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I am back! the dengue couldn't kill me.

Um... hello.

Hello to you friend!

He turned to Kass to listen to his words.
Barracker stuck around for a moment, to be there for his friends in their time of need. He went to his captain and clasped forearms in a warrior's embrace. “I will retire for the night,” he said, and then added a few quite words in his ear. “This may not be my place to say, captain, but their is a web of lies and truths surrounding you and our friends.” he looked James in the eye and said. “Be careful.”

He gave the man a nod.

The warning was appreciated if slightly useless, out of everyone present he was perhaps the most aware of HER, everything SHE represented and was capable of. To be perfectly honest the panic was not lowering at all, it was just being shifted to the background until he could decompress in his own room. this felt like a mess.

Eventually, Zell and Fenna came back for them, followed by Adam and Maz shortly after, Kass having gone earlier meant that they could retire to the Mended Drum for the night, the chatting continued on the way but he could tell his party members were not really feeling it. He was the same, the only thing on his mind was the bed.


His eyes opened.

He allowed himself a moment of stillness before rising up, years of rigorous routine having transformed him into a morning person by force, a few light stretches and he was feeling good, after everything that happened yesterday getting a full night of rest was sweet and he was raring to go through the day, if only his Ma could see him, she wouldn't recognize... him...

He stopped.

A quick look at the window confirmed that yes, it was indeed the early hours of the day and he wasn't the usual sleep deprived zombie he tended to become.

"What the fuck..."

The sudden feeling of wrongness was invasive and it was coming entirely from James, okay okay, deep breaths, this is... unusual yes, but is it truly unexpected? Zigmund had been an early riser for longer than James had been alive so it made sense that some things got a preference, becoming a morning person was not the end of the world. But he could admit that it just felt wrong, an antithesis to everything that James was. If this was different what else got changed?

Fuck it was too early to have an existential crisis.

Getting dressed with his usual gear he arrived at the restaurant portion of the inn, seems like he was the first. Might as well wait for the others to to wake up, albeit knowing some of them might be up already. He wondered if anyone would join him for breakfast.

"Hey Freddy boy!, the usual please"
As I understand it, he can force someone to work on his narrative? I'm a little sketchy on that, because it takes away pretty much all control from the other player.

No, no, its more like nudges, the idea is not that he forces someone to change their actions or opinions, its more like a random thought that offers a new or different opinion.

Plus, the ability is desgined to be used as little as possible, at least the second part.

If you have suggestions I am all ears my dude, god knows I don't want to make a character that steals the fun from other players.

Words carried weight, there was a saying from where he was from 'An action is worth a thousand words', while that was true it often blinded people to the fact that words carried their own value, people died just because someone uttered the wrong words. This was especially true in fucking politics.

Fortunately for them, Kass' word was worth gold inside Valheim, sure they would have been accepted either way, but the people inside knew they weren't in a position to refuse aid.

Grabbing the Alarm Receiver he spared a nod to the Paladin, it was a surprising kindness that he decided to extend and James was thankful for it. He wasn't the only one if the looks on his party faces were anything to go by, the mayor being the one to speak was surprising but perhaps it was to be expected, he wasn't sure what factions existed inside Valheim but it should be safe to assume the mayor would seek to present himself as a big player, regardless of how much power he actually had at his disposal, he had to admit, the way he carried himself didn't really imply confidence.

When Mackenzie and Fenna decided to speak about their equipment he simply raised an eyebrow, will he would have preferred to play the cards close to his chest that was just his paranoia or maybe Zigmund talking, as far as they were aware what equipment they had when they arrived wasn't anything out of the norm, at least not by his memories, custom made yes but not out of the realm of imagination. Still, it was not surprising that the abbr=Nerds]Academy Officials[/abbr] wanted to give it another look, parting with his idol was easy, most of the time he tended to forget he even had it in the first place, and he wasn't wholly concerned, he may use it for blessings but the lasers were all him. It was when they asked for the anchor that he hesitated.

The anchor was a memento of a dear friend, someone who had fallen on the line of duty helping them survive, it had become a staple in his life since he got it, and parting with it -even temporarily- just didn't feel right.

In the end he decided to just give his idol and keep the anchor, he may lose some info about it but the calm of mind was more than worth it.

After that business was concluded it was time to hash the details of the meeting with the commander. That done it was finally time to head back to the guild, one more step towards returning home, the situation was dire but he couldn't help but have a spring in his walk, nothing could ruin his good mood-

"Here we are," she announced as they arrived at the Guildhouse. But she stopped at the door and turned around to everyone. "You two," she said, looking at Zell and MacKensie. "I am willing to overlook your actions a few nights past, on this one occasion - I will go back on my word. You are unbanned from the Guildhouse, but know that you are on thin ice, my friends." She was deadly serious. "I won't hear of any apology or excuses, or relitigate the issue, so don't bother." She wagged her finger at them both. "One slip, and I will see to it that you never step foot in this Guildhouse ever again."
The Guild Master


He froze.


