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I will post tomorrow

Multiple pieces were moving in different tempos, friends, and foes attacked, dodged, parried, and acted in a great dance to some unsung ballad, where he half the strategist that some believed him to be then he would have been the conductor, careful guiding the orchestra with his magic, playing with puppets to his hearth desire and ensuring a quick and painless victory for himself and his friends.

“Are you okay, James? What do you need?”
The local tree hugger

"If I pass out you better catch me"

He was not the conductor, he was the asshole about to arm his team of dancers with swords.

He made sure to scream the words at the top of his lungs so his allies were not startled by the blessing.

"I beseech thee, Mother Iris, thou who are radiant and wise, ruler of the skies and bearer of the sun, Guide us with thy luminous light's gentle sway so that in thy name victory may be attained "

The effect was instantaneous, across the room his companion's weapons erupted in holy fire, the only exception being the anchor in his back which was covered in a layer of frost instead, and Adam who had to select a weapon for it to be effective.

His breath grew labored and he had to take support on the wood stick as he beheld the sudden fire covering parts of the room, he had known what the blessing did the moment he received it, standing before it he could tell that it was powerful, and order of magnitude stronger than any he had cast before, if his instincts were right it could be even cast as soon as it was finished, the only downside was the heavy price to pay for it and...

...he burned, he had rushed into the house desperate to help, to do something so he searched from room to room, after a couple of minutes he got lucky enough to come across the inhabitants trapped inside a bedroom, he had brought his uncle's crowbar just in case but it came in handy, opening the door and allowing them to escape. Sadly his luck ran out just as the goal was in sight. He remembered he had chosen to take the rear in case anything happened, he should have just scoped one of the kids and run away.

Instead he got to see how others crossed the threshold to safety while he remained behind, trapped under a fallen beam. To their credit they tried to help but it was no use, he had to scream at them for them to get the message that a single death was better than four.

The next minutes were agony.


The cold feeling of his anchor snapped him for a moment but he could still feel the FLAMES! memories scratching at his brain. Still, he had one last thing to do. Clutching his wooden cane as a lifeline he focused on the cabinets at the end of the room, where once was a barrier there was nothing, his little IT BURNS! episode distracting him from noticing who cracked it open, the result was the same, a vulnerability that could be exploited, and he knew just the person for the job.

"Mac! The phylactery should be a vessel! A locket, a skull, a fucking vase, as long as it is meant to contain something it can be the phylactery!" His attention switched to the Druid (who thankfully didn't have a burning weapon) by his side "Adam, you are our best crowd control if you can fuck with them do it"

Now all that was left was to shoot Light Beams to the Listener until it was dead. He pointedly ignored the FLAMES as much as he could, he just knew that if he got close to one of them he would lose it.
@TeyaoThis week, I may not be able to post until Friday or Saturday, but I was thinking that MacKensie would easily be able to zip over to the cabinets with her gauntlet and get the phylactery. So if you want to leave that part of the battle to me, I'll write it up at the end of the week. Also, if you want to use this info in your post somehow, like James tells her to go in place of Barracker, maybe shouts a description of the phylactery across the room or covers her as she flys over. Or something of your own invention, I can work with anything.

Or if you have other plans, or have an idea for James getting the phylactery, that's fine too xD

Having finally read everything I will have James do something nice and MacKenzie can zip in and snag it
Post tonight


It was awkward walking with a cane but he would be lying if he said he didn't appreciate it. The sting of the cut was still acutely felt even if the injury itself was almost fully closed he supposed. At the very least he was sure he would be able to remain mobile enough to not fall at the stiffest breeze.

Thankfully he was the most inured one.

After that was made clear, he unbuckled a few straps on his armour, then halfway took off his shirt to reveal a bare arm and shoulder. The wound was a nasty purple colour, an eight inch open cut across his shoulder just creeping onto his chest. "Bloody hell," he muttered. "I didn't realise it was that bad." No wonder he couldn't use his arm. "Alright, talk us through what I need to do. I'm useless at first aid."

