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okay, so Myrion just used his Gift on Fasha @jasbraq and maybe on Lohren @Silver Carrot, but what does that mean? well:

Fasha learned 'Ensnaring Fragrance'!: I went with the idea that was discussed on Discord, that's to say that her pheromones now can, at her command, block external stimulus from affecting those under her control, essentially preventing people from feeling things she doesn't want them to feel.

Lhoren (If she accepts) learned 'Siren's Echo'!: Again I went with the Discord conversation, this ability lets Lorhen implant thoughts in the heads of others but makes them mistake those thoughts as their own, complete commands or appealing suggestions are up to the player.

How your character reacts to the evolution (automatically know, have to discover it, feels the change, etc.) I am leaving for the players too.

Finally, @Aeolian or @Mirandae, are these evolutions okay? I went with them because they are things that the characters should be able to do similar things (but not quite the same) if they were trained to do them specifically

I can always edit if someone disagrees with something.

Day 1 Time: Dusk/Evening Weather: Light Rain Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom Participants: Myrion Stevar @Teyao Mentioned: Fasha Sambul @jasbraq, Lhoren Faith Ashdale @Silver Carrot

Myrion looked at Miss. Sambul directly in the eyes, he hadn't interacted a lot with her before, just enough to be acquaintances with each other, but even from their first meeting he had recognized the way she talked and acted, a manipulator, with the number of noble kids that ran around the school it was not difficult to find someone that didn't waste any time trying to get an upper hand against their peers in some form, whether with money, skill or social aptitude, but having said that he could admit in his mind that she was one of the -if not the most skilled one he had met yet, something about her just managed to lower your guard.

Case in point her suggestion seemed completely good-natured, and the current situation as well as her status as Illuminaire added weight to her proposal, but that didn't mean that those were the only motives, she would gain a certain reputation out of this and she would be remembered as one of the model students that stepped up to handle the situation.

Ah whatever, it wasn't like that was a bad thing and her help would be greatly appreciated, giving her a nod he extended his hand and touched her shoulder activating his own Gift at the same time. Instantly his mind exploded with a new star inside of himself, the details instinctively settling into his mind, generation and control of pheromones, that answered a few questions about Miss. Sambul herself and raised a dozen more but he let them lay, more interested in what his version lacked, a gentle prod and he had his answer, control, he automatically knew that he didn't share the control that would allow him to direct the pheromones he could generate, the best he could do was create an area with him as the center, maybe adjust the shape but that was it.

Looking again at Miss. Sambul eyes he gave her another nod "You have ten minutes, make them count."


Myrion observed the young woman coming towards his small team of eight people, vaguely recognizing her as one Miss. Faith, from what he had heard she was one of the Psychiccers of House Ivar, and if judging by her words a really useful one at that.

He was presented with a choice, he had one slot remaining and if her radius could be expanded then that would be a huge bonus, even if the evolution pulled in another direction assuming he received that part of her gift then it would be the same thing in principle. The problem came with the fact that he would remain locked with two gifts without direct combat application, he would have to trust the rest of the team if or rather when a combat scenario occurred.

Sighing he extended a hand towards the newest member of the Recon team "Miss. Faith, you seem to possess a very useful gift for our current situation, may I use mine to make yours even more valuable for the time being?"

Activating his Gift he felt the sensation of a star exploding inside of himself for the second time for the day, Reception and delivery of thoughts, the way he understood her power meant that he could read the minds of every person in his 20 feet radius as long as they were having a thought, and he could transmit her own using the same 'channel'. Except that wasn't the case, he could feel that the channel let external thoughts without problem but if he tried to send one he would simply not find a hold, rather that the two-way road that the original power was his version only allowed thoughts from one side to pass.

Bright side they had now two users of her mind-reading gift

Giving her a nod he directed his attention back to the whole group, it didn't seem like anyone was going to join so better not delay "It is the time! There don't seem to be more volunteers and time is of the essence! Those of you with combat ability divide half in front and half at the back, non-combatants in the middle, we will start from the places that were hit the worst so be ready!" Saying so he activated his flight and took to the front of the group, toward the direction where the explosions resounded "Miss. Faith I would appreciate it if you could take a side as far away from me as possible, when I used my gift I obtained a reduced version of yours so it would be better if we covered as much area as possible" He knew she would be listening, the Gift didn't seem to cease as far as he could feel "Also may I ask how do you deal with the 'noise'? it is more than a little distracting" He didn't need to hear how scared some of the other members of the team truly were, he could infer as much from how he himself felt.

