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Hello Monday, I see gatekeeping is on the agenda today! Remember everyone, at the end of the day it's a hobby and these are all opinions! Do what you have fun doing and don't stink on others fun! :D
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Worship the night!
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Where my night crowd?


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Known Factions/NPCs/Ships

Grand Imperial Duchy of Man

SCAS Mother Theresa
Pinnacle ship of the fleet, Super Carrier Ark Ship Mother Theresa is one of the most technologically advanced ark carriers the GIDM created prior to its downfall. The Mother Theresa, henceforth referenced MT, is captained by a fleet admiral known for her old school GIDM ways and a standard for moral righteousness. The MT fleet has spent a majority of the last few years merely stationed in the systems of an allied house running training exercises and ensuring its citizens enjoy peacetime while it stands.

LMV Eudora // Light Marine Vessel Eudora, a light scouting and reconnaissance vessel used for quick in and out missions or operations where going unnoticed is important. Typically carries a small contingent of GIDM troops as well as a few ground based weapons for fire support. AA capabilities limited to torpedo's only, no sub-orbital AA capabilities.

Admiral Rebecca Black
GIDM Fleet Admiral, 78 biologically, 359 chronologically. Rebecca has been around since before the fall of the empire, an old school officer who’d volunteered to be cryogenically frozen in between wartime to preserve her strategic relevance. Rebecca has mostly known a military life, having enlisted as a conscript from a relatively young age and trained through academy for the admiralty. After the fall of the GIDM it was her desire to use the fleet she commanded and the powers afforded to her to ensure the citizens and soldiers aboard her fleet might find peace like she herself had yet to.

Colonel Raleigh
The MT fleet is full of ground and air divisions spread across the many ships that comprise the flotilla. Of these none quite stand out so much as Colonel Raleigh. The Colonel heads over intelligence and logistics amongst the fleet and manages many such related affairs as well. He has a reputation for being cold, tactile, and efficient without much regard for the means so much as the end result.

Captain Geoff Morgan // Light Marine Vessel captain. Vessel is the Eudora, first response to Incident #4352356.

Gunnery Captain Alexis Morgan // Squad leader of GIDM squad who were first boots on the ground following Incident #4352356. Squad henceforth referenced as Alpha.

Gunnery Lieutenant Vince Geoff // Member of Alpha squad at Incident #4352356.

The GIDM power structure is large and complex, affording a multitude of designations and ranks for citizens and officials to fill. This allows for a lot of flexibility for NPCs without feeling held to a specific standard.


House Balam

House Balam is an old house with roots dating back to GIDM nobility. Their crest is a mastodon flanked by two halberds upon a greatshield and their house colors are orange and purple. They tend to favor old school GIDM laws and customs in their holdings and are considerably friendlier than most.

Kind of dealing with a lot, it's kinda annoying. I didn't want this to be something that I stressed out about so we're just gonna deviate to plan B and focus on the writing. We can workshop out details as they come up. I'll make a CS post with some really really basic shit and we can include as much or as little preferred and focus on how they come out in writing itself.

I'm gonna spend today and tomorrow thinking up how the initial scenes are gonna start and hopefully Monday I can just sit down and blitz out a nice little starter.

Relevant details for character purposes. All of these could be discussed at length if you want to try something different.
4 man squad, recently put together to replace a previous squad that was completely lost. No prior history with each other but previous service record with GIDM. Can make up shit about what branch or job they performed. Big fleet, one massive archology ship that houses a civilian populace, multiple cargo and engineering frigates, handful of assault carriers and likewise support ships. Nomadic fleet so almost completely self sustainable. GIDM military service is mandatory conscription at the age of 16 with the option to continue service or leave active duty after 5 years. Nobody discharges, everyone is technically reserve, very militaristic society.

House Balam has been a fleet neighbor for the last 10 years or so, the fleet has been stationed in or around their sector for most of that time. Could feasibly see an OC coming from Balam planets as part of a recruitment drive, if someone was interested in that.

Unless someone specifically wants to play a squad leader role I'll fill those shoes, although I'm happy to let someone else spin their hand at it if they've got a good OC for it.

3 other positions, they can be focused like medic, gunner, etc, or they can be generalized however you guys prefer.

Also if anyone would like to use discord I am open to making a small group chat there for plotting purposes. It's a little more accessible for me is why I mention it.

If I think of anymore details I shall mention them as time allows.

