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Where he in his normal mindset James would be sweating bullets right now, the situation had escalated very quickly and further than he had intended, truth be told he had just heard that someone was accepting challengers and he volunteered Zell before even seeing the other guy (Which again, were he sound of mind he would have thought of as stupid).

"Hahahaha" As it was however he found himself laughing and swaying alongside Zell.

The fight had been unexpected and James had a new headache to deal with... but that was a problem for sober James, right now he was still riding high on the adrenaline of the fight. "You should have seen his face!" Maybe making fun of the people they had insulted, beaten, and cheated was wrong but at this point, he really didn't care, this was perhaps the first time he felt truly relaxed since he landed in this place, no worries about the target on their back, about people getting killed by his fault or the approaching quest. Right now the only thing concerning him was having a good time with one of his pals.

Speaking off.

He chanted the command for one of the new spells in his library, Lesser Restore on Zell, It was quite weak in comparison to the more powerful Hesling Speed but against the bruises and cuts on Zell's body, it served wonders. Of course, it did nothing for the alcohol already in his system but really, why would anyone want to lose their buzz?

It was amidst their drunken walk that they came across a stable and with excitement in his eyes James turned towards Zell "Yo Zellman, you ever ridden a horse?"
Lol ah I see now. The ambiguity left enough room for me to change the tone. So now, James is a drunken idiot for thinking Zell could have won against that giant man in a fair match lol smh Second Chance's beloved strategist with the worst strat ever. "Kids, don't drink. This happens."

This is what happens when there is no planning and using eachother's character, but it's fun and makes some hilarious moments. Standard practice for me n Zool

There is only one answer I can give:

But yeah, this is him at his, well, not worst but definitely not his best, he has basically turned his brain off at this point and is just going with the flow.
Lmao you know, I thought something wild might happen related to James' MacKensie disguise! Madlads xD

The funny part is that neither of us knows what the other is planning to write so we are as surprised as the rest

Oh, I thought he lost, so I was writing that he started the tavern brawl as a way to avoid paying the money lol I'll change it up

James wouldn't have made the bet if he had any doubt Zell was going to win, also, I think that my wording may have been ambiguous so I apologize for that but yeah, Zell won and because everyone else thought he was going to lose they betted heavily against him, so they found themselves drunk and with a lot less money to buy more booze, thankfully there was a Zell and James shaped person to blame rather than, you know, blaming themselves for betting it all in the first place.
So Zell won the arm wrestling match? I want to be sure I got that right.

Yes! He somehow managed to win which resulted in several angry drunks who bet on the wrong person
@Teyaolmao that was crazy, well played

so is that Zell who got thrown into the street?

Nah, it was Zell throwing another dude

"Cheers!" a swift movement and the both of them downed their respective tankards at the same time, they had lost track of how many they had ingested by this point, their Adventurer constitution only forcing them to consume more and more of the hard stuff, but by this point the both of them had gone beyond a slight buzz to downright hammered.

"Y-You know what Zell? I think we may have g-got carried away" Swaying between words James had a hard time focusing, too distracted trying to divine which Zell was the real, without realizing that the real Zell was slight to his right laughing his ass off. Suddenly a commotion grabbed their attention, across the bar a burly man was seated at a table with another man thrown on the floor, several others surrounding them
and either cheering for the seated man or jeering at the downed one.

Quickly the only sober-looking one rushed to the seated man and lifted his arm "And there you have it folks! Another victory for the man, the myth the legend, Stevenson Bear-Arm! Who else is brave enough to try their luck against this giant of a man!?"

"He can!"

As one every member of the crowd turned to look at the pair.

Finding himself the center of attention Zell rapidly turned to find James pointing at him "I bet all the silver on me that this guy here can beat anyone in arm wrestling!" Murmurs started floating immediately and the gaze of the seemingly drunk patrons sharpened, they likely saw their clothes and recognized their quality. Zell looked towards James one more time only to receive a challenging smirk and a single phrase:

"Dew it"

Puffing his chest in response he made his way to the table and sat, this close he could see that the other man was at least a head taller than him and with arms as thick as his leg. With an easy small he placed his arm in position and looked expectatively at the other man. The announcer was quick on the uptake "Well folks look like we have a confident rookie in our hands! place your bets and grab your belts because we are about to see a show!" Saying so he inclined to whisper a "Make it quick" to the other man.

Once both were in position the crowd started making the countdown

"3!" He draws a deep breath.

"2!" He tensed his arm in preparation.

"1!" He released the breath.