"Don't mention it dude, true be told at the time I didn't even know what I was doing, I guess I was still acclimatizing or something but at the time I wasn't as good as I am now with the whole, mhm, I guess the word I want to use is 'sensing'? Or at least it's the one that feels closer to it"

He continued to eat between bites, it was good but it could have used some more spice and salt... did they use spice in their local/national cuisine? This place seemed to follow European and American customs in the clothing and building department but maybe they had some more exotic aspects to their culinary culture? But the real question was, did they use spice like he was accustomed to? Or they used the Indian approach? Or perhaps they decided they didn't want spice in their food, in which case he would have to find a supplier for personal use.

"But frankly I should be the one thanking you, if you hadn't made the skeletons flee then we would have lost a lot more people"

He still remembered those guards that decided to help him and didn't make it, as well as those in the infirmary, for a moment he spared a thought for the apprentice that helped him but then his mind caught back on what Adam had commented on his day.

"Oh? Did you find anything useful in those books you got? I managed to get a copy of a book about the theology of this place but the most we know about this place is the best" Some things were common sense enough that he had figured them out without resorting to an explanation from a local but it would be better to have confirmation nonetheless "More than anything I am interested in the customs of this place, I skimmed a little on my book and some of the beliefs in here are not things that we would usually do"

The book was mostly stories about the Deities of Mytheria with some sort of lesson attached to it -most of the time- others were just recollections of what people observed and the common beliefs, like the deities that were more likely to give you some small modicum of attention based on what you were, what you did, and what you believed in. It was also thick as hell, just skimming through the pages took him a solid hour during the night, another reason he should thank god there was coffee in this place.

And speaking of coffee "Hey Adam, shifting the conversation to a new route, I remember you growing plants on the fly, you think you could do the same with edible stuff? I was thinking about buying supplies but if you could grow things quickly it would be easier to buy seeds or something, both for cost and weight" He left out the fact that he wanted to know if he could grow Chile and Coffee, that could come later once he found someone selling some. Even if he couldn't that ability of his was the most useful of all of them, from what he had seen they all had come with something slightly unusual for their classes, like Zell's teleportation ability or his own 'Open' nature, he wasn't sure what were the others 'Gifts' but he was sure they all had something, if they learned to leverage them properly then that would be for the best, they had already lost two people and he was not ready to lose more.
Post tomorrow! (This is mostly for self-hype)
And posted! Took me a while to get the inspiration but thanks to Xenon for talking to me I could start with an angle that worked for the post.

Sheesh, talk about a bad reaction.

For a moment he stopped being James Sirus, Leader of Second Chance and newly appointed Cleric and returned to being James Sirius, Employee Relation Manager for a company that cared too little sometimes.

He had anticipated an arrangement of reactions from Adam to his invitation, some more unlikely than others but the apprehension he was showing was... Well it was not exactly unexpected but it certainly was not what he was hoping for, it had taken him a few days but he could say he had identified the basics of the personalities of his party members, Zell was a loud mouth idiot that was way smarter than he let on, Mac was honest to a fault and tried to be as inclusive as possible, Joji was direct in a way he could apreciate, not simple just really focused on what he held in high regard, Lilly was curious and awkward in equal measure (and his opinion wasn't biased in any way by their interactions, no sire!) but dangerous when pushed to a corner, he could not say much about Barracker having only met him but he felt like he was as calm as a mountain even if the man felt somewhat lonely, and finally, Fenna was the only one he still had not talked to but from what he had observed she was the most determinated of them all, he had not missed the way her eyes looked whenever they were on the topic of going back to their own world.

But coming back to Adam, the younger man was the textbook image of a capable but self-doubting employee, he kept contributing to the figths and even made some connections with the other members of the party but a single point of failure had shaken his confidence in his position inside the team, granted it was both, a great failure and not his direct fault (or any member of Second Chance's for that matter) but his personality forced him to see it as a personal falling that he could not accept, if he dared to make a careless guess he would say that the way everyone else seemed to act guilt free probably subconsciously reinforced Adam's own belief of defeat in a self-image harming loop. The way to deal with such an employee from an HR perspective would be to influence them with direct and subtle tactics, assuring them of their capabilities and place in the company while also discreetly exchanging their duties for similar but easier ones in order to make them regain their self-confidence. If the problem persisted or worsened more drastic measures would be taken depending on the severity, one of the most extreme ones being the termination of their contract.