First mission details, Galaga has come under fierce attack from an unknown enemy. Their planetwide defenses were rapidly overwhelmed and a large part of the planets reserve military unit already lost. Galaga is lost, unfortunately a high ranking member of House Balam has yet to evacuate the capital. Original extraction plans have failed and they're attempting to reach a fallback bunker. Our squad is the contingency plan, burn our way in, extract the VIP.
Working through the weekend and I'll have more free time by Monday.
Also the title is totally a place holder I suck at titles yo, suggestions welcome.
@Star Cat@Theyra@DeadDrop

Cello, I made a thing, here it is. I also added some information to the IC. Some of it is just paraphrased things we already discussed but I did make a couple additional log pieces that I'd love y'alls opinion on. I had an idea on how we could even the field and represent power armor. I am basically thinking spartan style armor minus all the plot armor.
Terror On Galaga

Current Logs


Grand Imperial Duchy of Man

The GIDM has been around for centuries. They are solely responsible for the breadth with which humanity has explored the known universe. Their infrastructure links together thousands of known and unknown systems throughout the known universe. Hyperlanes, deep jump gates, transit lanes, anything that contributes to the growth and colonization of discovered space finds roots with the GIDM. Like all things though, the GIDM as it was known eventually had to come to an end. With the death of the previous Holy Monarch the GIDM fell into a perilous civil war that resulted in the fracturing of all known space into a multitude of feudal societies. Various houses now rule systems they’ve carved out of the chaos themselves. Some tend to be more civilized whilst others have practically slid back to the dark ages of man. For centuries man spanned the universe but now the sun sets on a golden age and terrors unknown whisper in the dark fringes of known space.

Holdouts from the GIDM still remain though far too weak to exert any form of authority. Those who remain also tend to disagree between themselves on how the GIDM should exist going forward and thus they remain fractured. An unknown number of GIDM capital-ARK ships remain, entire archaeology ships housing immense numbers of GIDM citizens and personnel. These ships tend to be accompanied by GIDM support cruisers and assault carriers and the fleet tends to exist in a nomadic state. GIDM ARK fleets tend to vary from fleet to fleet, some see themselves as upholders of the law whilst others might seek some form of imperial tithe. GIDM fleets typically attempt to form relationships with local holdings in order to guarantee some sort of save zone to resupply and station the fleet as they travel.

??????? ?? ?????






Sector G5 - Galaga System - Galaga 6

Taurus is the capital planet of the Galaga system. House Balam controls Galage as well as the 5 neighboring systems. Taurus itself is still a rough frontier planet undergoing terraforming. As such most of its buildings are pressurized and its major population centers exist under domes.The actual terrain of the planet is windswept and sun-scorched, its current atmosphere strong enough to maintain air pressure but unable to protect from harmful solar radiation. As such the landscape is windswept, varying from flat unending plateaus, deep wind gouged canyons, sprawling salt flats, and deep acidic oceans. The landscape is rough and terraforming has been and shall continue to be a challenge, but out of all of the planets in the Galaga system G6 presents the best opportunity.

Tag me when OOC is up buster.

Gotcha, gonna handle that later this evenin.
If I was on vacation or something, I'd knock together full sheets for the fighters and let you all play them out as a combat tutorial but I think I am too tired these days.

All too relatable.
We could do power armor but could we discuss a way to limit it? I wanted the RP to kinda blend in horror elements too so I don't want us to be too indestructible all the time.

Perhaps it's not good for indoor engagements due to bulk? Limited power supply? Idk these are just spit ball ideas, what kind of power armor do you guys feel would fit best?
Well it looks like we got ourselves a lil squad here if @DeadDrop is down, I'll see if I can work up a few documents for world-building and maybe an incident report or some documents that'll give some better insight towards the overall image. In the mean time if y'all have any ideas you'd like to see included I would implore you to share.

I would also like to reiterate, as this is important to me, I am down to put in some groundwork to get things off the ground but I do not want to be the sole fulltime GM here. I am hoping the four of us can all cooperatively build the universe and the story that follows together with equal consideration for each other. I also don't wanna have a lot of work, so yea.

In the meantime here's what I've drafted as an initial character hook.

We are 4 petty officers that formulate a special tactics squad aboard one of the ark colony ships, designated SCAS Mother Theresa, a proud holdout of the Grand Imperial Duchy of Man, or GIDM. the GIDM was the dominant galactic force in the galaxy at the height of it's reign. It's borders stretched from edge to edge and probed beyond the rim into parts unknown. Such a vast size easily grew unwieldy and, as all things do, the GIDM eventually came to an end. With the death of the emperor as well as a mysterious enemy chewing on the outskirts of known space the GIDM fell into a civil war that shattered the empire in the the hundreds of fiefdoms it exists in today. generations have passed and the GIDM is all but lost, several ark ships remain drifting through space as self sustaining holdouts of imperial power but remain far too thinly spread to have any hope of truly reuniting and reforming any sort of authority.

All of these factors have left the known galaxy in a state similar to feudal Europe.

House Balam rules over the Galaga system and 5 of it's neighboring stars. House Balam and the Mother Theresa have had a long standing mutually relationship of trade and military assistance and thus when the capital of their minor holding G6 "Taurus" comes under invasion from an unknown foe the GIDM are contacted for military aid. Our squad in particular will be dispatched on VIP retrieval to the capital city of Taurus which seems to be under the heaviest assault. In universe our enemy is mostly unknown, merely whispers exist amongst the highest echelon. We will be broaching horrors that have yet to be witnessed by the masses and although we shall potentially be high-powered killing machines our tactics and technology will not be prepared for the complete shift in paradigm that our new foes shall bring to the table.

For our characters, and all those others located in this universe to be, things are fixin to get a whole lot worse before there'll even be a thought of things gettin' better. Hope you guys are still interested in tagging along for the ride!
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