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The church proved to be a decent source of information, now he had an idea of the amount of people who were corrupted by the cult, which was one more detail to keep in mind, more than anything he was worried about the prospect of an ambush by the brainwashed villagers, they knew the terrain better than his party did, that and the other thing.

"Good luck"

He watched as Lilliana bid her goodbyes to the rest of the party and then departed, of all the times they could have lost a party member he didn't expect it to happen before they even entered the temple, worse still, Lilliana was the powerhouse of their group in terms of raw magical power, once more he was thankful that Kass had joined their party.

Looking at the others he could tell they all didn't learn much anything worrying which was good it meant that they should be able to pool their info.

"According to the Sister in the church the Temple was manned by a devotee of Hades, a few acolytes, and some local youths, if we count the people that were lured in then we are looking at around 17 people at minimum, we don't know if more people got involved so let's be careful" He looked at the resolute faces "Another piece of info is the fact that the gates of the temple are enchanted to open automatically at night, some religious belief that the spirits enter at night as the living do at day so we should camp at the outskirts until it is dark, our vision will be obscured but so will be theirs"

He looked at their resident tank "Kass, where I am from there are legends that those with vampirism have means to see in the dark, do you possess such an ability?" It would be so useful if he did. Finally, he looked back at the rest "I also think we should change our formation, still in diamond shape but with Kass at the front and Zell at the back, he can teleport so he can react the fastest of all of us" He paused for a moment "If anyone has any sugggestion feel free to say it, there is no such thing as a stupid idea"

“James, how should we proceed?”
Tree lover

Adam's question made him close his eyes, he needed to organize his thoughts, this was it, the start of the mission, the dangerous mission. There was no room for more fuckups and that meant thinking things through.

Thinking like that it was easy to choose his priorities.

  • The lives and health of the party
  • Returning home
  • The quest

It was clear what the next move should be

He opened his eyes "We divide" Better explain before looking like an idiot "Right now we need information and the villagers seem like our safest bet. but I don't want to spend too much time there so we should spread out and talk to different people" But carefully "We also should use the buddy system, if that driver words are to be trusted then we are working against someone competent in subterfuge, so we form pairs, a ranged attacker and a melee fighter, Zell and Kass are our best melee fighters so they get a buddy each, on the other hand I think Fenna and me can work as a unit to pass as another fighter making our pair a trio"

This was the hard part, the social aspect.

He then signaled to Adam, MacKenzie, and Lilly "That means you three should choose who you pair up with, the most important thing is that you choose someone you think you can work well with, I want to think that everything will go smoothly but for all we know there may be moles among the populace" It is what he would do if their positions were reversed after all.

"To prevent from visiting the same people a pair take the left, another the middle and we will take the right. As for the information, everything is useful, rumors, stories, even suspicions may have some truth to them, we depart as soon as the pairs are formed"

Part of him chaffed at just giving orders like that, he was not accustomed to doing it but the party had voted him as the leader and he could at least try to act the part. He moved towards Fenna "Hope you are okay with going with me, truth be told I think you are the better fighter" He tried to smile but he only managed to grimace more "Do you think you could ask Sil to keep an eye on the others? I know I am being paranoid but, well, I rather be needlessly paranoid than be right"

In all honesty, he felt uneasy, part of him felt like he was overestimating their foe, their tactics seemed... crude for a lack of a better term, too focused on short objectives and revealing their existence too soon, if they had mind magics as the wagon driver told them then their best move would have been to slowly corrupt the people of the nearby villages with the big cities none the wiser, then create a distraction and proceed with their true plan in secret, but if their cult was like those back home then it would explain the sloppiness, too many actors with their own thoughts and all it would take was someone acting on an idea too good to share to spoil everything. Still, being cautious never harmed anybody.


"Are you all ready?" He waited for confirmation "Then let's go, good luck, stay safe"
@TeyaoAre you keeping your nameplate and speech in purple now? I just assumed you were doing that to signal that James was still transformed by the Sillagy blessing.

Honestly I am at a crossroads dude, originally I wanted for the color to change based on the last blessing he used (to sort of imply an echo in the mystical sense) but I think I will instead just change it the first time he uses any given blessing. Once I run out of new blessings I will see what will follow

There was something relaxing about taking a bath.

The moment he changed back to his normal appearance (and arrived at his room from jail) he immediately threw himself into the bath provided by the inn with the intention of getting rid of the alcohol smell and trying to relax a little before the quest was in full swing. Of course, that proved difficult when his thoughts kept going back to the night before.

