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Gonna post tonight
Junpei Kato
North Team

Listening to the other members of the North Team talk was mildly interesting, one of them was clearly from a civilian background, probably recent even if the concealed nervousness was anything to go by, the other student in contrast seemed almost bored, she also looked almost too young to be out here fighting against Grudges.

Was she a prodigy? or was it contract-related?

Either way, it was clear she was prepared to go against the Grudge at any moment, the sword in her hands made it clear.

Then the barrier broke and smaller Grudges poured towards them. The reactions from his teammates were amusing in their contrast, Sword was graceful and fluid, impaling the lesser grudges with ease before moving towards the next target. Mallet (Rabbit?) on the other hand was erratic and powerful, she seemed to be much more careful than the younger-looking one but was also doing more damage. He himself had only fended off a single one that targeted him, a direct kick to the head made the trick, not that he could keep doing it, even just a slight coating of spirit energy was taxing for his already small reserves.

Making sure the Grudge was truly dead he moved to join his classmates, he wondered if they had some sort of plan.

"I imagine you've got quite a bit of information that might be able to help me out, here." Zell gave a little head-tilt. "From being a Cleric maybe, aswell as being... Zigmund- Bro, are you totally sure you've 'Made Peace' with this arrangement in your noggin, right now? Do you know if you'll have to live with this for the rest of your life, or what?" A small part of him suddenly wondered if James was dealing with any resentment due to Zigmund getting killed by Second Chance. "If you're sure, then I trust you, of course - say no more. But we should probably create contingency plans for eachother, just in case anything goes wrong."

He shook his head lightly from side to side "I appreciate the feeling but I don't think it needed" He gave the other man a side glance then looked back to the canal "I will not lie to you, my feelings ARE a mess of guilt, resentment, and love, true. But above all I adore you guys, I would first die before letting anything happen to you" He directed a grin that immediately became a frown "But nevermind that, my issues are mostly handled, yours are not" He jabbed a finger in the other man's direction.

"That sword is an insidious thing and as you have volunteered to carry the curse even throwing it away will just have it find its way back towards you" It's what happened to him after all "It will always feel like you are in control, it won't change your personality, instead, it will exaggerate your bad traits, the worst part is that in the unlikely event that you notice it happening that 'you' will likely decide they are the better version of 'yourself', even if everyone else tells you the contrary" He stood up, he was about to start gesturing when a thought crossed his mind, was... was he giving a sermon? Oh Gods he was, wasn't he?

Well shit, he was already this far in, no reason to back down now, mama didn't raise no quitter "However!" Shit he was getting into it just like when he practiced with cousin Pedro "Don't despair, Zigmund may be a bastard but he was a cautious bastard, he learned how to conduct and sealing ritual tailored for the Black Sword in case he needed an out, poor idiot didn't realize he got caught in the trap but the knowledge is still here" Two fingers tapped at his head "We may not be able to get rid of it for you but we can make sure its influence is contained until we find a solution" He gave a last look at the other man "Give me 3 days and I will have the ritual ready but Zell, for it to work the affected must be willing to face separation, unless you truly desire getting rid of it it won't work, so what do you say Zell Brooks? Are you willing to be healed?"

...Okay for an impromptu speech, it wasn't bad, it just felt lacking, why oh why couldn't Zigmund come with oratory skills? Knowing the fastest way to kill a man with your bare hands held no shit to basic speechcraft.
I got my post ready, I just need to check things with Saiyan before posting
Posted!, chunkier than I used to but worth it

He listened attentively as Adam called his name, but of course, something interrupted him before he could finish his sentence. Watching Mackenzie direct a glare at him was a novel experience, she usually reserved those for Zell, which could only mean one thing.


Judging by Zell's expression the taller man was thinking the same. Okay let's think rationally, what was the fallout of this situation? She wouldn't leave the party over this he trusted her bond with all of them was too strong for that, in the best case scenario she would get annoyed at them and ask them to do something for her which was fair, worse case? she felt betrayed and a grudge would form. His scowl deepened. He didn't want that, setting aside his personal feelings, they couldn't afford a rift forming right before the siege, he should have informed her as soon as he could but he had forgotten in the preparations for the Temple Quest.

