Day 1
◈ Time: Dusk/Evening
◈ Weather: Light Rain
◈ Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom
◈ Participants: Myrion Stevar
@Teyao ◈ Mentioned: Fasha Sambul
@jasbraq, Lhoren Faith Ashdale
@Silver Carrot
Myrion looked at Miss. Sambul directly in the eyes, he hadn't interacted a lot with her before, just enough to be acquaintances with each other, but even from their first meeting he had recognized the way she talked and acted,
a manipulator, with the number of noble kids that ran around the school it was not difficult to find someone that didn't waste any time trying to get an upper hand against their peers in some form, whether with money, skill or social aptitude, but having said that he could admit in his mind that she was one of the -if not
the most skilled one he had met yet, something about her just managed to lower your guard.
Case in point her suggestion seemed completely good-natured, and the current situation as well as her status as Illuminaire added weight to her proposal, but that didn't mean that those were the only motives, she would gain a certain reputation out of this and she would be remembered as one of the model students that stepped up to handle the situation.
Ah whatever, it wasn't like that was a bad thing and her help would be greatly appreciated, giving her a nod he extended his hand and touched her shoulder activating his own Gift at the same time. Instantly his mind exploded with a new star inside of himself, the details instinctively settling into his mind, generation and control of pheromones, that answered a few questions about Miss. Sambul herself and raised a dozen more but he let them lay, more interested in what
his version lacked, a gentle prod and he had his answer, control, he automatically knew that he didn't share the control that would allow him to direct the pheromones he could generate, the best he could do was create an area with him as the center, maybe adjust the shape but that was it.
Looking again at Miss. Sambul eyes he gave her another nod
"You have ten minutes, make them count."----------------------------------------------------------------
Myrion observed the young woman coming towards his small team of eight people, vaguely recognizing her as one Miss. Faith, from what he had heard she was one of the Psychiccers of House Ivar, and if judging by her words a really useful one at that.
He was presented with a choice, he had one slot remaining and if her radius could be expanded then that would be a huge bonus, even if the evolution pulled in another direction assuming he received that part of her gift then it would be the same thing in principle. The problem came with the fact that he would remain locked with two gifts without direct combat application, he would have to trust the rest of the team if or rather when a combat scenario occurred.
Sighing he extended a hand towards the newest member of the Recon team
"Miss. Faith, you seem to possess a very useful gift for our current situation, may I use mine to make yours even more valuable for the time being?"Activating his Gift he felt the sensation of a star exploding inside of himself for the second time for the day, Reception and delivery of thoughts, the way he understood her power meant that he could read the minds of every person in his 20 feet radius as long as they were having a thought, and he could transmit her own using the same 'channel'. Except that wasn't the case, he could feel that the channel let external thoughts without problem but if he tried to send one he would simply not find a hold, rather that the two-way road that the original power was his version only allowed thoughts from one side to pass.
Bright side they had now two users of her mind-reading gift
Giving her a nod he directed his attention back to the whole group, it didn't seem like anyone was going to join so better not delay
"It is the time! There don't seem to be more volunteers and time is of the essence! Those of you with combat ability divide half in front and half at the back, non-combatants in the middle, we will start from the places that were hit the worst so be ready!" Saying so he activated his flight and took to the front of the group, toward the direction where the explosions resounded
"Miss. Faith I would appreciate it if you could take a side as far away from me as possible, when I used my gift I obtained a reduced version of yours so it would be better if we covered as much area as possible" He knew she would be listening, the Gift didn't seem to cease as far as he could feel
"Also may I ask how do you deal with the 'noise'? it is more than a little distracting" He didn't need to hear how scared some of the other members of the team truly were, he could infer as much from how he himself felt.