Fuck he loved coffee
Without it he probably wouldn't even be aware or even awake at all, sure it might have prevented him from sleeping all that much but all was forgiven as long as it kept waking him up in the morning. A final sip and he reclined in his chair with a long exhale, his preparations yesterday meant that he felt somewhat comfortable with the quest they were about to embark on, or at least as much as they could given the circumstances, they had secured a new member, healed all their members and even gotten clues about what was going on, by all accounts this was a huge win, the only part of him that still was hesitant was the fact that he had didn't had the time to practice with the new blessings, the Sillagy one and... the other one he didn't want to think about. He knew he would have to face address it eventually but he wasn't ready, not yet.
Still, thinking more uplifting thoughts, it seemed like things were going back to normal with the party, a few days of rest really did the trick and if he was to judge the rest of the party appeared to be a
little bit closer than they used to be before entering the city, though, he still had needed to have a normal interaction with Lily and an interaction at all with Fenna.
"Well not time like the present right?"Getting changed in his fresh robes and with his usual grimace on his face he made his way down towards the first floor, eventually finding some of his party members already there. Fenna, Lily, and Zell were not a combo he expected but maybe that was for the better, it meant they got along well enough. Making his way to Frederick he ordered some eggs and meat then moved towards the rest of his party members.
"Hey" He gestured to the empty chair
"Can I sit?" Was it Zell alone he wouldn't have asked but with Fenna and Lily here he felt somewhat awkward just assuming they would be okay with it. Once seated he started eating while his mind worked, he wanted to finally talk to Fenna but now that he was here he wasn't sure what exactly he could talk about, it was too early for heavy stuff and they didn't exactly appear to share things in common besides the obvious.
Ah, this is why he preferred the blunt approach, it made life a lot easier.
"You know Fenna? I think you and I should have a talk, not like, a serious one or anything but more like a normal one, I think you are the only person I haven't spoken to" There, that served as an ice breaker but how else to follow it up? It was amid a bite of his scrambled eggs that the thought
"Uh, that looks like a bird" appeared in his mind, consequently creating the perfect topic to break the ice
"So Fenna, what's the name of the bird? I saw it following you around and it seems pretty attached to you" Supernatulary fast if he could say so, and if his theory was true...
"You know, that bird attached itself to you pretty quickly right? and, well, I have this theory if you want to hear it" Saying so he inclined himself slightly forward
"See I think that when we 'crossed over' we all were given a something extra, like Zell ability to teleport or Adam's green touch, I don't know by what or by whom but if I am right then that Falcon -It's a falcon right?- may be part of yours, what do you think?" He glanced at the wizard and swordsman
"What do you think guys? you both are smart"-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
Despite the chats he had with the rest of the party a small part of him couldn't help but keep going back to the thought he had earlier, if he was going to go on the quest he really should practice with what he had, if anything knowing exactly what the Sillagy blessing did could save their asses if the situation called for it. It was with this thought that he asked Zell and Mac to talk a little in private.
"Hey dudes, look I am going to be frank, I need help with something and I want someone there to make sure I don't fuck it up too bad" A hand went to the back of his neck
"I want to try a few things but I need a partner and I trust you guys" His scowl became more pronounced, it was embarrassing admitting that aloud
"Ah right, if you need to practice anything I am also willing to help" It was fair, help for help.
"So what do you say?"