"Looks bad, but not the worse that I have treated, what we got to do is..."


As he looked at the Greater Wraith a memory surfaced in his mind, not so long ago he had read about something similar, a necromancer who had become a lich, one of the hated enemies of Hades and his followers, in the story the lich almost managed to slay the party thanks to his regenerative abilities but the rogue of the party, fortunately, stumbled upon its phylactery, had she not destroyed it in time the story would have a very different ending. They shouldn't be able to stray too far from it so considering the room they were in...

"Guys! Seek the phylactery, it will be a bitch killing him without destroy-!" He shut his mouth before he managed to finish his sentence, with quick motions and an even shorter chant he managed to cast a barrier right in front of him, barely able to protect him from the scorching ray of light cast by the enemy necromancer. "Search the cabinets at the back of the room and destroy its phylactery!"

His piece said he started casting his lesser counterspell, he could tell it would just delay the inevitable but that was better than nothing. He would trust his party to take care of the smaller enemies.
Hey dudes, I will have to post tomorrow, IRL stuff happened and I had to take care of it
Will post tomorrow!

He once heard someone say that some doctors in history were forced to operate on themselves because there wasn't anyone nearby to do it for them, at the time he thought it must have sucked for them. Now having been put in that exact situation he could say with certainty that it does, indeed, suck.

“Is everyone alright?”


He was slowly falling in love with this spell, it was making the itch of healing hit like a firetruck but at least it allowed him to walk without bursting his organs all over the floor. He gave some experimental steps and then some light exercises, they still had a problem to deal with and it would be better for him to know what his body could still do.

For a second the lack of blood made him go lightheaded but a hand held his arm before he toppled over.

"How are you holding up?"

Thank God for Mac.

"For the moment? No that good, the spell takes some time to fix everything but at least I am no longer in danger of bleeding out, thanks for asking" He directed a smile at her to show that her concern was appreciated. "What about you? I was distracted for the last part of the fight, do you need healing?"

Come to think of it.

"Hey! Zell, Kass, come here! I saw you get a nasty hit and there is no reason to not address it now, they likely know we are here so it's better to be on top of our game" He fished more supplies from his medical bag, he would use pure mundane methods but that was better than nothing.

It worked!

It fucking worked!

Oh good lord was that close, and thank whoever was listening that Kass was as fast as he was, for a moment he thought he was toast. Thought, considering the situation he might still be. There were 2 bolts of magic that didn't seem very friendly heading for each member, sadly he couldn't get rid of all of them.

Just the ones heading for him and Kass.

The beams of light shot in quick succession, the first one was lucky to grab two but the others were far apart so he needed to use one for each. That done he left the arm fall limp to his side "Thanks for the save Kass, but there is no time, the others need your help, go, me and Adam have things under control here" He patted the man on the shoulder.

Then he stumbled his way to Adam's position, all that movement was not doing him any favors but he had a duty to fulfill. As soon as he was within arms reach he fell to his knees, then maneuvered so he was sitting behind the barrier that was protecting the other man.

Judging by the way he was moving and the enthusiasm behind the motion the guy was really getting into it.

Reaching a hand he brushed it against the Druid's leg and incanted one of his new spells Lesser Restore, as the name suggested it wasn't the greatest spell but for injuries like the ones they had? It was a literal lifesaver. Instantly he could see the cut on the man grow less and less pronounced until only unblemished skin was left instead. His hand retracted and held his own injury, he had another Lesser Restore for the day... but they still needed to truck ahead and this spell could be the difference between one of his party members surviving.

With pain he directed his other hand to his pack, retrieving his medical supplies.

"Hey Adam, keep me safe for a sec will ya?"

Without waiting for a response he started the process of putting himself back together, he would use a Increased healing speed at the end but he still had to reach that point.

This was going to suck.
Post tonight!
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