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I post tonight
A tentative interesed

Shin looked calmly as the others introduced themselves, although outwardly he appeared stoic and stiff inside he was busy storing all the new information his new allies were sharing, he didn't want to admit it but he felt both, out of his depth and interested beyond measure. THIS is what he had expected when he was told he had become a champion of his Lord, the stories they told varied between each other but they all seemed to have weight to them, almost like a story out of one of his people's legends.

As The Sybil finished her introduction he directed a look towards his Lord, wondering if he planned to introduce them like some of the other gods had done or if he waited for him to do it, knowing his Lord it could go either way.

A weight settled on his stomach as his Lord flashed him one of his serene smiles as his only answer.

"Oh no"

"My-" However before he managed to utter a sentence to run damage control his Lord beat him to the punch.

"Domy! You know it's always a pleasure being in your presence" Shin wanted to slap his palm to his own face so much, he knew his Lord's tone enough to understand that he was being sincere but the way he worded it bordered between rude and mocking, hopefully they wouldn't have another political incident in their hands, he still remembered the last time a foreign god visited Carnagoria and how THAT clusterfuck ended. Now he just had to hope that his Lord didn't say anything else- "And don't be so hard with the little lass, why, she looks like she could kill your last three champions on her way to breakfast without breaking a sweat! Though this entire bach all seem to be particularly powerful"

That grabbed Shin's attention, his Lord didn't give empty praise to anyone so for him to recognize not only another champion but ALL of them? that was important. Still, he couldn't let this continue or they would either get expulsed from this meeting or be shamed away from it.

"Ahem! Lord Havokor our introduction?"

"Right, right, I forgot about that" The amused smile he directed towards him made it clear that he had not, in fact, forgotten about it but blessedly decided to not derail the conversation anymore "Greetings young champions and my fellow gods who have already met me, I am Havokor! the God of Struggle and Conflict and this little one here is my champion Shin"

Shin took the lackluster greeting without hesitation, that was the best he was going to get out of his Lord and he knew it.

Better than him talking about other things again.

"Salutations, as my Lord has said I am Shin'Za Ze'Hav, a champion of Lord Havokor and the one he has chosen to accompany him to this meeting, I became a champion only three years ago so I don't have many achievements to my name but if there is any conflict you need help resolving please don't hesitate to rely on me." Saying so he gave another formal bow, making sure to add all the formal demeanor that his Lord lacked.
Small post but uploaded

Mac's concerns were something he had not considered (which he would have to rectify as soon as possible) and it was obvious that she, Adam, Lily and Fenna weren't going to wait until morning, on the other hand, Zell didn't appear to be going with them and Joji left with some guy with the promise to return soon.

"Oh you want to go now? Well I wanted to take care of some things first so I guess I will wait for you at the Drum, good luck guys" A pause and then a sardonic smile appeared on his face "Also, you don't have to ask for permission dude, I like the fact that you told us first cuz communication is important and all that but really, don't let the whole 'party leader' thing affect things too much, we are a party, not a pyramid" Another pause "Though you all should eat something, we skipped lunch after all"

He gave a nod to Mac, he knew that she was perhaps one of the most responsible and less reckless of them so he was sure they won't be in any danger. Saying goodbyes he knocked his mug against Zell's as he did a toast in honor of their fallen comrades and started eating between sips, he was ravenous. Finishing he looked towards Zell who seemed to be struggling with the good ol' question What should I do next?.

"Hey Zell, I wanted to check some things, wanna come? A warning though, they will likely be boring"


His first stop was finding a tailor, he had grown attached to the shawl thing (surprisingly good for bandages) but the one he had was full of Lily's blood and on the trash of the hospital so ordering another for a few silvers was the correct course of action, even if it would take two days to be done.


His next stop was the docks, he had to fulfill the sacrifice to be able to use Undaya blessing again and he felt strangely vulnerable knowing it was not dissponible, likely some from of trauma (like if he hadn't enough of those The fir- NO) but he allowed himself the coping mechanism, it was hardly a bad habit after all.

So after an hour of being submerged on neck deep water wearing only his underwear it was finally time for his last stop.

The Temple of the Quinity

It was time for some answers.
Will post tomorrow my dudes
Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know that I have decided to leave this RP. My reason is that IRL things have hindered my writing skills. I apologies for the inconvenience of leaving, i hope that i will be able to come back in a more relaxed mental state.

Good luck dude! hope everything goes well for you!

"Lord Havokor, for the last time, please exit your room and open the portal, we are going to be late like always!"

"I don't want to! Those guys suck!"

"Please don't speak about our allies in such a way"

"But they do! Amaterasu is always trying to boss me around, The Omniscient is super grouchy, Celia gives me the cold shoulder, Genesis is nice but creepy, and Lunara is... sort of okay, I guess? But Dominus and Uzhdifal are always looking at me like I am an affront to them! They suck!"

"Lord Havokor please cease this foolishness, I will use my ribbons if needed!"

Shin had expected many things when he became a Champion for his Lord, what he didn't expect was for said Lord to be sooo....