He forgot about that!

Quick deflect! Don't let them-

“If you don't mind me asking, how did you get banned?” Adam's question was delivered quietly, with the skepticism in his mind apparent on his face.


He felt the familiar feeling of panic rising, he had to do something... or did he? Huh? At this point wouldn't it be better to just man up and admit to Mac that he forgot to come clean?

But it would suck.

But it was something that he should do instead of continuing pussyfooting around.

Fine, he would do it.

Walking behind Adam he made a gesture to Mac and mouthed the words 'I tell you later'. Admitting the whole thing would take some time (not to mention the fallout) he preferred it happened after they got what they needed,


All the thoughts fled his mind at the message. To James the contents were suspicious but worth investigating.

To Zigmund?

Fear was an emotion the old Blessed didn't feel often, bravado was what saved his life in more than one location, and the things he had done curved the impulse to feel fear. And yet he would never forget the one and only time he met the Witch Queen, even now the urge to whimper and cower was still present. Like prey in front of a predator knowing the slightest move could set them off.

Fear was not an emotion Zigmund Mugba-Zarack was familiar with but in HER prescence? He was terrified.

He needed to distract himself, Lucy!, he should- no, he was panicking, acting foolishly, yes this was uncommon but Hacking was a known practice, of course SHE would have access to it and if she had caught on their existence it was rational to guess that she would try to do something about it.

Just in case better keep it under wraps at the moment.

Walking towards Lucy he spoke loudly "Thank you, the message was not what we expected and it raised some questions but is good to at least have a lead" giving her a nod he moved towards Clive "How you holding big guy?" He could see some of the other members of the party not dealing with it particularly well. Not that he judged them after reading all that.

Oh, right, he wondered how what insights could Kass have.
Light returned! Now let's just pray water returns soonish (It disapeared a week ago), mi Mexico di oro is beautiful but damn it has problems.
Sorry for the delays, heat broke our electrical transformer, been without since a couple hours ago
Saw this and decided t apply

Will post tonight

He allowed himself to relax at Zell's words, it didn't prove that there was no influence but at least it gave them time to-

He stretched his neck to one side and then straightened up his posture. "No worries though. I've got it under control. Trust me."

At once the tension returned to his shoulders, 'I've got it under control' such innocuous words, were it about anything else he would be calm but in this case? It just reminded him how he assumed he could handle it when he made the contract, unaware just how quick and subtle the influence ran. He needed to do something, say anything, but just as he was about to speak Wulrick asked if they were ready to leave.

Right, they were on a schedule. He would need a moment to speak with Zell again, if there were no signs of influence yet then they still had time, he just hoped they could deal with it as soon as possible.


Fuck, it reminded him of the corporate meetings he had participated in, 'course this time it was different being literal life or death. It didn't stop the stuffy feeling that permeated the air and made him restless, to be truthful he was not comfortable, the conversation with Zell was still fresh in his mind and warring about several different topics but it would have to wait until the meeting was done.

At least there were some familiar faces, he stepped up as the High Septum Areleth called for him to recount their story, he tried to summarize it as best as he could, clinical, detached. Half the room was watching them as if they were the new interns to be exploited and the other half was just playing along but desperate enough to use anything. He could sympathize, at least the part of him that was still able to do so, but right now he was on a battlefield that was known to him.

Fucking politics.

He had realized some good time ago that no one was truly free from them but being thrown back into it so suddenly was still jarring, perhaps he had never escaped them in the first place.

Finishing with his story up to current events, slightly edited to omit certain parts, and for quick retelling, he looked back to his party in case anyone wanted to recall the parts he wasn't present for.

Adam was the first to step up.


After some questions were asked and parts of their story were elaborated on he stepped up again, the bread and butter of politics is power which comes in many forms money, personnel, and of course, information. In this room there was a power imbalance, the locals held all the cards and even if they weren't planning on doing anything against them it was still an unfortunate fact that they were capable of hurting them, so how coule he proportionate the security of his party? "Well, there you have it, our entire journey so far, now, I am aware you want us to help with the siege which we are willing to do, in particular, we possess information about their tactics, mindset, and people of interest, obtained through the use of a Blessing of Lathop so it is from the perspective of an elite in their ranks" Shifting the power balance of course, now they weren't just another party, information was disclosed, personal power was implied and ability was revealed.

"Any questions?" Their position was still weaker than he would have liked, but it was a start. The rest would come in time. But now he had to focus on keeping their momentum, determination flashing in his mind as he saw the looks they gave each other before someone decided to ask a question
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