Ahhh he had almost forgotten how stressful it could be to manage interpersonal relationships at work, he was nearly tempted to go for a strong drink but he still remembered what got him in this mess to start with.

And of course, Zell didn't share his reservations.

"Hey man, I dunno this Sillagy gal," he said, feigning to leave his friend to hang out to dry alone. "Nowt to do with me."
This fucking guy!

He let his head fall to the empty table, a long and pitiful groan leaving his throat. It didn't stop him from answering in kind however.

"Heard of her, cool gal, think she gets into too much trouble though" At least he was still able to find the humor in the situation if they stopped joking then that meant all hope was lost.

“Huh, MacKensie seems upset. Would either of you know why?”
Adam Ramones

Well there goes the hope that nobody else noticed, just as he was about to explain he caught the look that Zell was sending him, he... he was planning something stupid, wasn't he? As Zell tried to deflect he surmised that yes, the Swordman was indeed just trying to sweep the thing under the rug, he let out another sigh, as much he was tempted to do the same it was better to nip this little flower from the bud before it bloomed into another mess.

He massaged his temples "Let's just say that Zell and I made some stupid mistakes, don't worry, we will solve things soon, if you want more details ask Mackenzie, by now she should be aware of enough to share" And that was if she wanted to share "What were you talking about before you were interrupted?"


Using one of his spells for physical training felt like cheating as he knew he wouldn't really gain any musculature using it, but this was not about condition, this was about learning to hold a weapon properly.

Seeing Zell in teacher mode was bizarre, the guy was focused and nonsense, offering advice and correcting every mistake he unknowingly made, it was reassuring in a sense, knowing that his teanmate was someone he could trust to guide him in a proper path, and when he also revealed exactly how his blessing was progressing he could only feel awe at the other man.

By the time they were done he was sweating like a hog and struggling to catch his breath, fucking hell was he worked to the bone, the British man in contrast looked like he was about to go in his morning jog, was the difference between Caster and Martial classes really this big? Forget about the strength he wanted the stamina. Thankfully there was a tavern close to where they were training, despite not working his legs in particular all that fancy footwork had left them shaking, it was a miracle he was able to walk this far.

Hearing Zell talk about him was oddly heartwarming, he... well he couldn't say he was a good leader, frankly he felt anyone else would have been a better fit for the position, they either had the charisma, the initiative, or the wisdom to carry the party, things he lacked if he was being honest. Just as he was about to say something to Zell the other man, for a lack of a better word, hestiated. That was uncharacteristic, worryingly so, unless the other man was about to declare his undying love for him -Unlikely given that he had seen the way he looked at Mackenzie- then there was something that he felt was both intimate enough to share but also problematic or embarrassing enough to not share it, and taking into account Zell general attitude embarrassment felt like the wrong answer.

That left a glaring culprit.

The sword, that fucking sword, hate flowed from him, from a concerned friend and from a victim, of course, there was something happening with his best friend and it involved that fucking sword!. He wanted to yell, to break something. but that was not needed not now. What he needed now was to extend trust so the trust could be returned, Zigmund was against it, afraid and skeptical but James didn't budge, this was something they needed to do.