The Cleric scooped some eggs into his mouth and bit down on some bread.

Even if this continued he wouldn't just tell Adam to fuck off for practical, moral, personal, and common sense reasons, but this was something he should address now when they were in a safe town and not on the mission they had foolhardily agreed on in the passion of the moment. (He suppressed the shudder at his eloquent talking, HR James could go fuck himself with his fancy words).

Finishing shallowing he decided to use the soft-blunt approach "Hey Adam, did you know that I used to work in HR for a time? You met all kinds of wacky characters when working with so many people, there was this one time that I had to talk to one of them because they keep taking 30-minute bathroom breaks, apparently they used their cellphone to watch Dragon Ball episodes while in the bathroom 3 to 4 time per day" He snorted "Only reason we know it was Dragon Ball was because they forgot to disconnect from the loudspeaker someone else brought that day" he chuckled a little.

He gave a soft sigh and leaned forward "Other times however, people came to us because they had important problems, either at home they needed to take care of but didn't want to go to their direct superior or in really serious cases because they messed up in big ways and were fearing the consequences" He relaxed his posture as best as he could "What I am trying to say is that I can recognize when someone has something on their minds that is bringing them down" A breath "Adam, I say this as a friend and as the leader of the party, whatever you are thinking about your own status in the party is way worse than it actually is, I would ask you to trust me when I say that you are a valuable member of Second Chance who has shown their reliability time and time again, what happened recently was outside our control and none of us had a way to resolve the situation at the time" Another pause then he tried to give a smile "But I know that the heart feels what it believes it has to feel so I will instead just ask you to keep with us, regardless of what you may think we feel about you we like you quite a bit Adam, and often go out of our way to spend time with you"

Adam's food arrived and another spoon full of egg found itself in his mouth.

"Case in question my day was great thanks for asking, went to the guild and signed some papers, met someone that ended up joined the party -Great guy- and then came here to eat something, how was yours?"
Which characters in the characters tab are still active?

I think Petyr, Anastasia, Kaspaan, Leah, Lhoren, Myrion, Raffaella, Fasha, Walter, Lisa, Sylvia, Corrine, Manny, Arthur are the still active ones

Day 1 Time: Dusk/Evening Weather: Light Rain Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom Participants: Myrion Stevar @Teyao Mentioned: Anastasia Arslan @Ti, Leah Eusebia Clearwater @vietmyke, Fasha Sambul @jasbraq

"... And now the food has been spoiled..."

Myrion continued to calmly scold the third year who had thought to themselves that dancing on top of a food table was the brightest idea they had the whole night, the reasoning for why they thought it was a good idea eluded him, the current song was even one of the calmest ones he had heard from the singer, that didn't deter him from making his opinion clear however.

"...The cost of that came out of th-"

Before he could keep going, however, things started happening rapidly.

Professor Grune's announcement.

The melody all students had memorized in class.

The sound of explosions.

Eyes open wide he looked at the student he had been reprimanding who now looked as if he had seen a ghost, pale and eyes as wide as saucers. He... didn't quite know how to react, sure he had studied the Emergency Safety Protocols but he had never expected to use them. He looked at the other students around him and saw the same reaction as the third year some worse with what seemed to be panic attacks and he could feel his own breath come faster and faster.

That was when a shining beacon made herself known.

"Listen up, everyone!" Her words cut through the turmoil like a clarion call. "Our priority is the safety of every individual here. First years and civilians, make your way to the shelters. Combat-trained individuals, form defensive groups around them. Auxiliary roles, establish checkpoints for Reconnaissance, Restoration, and Retreat. We leave no one behind."

He felt himself snap out of the trance he was in, she was right, safety first and everything else second, his role wasn't as set in stone as others as his Gift could change his situation if the right individuals were near but even so he was an Illuminaire first and foremost.

Without hesitation he added his voice to the cacophony that had taken place after Anastasia's statement.

"You heard her people!" With a quick glance he could see that Anastasia had taken the role of shepherd and Leah was taking control of the Defenders, he wasn't close with Fasha but from what he had observed her gift could be crucial in keeping the student body pacified until the situation could resolve itself so that left one position he could fulfill himself "Those with Recoinscense and Rescue abilities with me! We are going to make a sweep of the school for those who couldn't assist the ball!"

He watched quietly as a few students started heading towards him, his Gift burned at the front of his mind and he looked around calculating who could make the most use of it.
well, this is embarassing but wrong page
I will post today
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