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"I don't know you all but I think they are right"

It was with those words that he started running towards the group until he caught up with them, they were right on both accounts, it was better to stick together and even better to help the people in need, with some luck the guy in charge may even have a change in heart and decide that they were helpful enough to not throw in the slammer as soon as the situation was resolved, provided they all didn't die in the attempt first. A part of him was a little suspicious of the thing he did earlier and the whatever-the-fuck being that allowed him to cast(?) it, but more than that he was grateful that the panic hadn't returned, he almost lost his shit there and that would have likely got him a less than pleasant surprise once he woke up.

"Names James by the way, hope none of us die"

Oh right, he should tell them about the blessing, it would work best if they knew beforehand they were buffed and that it wasn't permanent, it would suck if one of them assumed that they could act more careless because of it, and then got caught with their pants down when it didn't show. If luck was on his side non of them would ask exactly how he did it (not that he knew how he did it either) but if not he would just straight up tell them he had no idea, voices inside his head and weird trances weren't more difficult to believe than dying and waking up on some other place (hell?) after falling from the sky in a stone coffin.

By God, things were getting weird.

"By the way, I think earlier I did some hocus pocus somehow and got you all buffed, it should last the whole fight but don't expect me to use it again for some time"
@xenon Nah I don't think Clive's just gonna go off and fight something he doesn't know. He's gonna prolly say 'Ya'll must've hit your heads I reckon' how can Jarim expect a man (who just said he's a fucking farmer who obviously isn't carrying a conventional weapon) to fight? Clive'll help the people but he ain't fighting right this moment lol.

I ended using it sooner than I though I would

Life is great
I have It downloaded now and I am planing on using It at just the right moment

I love this so much you have not idea
<Snipped quote by Teyao>

Ahhh, Clive is just not fully comprehending this cause he passed out from heatstroke before he died. Sooo...He's slowly figuring it out but still he'll prolly just shrug and say 'Shucks'

Good ol' Clive doing a classic
Smaller post than I would have liked but post it's post
The smile on his face could melt snow he was sure, hanging with someone was always so much fun! Oh he could't wait.

"Great! come jump into my bike and we can star searching for her, do you have any idea where she may be, forget that just point in a directon and we will be off!"

Okay if anyone wonders about it, to be able to utilize the blessing again James has to spent at least an hour in large body of water (rivers, lakes, sea or the ocean)

'Maybe becoming part of this group was a mistake'

First, there were the guards (fucking cops?) coming to arrest them for doing... something, he still wasn't sure if it was for the smashed house or the disturbance of the peace that the confused and possibly mentally unwell group of people (himself included) had caused. Hell for everything he knew falling from the sky in a stone coffin was illegal or some such in whatever the hell this place was, still he would have complied and tried to get some answers but then they had to draw actual fucking swords at them, the maybe deranged group of people with weapons (and a shovel, and a briefcase, and a fishing pole, an...) which didn't speak for someone that desired a peaceful resolution, made worse by the fact that they were twice as many as his little group. Watching the big guy and the woman with the bow trying to calm down the situation made his nerves settle somewhat, good to know that at least the people he was grouped with were calm and collec-

"Every Actor has a role to play now, don't you think?"

'Ah fuck'

Okay, scrap that, there was a really good chance the captain or whatever he was decided that it was easier to subdue than to talk with a bunch of people who may very well be actually insane. The seriousness of the situation settled a bit more and more, each second felt like he once again was in over his head and for a second he felt as if he was back in the fire again.

His breath started to get heavy and he felt himself flush, he needed to cool down he didn't want to die!, he needed to remain calm he was burning!, panic wouldn't help his situation anyone! please! HELP!!!, he just needed to endure.

It felt like a dam breaking. The feeling was heavy and freezing but in a pleasant way, like a bath after working out or the feeling of a cold drink on a hot day, it swept and crushed the panic that moments ago was threatening to engulf him leaving behind a dazed clarity and a strange sense that he had never felt before, plus a very clear set of words inscribed themselves on his mind.

Raising the now-comfortable symbol in a two-handed grip he brought it close to his face, less than an inch away from his mouth, and then he prayed in a whispery, almost intimate manner.

"I call to you Lord Undaya, Ruler of the seas and King of the ocean, bestow upon us your blessing, to be as cold and unwavering as you are in the deep below"

He felt several things happen at the same time, first some sort of transparent energy enveloped himself and his allies, in particular it rushed to the one with the anchor in an almost eager fashion, then once the energy settled he felt like a hundred small things that he never noticed stop bothering him and a certainty that his body was simply more resilient for the time being. Then the knowledge of the payment for casting such a thing came to the front of his mind like a sledgehammer and he lost the stunned lucidity that had enveloped him.

"What do you mean 'Go jump in a river'!?"

The sound of crashing waves that almost sounded like laughter was all the answers he got.
hey @xenon bit of meta question (you don't have to answer if you don't want to) but would they be able to detect if my character casted the blessing?

Also I think I am accidentaly giving my character a panic attack and it is weird seeing how calm and collected everyone else is
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