He was stressed.
For once it wasn't about the stupid cube, steady progress had been made on it now that the 'defense' mechanism had been identified. Any cleric of Syllagy would help resolve the damn thing but apparently expecting members of the clergy who follow a Goddess of deception aren't keen on revealing themselves just because. That was something that irked him more than he cared to admit and when he had been told he had nearly blown a fuse, fully believing them -and their Goddess- to be on the enemy side.
He said as much and what followed was a very extensive session about gods from a scholar's standpoint. Gods were not omnipotent nor omniscient, they had limited capacity to see the mortal world as well as
act, according to records it used to be different a long time ago but something changed, restricting the gods from interacting with the mortal world in significant ways. Including their own Domains. As an example she used the Wraith his party took care of, it was siphoning energy from Hades' Domain over the dead and despite being so much weaker it was capable of contesting Hades' influence on his own church.
This was very much the same.
Their side might have used a ritual or forbidden magic to force Syllagy's Domain as protection for the cube, the Chief's current theory was that the divinity was enforcing a
lie over the cube, something akin to an illusion creating the concept of "The cube is inert" preventing them from perceiving any reaction to any of the tests they had run earlier.
But that was a tangent.
He was stressed because Zell
Fucking Brooks.
The ritual two days ago had been perfect, all the materials were gathered in good quality and Areleth had been willing to help by lending him a sacred ground to perform the ritual once he hinted at the situation, with everything ready the ritual was as potently as it could be ...which brought the point of his
frustration, the only way that the ritual could have failed would have been if the recipient was unwilling to undergo it.
And fail it had.
The conclusion was evident, Zell doesn't want to get rid of the Black Sword.
He split.
One side of him was darkly amused, gleeful that his killer would fall in such an ironic manner. The other was raging.
For a moment there was stillness, the next both hands were cradling his head as it felt like his skull wanted to split apart, two streams of thought in disarray pulling in a different direction and colliding with each other, he should give up, he should keep trying as many times as he could, he didn't deserve it, he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him, he should show mercy, the black goat would collect their due, they could run, from the witch queen?
"No"The headache subsided slowly, like a faded memory that was being remembered wrong, each moment felt clearer than the last, and before long he allowed his hands to retract.
The sight that grated him was of his smashed nightstand, looking around it was clear that he hadn't remained still during his little episode. Moving slowly he picked his things from the rubble, it was a miracle nobody had come to investigate but with the morning noise and general tension in the city perhaps it wasn't that strange, still, he would have to report this to Freddy and pay for the damages, he would be lucky if the man didn't just throw him over it.
What a rotten way to start the day.
Good news: he wasn't thrown to the streets.
Bad news: the furniture wasn't cheap.
Despite absolutely putting a sizeable dent in his pocket Freddy was understanding, having rented the rooms to Adventurers before he was aware of how
rowdy they could get sometimes and judging by the way he recoiled when he saw him the innkeeper probably realized that what happened wasn't something in any way normal.
Breakfast felt like a chore, there was a disconnection between himself and the rest of the world that he couldn't ignore, it was almost as if he knew he was replaced and the world didn't care, like an impostor praying that somebody would notice and rat them out.
It was an ugly feeling.
With a startle, he noticed someone was sitting in front of him.
Fenna looked back with impassive eyes, the same sharp eyes she had whenever she was relaxed, they reminded in of Sil's, the same calm but deadly gaze it looked at the world with when it was perched.
"Oh hey Fenna, sorry I was distracted, wassup?"
The conversation developed in a surprising way, seemingly Fenna had received an unexpected boon from her las Ascension, a healing spell similar to his own. For a brief moment he felt the world regain a little of color before it returned to its gray hue, the idea of another healer in the team was extremely appealing with how often he ended hurt having another person able to save one of his party members' lives was invaluable. Something Fenna agreed with as she asked for help regarding medical expertise, now he wasn't really a doctor so the idea of just giving tips was way too uncomfortable so instead he shared a proposal "I know a place where you can get good practice, we can go tomorrow night if you want" She left that as a maybe, saying she had to think it over.
Then his world was brought to a halt as she talked about her encounter with
a glowy pool of water on the spa and how her first instinct was to reach for it!The melancholy that was clinging to him was swiftly discarded replaced with sheer horror and concern that then he forcefully turned into anger.
"Fenna, can-can you explain things from the start, please?"