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Oh, Toby is doing fine, that's good, she seemed pretty sad when the teacher gave the results for the exams last week even though she scored pretty high (I got a C and pas pretty pumped about it), maybe talking will get her to relax a bit more.

"These last few days have been brutal! I have been around the whole town like four or five times making deliveries for Grandpa, people love the traditional bread that he makes for these festivities and they never seem to get fed up with it, not that I am complaining tho, more business for the bakery is always good and doing so many deliveries means Grandpa gives me some extra allowance"

Not that everything was good

"Not that everything is good, I haven't had the time to hang out with Syd in ages, and the few times I have been free she is always busy with other things... welp what can you do? So Toby, I just finished my last run and I got a bike and a desire to spend time with a friend, so what do you say, wanna hang out for a bit?"

@Zool@Calle@Dark Cloud@Saiyan@Indrajita@Teyao@Goblinguy

Sorry guys, I didn't expect to get home so late and I'm tired af. I will post the first IC tomorrow. Sorry about that.

Don't worry about it dude, get your rest
Generally, so long as it’s mostly an alteration or addition of physical traits it’s gonna be fine. Someone growing deer antlers and hooves is one thing; growing thirty feet taller and yeeting trees as weapons is another. Temperance in all things, but I won’t police ideas unless they seem to go off the deep end since they’re supposed to represent an idealized aspect of the character itself. I’m not concerned with any sort of ‘balance’ if that makes sense, but I want the roleplay to maintain a cohesion of the cast.

Oh I got an Idea for the cosmetic change my character may undergo as well as the meaning of such a change
@Teyao ooooooh

Medium size OOF
@Teyao what mistake?!

Posted here what was destined for another thread, had this open because I was trying to see if the formating was working as intended, then forgot this was not the correct thread
I should stop making this same damn mistake
Honest mistake, please ignore this
Once he was sure they were out of earshot from the little girl he let himself release a sigh, truth be told he felt a little bad for so blatantly escaping from the younger girl's attention with Toby in tow but he knew the girl wouldn't let them go until she saw them squirm, even worse if any of her siblings got involved.

Turning around once they reached his bike he directed his attention to the girl at his side, he hadn't seen Toby since Grandpa started getting an uptick in orders a few days ago but that wasn't a reason to not catch up, for all he knew she could have gone in an adventure all by herself!

"Hey, Toby! how ya doin'? I was delivering a few things around here for the bakery and saw you so I decided to say hi - Hi by the way!- and ask what you been doing lately"

So revelation time, at first I missread Odaya as being the same age as Toby and William, but when re-reading I realized she was a child but didn't change anything as the image that William considered a child to be too mean was too funny.
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