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@Teyao The backstory appears to have a name typo in it (it references a Yuri out of nowhere). Once that is cleaned up, William is approved. High energy goofball is on the table.

Thx, Yuri was one of the posible names I had for the character

This seems interesting, are you still seeking players?
Alright this seems interesting, I would like to join if you decide to go forward
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I like what you did with this one…captures Ruby pretty well actually. Approved! (My bad for the delay)

Don't worry dude
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Cleaning his equipment while he waited for a job was something of a routine at this point and something he was grateful the other older Variants in the Underground had inculcated in him when he was just starting. It didn't completely erase the boredom that crept up every time he was in this position but it at least helped him calm his mind.

The sudden ringing of one of his phones was not loud but the small space of his ´secret base´ still made it sound like it was something more urgent, letting his tools on the table he answered the same sentence he had been using the last 3 years.

"This is Dianus speaking"

Simple and without any fanfare, the best to let the other person try to take the lead in the conversation which in his experience helped people in explaining their desired contracts better and left a lot more room for negotiation down the line.

His rates were known to be fair and he could just refuse if he wanted.

"I got a job for you"

A crisp voice answered, male and somewhat rushed like the speaker was trying to get this call finished as soon as possible.

"I am listening"

"An... employee of a collaborator has recently come across a new skill in his field that makes him valuable to us, sadly, being as young as he is he got into his head that he had to take a vacation as quickly as he could and I and my collaborator would like to speak with him again as fast as possible, face to face"

Ah so they are Syndicate then, only they would be this brazen as to ask for a runaway in such a way

Still, better make sure they knew he was not willing to take the job in a way that didn't make him look weak or dismissive of them, Syndicate is always nasty business and he would rather not interact with them more than necessary.

"I am afraid I can't take this contract, I transport uniquely merchandise and contraband, not people."

Don't say sorry, that will make it sound like you owe them something and that is the last thing he wanted. But he would throw them a bone anyway to make things smoother on his end.

"I have a gentleman agreement with a fellow businessman called Murder Express and he is the one you seek if you desire to transport people."

He will refuse of course.

He had interacted enough with the man(?) to get a measure of him and the occasional times they had interacted it was obvious he feels nothing but contempt for those on the more illegal side of Variant activity.

"I see"

The line goes dead after those words and he could feel the stiffness on his shoulder relax, he had stopped dealing with Syndicate a while ago so for them to contact him was unexpected, they were either desperate or were hoping to cast a wide web to catch their runaway Variant.

Still a new variant and a young one at that... this was actually pretty fucked up wasn't it?

Shit, he couldn't just let it pass and do nothing can could he? But what could he do? Coming into conflict with them would only cause them to sic one of their attack dogs on him and that would suck.

He needed to divert their attention away from him somehow, but for that to happen he would need something that pulled more of their attention, something they couldn't ignore.

Or someone

At once a plan started to form in his head, a plan that hinged on the cooperation of someone he was almost sure would be willing to help if he explained the situation considering their reputation.

"There was a fire going on wasn't there? If there is one place he would be it would be there"

Opening a portal he started making his way across the city.

It was finally time to meet the Vanguard.
In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Well here is the character I couldn't leave unwritten

seems like a lot of fun

In Pariah 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Arthur (Miguel his heart whispered) hated closing the bakery so early but with the city having a lively night there wasn't any point on staying open and waiting for costumers that would never come, even here on Brigitte people knew better than to be outside when there was Variant activity (no matter that it was happening on the other side of the city or that they were more focused on getting away and outrunning M.A.D) accidental casualties were rare in this kind of events but why risk it?.

Still, it was if not a good day at least a normal one and for that he was grateful.

He sighed one last time and blocked the reinforced doors, some may think it was overkill to have so much protection for just a simple bakery but he wasn't keen on having a repeat of that night if he could help it.

He gave a nod after doing a final check to make sure everything was in order then he opened a portal on the wall next to the counter, crossing it he came across the familiar little basement he used as a secret base, well as much as a his costume and a few set of clothes, his spare laptop, his combat gear and the many, many burner phones he owned could amount to a secret base.

Turning on the laptop he allowed himself a moment to reflect back on the last few years, setting himself as a neutral party on the Underground was easier and harder than he expected, the hardest part had been getting actually started and setting a name for himself, then it was a matter of keeping momentum and attracting more costumers while trying to keep his business as clean as possible. Hell setting up his bakery was more complicated than everything Variant related once more he realized that this city really had a problem (but he loved it anyway).

A blinking notification on the screen brought him back to reality

"Oh? So Reflector is finally making a move then?"

From the few small conversations they had when he was hired to move merchandise discretly he knew that Reflector had some sort of 'Big plan', he didn't seem like a world domination or sudden bout of madness guy so good for him to start working towards it. Still information gathering was definitely not his forte and something he stayed well away from, everybody liked the information broker until he started selling your info to your enemies, then he was just another loose end you had to take care of.

"Welp, better get ready then"

The downside of his costume and a thing people rarely realized was that the Variants with the more elaborated costumes usually had to take some time to get into them but it made him look cool so he didn't mind too much, besides, Oli-Vanessa was having a sleepover with some of her friends so he had all the time in the world to have a productive night, with some luck a job will come his way.
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