"Oh shit, oh crap, I fucked up"

There was a lesson in there, somewhere, something like 'don't mix stress and alcohol' or maybe 'bring a minder next time', whatever the case he just knew that it was fucking embarrassing. Oh gods what was he going to tell Mac? He forgot he was under the blessing thanks to the alcohol.

He brought both hands to his face and let out a long sigh "Shiiiieeettt"

At the very least it had been fun.

He snorted, it was the sort of night he would have had with some of his wilder friends back home if with a little more crime than he was used to but in his defense the alcohol was stronger than he had been expecting. Ah there was no use cringing about it now, what was done was done and he had to focus on the quest ahead, he had bought enough supplies (or so he hoped) his spells were charged as well as his blessings and they had a new party member.

They could do this.


It was funny, here he was, in another world with his new friends going on a mystical adventure to slay an enemy in some ancient temple and the thing he was worried the most about was letting someone know he had accidentally impersonated them while going on a blender and a crime spree, granted it was not the weirdest story he had been involved with (that belonged to aunt Maya and her Portuguese friend) but it still made him feel awkward, thankfully the person in question was deep in conversation with Fenna.

Speaking off, maybe he should find someone to talk with for the duration of the travel, he already spent a night sharing a cell with Zell -he- so it was time to find someone else which left Lily and Kass, frankly he felt the conversation with Kass was easier but he didn't want to exclude the resident mage, that and they still hadn't had even a single good conversation with each other.

Squaring his shoulders he moved until he was walking by her side "Hey Lily, how you doin?"


“Yes sir, we're Second Chance, and we took the job from the Guild. I'm Adam, it's nice to meet you. It's too bad what's happened there. Is there anything we should know about the temple so we aren't caught off guard? We're not from here so any help would be appreciated.”


He watched as Adam struck up a conversation with the wagon driver, he had expected any other party member (with the exception of maybe Lily and Kass) to step up but for it to be Adam was surprising, looking at him he appeared more... sure? no, that wasn't it, secure? that wasn't either...


That was it, he was standing taller than the day before, he must have done something to gain back his confidence. Good for him really, it was a worry he could leave to rest.

He let his mind wander while listening to their conversation, they were close to their destination, which meant that they would find themselves deep in violence once again, he took a calming breath, no one was going to die he silently promised himself.

Not again.

He had spent some pretty penny on medical supplies, with luck and caution they wouldn't see use but it was better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. "Oh right!" Rummaging through his pack he found what he was looking for, a set of 10 knives with scabbards greeted him, thanks to the whole "getting thrown in jail" thing he had forgotten he bought these, they weren't daggers or specialized knives, they were just utilitarian blades that he had gotten for his party members, in case they needed them.

One by one he passed them to their new owners "Here, a little extra something in case you ever need it"

In the end he was left with just 4 of them, one was his while the other three... the other three he would carry for some time.
I got my post ready! I am just cheking with another player before posting it!
Half my post is done, will post tomorrow
Thinking carefully, I think I will wait for Xen to write to make a follow up, It makes the more sense I think
Will post tomorrow, work has been too intense this week

So apparently neither he nor Zell could really ride horses.

"James, slow down, you twat!""Shiiiiiiiiit!"

"HAHAHAHA!" He really, really should be more worried or concerned but watching Zell go flying into that parcel just tickled his funny bone in that special way that he just couldn't resist. Which of course meant that was the moment the horse decided it had enough of the belligerent rider and decided to make its best imitation of a bull


The result was James getting launched in a manner similar to Zell, the only difference was that one landed on a garden while the other had the unfortunate luck of landing on an active well.


"Ugh!" Rubbing his head Zell stood up, nothing felt broken but he felt a dull ache in his noggin, looking around carefully he noticed the lack of horse, man, and more importantly, Ma-James was nowhere to be found "James? Where are you mate!?"

"Over here!"

Zell blinked, the voice sounded close but where exactly was it... that was when his eyes fell into the well. He almost dismissed it instantly before thinking more about it "Surely not...", making his way he took a look inside.

Then bent laughing.

In the well was James who by luck more than skill had managed to extend his arms and legs in such a way that it prevented him from falling further into the well, sadly such a position also made it very difficult for him to climb out of it. Suddenly an idea sprung to his head, and with mirth in his voice, he intoned "Oh James of the well, tell me your wisdom"

"Stop fucking around and get me out of here!"

Still chuckling he started to lower the bucket attached to the top for a quick rescue.
I was away for a day and half and now everything is puns
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