"0!" He grabbed the hand with all his strength and using his whole body...


...threw the smaller man against a window, shattering it and sending the man flying across the street, yeah they lost some big money but it was not a reason to start a bar brawl in his opinion!

"Duck!" Heading the warning he crouched just in time to dodge the chair that James threw in his direction, said chair immediately hitting another drunk patron that was trying to sneak upon him, he had to admit that he was enjoying himself, the blender, the bar fight, it all reminded himself of simpler times with his mates.

And the night was just starting!

It was interesting

He had not considered how his disguise would adapt to the addition of his own shawl, but the adaptation was seamless, the moment he fixed it atop his shoulders it was replaced with Mac cape (Did he have it beforehand?), maybe the blessing worked on his own perception as he always considered the shawl as part of his outfit even if he was not wearing it, that and it was interesting that it adapted to the same category of accessory as the cape was. A thought, would this happen with everything he tried to wear atop the disguise? An answer, no, he asked the tailor for a simple hat and it didn't meld like the shawl, it just was an addition, further proof that the blessing was at least semi-anchored to some sort of discerning mechanism.

"Eh, how about Barracker's armour: Pretty fucking cool, if you ask me. He looks like a right badass in it." The vampire certainly had the best-looking gear out of all them, taking Fenna's spot, who was previously 1st place. "I wouldn't mind getting a hood sewn onto my armour. I'll pass on the face mask though. A little claustrophobic for my tastes."

"I think it would be useful but won't it be bad if someone were to grab you by it in a fight?" He mimicked the motion "Like, imagine you were doing some of your swordsmanship stuff and someone just yanked you by it" Then he narrowed his eyes "I guess you could teleport but does it work if someone is grabbing you? It would be funny if you were teleported but your clothes didn't" He snorted at the mental image. it would be bad if that really happened but it was an amusing scenario nonetheless, classic Zell.

He exited the store after paying and thanking the tailor "Also, I can't see myself using armor as heavy as yours or Kass' you guys are fucking tall in comparison" The idea of him in full plate with extra ornaments was not something that he was willing to bring into existence "Speaking of equipment, you planning to use that sword?" He gave a sideglance to the taller man "Just curious if you know how to use it as well as your other one, God knows I have no fucking idea how to use this thing" He gestured to the anchor on his back "I, well I don't think I have quite the strength necessary to toss it at enemies the same way... Anyway, any suggestions? Oh resident master swordmaster?"

It was a testament to how much he was focused on his cooking that he failed to notice Mac's attack on his nose (that and she was way faster than he was) before she made contact.

"Hahaha, get out of here!"

Internally however he felt a cold sweat, anyone who has worked with truly spicy food before knows the pain that is sauce on skin, thank god(s?) he had made the decision of a less spicy sauce, if not he would be with an irritated nose for the next hour or so. Still, it was nice, cooking like this for friends, it was not something he tended to do preferring to try new foods instead but he had done his fair share of cooking for others.

Eventually, he found himself eating among the others, full of smug satisfaction, it was nothing special being able to cook like this but he still felt proud of it. So it was only natural he would brag when given the chance.

"Wha'dya think? Wanna come along? So, when did you learn to cook?"

"You know what? I gotta grab my shawl from the tailor anyway, why not? As for the cooking part..." He brought his other hand towards his chin in the 'thinking' pose "I think it's pretty normal to know how to cook like this back home? Or, well, not exactly normal but common at least" This was nice, just chatting with a friend "What about you? Any special hidden skills you wanna reveal now?" He made a show of gasping and widening his eyes "Don't tell me, you are a master juggler?" He smiled to show he was joking, with the last days being what they were this relaxing atmosphere was more than welcome.

However, the next of Zell's questions unwittingly dragged his mood down.

"Did you live alone before you... oh yeah; what happened for you to get here? I forgot to ask. Did you die too?"

He tried to appear flippant "Nah I used to live with a lot of my family" He failed "As for the other... Yeah, I guess I did, neighbor's house was burning and I tried to play hero" An uncomfortable chuckle and a hand on the back of his neck "Got a crowbar and everything" FIRE SO MUCH FIRE! "At the end a cabinet fell over me and well, next thing I know I was in the coffin" A lie and a shrug.

Damn, he was feeling uncomfortable now, he should have just been vague instead of giving so much detail.

"So what do you want to do at the Guild" He was not being subtle with the change in topic but he hoped Zell would take the clue. God, he felt awkward just bringing that up.

"Well, feel free to lead the way"
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