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Hey @anothered, I came down with the flu and my productivity plummeted, can I still post?

The battle was resolved in the blink of an eye.

Perhaps it was a testament to their growth as individuals, or maybe the enemies they had encountered until now had all been on another level compared to the average adventurer, whatever the case he felt relieved that it was over and that none of his party members were injured but he didn't allow himself to relax, this was an ambush, that meant it was predetermined. "Fuck" He didn't like it, they were being expected and if the enemy was competent enough to set an ambush then.. Fuck he sub estimated the mind behind this, this whole encounter was likely designed to fail, either they got killed or they revealed what they could do and their roles inside the party.

His scowl worsened, this was bad, he was getting more and more paranoid, there were 14 attackers, and if they felt comfortable throwing away that amount then what kind of force was inside? 'This is bad, this is bad!', Were they walking into a trap? Did they know they lacked magical firepower? They were going to be killed and it was going to be his fault ´THIS IS BAD!´ He knew they should have taken the Silver contracts, now they were doomed, the monster inside was going to kill them and it would be his fault, just like the guards, just like Clive and Arthur, his fault, they would doom the town and its villagers, his fault, his party members just killed people and he couldn't do anything! 'THIS IS BA-!'


His thoughts stopped, the metaphorical coldness of the Blessing settled against his forehead and the reassuring weight of the anchor soothed his trembling shoulders, closing his eyes he took a ragged breath, held it for a couple seconds then released it, again and again until he felt himself calm down. Panic wouldn't help anyone and he was being a big worrywart, an ambush was no mastermind level of planning, just clever, this amount of people was around the estimated so it would make sense they committed on the first strike expecting a weaker party.

They would be fine, he would make sure of it.

Looking around to make sure no one had caught his little slip he made his way towards the downed enemy leader.

“James, thank you for the blessing, I feel I’m able to fight forever like this. Should we tie up the survivors? With your permission, I would like to interrogate their leader George. What do you say… Good guard, Bad guard?”

He looked at the other man, he was conflicted, not because they were going to interrogate the cultist, but because of how easy it was to justify to himself using more ´forceful´ methods. He was not even sure the man was a cultist to begin with, they could be just brainwashed for all they knew. He was not going to comment upon it however, he could tell some of his party members had not even thought about that and he was not going to give them that kind of doubt.

"Where we come from we call it Bad Cop, Worse Cop" He gave a chuckle he didn't really feel, he was going to do this. The first step was to make the other man feel isolated so the fewer people he could see the better, he had an uncomfortable understanding of interrogation tactics that he had neither the time nor inclination to apply but making the target feel alone and afraid was the most basic start. He should convey that to his party members.

"Hey guys, Kass and me are going to interrogate this guy, we will do it behind those trees so try to remain quiet" Saying so he motioned to Barracker to help him drag the unconscious (and tied) man "Hey Kass, mind helping me move him?" They weren't going to hurt him too much, not physically at least.

Quietly, he prayed to the gods of this world, to forgive him for what he was planning to do.


"Hey, you are finally awake"

A face full of water tends to do so but he kept quiet, watching as the man rose to wakefulness, his eyes filling with fear and then confusion as he looked at him. He imagined he would do so, Barracker was out of his sight so the only one he could see was him, the Cleric squatting to his eye level, the only one of those monsters that didn't kill any of his fellow cultists, smiling in a friendly manner and with a gentle voice.

"We want to talk"

At his words G- the man's eyes filled with defiance, his anger momentarily overpowering his fear, emboldening him enough to open his mouth and say something.


"Kass, hurt him"

He spoke before the other man could.

The first step was isolation, the second was giving the illusion of control and then taking it away, leaving the target vulnerable. He waited patiently for Barracker to finish, looking at the actions of the vampiric man without adverting his gaze, he was in part responsible for these actions so it wouldn't do to shy away from them. Once Barracker was done he moved slowly towards the tied man, then tenderly cuped the cheek of the other man and forced him to look at him.

"Sorry friend, I was not clear enough, we want to talk, you will talk"

He kept smiling the whole time.

A nice and easy warm-up battle. Didn't even have to waste one of MacKensie's two daily Deadly Flurries. Good work everyone xD

Shit! For a moment I read that as 'Deadly Furries' and was very concerned

There was something magical about flying on a Pokemon's back, and in his humble opinion photos taken this way were better than drone taken ones, they just had that touch of happiness that a handheld camera granted.

Speaking of.

"How are the shots coming along Shutter?"


A salute with his arm and a big smile was his answer but his sight never strayed from the camera, it never ceased to amaze him how a Pokemon who lived in darkness had developed such a passion for cinematography, he couldn't wait to see the photos and videos he was taking, the Lugia was already a breathtaking ship and Shutter had a talent for choosing the best angles. Suddenly both his Pokemon and himself cried out at the sound the ship made.

They hadn't gone too far so it was no surprise that the noise reached them but it was concerning nonetheless, his gaze fell on Shutter who gave him a nod and returned to his Pokeball.

"Razor! Bring us closer!" Razor didn't give any indication that he heard the order but the shift in direction was confirmation enough. As his Pokemon dived he felt thankful once more for the harness securing him and the goggles protecting his eyes, it was a lesson that was driven into his head when he and Razor were learning to fly together and it sure had stuck around.

As they descended at a moderate speed the first thing that came to view was the man on the ground and an Avalugg rushing towards him, another trainer with an Alakazam was nearby. The Avalugg didn't seem friendly and he didn't know enough about about physic Pokemon to guess if he could be teleported to safety. They could sweep down but it would be a tight fit, the trees had the potential to harm Razor if they didn't calculate the angle correctly, but on the other hand, the man could get seriously hurt. Eventually, he came to a decision.


However, someone else had already made the decision.

In the blink of an eye he found himself almost at eye level with the trees and the next he was soaring above them once more, making sure his harness was secure he leaned far enough that he could look at Razor's extended talons, or rather, at the man held among them.

"Yo! You okay!?" He realized the man probably couldn't hear him so he gestured a thumbs up and then climbed atop Razor's back again. "Bring us down boy"

It was an easy maneuver, just a barrel roll and they were close enough to the grotto to release the man.

"Hey dude, you okay?"
hey @anothered, my guy is flying in his Skarmory, would it be okay for them to dive and remove Ace from the Avalugg path?

James watched with peeled eyes as Zell approached the new figures, he had been about to offer aid to the one who seemed hurt but Zell's actions gave him pause, he had known the man for a couple days now and he felt confident the man was far from stupid, even less so when dealing with social matters. So he just watched as he did his thing, trusting in his instincts the same way he trusted the other members of the party in their own ways.

"No source crystal! He's fucking lying. All these bastards around here are fucking compromised."


He reacted at the same time as Adam but where the former took aggressive measures he focused on protection. He had a shiny new spell for defense but they were too separated to use it effectively so instead he used the familiar blessing.

"I call to you Lord Undaya, Ruler of the seas and King of the ocean, bestow upon us your blessing, to be as cold and unwavering as you are in the deep below"

Guided mostly by instinct he took his anchor and with a small flourish slammed it against the ground, the moment it made contact with the ground he could feel the familiar shield enveloping his party. A thousand thoughts rushed through his mind but he let them go, focusing on the battlefield.

"Shields up! Take care of the archers, don't let them interfere, the rest focus on the mage! Don't let him cast!"

He had counterspell but its uses were limited and this was just the beginning, he had to manage his resources if he wanted to keep everyone alive.

Nobody was going to die, not again.

Here is my character if you are still accepting my dude
I will post tomorrow
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