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Welp it seems like number 2 won handily so I will go with that, will post shortly


Edit: So I googled 'Isekai.' Didn't realise it was a whole thing of it's own lol. Cool concept, I'm already having a blast.

Look what you have done people, another poor soul has learned about Isekai

Also holy shit.

I'm guessing we got Isekai-shenanigans.

I've thought of it and realized.

If we're different nationalities and languages, I guess Mytheria makes us speak English or Mytherian, whatever the magic shit that makes us understand shit.

It would be funny and annoying if that came to play as a debuff somewhere along the line

Apologies, had a rough night, gonna need to postpone that to a bit later in the day.

Don't worry dude, focus on resting the RP can wait
@Teyao this cowboy don't need yer fancy magic.

He is Clive, the only thing stopping him from tearing the other world apart Is that he doesn't want to do It

In all seriousness though, I didn't mention him or Zell as they both benefit from all of them equally while Adam syncs better with another ability but one that Is not really useful right now and kind of useless with him around I think.

So far It seemed 2 Is the More tempting option
Okay dudes I need to talk with you all, my character can choose a single ability right now that can affect the whole party but I wanted to know your opinions on which will be more useful for the time being:

1.-One that lits your weapons on Fire and inflicts Holy damage
2.-One that enhances Endurance and allows underwater breathing (@Goblinguy this Is basically a sea blessing so your character could have an afinity with this one)
3.-One that enhances Strength for an undeterminated amount of time (But once It Is over It applies a debuff that does the contrary for the same amount of time)
4.-One that makes It so every proyectiles fired by the party has the probability to inflict Charm (@Zool and @Calle this one Is good for bow users)
5.-Or one that gives the party a buff to their Charisma or can be concentrated on a sole person (@Indrajita this one seemed a good fit to your character though she may consider It cheating)

Now please keep in mind that all of these have negative consecuencies to My character but the Strength one Is the only one that applies to the whole party, also I Will stick with this ability for an indetermined amount of time before being able to use one of the others or another of Equal impact
something quick but posted

The first thing that James' newly awakened mind noticed was the cold feeling that permeated his body, the second thing was the memory of the flames and the situation he had found himself in just a moment ago.

'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!' Without thinking it twice he kicked the piece of debris that had fallen above him, just enough to pry it open with his crowbar thankful all the while that it hadn't fallen directly on top of him, what he wasn't expecting however was the lack of burning building or the apparently medieval town he found himself in, looking around all he could see was townfolk(?) and a group of people that seemed as confused and bewildered as he felt.

"What the fuc-"

A bunch of voices interrupted him, some screaming and some barely whispering but it was enough to make his mind refocus on the current situation, on one hand he didn't know where he was and wasn't sure how he arrived here, on the other screams, the heat of the fire and sheer soul-crushing TERROR as a piece of debris headed towards him... yeah maybe it was better to not think about all that right now.

With no other thing to occupy his mind with he looked at his feet earning himself another surprise, he wasn't wearing pajamas anymore now his attire looked something like modified baggy robes of some sort with some kind of prayer-like thing tied around his right hand, his crowbar had become some kind of heavy staff and a strange gem was incrusted on his hand. All in all, he was left with more questions than he started with, looking around again his gaze affixed itself on the group he had noticed before, looking closely he could see that they all wore clothing that was distinctive and they all also possessed the same crystal in a hand.

'Hell why not?' With that last thought he started walking to join the rest of the group, with some luck they would have an answer to whatever was going on.
I think that the last coffin Is the one that smashed on someone's house so I Will take it
@Zool@Calle@Dark Cloud@Saiyan@Indrajita@Teyao@Goblinguy

The IC is finally posted! Sorry about the wait.

Any questions, just ask here or by PM

Give me a few hours to post dude, Yesterday I got sick and wasn't able to do anything

I can handle NPCing the bakery/Enrique if you’d prefer, otherwise these sorts of casual scenes are a perfect example of what I intend to be our atmosphere of just establishing the world and collaboratively sharing the minor characters to build scenes.

Broadly speaking, while I have time, I will always try to jump in and add storytelling/description/narration to scenes when I think it’s relevant either way if I notice the characters doing things that trigger events in my brain.

Yes please, Yesterday I wasn't abñe to post cuz' I think I caught an ilness at wor.
Ponsted!!! Sorry for the delay got other things on my head for the weekend
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