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This was bad

This was very, very bad

Two hundred skeletons sounded like an arduous task but a doable one with the number of men that were on the walls plus the assortment of allies that were gathered here, maybe they could have even won without losing anyone using just some little bit of strategy or if the walls had held, that plan, unfortunately, was shot in an alleyway, it's pockets picked clean and its body left in a dumpster the moment the Ogres appeared and broke the gates, even worse was that the enemy leader seemed to be happy to let its minions do the dirty work, they needed to do somethi-

His musings were interrupted by the actions of his two party members(?), Arthur made his intent on dealing with the Berserker Ogre evident while Adam didn't waste time and somehow took control of some of a log nearby (Probably got some kind of ability like how he was capable of casting a buff) and then used it to demolish groups of enemies at once before sending it towards the big skeleton in charge. Okay, okay, he could work with this, taking the special enemies' attention away from the main force was a good thing as they should be capable of repelling the skeletons (At least he hoped so). the only remaining obstacle was the big Armored Ogre but how could he get rid of it? MacKenzie was dealing with the skeletons and he didn't know where Zell was, he needed a mean to fight back, something like the buff he had... cast... earlier...

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he searched inside of himself hoping to find that mysterious benefactor that gave him the words to the blessing or at least something else to help him fight/distract the Armored Ogre.

What he found was unexpected but useful.

Knowledge of how to cast two different (For a lack of a better description) spells was incrusted on his mind as if they were always there and he just had never noticed, one was some kind of empowerment on treated injuries so they could be healed faster and the other a literal light beam that would be able to blind an enemy for some time. At a glance he could tell neither was as strong as the blessing he had cast earlier, it was like comparing a match to a campfire.

Good but not enough, he could only use them a few times, and then he would have to contend with too many skeletons and a pissed Ogre, he needed something else, or someone.

"Hey, you there! come with me! we need to deal with that Armored Ogre or he will just keep killing more people!"

After a little hesitation, four Guards broke from the formation and began to make their way toward me, two were armed with short swords and shields while the other two had spears, they couldn't be much older than me and they all seemed terrified but resolute (or perhaps desperate).

Giving them a nod I start making my way across the skeletons with the guards flanking me and dealing with them as they approached, the objective the big Ogre creating mayhem.

"I can blind it once it reaches us, the two with shields cover our backs from the skeletons, and the other two try to stab his legs once he is blinded"

Saying that he looked towards the Ogre in question before letting his mouth go off.

"Hey, you ugly motherfucker! Come and get me! Cucksucker! Stupid moron! Fuking swine! Rotting hog! Dungloving shithead! Fuckwhit i-"

Ignoring the looks from his town guards he began to prepare the light beam spell without stopping talking, the moment the Ogre got in range he would blind him, then it was a matter of being as annoying as he could so the Ogre focused on him rather than on them.
Okay funny thing, the other two in the ground aré attaking two of the three special enemies so James Will follow their example and attack the third, he Is not a front row fighter tho.
My computer apparently only needed to be plugged into a new outlet so huzzah for me.

I am become writer, destroyer of scenes, ender of the Good Times, beginner of the Prologue. I'll have the post out today transitioning us forward.

A fearsome speech for the ages
we need to kill those ogres or things will get annoying
Oh man, Toby let him choose the course!

But what to do? the forest was that way and he had been there yesterday after his errands, the lake was out of the question as neither had swimming clothes and the Bakery was likely busy for the moment, plus the Festivities were sure to start at any moment(?) and he definitely wanted to participate in some of them.

Aha! The old shrine on mount Bilica should be near enough to use the old paved road and then come down for the festivities.

"What about visiting the Old Shinre? It has been some time since I have been there and it should be a good place to look around, if you want of course, any adventure is better when all are excited about it!"

Toby pondered the question for a bit, before pulling out her phone, attempting to call Audrey right then and there. She knew her cousin had the habit of wandering off, though, so it wouldn't be a surprise if she couldn't pick up...

Seeing the phone ring a few more times and then die he couldn't help but break the silence.

"Well, Audrey doesn't seem like she is gonna respond, probably forgot her phone or forgot to charge it, you know how she can be sometimes, ha ha ha" Wait, if she finds I was making fun of her at her back she will go off on me again "But let's, ah, let's think of something else okay? Like where should we go looking for her?"

Smooth as always Will, smooth as always
How should we approach combat? like a small strategy or a free brawl to test the waters?
Arthur has red hair doesn't he?
Only Zell, Fenna and Kyouka are missing right?
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