He grabbed his glass of water and downed it in a single go, he wished it was something stronger but he needed clarity of mind for this "Hey, do you remember the Blessing James used against Zigmund?" He waited a couple seconds "I never got to explain it did I? Not properly I mean" He gathered his courage "It does not transfer memories, not really, instead it... it makes both entities understand each other, when James used it on Zigmund he didn't get his memories, instead he saw everything, his past, his ambitions, his regrets, his hopes, and he Understood. When the blessing ran its course, I found that I was as much James as I was Zigmund" He struggled to make eye contact, but held firm, the truth laid bare, there was no time for hesitation "Those first hours were rough I admit, I did not- could not accept who I was when they still didn't reach a consensus but that is no longer a problem, it is in the past now and I was able to move on, I am James, I am Zigmund, and I am me" It was relieving in a sense, finally speaking his mind, but this confession was not done for his own satisfaction "I am saying this to you because you have earned my trust and I hope you can trust in me the same way" He was guiltying him, he realized, forcing the confession out of him. But if that was what it took for the man to be safe then he was willing to dirty his own conscience "So please Zell, talk to me"
Will post tonight!
Junpei Kato

Her name is Ichinose Kurenai, she is 28, a biology teacher at Yamazaki High School, she is single but interested in a friend she made back in college. She has a corgi, an apartment she can barely afford, and drives an old Toyota she got for cheap, her parents are proud of her but she feels they nag too much about her career choice. Today she had toast for breakfast and a salad for lunch, for dinner she is planning on reheating the Tamagoyaki she didn't finish yesterday.

All in all, Ichinose Kurenai is a completely normal woman with a normal life and a normal future.

How beautiful.

Jinpei allowed the book to disperse as the older woman drove away from the High School. Silently he brought his hands and gave a quiet prayer for Ichinose-san love life, may she finally gather the courage to confess to Hinata-san. Once his praying was done he focused back on the other members of the North team, should he say something? He didn't really know what to say and was feeling kind of shy so perhaps another time. Instead, he focused back on the High School where the Grudge was set to form, he could try to gather more info about it but he had already given in to temptation so he was not keen on losing more memories than needed. But he was really curious about the school (and his teammates), was he willing to risk it? The responsible thing was not doing it but hadn't Grandpa Jun said it was okay to play around from time to time?

What a conundrum.

Hopefully they would give the signal soon.

Shorter post than I would have liked but lets keep the ball rolling

"Sup, so far it is a good morning, how 'bout you?"

Adam's joining was not a surprise, the younger man was an early bird if he remembered correctly, now that he thought about it when was the last time they just sat down to discuss and make small talk. Fenna not sitting down wasn't surprising either, she was probably still restless after yesterday's news.

"Mornin lads,"

Looking at Zell enter the Mended Drum covered in sweat was weird in how expected it was, of course the taller man would go exercising in the mornings, probably meet some new people or started an armed conflict somewhere, he still returned the greeting and watched him go up the stairs

Back to Adam.

"So Adam, how did your last Ascension go? Got anything fancy? since my last one I got some new spells"


Eventually after what he hoped was a shower Zell returned and sat beside them, at his words he felt himself little by little. 9 days and outnumbered, there was a quiet part of him that was convinced abandoning the city was the correct move, evacuate whoever you can and leave behind volunteers to serve as scapegoats. Not ideal but would allow the civilian population to survive. If done correctly it would even secure a small force of adventurers to fight in the next conflicts.

They wouldn't do that obviously, this was the hometown of one of their members, and fighting a retreating war was not in their best interest when the enemy used necromancer tactics. Once more he cursed The Marquis, that paranoid old fuck and his tendency for overkill tactics and risky maneuvers.

Ah fuck, they would have to pull a miracle to survive this.

"Ay, bro," he said to James, some time after the conversation petered out. "I wanted to show you a few things with that anchor of yours. You swing it like a madman. A few tips and tricks wouldn't hurt. Wha'dya'say?"
This fucker



He felt his scowl worsen. Did this asshole really say that to him? He had been fighting for decades longer before this fucking welp even stopped sucking his mother's tit! How dare he say that... that...



James had no experience swinging a weapon, did he? Of course he would just use the anchor as a club. He felt the tension leave his body at once, shoulders slumping in defeat he gave his confirmation.

"Yah, I really need to learn how to use that thing, thanks for offering to help, I will gladly take it" Zigmund was bitter that he had accepted the help, it rankled but he needed to get good at it before the invasion started and Zell is their Fighter, it made sense to get help from him.
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