"Fine, fine! I will open the damn portal already"


Despite his words and actions the moment his Lord stepped through the door to his room, he did so with a massive smile on his face. This was nothing more than a charade the two of them tended to engage on, his Lord ties to the concept of STRUGGLE showing themselves in smaller (inconvenient) forms.

"Who could have guessed that my little Shin would one day turn his beloved ribbons against his Lord, why if only your Grandmother could be here to see you now she would-"

Shin watched expressionlessly as his Lord keep muttering to himself before deciding that ignoring him was for the best, instead, he decided to check his equipment one last time, his sword was safely strapped to his waist and his pack contained extra clothes in case his current ones were damaged in combat, he would have liked to get more things but his Lord announced this campaign a few hours ago and he decided to give priority to other things.

Well it was too late for regrets now.

"Shiiiiin! Stop wasting time, we will be late you know?"

Suppressing a sigh he watched his Lord stand proudly in front of a fully open portal and without saying another word they both stepped through it.


Appearing beside the other deities his Lord wasted no time in thinking about his greeting

"Hey guys long time no see! You all look just as I remember"

Ignoring his Lord's informal hellos he gave the assembled deities a deep bow with a fist on a closed palm in front of him.

"Greetings Great ones, greetings my fellow Champions, my name is Shin'Za Ze'Hav, Lord Havokor's chosen champion"
James didn't make an order, just a suggestion (he will never give an order because you are his party mates not his employees), feel absoluttly free to persue the Academy thing if you want to. Like, James is okay with you all doing what you want and if you decide to go he is likely to follow.

He nodded back at Mac in gratitude for her support during his rant and then looked back at the GM, for a moment he even dared to hope that this was it, that the answer they had been seeking would just appear and be handed to him by the admittedly pretty woman, hell, maybe she could even zip him back to his home and let him pretend that all of this was a dream.

He should have known better than to hope.

Goddammit, more hoops.
Marsel Brooks

Yeah, that summed up pretty well how he was feeling.

His first instinct was to ask for a low contract first to test the waters and then go for the two silver contracts if the risk appeared manageable but reigned in his impulse to comment, better to know what the others thought first before saying something, that and he was feeling as impatient as they were. Or at least he assumed as much.

As each one spoke it became obvious what the answer was, they were willing to risk their lives as much as he was, and that filled him with a strange sense of apprehension. Damn he could really use a be-

I'll leave you guys to make a more thought-out decision. I need a beer.
Mi entenao?

He fought to keep his grimace stiff and not let out a bark of laughter, he swore, sometimes it was like that guy and he shared the same last two brain cells on their heads.

He listened as Adam asked where exactly should they throw the Cube of Doomâ„¢ while a certain sense of envy filled his heart, damn he wished he could do a Zell and leave but he didn't need to have PR training to know that as the newly elected leader that would look really bad. As the letter was signed he took a step towards it before he saw MacKenzie's movement and intentions, yeah, looking at Adam it was evident the guy still was dealing with some shit, getting him some responsibility could help him get some confidence that he was still wanted on the party.

But why not make it more evident.

"Hey Adam, could you grab the letter? You defeated the big skeleton so it makes sense you talk with the lady, plus, I know it will be safe with you" That should reassure him somewhat, the thought of exiling him from the party was laughable, even if they didn't like him (which they clearly did) the guy was too damn useful to get rid of.

Finally, once he was sure they all gave their suggestion (and ignored Joji's comment about splitting the party to deal with it because what the fuck man) he approached the Guild Master.

"Well, it appears that the consensus is to take the Gold Contract so we would like to choose that one please." He let out a sigh, it was more dangerous than he would have liked but he would trust them "Also, if it's not a bother could you tell us where the nearest inn is? and the nearest church, I figured I am a Cleric with the whole Blessings thing but I would like to learn a little more"

Having heard the answers he thanked the elfin woman and looked towards the group again.

"Well guys, I don't know you but I agree with Mac, we should really rest and continue things tomorrow, if we are going to go for the most dangerous objective we should make sure we are as prepared as we can, things like potions if those are a thing here and maybe reserve weapons for the other magic users" He excluded himself from that, he still carried the knife he used to perform surgery on Lilliana (All cleaned now of course) and the anchor on his back "And of course, better to bother the folks at the Academy after they have a chance to sleep. Rest today, work tomorrow. I will keep the idiot in check to make sure he doesn't get carried away."

That was a fucking lie, he was planning to get totally wasted and it would be glorious.

"See you at the inn"

"Lucy! That Aurok bounty?"

As he was going down the stairs he heard someone shout for the GM about their bounty and her response, then looking around he saw the small group that had formed around Zell. Shrugging he stepped past them and sit on the unoccupied stool next to him, whatever legend-making Zell was doing was not his business, if he was asked to chime in he would but why ruin the work somebody put on something they were clearly skilled on.

He could have a little fun however.

"You forgot to mention the Ogres, the Undead, the Alpha Direwolves, and the Motherfucker" He looked back at the bartender "Something with a strong kick and something to eat please"
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