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William pedaled on his bicycle as fast as he could, Granpa was right! the bakery did indeed need all the help they could get at this time of the year, only Christmas and San Valentin got this kind of demand that he even asked William to go deliver things at people's stalls. Thankfully this was the last, going through town was a workout and even with all the usual energy he almost didn´t make it to his final target.


"Delivery! Some empanadas, enamorados and a pierna"

After accepting the greetings, money, well wishes for his grandpa, and goodbyes he drove his bike to the nearest bench and slumped on it to regain his breath.

"Welp, time to go back for mor- Hey isn't that Toby?" Man, she looked a little lost, no time to dwindle then, better help a friend.

With a smile on his face, he started the little trek to the girl-

The cobbled street colloquially called 'Market Lane' begins at a corner, where it splits off the main road up the hill to the Communal Meeting Hall. The prominent structure at this juncture is none other than the Hoar Grocer, with its centuries-old and intricately carved wooden frame. The roof is said to have been the hull of the original wagons brought by the Hoar family in the pioneer days, and over the generations the family has maintained and brought its structure into aesthetic and cultural heritage with carving and painting the heritage of the town upon it.

Other stalls and vendors, in preparation for the Festival, have been erected along this cobbled street in front of homes and the local café. At the far end of the street lies one of the town's two restaurants.

Sometimes when one wishes upon fate, fate conspires to answer.

Toby finds herself in, perhaps, the busiest place in the town on this given day. Despite the Hoar Grocer itself being cleaned out, the festival permits the villagers to set up their stalls and barter openly; this means that nearly one third of the village was currently walking this street and being an obstacle to her mission. On top of that all, as the throng of familiar faces maneuvered around she soon found herself in the sights of a vicious little crow indeed. If Toby isn't too overwhelmed then perhaps she may notice in time to flee, but indeed it is the young Odaya Bilica, youngest sibling to the tormentor Weasel at eight years of age, whose deep red eyes find Toby in her moment of desperation.

Manifesting as if from some foul nightmare, the raven-haired girl weaves through the crowd to suddenly be at Toby's side. Staring up at her with a sharp and tangible alertness.

"...Whatcha doin'?" She asks in a drawling tone, jabbing at Toby's side with a finger. "You're always so boring... Are you doing anything fun? It'd better be something fun. Because... I'm bored. I want to play."

Where Odaya was, her brothers were often not far.

-only for it to be almost wiped from his face at the voice of the younger Bilica.

Ughh from all the people it had to be her, William considered himself pretty easy to get along with but Odaya Bilica was just so mean all the time he just chose to avoid her -and her siblings- as much as possible, but leaving Toby alone with her was a big no no, the girl didn't have a mean bone in her body to fight back and if Odaya was here then her brothers couldn´t be more than a few streets away.

Better to get involved then.

He ran towards the with as much enthusiasm as he could manage (a lot since he actually liked interacting with Toby) and called as loudly as he could "Hey Toby! there you are! come on you promised to help with my deliveries" Saying so he tried to motion to the girl to follow him back to his bike, his eyes shifting momentarily to Odaya to make it clear why he was lying like this.
@myrkwise if nobody else interacts with Toby soon I’ll throw an NPC scene at you.

I’m big on organic scenes and people coming or going naturally, so if I ever do something like that feel free to jump in or have a character leave or whatever.

Will try to have William join in this

Name: James Sirius

Age: 23

Country on Earth: Nuevo Leon, Mexico

Appearance: 5'9'' Height, 162 lbs

Personality: Some words that come to mind when one is describing James are acrid and irritated but compassionate under all the fire and brimstone. Often, someone who holds an angry expression and an even angrier glare, nonetheless those who reach out to him discover that he is not a hostile person and even pleasant to be around with those he considers friends.

Brief Backstory: Born to an American father and a Mexican mother who took him back to Mexico after they divorced, James has grown up in a little community surrounded by a family known to all as generous and simple people who wouldn´t hesitate to help if someone asked them to do it.

As a result, James was raised with the same principles that his family acts upon, even if he forces himself to act in a scarier manner to drive away those that search for abuse of their desire to help. It is perhaps no surprise that he died trying to help evacuate the burning home of a neighbor as a result.

Adventurer Class: Cleric

Starting Common Gear: Standard priest robes, maze disguised as a clerical staff.

Special item: A holy symbol that belongs to no god.

Notable skills or abilities: Despite not being tattered to any god in specific he is still considered a "holy man" or rather "an open conduit", in some regards this is useful as he can call on the powers of many gods, in others this is extremely bothersome as he has to convince said gods that he is acting in their best interest first, and gods are fickle beings.
The floor is open to pre-prologue sandbox as I give folks a chance to finish character sheets, or for any stragglers to show up and express interest.

If anyone dislikes my portrayal of their character or how the silly little intro I felt like writing up flows just let me know, I was just having fun with it.

Honestly I think It was pretty good dude
@Teyao : Interestingly, William and Toby are both 15, being the youngest in the group. I think it would be interesting if they were friends to some degree, though their personalities are quite contrasting - one could say they complement each other?

Heck yeah! Them being the same age makes it even easier to connect them, probably even classmates

@Teyao They could have done a thing here or there together. Possibly a 'yup, can be fun to do things with him' relationship.

I can see him initially going along with William as a way to get go know each other and then both bonding over their Desiré to leave the Town.
ohh this seems interesting, if you still accepting players you can count me in, probably as a support class
@Teyao William Mencia: I don't know if Ambrose and William would have a reason for their circles to have overlapped. But considering the small size of the town, they've at least run into each other. It's fair to say that Ambrose definitely has looked at his art and not understood a damn thing about it. Maybe led to a misunderstanding where he honestly seemed to be insulting William's talent, but was just having a problem with the discourse around it. So, maybe he avoids William afterward. Just a thought, I'm down for any other suggestions.

Honestly the easiest way to make a connection between them is for William to try a different club or group every week and at some point having met Ambrose in some of them, at least that's what I think, your suggestion is funny too tho.

@Teyao William Mencia: Ball might be in your court for this one, I don't have a great idea. I will say that Audrey is never deliberately mean for no reason, but she can come off as abrasive, so it might depend on how William takes her attitude.

I think that as long as the comments are not purposely mean as you pointed they could get along fine enough.

<Snipped quote by King Cosmos>

Just jumping in here, but maybe the Malcolm family cafe gets their baked goods from William's grandfather?

That's actually a pretty good way of explaining how they met.
What do you think @King Cosmos? Would It be alright for that to be canon?
Room for one more?

This ended up being kind of similar to William, but I liked the concept too much to change it.

Hey want her and William do be adventuring buddies? Also funny thing, some of her answers are exactly the ones I considered for William
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