It hurt!
It fucking hurt!
His mind went into overdrive even as he felt lose his balance, as he fell on his back his mind did its best to categorize his injuries, a long cut from shoulder to hip, not deep enough to be instantly fatal but if he didn't receive attention immediately the blood lost would complicate things. Next, he took stock of the situation, he had prevented the things -Wraiths?- from harming Fenna and Mac but left Adan and himself vulnerable.
Barracker and Zell should have also been hit but he trusted them to handle the damage.
From the corner of his eye, he could see Adam in a similar position as him and further away he perceived Barracker barreling towards them, making some sort of gesture towards Adam's direction even as he continued running in his direction.
For a moment he panicked thinking that Kass was saving him instead of Adam but then his rational side won, the paladin was a smart man and if he was taking this course of action it meant that he likely had a plan to help both so it didn't make sense to loose his calm at the moment. Instead, he looked at his own situation, wounded, bleeding all over the floor, on his back, and with the wraith moving to attack him again. No spell seemed fast enough to save himself.
He was fucked in short.
Well, maybe not.
With all the strength he could muster, he rolled so he was face down, the Wraith had a sword and if the previous attack was any indication it had a panache for slicing rather than stabbing so he would take the gamble, that it would slice and that the blessed anchor on his back will block it in time for Kass to take care of it.