how long Chwegwn has had a ship and whether he would find himself out towards a coastal city even temporarily which ofc is your call, either way I can spin something up to put him specifically on Kontina if that doesn't quite work.

How long has Chwegwn been a captain? I don't remember if that was mentioned and it's been a minute since I've read his CS.
<Snipped quote by TaintedMushroom>

Sounds good to me. I imagine Chwegwn coming upon your guy during a display of his medical and alchemical skill. Seeing his use as a doctor and his profit potential as a drugs manufacturer, Chwegwn would determine his motivations and approach him later with an offer. Chwegwn would provide him with safety from his pursuers and funding for hedonism and alchemy. In exchange, he would serve on Chwegwn's ship as its doctor and set aside a portion of the drugs he makes for sale on the black market.

You think that'd stand as a convincing bargain by his reckoning?

I can work with that, what say they originally met up around the coast of the stormcircle when he was first looking for an escape from the mainland? Mayhaps they've been crewing together for a short while and have a bit of an established background together already?
<Snipped quote by Excession>

With Chwegwn, I'm thinking he met all the others when he was looking for a crew. He then sussed out their motivations and offered them a deal: He'd help them achieve their motivations if they joined his crew. And that's why he's working with them.

I am open to discussing this idea in detail if you'd like, actually plot out how the characters met and such. I've gotta drop my dude in the appropriate tab still. Not gonna lie, as of this moment I still don't have a name lmao. But I've got most the rest, just gotta redo the stats. Underspent my points whilst over worrying about overspending. Probably gonna go drop the link after this post, fix stats tomorrow.

Anyways I'm rambling, totally down to discuss the details of Chwegwn and aforementioned unnamed Lybarim doctor's relationship. Or should I say relationships? Honestly the way goblins are done in this is fascinating.
Present, still getting used to having to manually sub to things on this site.
I'm thinking a House Lybar scion who leans heavily into the drunken doctor type, just an initial idea that comes to mind.
Took me more time to figure out than I want to admit but I did figure it out and enjoyed it quite a bit, was very unique and unlike anything I've ran into before.
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